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Last edited 23/02/2023 - 00:11 by 2 other users
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He was always under scrutiny, just not by anyone hitched to the same gravy train.
Just more cooker nonsense.
Ain't cognitive dissonance grand.
Never mind Pfizer openly admitted their "protection" was all horseshit, it still worked, and I'm a "cooker", right? Never mind all the other medical experts, including the guy who designed the PCR test, immunologists, etc - can't believe those experts, right? Only the ones who agree with your programming.
@[Deactivated]: That "Pfizer claim" has already been debunked as fake news made by clipping things out of context. Just like you quoting something without giving the full context of what was said there.
What he said was that 2 doses did not protect against INFECTION against the Omicron variant specifically but it still provides good PROTECTION against having a BAD covid illness.
I know, I know mass media…. boooo….
@misu p: Every time the brainwashed think they've "debunked" something, there's another fact that debunks them right back. I see dozens of such things every week, but people like you say, "Show me the evidence!" Then we do, and you say, "AHHH! Not THAT evidence… it has to come from the sources that agree with ME."
In other words, I saw some things today that would debunk your debunking, but why bother. Pearls before swine.
Every time the brainwashed think they've "debunked" something, there's another fact that debunks them right back
And yet you stubborn people still won't give up.
@[Deactivated]: The vaccine was proven by Pfizer to offer protection when it was rolled out. To get emergency approval, companies needed to show that the vaccine was safe and prevented vaccinated people from getting ill. They did not have to show that the vaccine would also prevent people from spreading the virus to others, which is the bit that you’re misrepresenting or have misunderstood.
@Plimsol: And yet by proving it did stop people getting it they proved effectively it did stop transmission. Just not that it stopped transmission entirely ins people that still had mild cases. But we already know people with coughs / sneezes etc spread more viruses so the fact they didn’t re-test that doesn’t really matter.
Vs the Alpha strain it was incredibly effective initially. And for a virus that was killing 1-3% of infected people and overwhelming hospitals with enough sick that people were dying of other things waiting to be seen it’s remarkable how effective the vaccine still is in keeping hospitalization numbers so low.
@Plimsol: HORSESHIT.
I'll tell what it DOES do though… My neighbour got jabbed and was DEAD less than 24 hours later.
@[Deactivated]: lmao that happened for sure
100% i believe you
and there's no logical circumstances in which the jab could have been a coincidence not at all no siree
@[Deactivated]: Maybe he did.
Maybe he would have died from the actual virus also.
Maybe it was coincidence.
Maybe there was an underlying condition.
Just more cooker nonsense.
Its cute how you guys are trying so hard to make cooker a thing
@[Deactivated]: Indeed. It's sad that cooker culture is so prevalent even if still in small numbers.
@ihfree: And it's even sadder that "the apologists of corruption" are the majority because in accordance with their Top->Down dictated conditioning which they care not to grow beyond, they prefer to attack, denigrate and generalize people into little false boxes so as to try and control people, discussions and debates instead of promoting the growth of all.
It's cute how uninformed people think informed people are the loopy ones
The amount of blindly dropped ironic comments in this thready is becoming overwhelming :)
@SBOB: The core issue faced in society is about ignorance and delusion not knowing WHAT it is… hence the irony/contradictions as prejudiced bias is unable to BE objective.
Hence this mechanism of mind applies to ALL people no matter what side of the debate you’re on, and its only increasing due to people being polarized deeper into dysfunction (by their screens and what comes through them) instead of being taught to see, understand and grow beyond such things.
The truth is, there is truth on both sides of the debate… and a healthy and functional society based around sound values would display the “care-factor” to work together instead of further attacking/labelling/categorising all involved.
But a corrupted culture would, well you can see for yourself ~ ATTACK itself… as it shows no real interest in acknowledging what it is (ignorant & deluded) it’s own growth.
It’s why most of these debates at their heart come back to the “THE SCIENCE of CORRUPTION” which encompasses and undermines all other science and which is why it has never ever even been acknowledged let alone discussed in any of these conversations.
In the end… The irony and indisputable truth of any person calling another some "conditioned label" instead of wanting to get to the deeper truth of the situation is right there to be observed by all…
@[Deactivated]: I know it's pointing out the obvious, but you do know that the people you class as "uninformed" are the tens of thousands of doctors and scientists who have actually done the research from just about every country on the planet ?
Many of these are people who have spent their entire lives becoming experts in disease and vaccination. Their expertise outranks yours by a near infinite amount.
And yet … you think you're informed and they're loopy.
This is just not a rational position to hold.
You're equating the anecdotal death of your neighbour with an almost unlimited number of peer reviewed studies of millions and millions of people.
Again this is just not a rational position to hold.
@Nom: Subjective experiencing displayed as generalized FACT is prevalent on all sides of the debate… not acknowledging this is not rational full stop, and yet most do it to form their arguments.
Of course in order to grow beyond this we would need to take an objective position that acknowledges such things, and therein is the actual issue as conditioned beliefs, bias and unresolved emotional states own most.
The flip side of this argument is… The REALITY is most people did not experience an actual “pandemic”… they experienced their SCREENS telling them there was one and that was that… and yet they argue like they’re where in an a episode of “The Last Of Us.”
Now I’m not saying what did and didn’t happen, but more pointing out the fallacies going on in ALL minds, along with the process of perceptual reality being further based on the unknown due to technology… which we should ALL be extremely aware of.Understanding all of this is the most rational position to hold…
@DrDelusion: Nothing rational, or accurate, about most of that. Quite astounding that you were one of a very select group who weren't "hypnotised" by pandemic propaganda eh? Statistically speaking you're either an outlier or possibly an unsuccessful ChatGPT
actor (that's a joke, maybe). You think people who were locked down didn't experience a pandemic? How about people whose businesses and jobs were curtailed/lost? How about health workers, teachers, students, travellers, people caught OS or on the wrong sides of borders,? How about people who couldn't have wedding, ;parties, attend funerals, visit friends in hospital , have operations etc etc? How about people who nursed their sick partners through an infection?You're living in a strange reality. ChapGPT will have to do better.
Are these fiction or non-fiction..
All information whether right/wrong fiction or not has value for teaching the mind about life… assuming that is YOU allow it. And that is where the actual issue lies in this society, as ignorance driven ANTI-scientific prejudiced bias due to fear and attempting to control it's worldview does not.
So go have a read, you may or may not learn something… what do you have to lose, some false beliefs?
member since yesterday, can't form a cohesive sentence.
seems legit.
Nah, it doesn't. You need a BS filter because time is finite.
The kind of eBooks that I wouldn't read even if you paid me, and so even at $0, it's still a rip-off.
Define "the kind" because really the underlying story here is about YOU and how you will and won’t allow yourself to possibly grow.
You made an account just to post this?
Member since 15/07/2017. This is the first thing they've thought was deal worthy.
Ah only saw the 'L'.
There is definitely an L happening here.
Sockpuppet's been in the drawer for years!
You made an account just to police others thoughts and behaviours? No… than why are you here doing it?
Thanks for making an account to post here. Hope to see you join the community outside this post.
Not a bargain. Maybe if it was the paper version so I can wipe my ass with it.
It's so full of s#!t it's not even good for that.
Maybe if you read the books instead of wiping with them you might learn something?
I’m assuming you don’t believe in “the science of climate change” if you’re wanting a paperback book when you don’t need it? Aaah the presented contradictions of the science followers/deniers… if only we could power our cities off of it.
Username checks out
Aren't we all deluded in some way shape or form?
Do you believe you've got perfect knowing and thought and contain NO false beliefs?
Note that word believe… Oops there it is… : )
Member since 22/02/23… sounds like someone created an account just to troll on OzB. Get a life.
Cooker magnet, can't wait for these guys to start their robust natural immunity campaign for hendra, HIV, rabies, ross river, etc.
Except covid 19 killed on a scale logarithmically above beyond a common cold, made millions sick enough to be hospitalised, and has left xxx ? Number with longer term and life long effects.
And that’s despite global lock downs enforcing social distancing and vaccines all to slow the spread and mute the affects.
It wasn’t and isn’t comparable to the common cold except by type (being a coronavirus).
The thing that squicks me out the most out of all of it is the way these people pick and choose their expertise, and entertain multiple different models of contagion, immune system function, evolution, etc.
If you believe experts in this area are wrong, and it's not airborne and it's not harmful, and a eugenic campaign to deplete susceptible people is the right course for this disease: where's that for everything else? There's a concept called Fibber's Forecasts, where once you understand someone's unreliable on one thing, you can't really rely on them for anything else. Alternatively they're espousing wonderful principles of epidemiology and you should follow it for other diseases too. But you're not doing that.
If you turned up at your dentist and demanded they stop using gloves because a nice case of HIV or hepatitis or herpes was good for you and beneficial at a population level, I'd believe you're sincere about the coronavirus. But that never happens. These people just pick and choose how physics and virology works based on what's convenient for them, and on the highest principle of all: never being seen to have been wrong about anything ever.
I won't believe you until you're sucking novel viruses out of a pangolin. Sorry mate. Your move.
These people just pick and choose how physics and virology works based on what's convenient for them
It's basically because they're dumb, to put it politely.
They lack the critical thinking skills to analyse the trash they're being fed ☹️
Their entire premise is riddled with inconsistency and contradiction … and they just don't see any of it.
The whole reason we can joke with our mates and move on with our lives is because of the vaccines.
Saying that a virus is "the same type" as a cold really isn't making it any less dangerous.
SARS, MERS, H1N1, Bird flu are all Corona viruses as well.
@Binchicken22: Plenty of healthy folks died from COVID. Yes, underlying factors make you at a higher risk of dying from it, but let's not forget that most people over 50 have at least one of the underlying factors. No matter how healthy you are, you are likely to still end up with at least one underlying factor by age 50.
And even if you were able to dodge all of the underlying factors, you're still at higher risk of death than from a cold or flu.
The death rate from vaccines is a minute amount in comparison.
@The Hobo: Yes and that's fine, If you have allowed yourself, or just "aged into" being a high risk then that should have been a decision for you to make. If the risk of the potential covid consequences outweighed the unknown/known risks of the various vaccines.
What I and many others don't agree with, is forcing young, healthy people to get the rushed vaccines.
@Binchicken22: You're missing the part where even healthy people were dying at higher rates than the flu.
And also missing the fact that for the vaccine to work effectively, a large % of the population needs to be vaccinated. Not just the vulnerable.
Maybe for some, like if you are an obese POS that doesn't look after their own health but wants other to take an experimental vaccine. A vaccine that (is now) acknowledged to cause heart problems that can lead to dearth in otherwise healthy people.
Thousands of young people around the world have died due to these vaccines (probably a hell of a lot more than will ever be formally acknowledged) just so a few fatties can stand on the graves of these young people and smugly post FB profile pictures with the little "I'm vaccinated your welcome" banner.Any links you'd care to share? Perhaps some which show the relative risks from covid V covid-19 vaccines?
You do know that covid-19 causes myocarditis and pericarditis, among other things, and that the effects are generally worse?
How many of those "obese POS" were making a bigger contribution to their society than say an "opinionated ignoramuses"?
@Morpheus: Who told me what? That covid causes myoc and peric, affects brain and nerve function even in healthy young people? Well they would be professional health practitioners like those who diagnosed the cases you saw, or didnt see as the case may be, and who know what theyre talking about, unlike you. Gubmint tull me nutin.
@Igaf: They know at that point in time which is always changing, often disputed or and just paid for by the companies themselves… it's interesting that you missed these most important bits?
I'm a scientist… I've studied "the science of corruption"(which underpins all other science and aspects of culture) for decades, now does that give my voice authority over you or the debate? IF not why not, as that's what you're expecting of others.
The Gubmint told you everything and most believed it even though 80%+ distrust these very people… I guess that's why they sold it through the medical staff? Either way it highlights what is and isn't going on in the masses minds doesn't it? BLIND belief, like in any CULT(ured) society… to where it presents a much bigger threat don't you think given its what’s caused most human atrocities of the past.
@DrDelusion: I've just perused a few of your comments. Not that a qualification generally endows wisdom outside one's field in any case but it seems your studies didn't cover illogical conclusions or the social effects of irrational distrust, rejection of knowledge and expertise, science and reason. When you get some more life experience you might understand that false equivalence and especially appeasement of same - among other things, and failure to address same on social media - is highly unlikely to achieve anything like you appear to think it will. Far smarter people than me - and you - have been trying to unravel the reasons for the proliferation elevation, and adulation of conspiracy, pseudo-science etc in some demographics in some "western" democracies in order that these things can be better understood and addressed (where possible).
Despite your erroneous conclusion, the gubmint told me nothing about the pandemic apart from decisions it had made and why. As part of the majority who believe broadly in the greater good I accepted most of their health based advice and directions AFTER reading widely about the experiences and data-driven advice overseas, especially research from the UK and USA. I also had many discussions with my health professional daughter, among others. The gubmint also rarely dips its toes into discussion about the dangers of irrational thinking to democracy and societal function beyond its role in the monitoring and policing of extremism so again, it told me nothing.
Got a better picture now?
@Igaf: Update to this DrDelusion
I've now read a few more of your comments. No pain no gain as they say. Suffice to say that your carefully cultivated agnosticism has more cracks than a plumbers convention, as the saying goes. Obviously fooled some but it was thinly veiled. You'll have to improve your style over substance approach in future. One more thing. Try to be more careful about what you upvote, it's instructive if not defining.
now does that give my voice authority over you or the debate? IF not why not, as that's what you're expecting of others.
Your voice has no authority because you're just a guy on the internet.
What we're expecting from others is to believe the information provided by the entire healthcare community. It's authoritative because it's unanimous.
The Gubmint told you everything and most believed it
I don't think most people care what the government say - the Covid information comes from the healthcare community, including crucially countries like the UK that operate their health service without looking for profits - quite the opposite, which nicely takes care of the "for profit" questions about American healthcare.
Who told you that?
Tens of thousands of doctors and scientists from just about every country on the planet.
It's a pretty damning consensus, don't you agree ?
Many of these are people who have spent their entire lives becoming experts in disease and vaccination. Their expertise outranks yours by a near infinite amount.
Who told you the information to back up your position ? And why on earth would you choose to believe them over the expertise of humanity's actual experts ?
. I have never seen anyone who had Covid had these. But seen ones had it after they took the vxines.
Are you seriously trying to argue your case with a few personal anecdotes ?
Good grief. You realise your opponents are the thousands of doctors and scientists mentioned above ?
And your ammunition for this debate against the most highly regarded experts on the planet, is that your personal experience is the defacto situation ?
Can you see now how irrational your position is ?
@Morpheus: That’s because almost no one in Australia had Covid before >90% of people were vaccinated, you have to look overseas.
There was but a few thousand cases of Covid in Australia before we were hearing cases of fit healthy people in their 20’s with no underlying conditions dying of Covid while there’s been millions of doses of mRNA vaccines and exactly one potential myocarditis/pericarditis death post mRNA vaccine.
One in thousands / tens of thousands vs one in millions hmmm doesn’t take a genius.
@Binchicken22: Thousands of our elders (you know, the ones who delivered you life,peace,health) died because ppl chose to live this denial .
Basically critical unthinkers attitudes have cost the lives of many innocent ppl.
This whole post is spineless clickbait. This s just more waffle that will eventual attempt to frame the false premise as being victimised by the unwashed, and devalue this sites forum relevance.
These days the trolls outnumber the feeders, but boy are they easy to spot.
Our political choice of migrants has a lot to answer for. QLD, are you listening?@Protractor: Not sure what you're cooking - or what youre trying to say for that matter - but judging by your last sentence it's already very smelly.
@Igaf: They’re just a troll, obviously has no idea what they’re talking about…
If they’re willing to believe that most health professionals are not trustworthy, no point debating them
@Igaf: There's that abuse again from a so-called person who speaks out of the betterment of society? You (like we all do) need to upgrade your values for the good of us all.
@DrDelusion: You think "Our political choice of migrants has a lot to answer for. QLD, are you listening?" deserves better, that it's acceptable commentary, that it suggests "values for the good of us all"? I don't and your standards or sensibilities won't t stop me saying so.
Alas it still is a coronavirus. The current dominant strains are much less deadly and more transmissible then the original, more deadly strains.
Comparing covid the the common cold because they're both coronavirus, is like comparing trucks to bicycles for transport accidents.
We've all had it now
Denigrations, False Associations and Generalisations all while calling others COOKED?!
How do you like your eggs…
Look at his Personal Opinions like the lonely birds at the end of the night on the coles chook ferris wheel. He's well cooked.
From the same idealist that claimed back in the 50's that the polio vaccine was poison and you just needed a chiropractor to fix victims.
Wikipedia is probably the worst place to go if you're after the truth
Well I couldn't find cookerpedia.
The problem with outliers is they demand people do your own research in order to see the light, but they never do. They just read & regurgitate the same stuff from like-minded individuals, rather then dig up proper scientific research and actually understand it.
You've just explained what the mainstream media does hah
@M00Cow: At least I try to diversify the sources of information I get. Whereas with MSM I can already tell you what you're going to be fed
@krazek: Sources from where?
Telegram, Twitter & Facebook aren't sources, just content delivery of the kind of info you're interested in, to reinforce your views, not show you different opinions.
@M00Cow: At the end of the day both sides will try to justify their POV with supporting evidence. You will trust CNN or BBC or whatever, whereas I would argue they are the least trustworthy. Each to their own.
@The Hobo: I would take ideally a large number of completely independent sources that are "on the ground" so to speak. The MSM are all one and the same and have basically become mouthpieces for the Govt, at least that's what I have seen especially in the last 3 years.
Any examples of completely independent sources that have access to real data/information?
One good place to start is people who have made careers within the health industry that raised the alarm and had nothing to gain and everything to loose by speaking out. Professional with decades of experience, connections, dealing with multi-million dollar deals and where highly accredited until they went against the gov and big pharma narrative.
Another source is those who made predictions, showed there work and where proven correct in there modelling.
If you went to buy a car your wouldn't trust the sales man to give you honest, non-bias advise. Why wouldn't you do the same when it came to your health and body?
Obviously you are going to ask me for names.. so here is a few.
AND before you roll your eyes.. find out what sort of careers and names these people made for themselves. They have done some truly amazing projects and are highly qualified professionals.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough
John Abramson
Dr Robert Malone
Gert vandenboschNot directly linked to but also worth listening to Maajig Nawaz
@vash5: Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a cardiologist, not an immunologist or epidemiologist.
John Abramson is a General Physician, not an immunologist or epidemiologist.
Geert Vanden Bossche (who I think is who you actually mean) is on record as claiming that COVID will be "the end of humanity"… but yet somehow also claims the vaccines are ineffective and natural immunity is all we need?
Dr Robert Malone worked for a pharmaceutical company and was pushing a heart drug as an early treatment for covid which multiple medical journals rejected based on wildly unsubstantiated claims in his research. He had a direct interest in the vaccines being considered ineffective.
Maajig Nawaz has absolutely no relevant training whatsoever in regards to COVID19.
Listening to these people talk about COVID19 and what they're saying is akin to accepting your plumbers input on what makes better power in your car.
These people are not experts in the field and while they may have some tangential knowledge of it, accepting their information over people who are experts in the field (i.e. Dr Fauci) is just going to lead you down the garden path.
@Lt Lemming: A mechanic knows a lot more about cars than me. Doesn't mean I trust him or whatever he says is actually true.
@ozhunter: Sure, but when you have literally thousands of mechanics telling you that a turbo will add more power, and 1 mechanic telling you that adding a magnet to your fuel lines will net you more power…. which one are you more likely to listen to.
This is not a case of 1 person saying A vs 1 person saying B, it's a few people (i.e. those listed here) versus the rest of the scientific community.
If you're trying to claim that those people are somehow exposing a conspiracy… that would have to mean that the rest of the scientific community are all in on it.
How would they benefit from that?
If the conspiracy were ever proven true, they would all lose reputationally, and that's largely what the scientific community is based on.
If they're all being paid by the pharmaceutical companies, how are those companies making any money? We're not talking about a few hundred people here, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of researchers around the world.
which one are you more likely to listen to.
The thousands of mechanics. But when you realize what they recommended barely made a difference when looking at the government data, I'd be wondering why they were pushing so hard for me to follow their recommendation and why they didn't mention other alternatives that could possible help.
How would they benefit from that?
Money, Grants, Keep their careers, Realize it's not worth fighting because they'd try make you out to be a crazy person
If the conspiracy were ever proven true, they would all lose reputationally, and that's largely what the scientific community is based on.
Or they'd double down and convince that everyone else is wrong.
how are those companies making any money?
Surely they would have someone to see if it's worth it.
But when you realize what they recommended barely made a difference when looking at the government data…
I don't know what government data you've been looking at, but all the data I've seen shows them to be very effective.
Money, Grants, Keep their careers, Realize it's not worth fighting because they'd try make you out to be a crazy person
Except as you've already said, Science is based on data, you can't make someone out to be a crazy person if the data they're providing backs up their point. Grants are given out based on the quality of the data the person/team/organization has produced in the past.
Or they'd double down and convince that everyone else is wrong.
Except as you've already said, science is based on data, not convincing people.
Surely they would have some to see if it's worth it
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here…
I don't know what government data you've been looking at
Was referring to the deaths with covid and what the survival rate is……Not official but interesting one(does say vaccine helps for every age but by how much differs greatly)…
I wonder if people here would disregard that data.
but all the data I've seen shows them to be very effective.
Effective at what and to what degree depends on your age. I've said earlier on ozbargain that if I was like 65+ or multiple comorbidities that I'd likely take the vaccine as I seem to be at much greater risk. Now, I'd probably just take a panadol or paxlovid if available.
Was referring to the deaths with covid and what the survival rate is
Cool, but now look at what the death rates are for vaccinated vs unvaccinated.…
People are 5 to 6 times more likely to die from it without any vaccines than they are with a single vaccine without boosters.
Boosters increases that gap even further.
And no, it's not dependent on age:…
That graph is for ages 18-29, the death rate per 1000 goes down, the efficacy of vaccines stays the same.
There is no good research to show that the risk of taking the vaccine is even close to the risk of of COVID. The WORST case data I have seen is something like 5 adverse events in 1'000'000 doses.
That's 1 in 200'00 people.
COVID even for ages 18 - 29 kills 1 in 10'000.
That's a 20 fold difference in risk.
And that's ignoring the people who end up with long COVID and other related long term effects.
That graph is for ages 18-29, the death rate per 1000 goes down, the efficacy of vaccines stays the same.
I think I have to change it manually. is simply just the age, not their health condition. First two kids under 5 that died with covid here in Australia had some health issues.
And that's ignoring the people who end up with long COVID and other related long term effects.
Also ignoring possible long term effects of the vaccines. And whether the vaccines would even prevent it.
I think it was abc who reported that blood clots with AZ was 1 in 800k but few weeks later it went up to 1 in 50k. Afaik, the vaccines haven't completed the usual trials they normally go through. I'd much rather take the more established vaccines than the covid ones.…
I'm still unvaccinated, but now even mainstream media is saying this. Why would I take it now
That's a 20 fold difference in risk.
And still the risk is tiny. I don't go around everyday wearing a hard hat or steel caps because I don't need the extra protection.
Not official but interesting one(does say vaccine helps for every age but by how much differs greatly)…
Even this link says that covid vaccines help for all ages across the board. Basically negligible for young kids but helps a lot more for older people.