Wendy's Coming to Australia - Announcement

Here is an article about US Chain Wendy's coming to Australia care of news.com.au

PS Please come back to Australia Little Caesars! :(

——-UPDATE 28/02/2023——-

Fast food chain Wendy’s faces a clash with a classic Aussie brand - further to be yesterday's article

——-UPDATE 01/03/2023——-

‘Challenger’: Inside US burger giant Wendy’s secret plot to take over Australia with ‘hundreds’ of stores

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    • I would love this but I would prefer Raising Canes.

    • Isn't Chick fil A owned by a homophobic cult or something? They even close on Sundays so they can attend their cult meetings. Creepy.

      • +3

        If by cult you mean Christians then yea, sure.

        • +4

          Does Christianity not fit the definition of a cult?

          • -2

            @AustriaBargain: Only insofar as dangerous edginess is a cult.

          • -3

            @AustriaBargain: It is what our country was founded on, and is why we WERE such a great nation.
            Not any more.
            Unfortunately The ENVIRONMENT is the new "religion".
            Now, Saint Greta is worshipped.

            • +1

              @Leadfoot6: Religions were invented to control people (and largely to establish social norms). Our biggest threat now is the damage we're doing to the one planet we have to live on, so it's no surprise that people now care more about that than the sky fairy.

              • @macrocephalic: Your thoughts possibly apply to some faiths.

                Not to mine.

                The "sky fairy", as you put it created the world in which we live.

                Christianity is outnumbered by adherents to Islam.

                I am not sure if they have a deity to be worshipped like Saint Greta.

                Under their regime, such idolatry would probably result in harm, like being thrown off a 5 story building.

                Possibly, those who fervently believe that "the sky is falling"(it isn't) in Muslim countries might have the good sense to keep their mouths shut, and their feet firmly on the ground(floor).

                Consider yourself lucky to live in relative freedom where you are able to give free reign to your own idolatry without serious consequences…..in this life at least.

            • @Leadfoot6: Are you channeling Trump?

              Australia was not founded on religion. It was founded on racism. Ie. To stop the Chinese arriving at ports around ‘Australia’ to mine the gold.

              • +1

                @Eeples: Captain Cook surveyed the east coast of the future Australia in 1770.
                IIRC gold was first discovered in the 1850's(at Bathurst?).
                There is a bit of a gap there for settlement by predominantly Christians from the UK to take hold.

                In the late 1800's my maternal grandparents arrived from the UK.
                CofE & Catholic, to which my grandfather converted to the later on marriage.
                I am less sure about my fathers predecessors who I understand were UK/French, except knowing that their descendants were predominantly Catholic.

            • @Leadfoot6: lay off the glass bbq champ

              • +1

                @jfletch2: I don't "do" illegal drugs of any description, and my last drink was 8 years ago.

                Lay off the hate.

          • @AustriaBargain: Yea I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or serious.

          • @AustriaBargain: It’s a death cult by most definitions.

            Ie. The fear of death is at its base.

            • @Eeples: It's a life cult by definition.

              The hope of resurrection, like the saviour, is at it's base.

      • +1

        I would buy from them.

    • same

    • +3

      I'd add In-N-Out

    • Rasing Canes > Chick Fil A

  • Wendy's is considered garbage tier in the UK. Really really poor quality that random corner chicken shop is considered better.

    Curious if it's actually any good in the US?

    • +2

      It was meh when I tried it. Though, so was McDonalds. I reckon McDonalds tastes way better here than in the United States.

      Other things that were definitely average in the U.S include KFC, Waffle House, Taco Bueno and IHOP.

      Where I lived (both in Dallas/Waco Tx, and Fayetteville NC) Chick-fil-A and Denny's were the best. Though if you wanted awesome food for relatively good prices, in Texas any of those local smokehouses were amazing. Go in, grab a plate and fill it with some of the best brisket, ribs, roast pork, wings you could imagine and pay by the ounce.

      • Denny's is in NZ at least. There is also an independant restaurant called Denny's Beer Barrell Pub in Pennsylvania that do Burger eating challenges.

        • Denny's is in NZ at least.

          Lol Denny's Auckland gets a 3.4/5 rating on Google

      • That sounds amazing! I went to a bbq place in California decades ago, and it was amazing, so I can only imagine how good they are in the south.

      • Might depend on states, but Dennys is easily the worst restaurant I've tried on the east coast.

        Agree with Macca's, complete shit over there.

        Austin bbq joints were all amazing, I'm sure it goes for all of Texas.

    • Burger King was horrendous in England.

      Crumbly-powdery bun that disintegrates in your hands, unreal.

      • +2

        Most fast food in the UK is rubbish. That's why something as basic as grilled chicken Nando's rose to such prominence and popularity there. What's the alternative…

        • Also the nandos are classier in the UK. A class above fast food and licenced (are they here?). The aussie ones I have been too are cheap takeaways, no date night there.

          • @wolvesaussie: Watch your tongue, I love Nando's.

          • +1

            @wolvesaussie: Some are licenced here too. Generally not in areas with high "religions who forbid alcohol" followers though.

          • @wolvesaussie: Agree that Nando's is better in the UK - even better than South Africa where they're from.

            A few Nando's in Perth are licenced.

        • my impression was that the only take-out food people prefer in the UK was Indian, Kebab and fish & chips. all local independents and no chains

      • Yeah I got some stuff from Maccas in the UK when i was there in January and it was legit horrible - i threw 90% out.

        • The Chicken Selects are nice, big improvement over nuggets. Not sure why they not been tried here

  • +20

    What will they trade as? We already got a Wendy's.

    • +1

      Just thinking that. People will be confused when they rock up and there's no Shake n Dog 🤷‍♀️🤔

    • +1

      Probably call them Arby's lol

    • +5

      Hungry…. Jill's?

    • +4

      Burger Queens

    • +1

      Wendy's Nuts…..

    • Many good memories of a Wendy's dog and spearmint shake on a dusty Saturday.

    • Huh, didn't know they still existed.

    • Wonky's

    • +1

      So does NZ though and neither had to change their name. There's no menu overlap

    • Same thing they trade as in New Zealand where they also had Wendy's Supa Sundaes.


  • +10

    Hey OP, I heard you love Wendy's nutz slap you across your face.

    • +2

      Oh dear

      • -3

        Contrary to your name, could I get an upvote?

  • +2

    I came across Wendy's in lvl 1 Parra Westfield just last week. Is that the same one?

    • +5

      No, that's ice cream/milk bar

  • +15

    'Sir, this is a Wendy's'

  • +1

    From memory.. Wendy's was pretty trash.

  • +8

    Some of us who've grown up despair at the enthusiasm of the next generation for any American rubbish. Their politics. Their movies and TV shows. Their fast food. Their exploitative gig business models. Their self-appointed role in the world. And each generation it just gets worse. Where did we go wrong that our children so utterly lack any discrimination. Oh, wait, sorry, being discriminating is bad these days, isn't it.

    What have the Americans ever given us?

    • +5

      Yes, you must accept and support all things that align with the popular ideology of the day. Otherwise you can gtfo you discriminating, bigoted, prehistoric piece of dinosaur poop. And don't forget to chow down on a Wendy's on your way out.

      • Admittedly we have a 15 year old that cant say Tomato correctly, or Aluminium.

    • +1

      Mel Gibson, Gus Meccurio and Nicole Kidman?

    • +5

      What have the Romans ever done for us?

      • Built Roads and walls in England?

      • Wendes Eunt Domus!

    • @GordonD - Well said :)

    • How can you say Predator, Die Hard and Aliens are bad movies…

  • +1

    Their salad bars were a thing in the 1980s.
    Wendy's was the best of these fast food burgers then, 30+ yrs ago

  • +4

    I have fond memories of Denny's, can we have those instead?

    • We had Denny's years ago but it died. Maybe that space is too competitive with all the local club bistros (that are subsidized instead of paying franchise fees)? Still there may be some empty Sizzler buildings around for them to move into.

    • +1

      Denny’s could only be memorable because of the awesome night you had leading up to getting there, the food is not good.

    • I loved Denny's as a kid. I even liked Denny's in NZ in more recent times. Had Denny's in the US and convinced it needs to stay dead.

  • +3

    Bring Shake Shack!!!!

    • +3

      We have plenty of overpriced burger and shake places already.

  • I tried Wendy's First Kitchen and it wasn't all that great. Square meat patties, square eggs… why is everything so square?

    • Have you ever had Steakettes? very nice, though not many butchers do them.

      • Every butcher in my part of SEQ has award-winning steakettes, if their signs are any indication.

      • +1

        Steakettes are awesome. This was bottom tier.

    • +8

      Square meat patties, square eggs… why is everything so square?

      They don't cut corners.

    • Square gooder better. Fit more in truck.

  • +2

    I just read the article before coming on ozb. I was hoping it would be in & out burgers as the website was loading.

  • Wendy's does not have the brand recognition here where they can trade low quality food off the back of their American brand novelty factor. They needed to have invested in more product placement in film & TV during the 90s.

  • +4

    Doubt it'll do much for them. Taco Bell has a couple of poorly reviewed stores here in WA, certainly no one rushing to go back to them

    We have so many good burger places these days (non-franchise) that there's just no need

    • a new one is opening up my me soon apparently.

    • Tried Taco Bell.. it was pretty trash. GYG and MadMex are better imo. In saying that, I am no mexican food connoisseur.. so maybe Taco Bell is more authentic but its a no from me.

  • They can bring anything they want, KFC will always be #1

    • Get out a bit, try a few different stores. My joint the chicken often tastes of detergent, a box of chicken is probably just overcooked wings and if you buy a burger you may be the random lucky customer that actually gets a chicken fillet.

      • +1


        • Sorry, just think you're better off mentally prepared for the cruel world of KFC store quality disparity.

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