ShopBack - Withdraw All Your Money ASAP

Purchased $100 Deliveroo gift card from Shopback as part of that 25% deal last year before it went down.

Shopback posted they will refund all in-used credits.

  • Submit my request and didn’t get any money back and heard nothing.
  • Late Nov 2022 - submitted my credit card dispute and got $100 back in pending.
  • Shopback disabled my account saying I’m conducting a “fraud”, heavy words. Then asked if I close the dispute, they will reactivate my account.
  • EDIT: I will be out of pocket $100. Don’t even know if $25 Shopback cash back even came through eventually as the account is deactivated, no way to check

Anyways, still have some pending credits, luckily I withdrew all my money from Shopback as soon as it reaches withdrawable amount.

Lesson learnt - always withdraw from Shopback as soon as you can.

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ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU


  • How did you submit it? Was it via their google forms? I remember the rep was collecting information and eventually they moved to the form which not a lot of people would have seen.

    @gotyourback any assistance?

    • Via google form

      • +5

        Oh, didn't see you submitted a credit card dispute, yeah that's not a good sign then.

        Late Nov 2022 - submitted my credit card dispute and got $100 back in pending.

        Something is definitely not right with your dates:

        16/11 Deliveroo went into Voluntary Administration
        29/11 I received the email from shopback with google form link

        Did you submit chargeback before filling in the google form?

        I will be out of pocket $100 - $25 (Shopback) = $75 since Shopback hasn’t refund anything from my initial request.

        But right now you have your $25 from shopback AND $100 from chargeback. You can't have both, and since you submitted a credit card dispute, you've made the decision for shopback.

          • +9


            Submit Shopback in late Oct, heard nothing.

            10/11 25% off deliveroo on shopback

            16/11 Deliveroo AU Has Been Placed into Voluntary Administration

            29/11 I received the email from shopback with google form link

            Crazy how you bought gift card and submitted case to shopback before the deal was even posted.

            • @CodeXD: Good pick up. I was mistaken with the credit card transaction, it showed in Oct

              • +4

                @Tuspecial: Could you have disputed a different shopback gift card transaction if it was in Oct then?

                Sounds like you bought a gift card, spent it, and disputed it with your credit card company.

                If that's the case Shopback has every right to disable your account.

                • @CodeXD: Nah. It’s $100 flat.

                  Anyways, don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time.

                  The message is take money out when you can, and avoid they deactivate your account for whatever reason and you can’t withdraw, that is all.

                  I’m not here to get my account re-activated or anything. There’s always Cashrewards.

                  • +6


                    The message is take money out when you can

                    Anyone reading the comments will see that deliveroo went into VA mid Nov, and you filed a dispute late Nov. You didn't even give SB the time to investigate and see what they can do from their side.

                    deactivate your account for whatever reason and you can’t withdraw, that is all.

                    the whatever reason is you raised a credit card dispute not even 2 weeks after deliveroo went into VA and your account got flagged in shopback.

                    It honestly sounds like you made a mistake and then point finger at shopback for this. Now that you've realised it, you are refusing to admit to it.

                  • +2

                    @Tuspecial: Nah I think you fd up, disputed the wrong thing and too ashamed to say you were wrong. Ahwell better luck next time. Maybe calm down before you get too aggro next time

                    • -3

                      @mbck: 100% stand by my actions, and 0% ashamed.

                      • -1

                        @Tuspecial: You don't need to state the obvious.

  • +4

    Good advice. Do the same with paypal. They will scream "fraud" and freeze your account for no apparent reason.

  • +9

    OP you hit SB with a chargeback . Didn't you expect any repercussions from them ? For a measly $75 I'd rather continue taking their offers which I'm currently over 5K .

    • +7

      How much did you have to spend in order to 'save' 5k?

      • Insane Freedom has article that in average retailers offer 3-6% of Cashback, at 4%, $5k earnings is from $125k spent.

        • Was going to say that lostgoat is either full of (profanity) or 🤑loaded🤑, but then if you consider how long shopback has been around, $125k isn't completely unreasonable…

          • +1

            @Chandler: Don't forget the extra-cashback deals.

            For example, I once got cashback of ~$400 on a single laptop purchase.

            $5k isn't inconceivable at all.

  • +24

    Title is a bit dramatic

    • +3

      To be expected from L plater

    • +3

      Welcome to OzB

      • +26

        Title to me implied…

        I have inside information. SB is under administration. Withdraw your funds immediately before you lose all your cash back.

        • +3

          They submitted their case to shopback in Oct before deliveroo went into Voluntary Administration in November. So they might have.

        • -6

          Anyways, don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time.

          The message is take money out when you can, and avoid they deactivate your account for whatever reason and you can’t withdraw, that is all. I’m not here to re-activated my account, there’s obviously a better way for Shopback to deal with this.

          For example, cancel your disrupt and we process the claim. Happy days. Instead of just de-activate your account without any notifications, have to reach out to them and find out what happened.

          • +5

            @Tuspecial: Is there a reason you keep saying disrupt instead of dispute?

            • +3

              @CodeXD: All the cool kids are saying it. Keep up 😉

              • +8

                @Muzeeb: I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary.

                • @CodeXD: I pictured someone in a woollen, big-button sweater saying this whilst shaking their walking stick above their head

                • +1

                  @CodeXD: Thanks for the Grandpa Simpson quote.

    • +1

      Let's panic. 🧻

  • +3

    This is not the first time I've seen complaints from people stating a retailer blocked their account after a card dispute.

    It costs the retailer both the transaction amount and the dispute admin fees charged by the institusion when you file a dispute, and you're successful. So IMHO a dispute should be the last resort, and you should not be expecting to do further business with that company/retiler after filing one. Not just Shopback, but anyone really.

    • Yeah agreed.

  • +13

    Hey mate, sorry to hear of your trouble here, we had a team who were devoted to taking care of all refunds for Deliveroo gift cards that were unable to be used and purchased from us based on information we received from customers, Deliveroo, as well as our own internal records, so I'm more than happy to look into with them what has happened with your refund here. Would you mind reaching out via DM with your ShopBack email address so I can take a look into this for you? Happy to help out here and get this straightened out where I can.

    • +3

      Sorry for the tag, OP edited after I posted saying they filed credit card dispute.

        • +4

          The important thing was you waited until a rep said they'd contact you and try and sort this out that you acted childish and spiteful.

          • -7

            @CrowReally: I’m not here to get my account re-activated.

            • +1

              @Tuspecial: Sure, but after you've collected all your negative votes and then multiple "well what did you think would happen, double dip-stick?" style comments, it might be a nice little cherry on top.

            • +2

              @Tuspecial: Perhaps consider changing that click bait title now that you have learnt your lesson.

              • -3

                @DoctorCalculon: What lesson?

                More or less, people are taking my advice.

                Agree and disagree are part of being a human, on what ever you do in life.

  • +9

    Sounds like you have double dipped, you have put a $100 chargeback in while only been out of pocket $75, isn't that the fraud they are talking about? Also did you claim the giftcards via the menulog deal?

  • Hell Tusp don't play survivor with CodeXP . What the motto again Outwit, Outplay, Outlast

    • -2

      Oh he’s popular? Maybe spent more time on insta or YouTube to make some real money instead.

      • CodeXP write the code for windows XP so no, he's not popular at all.

  • -4

    Can’t wait for them to post a $3 “we’re sorry” coupon and it gets 1,200+ upvotes..

  • 🤣🤣

  • +1

    Thanks for reminder op - I have no issues with them but I do have a good cashback balance, I've just set up my withdrawal.

  • +4

    Shopback disabled my account saying I’m conducting a “fraud”, heavy words. Then asked if I close the dispute, they will reactivate my account.

    That is literally fraud. You paid for a $100 Deliveroo voucher. You received a $100 Deliveroo voucher.

    • +10

      OP said the credit card transaction was in October, which means it wasnt even deliveroo since 25% GC deal off was in November.

      My guess is they purchased a gift card, spent it, and disputed it and got their money back. Which SB flagged.

      • +2

        That's even worse then.

        • +6

          Hahaha OP thought he/she was doing a PSA but instead got caught out for being a fraud/scammer. Suggest Username change from tuspecial to tufraud

      • I would like OP response to this @Tuspecial

    • +1

      Glad you said it mate.

      I can't believe you're placing any blame on Shopback. They've fulfilled the deal and supplied you with the $100 Deliveroo gift card. Yes Deliveroo went into administration, soon after but your claim should be as an unsecured creditor as part of the Deliveroo administration arrangement.

      That being said, I'm impressed Shopback are offering any sort of financial compensation for people impacted. Nice work.

      • +3

        So many people on here are entitled. If you take the chance on saving some money using gift cards, you wear the risk that something could happen with them.

        • Definitely buying Giftcards has so much risk, account shut down, or not receiving correct GC, not getting right Cashback amount, and so on.

    • -1

      Still $100 in deliveroo, didn’t spent a cent.

      • +4

        You have missed the point. Shop back owes you nothing. You paid for a $100 Deliveroo card, you received a $100 Deliveroo card. They have completed the transaction. They have no control over whether another unrelated company collapses.

        • -2

          Agreed. SB owns me nothing.

          I’m also entitled to claim services not received via my CC, as part of cc benefit.

          Am I missing anything?

          • +4

            @Tuspecial: You received the service from shopback. This trying to claim "services not received" from them is fraud.

            • @brendanm: Google or OpenAi, do a search. You will get the answer you want from ASIC. It’s OK to be wrong.

              • @Tuspecial: I'm not wrong though. You paid for a gift card. You received the gift card. Transaction complete.

                • @brendanm: Let’s go back to all your previous comments. “Is it a fraud”?

                  ASIC seems to disagree with you.

                  If it makes you feel better, let’s end here.

                  • @Tuspecial: What are you harping on about. You attempting to claim this with your financial institution is fraud. You paid the money, you received your gift card. The transaction has been completed, there is no reason to dispute the transaction. You agreed to the transaction. You received the item. Done.

                    If it makes you feel better, let’s end here.

                    It's going to end when your credit card company tells you to take a hike.

  • +5

    Good detective work CodeXD!

  • What am i missing here ? Something is missing, what's the other side of story ?

    • +12

      If the general consensus here is right, you've missed nothing.

      1. Entitled person lied to try and screw over company.
      2. Company calls them out for fraudulent activity.
      3. Entitled person comes here to try to get people on their side.
      4. Entitled person fails (so far).
      • -1

        Objective meet - people are withdrawing their money from SB.

  • +2

    ShopBack - Withdraw All Your Money ASAP - Thr Fraudulent Policies are getting strict.

    • People taking my advice and put in their withdraw requests.

      Whats funny tho, at least 1 of the one disagrees and use their imagination on the situation, turns around and actually secretly put in withdraw request as well. I’m 100% sure of it. People are selfish, it’s human nature.

      • "I’m 100% sure of it."

        As you have more assurance of your assertion than Albert Einstein did in his general and special theories regarding relativity, I can only assume you have proof.

        Fire away…

  • +2

    If anyone is not withdrawing their money from Shopback periodically, you have to be questioning yourself why.

    You shopback account is not making any interest.

  • +1

    Man world is so complicated, I do agree SB support is a little difficult to reach, and does take some time.

    Anyways if I was in your shoes I would have rather
    0. Not have bought the Delivery giftcard if I wasn't going to use it within a week or so (it ain't amazon or woolies GC which I might be comfortable holding onto).
    1. Tried to contact rep here
    2. Live Chat on SB website
    3. consistent email queries
    4. If still nothing timely, then try to redeem it via Menulog.
    5. Not be making a rant about it, definitely wouldn't have done a chargeback (because at the time of purchase, you got the goods instantly that you wanted).

    Anyway My advice now is, Not be saying to SB "that I am not here to reactivate my account", if they offered you to reopen the account, with close CC chargeback, then Do it on condition that they listen and fix up anything that went wrong, may be You apologies to them about any offensive language you might have used (I dont know what you said them).
    And if you get the $100 from Chargeback then you email SB that you will be happy to pay them that $100 again, (since they would be fixing that issue for you).

    If it was some other major company I really doubt they would even be offering you to have account reopened/ reinstated.

    • Thanks for the advice.

      I’m not here to get my account back, it’s simply a reminder to withdraw your money from SB incase your account is de-activated.

      • +1

        My bad I though you was here to play survivor with your mate , Anyway whenever my balance gets to gift card buying range especially like the Ebay Swap that with the 1% bonus get to 4% instantly my 5% everyday option ( not instant ) I will buy them . I'm aboard with there is no point storing funds at SB . But with the current Westpac Offers there is no way I would be happy closing my ac .

  • +3

    Hey, OP! Yahoo called and want to offer you a job writing their news headlines.

    • So did National Enquirer

    • Yahoo is a 7B USD ~ 9.3B AUD revenue company, that’s ASX100. I’m flattered.

  • Why would SB deactivate an account anyway without a good reason?

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