ubank Closing Inactive Account with 1 Month Notice

Is it legal for ubank to do this?

I thought in Australia, deposits at banks were protected up to $250k?…

"We’ve noticed that your account(s) below haven't been used for some time and have a balance of $20 or less.

However, if you've recently made a deposit, please ignore this message. Your account will remain open.

We want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your account(s), so read the options below to either keep it open or close your account(s).
Keep your account open:
If you’d like to keep your account(s) open, you’ll need to deposit some funds (this can be as little as $1) by 27 March 2023.

Close your account:
If you’re happy for your account(s) to be closed, you don't have to do anything, and we'll simply donate the remaining funds to charity after 27 March 2023."

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closed Comments

  • +50

    Financial Claims Scheme covers you against loss in the event of the institution failing.

    General housekeeping for low balance accounts is a totally different concept.

    • +4

      I would have thought that a financial institution is obliged to give any unclaimed monies to a State or Territory Public Trustee.

      • Think that only applies to amounts over $100 inactive for 6 years in NSW.

  • +45

    There is a third option; you transfer your funds out and close the account.

    • -2

      I logged in and tried to transfer. It says:

      "Sorry you don't have eligible accounts to do the transaction"

      "But don't worry, our awesome app makes it even simpler to save, transfer, track and manage all of your money from the palm of your hand. We are constantly updating and improving our app to include new budgeting features and more insights into your spending habits."

      So it's really "here's a bunch of hoops to jump through otherwise we will steal the balance in your account".

      • +8

        PM your account number and I'll deposit some funds(this can be as little as $1) by 27 March 2023…

        I think you'll find the account becomes active after making a deposit as listed in option 1.

        • +30


          tell him to deposit his own damn dollar

        • +1

          PM your account number and I'll deposit some funds(this can be as little as $1) by 27 March 2023…

          or he/she/other can PM his/her account number/CRN/password/date of birth/address and their favourite colour to me and I can help them withdraw the balance

        • Hey guys, we found a real life Nigerian prince!

      • -2

        And when I download the app, it doesn't allow me to populate the 'from' account.

      • +6

        You seem to not grasp the concept of bank accounts. Perhaps keep your money under your mattress.

    • What?!??

  • +17

    Oh no, god forbid your <$20 in an account you haven’t used in a while is given to charity!

      • +18

        Um, no theft has occurred Sherlock. The bank has told the OP to either deposit money into the account, after which I would think he would be able to withdraw the funds OR do nothing and they’re going to donate his money to charity and close the account. It’s not like they’ve just donated his money without asking.

        I realise that many like yourself 'feel' entitled to expect rich and poor alike should contribute to your utopian world perspective.

        Dumbest thing I’ve read in a while, well done.

          • +4

            @watwatwat: No, I mean like a way for you to get your money back. Or is doing that too much for you? I mean you did ask me (some random stranger on the internet) to call up the bank to do it all for you…

            • @Ghost47: The lack of a response does not constitute a response, and cannot legally be viewed as such.

        • +3

          Why the (profanity) can't they just keep his $20 on the books until he can get it out? The interest on it is going to pay for the few extra kilobytes of storage to keep it in active storage longer. What if he had cancer and was poor? Yeah it's not a life changing amount of money, but it's still bullshit. Financial institutions are suppose to be good at accounting and trustworthy.

          This is like a huge bully telling you "if you don't want to be mugged for spare change, scream now", except the bully gets congratulated by onlookers because they mumbled something about "charity".

          • @ssfps: Ubank in particular?
            They are migrating all their customers to their new platform, and intend to shut down the old one.

      • +4

        Leaving <$20 in a account that hasn't been touched for yonks sounds like abandonment, from the banks pov.
        Many unclaimed items from lost and found gets disposed, donated, sold etc etc, is that still theft?

        • No it seems to be less than safe custody of a loaned money on interest.

          • -1


            We’ve noticed that your account(s) below haven't been used for some time and have a balance of $20 or less.

            Seems like they don't want ops abandoned "loaned money" of whopping <$20.

      • +1

        Yeah, lots of champagne socialists here.

      • +9

        So you’re just a grifter?

    • +11

      Just remember this is a trick as the bank takes the money and then donates it to charity. meaning THEY then claim this as a charity payment for them allowing them to get even more tax breaks.
      I'd be happy with the donation BUT i would also ask for my charity donation receipt not so I can claim on tax but to make sure the bank doesn't do it.
      Note this is the same scheme that stores using saying do you want to round up and donate to charity.

      • +1

        That's a good point, and beyond that, charity can mean anything from "i bought a homeless man new clothes" to "i gave some administrator their monthly payment on their jag, and someone somewhere got a few cents to beat up cancer, or something".

    • +2

      Except when it happens to YOU.
      Then you are all hypocritical screams.

    • -3

      RSPCA here… Some neighbours noticed you haven't taken your dog for a walk for a while… If you're not seen walking your dog in the next 30 days we'll drop by, take it off your hands, and give it to someone else of our choosing.

      Motor registry here… Your car hasn't been photographed on the intersection street cam you have to drive past when leaving your street… If you don't drive your car in the next two weeks we'll send a locksmith around and take your car to be recycled.

      In what warped reality does something that's MINE automatically become someone else's just because I haven't used it for a while!? I have several accounts with $1 or even $0 balance used for different purposes. If I didn't NEED those accounts to do things, like apply for a phone SIM or whatever, I wouldn't have them. But I'm FORCED to, to use some service. It's still MY damn money lol!

      • +2

        Your comment doesn't really make sense and is fraught with silly slippery slope fallacy examples.

        I don't know about pets, but you understand the reality if you neglect your children that people can dob you in for it and you'll get a visit from social services and they can be taken away, right? If it's the same for pets, by your logic you're essentially saying it's ok for people to neglect their pets. I don't know about you, but people shouldn't get a pet if they can't take care of one properly. That's why dogs bark at night at all hours, it's why people dump their animals on the street, it's why there are stray animals everywhere. IMO also people certainly should not have kids if they're going to neglect them either.

        In what warped reality does something that's MINE automatically become someone else's just because I haven't used it for a while!?

        In what warped reality do you live in where the OP's money has already been taken away? They have been given an option to act, if they don't act it will be taken away. Just like if someone doesn't pay a bill on time they won't get electricity anymore or a phone service.

        It says this in UBank's T&Cs:

        (Note: if you have not operated your account for 7 years, your account may be closed and the balance transferred to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed money)

        So it appears that the OP hasn't touched their account in SEVEN YEARS. The only issue here is that they've said they're going to donate it to charity and not the government, if OP wants to complain they can complain about that.

        Do you know how T&Cs work? Do you know who writes them? Because if you sign up to a service, you are agreeing to the T&Cs, or are you the type to not read T&Cs and when something doesn't go your way you just blame the service provider?

        • +1

          account in SEVEN YEARS.

          Doesn't sound like the 7 year ditch. More like cleaning out dead weight low balance rarely used accounts.

        • +1

          We're forced to accept T&Cs because we're also forced in many cases to not use cash. i.e. We MUST use banks. So it's still morally wrong to take what's ours, and for that matter, force us to agree to such things in a sea of legalese in the first place.

          Sure, most people will never encounter this situation (my electricity is debited from Ubank and I deposit $200/m for bonus interest), or he can go to another bank that doesn't do it (unless they all do), or just use the account… but I'm still weary of government/business/people trying to grift what's ours.

          • @[Deactivated]: That's all fair and I don't think it's a bad thing to be concerned about that kind of thing really. We are in a stage where it seems like the "you will own nothing and be happy" saying is becoming more true.

            The fact is though that the OP is using the bank's service and has to agree with their T&Cs. It might be morally shady they can close an account and give the OPs money away but it's their policy.

            • +1

              @Ghost47: The T&C you quoted say

              may be closed and the balance transferred to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed money


              We'll give your money to a charity of our choosing.

              Also, that quote doesnt mention anything about notice, but 30 days notice isn't very long for confiscating unclaimed money of any amount.

              • @ssfps: I said in other comments that that's the only thing wrong with the T&Cs, that it states they'll give the money to the government and not a charity.

                The quote doesn't mention the notice period it but the T&Cs do, it states "reasonable advanced notice". 30 days isn't very long and sure, it might not be considered a "reasonable" amount of time but OP had seven years to use his account.

    • +5

      Actually I'm with OP on this one. This bites and have a feeling the tax deduction will be done in NAB's name. NAB has bank cheques they just need to use them. Instead they're going to claim money off the Australian taxpayer for their own laziness. File a complaint:

      • +3

        You can go with the OP all you want, the fact is that UBank's T&Cs state they will close an account if it hasn't been in use for seven years. The only issue is that the T&Cs state the money will be transferred to the government, so OP can complain that they've advised the money will go to a charity which is inconsistent with the T&Cs.

        Commbank's T&Cs (p. 35) states something similar. I would bet that other banks have similar T&Cs.

        You can report it all you want but you won't get anywhere.

        • T&C and contracts in general aren't the law - often they contravene the law.

          I don't know anything about laws around this, but it wouldn't surprise me if giving to this 'unclaimed money' government fund is legally a last recourse after the bank tried to send them the credit in other ways, such as a cheque.

          I'd make the afca complaint if it were me.

          • +1

            @ssfps: I never said they were law. They are simply what you agree to when you sign up for a service or use a service. The fact it is somewhat anti-consumer is beside the point.

            • @Ghost47: I could agree to let you cook bits of me on a bbq, it's still illegal and someone could make a complaint to the police.

              Just pointing out that it's not necessarily true that markathome's suggestion to make a complaint will go nowhere just because of a clause in a T&C.

              • +1

                @ssfps: Fair enough. As the T&Cs state, the money is supposed to go to the government. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if whoever wrote the email didn't bother to check the T&Cs properly and simply miscommunicated where the money will actually go. From what I saw in another link posted, the money is given to ASIC who then give it to the government which people can track down, i.e. "unclaimed money".

      • If an account has been abandoned they can hardly assume the address on file is correct to issue a bank cheque.

  • +20

    You should be writing headlines for tabloid magazines, that's a pretty loose usage of the word "stealing" and what deposit protection is all about.

    • +11

      "Brazen bank steals money from mums and dads after achieving record profit"

      • -6

        True. I hope dailymail picks this up.

    • +2

      stealing is such a harsh word…. should have used scam!

      • Scam would imply deception by the bank. They're pretty straightforward in what they're going to do according to the OP's message.

      • What about misappropriation?
        I'm sure that term is a valid one.

  • +4

    Found the Criminal bank

  • +30

    Let's be honest. You probably forgot you even had this money in UBank until you received this email!

    • I wonder how people would feel if it was Bitcoin……

      "The Bitcoin Network has detected this wallet with 10 Bitcoins, purchased 5 years ago at $1 each, will now be automatically donated to the Bitcoin CEO due to account inactivity, please withdrawal or deposit more Bitcoin or we will automatically sell it at market value, take it and then donate it. Of course, we'll also claim a tax deduction on it. Thanks"

      Banks have also been jacking up interest rates within days of RBA increasing rates, but have not been increasing savings rates at similar rate/time. Gov has already launched an investigation into this, but we all know it'll go nowhere.

      • Ah yes, the mythical Bitcoin CEO, the crypto-hacker known only as Shigeru Miyamoto, who already gave himself a million coins way back in 2009

      • +2

        Yes let's compare losing $20 to losing $200,000.

        Very valid and fair comparison.

        • So if they closed it a few years earlier, then you'd stand to only lose a few bucks? So that makes it OK? What if they change the rules so it gets closed after a year of non-use? What if you owe the bank $20 in a high interest credit card account and left it for a few years, do you think the bank will waive the hundreds in interest charges? Fairness goes both ways, the funds should be held at the bank and if not claimed after 2 years, donated. Instead, the email states the money gets donated as soon as the account is closed.

    • Agreed. I forgot I had a ubank account. Turns out I had $1.26 in it. $1.26 isn't worth the effort of trying to remember my password.

  • +19

    Nothing to do with UBank "stealing" your funds, or "giving it to charity.

    Rather this is a government initiative and Financial institutions are legally required to escheat, or transfer, funds in a dormant account to the state after a set period of time has passed.
    The state holds onto these funds indefinitely where you or a beneficiary can reclaim them at any time.

    So please cut the hysteria

      • +19

        You have to option to “send the money to you”, it’s called logging in and transferring it to where you want it to go.

        If you can’t be bothered doing that then it seems like the balance is inconsequential, and getting mad about it therefore makes zero sense.

        • -3

          I did log in, downloaded their two separate apps, tried on web and discovered it not to be possible:

          If it is so easy, you want to call and wait on hold on my behalf?

          • +3

            @watwatwat: How many bank accounts do you have if you haven’t been using this one?

            UBank migrated their systems recently, maybe that’s why you’re having issues. It’s your own fault for not being on top of your own life admin, and now you’re asking randoms to call them and fix it for you? Lmao.

            • @Ghost47: So you have a go at OP for being lazy for not logging in, then when he points out you're an idiot making assumptions, you say okay that sucks but it's his fault he has to deal with their shitty system, without knowing any details. Nice.

              • @ssfps: The issue the OP has is not that he can't log in, it's that his money has been "stolen", which it hasn't.

          • +1

            @watwatwat: It is possible, you just dont know how

      • +3

        That you had to try three different methods just to transfer less than $20 suggests there's a PEBCAK issue. You should get it looked into.

        • What are you talking about? People on here go wild for $3 cashrewards deals.

          • +1

            @watwatwat: Lol, that's actually true. That's in spite of these companies having had massive data breaches.

            But the next thing they offer a $2 "reward" the same people are queueing up and posting about it, ready to hand in all sorts of personal data.

      • +1

        Deposit $1 and that will buy you another 7 years to work out what to do

        • …and then your $21 will get donated when the time's up.

    • +2

      I don't get what you mean, from OPs message, the message legit says its giving it to charity? Not the state governments financial institution?

      If you’re happy for your account(s) to be closed, you don't have to do anything, and we'll simply donate the remaining funds to charity after 27 March 2023."

      • Probably below the threshold to be sent to OSR.. mentions it's less than $20 so could be as low as 0.05c..

        • Could be as low as 1 cent…

    • +1

      Rather this is a government initiative

      Oh well that explains it. They're experts at taking money that doesn't/shouldn't belong to them.

  • +2


  • +10

    Here's a red hot tip … this doesn't happen without lawyers pouring all over it and giving it the go ahead … so, yeah, it's legal.

    Here's another one … drop $1 into the account in the way specified and the whooooooole problem goes away.

    • +5

      Don’t be so naive.

      How can OP do it in one month? It takes way longer to transfer money to a bank account these days.

      • +2

        Soz, yes, forgot I'm living in 1923.

        • Cool. What's your address?

      • I've seen posts by people who try to use their bank account from overseas, get locked out, and can't use it until they return to Australia (overseas IP address gets blocked as suspicious activity). So it's not unheard of to be unable to transfer that $1.

    • +4

      Spend $1 following the instructions to prevent it being a problem? But then what would OP post about?

      Don't listen to them OP, you need to go down to your local Red Rooster carpark with a cardboard sign that says "BANK THEFT MY $3.20??? NO THANKS SIR NOT TODAY" and start yelling the text from the UN Charter on Human Rights.

      Eventually one of the fast food workers will come out and say "Hey listen I've just realised that we're the bank you're upset with and we found your missing $3.20, so here it is and now that you've closed your account you can never come back here again bye".

    • this doesn't happen without lawyers pouring all over it and giving it the go ahead… so, yeah, it's legal

      The Banking Royal Commission has entered the chat.

  • -8

    I agree OP. Unfortunately this lot would shill FTX because SBF was 'rich'.
    A central account at ATO would solve the problem - they manage tax credit and HECS so no reason they can't do a minimal amount. I cannot think of anything more capitalistic than donating other peoples money. UBank is likely using the aggregated funds donated for it's own wokefluencer social media to hide their pure profit usary.

  • Why deposit anything, nothing wrong with withdrawing $1 and the account is active again.

  • +3

    Keep the account in negative so they can take money from charity to zero the balance when they close it. I did this to an ANZ account I'm pretty sure I didn't sign up for. They kept adding monthly fees and eventually they just erased all the fees and made the account fee free. I still never use the account, I get balances in the mail showing zero dollars every three months. I probably should just close it.

    • Are you worried that account might have been involved in fraud? Were you part of any data breaches? Not that you'd be liable, but it could be a pain in the ass.

  • +10

    LOL! LOL! LOL!

    It would have taken OP less time to deposit $1 into his account via Osko than to create this clickbait thread.

  • +1

    ubank Stealing Customer Funds

    Haven't used your ff or velocity points in X, what do you think happens; they don't give it to charity. Pls make another post.

    • -2

      Fake points from a private company is different than Australian legal tender.

      • +4

        Would it be easier to understand if they just introduced an account keeping fee of $5p/m for balances under $20?

  • +4

    I got the same email but was too outraged to post it, thanks OP!

  • Funds in inactive accounts go to the government. There is a time you can claim it, but once that time expires, that's it, its gone.

    So this particular bank is just offering an alternative for inactive accounts with small balances. If you don't want it, they'll donate it to charity before the government grabs it.

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