I'd like some feedback if you've experienced a vehicle on road test (VORT) recently.
so, I've been teaching my daughter to drive (over 100 hours) and I think she's at the level of competency and skill to do the test and get her P. However, before going for the test, I thought i'd book her a driving instructor for an hour or so just so he can assess to see if there's any area that she might need more practice in.
The driving instructor said that she'll never pass the test unless she was taught by an actual instructor because there are certain tricks and tips he could give that the average mum and dad wouldn't know about (or words to that effect) and he recommended she book a few more lessons with him.
Is it really that hard to pass these days without a licensed instructor at your side?
If you didn't go through a licensed instructor, how did you find your test? Any advice?
Why not just get her to go for the test and see how she goes? Then go from there