Long Haul on Business or Premium Economy?

Let's say you're about to travel somewhere that's more than 8 hours away which I consider a long-ish hual trip… considering the price difference, what would you go for if you want to find a balance between affordability and comfort/service?

Generally I think if Economy is ~$1500 then PE would be double, so ~$3000, and Business would be double of PE, so $6000+.

Poll Options

  • 9
    Premium Economy
  • 22
  • 5
    Other (Budget/Economy/First...)
  • 50
    Whatever is on sale!


  • +14

    While no stranger to paying for premium products and not necessarily always wanting cheapest bang for buck, I struggle with the notion of paying extra $4,500 for Business over Economy (in your example) for something that will soon be over and forgotten.

    Doesn't add real value to me personally. There's a lot you can do with that extra cash. I suppose I also tend to fly a lot so it adds up quick and may influence my view. If it's once in a blue moon or honeymoon etc then obviously different value proposition.

    • If I have a long haul for work I'll often take economy then take a few days off at the destination to chill - do some sightseeing, go for some drives, check out the locals, maybe see a mate if I know someone there, etc. Or even break it up with a stopover.

      For me that's better money spent than getting there "fresh" and ready to work immediately.

      • Your work gives you the fare difference? That is some perk

        • I'm usually going on my own coin.

          If I'm going specifically on someone's commission I let them know my intent - I'll pass along any actual costs (accom., car, meals, etc.) but will not charge for my time there recovering and only start the clock on a specified date. They've always been agreeable.

          • @fantombloo: Yeah that seems pretty fair, give them the option of paying business airfare or economy + some expenses. Although would have to find a lenient place to do it, at my workplace if it isn't in the policy you're SOL. Doesn't matter if you save them money or do it better.

  • +13

    more than 8 hours

    Economy if I'm paying
    Business if someone else is paying

  • +1

    Business if its overnight, and i would only use points upgrade.

  • +3

    Business class is when someone else is paying for it (ideally tax-deductible business expense) or thousands of dollars mean nothing to you which is perhaps the top 0.1% of population.

    For everybody else who values comfort, premium economy is way to go.

  • +2

    I would never pay for business unless on points or your business is paying for it.

    It's not worth the jump 9 times out of 10.
    PE is a waste of money personally.

  • +10

    Think about it from a different perspective. I'll pay you $1500/$4500 to sit in a slightly more cramped chair for 8 hours.
    How long does it take you to earn that, in after tax dollars? Could be an extra week or two weeks off work? What do you value more, money or your own time?

    In my current financial position with a mortage still to pay. I would take that any day of the week.

    If no mortagage and significant investments, then I'd consider it.

    • This! Thanks for the perspective, really brings it home.

    • If no mortgage and significant investments, then I'd consider it.

      Still no for me haha

      If I had enough money to never have to work again then maybe I'd consider it.

  • +1

    8hrs+ you need to define.

    I did premium econ Mel - TPE - LHR
    Did Business Mel - KUL - LHR
    Business Mel - DOH - LHR

    Depends a lot on airlines quality too.

    If you are going Mel - HKG having a stop to stretch you legs say in Singapore or KL would help in economy if you can get a fast transfer.

  • what about buying empty seats beside you on economy?

  • +2

    The only time I would ever bother flying Business class is if someone else is paying or I could use points to upgrade. I'd never pay for it myself, too expensive for no real benefit (IMHO).

  • +2

    I find that generally flights up to around 10 hours are bearable in economy class. Anything much longer than that and I try to incorporate a stopover somewhere, even if it's only a one night stay in a transit hotel. Still works out much cheaper than paying for business class or even premium economy.

  • +1

    Economy all the way - the extra money spent on a more comfortable seat would come in much more handy at my destination.

  • +6

    Depends if you are 1.9m or 1.5m tall.

    • +1

      ^^^ Absolutely this.
      If you are under 5'10" and 80kgs then a seat in economy is no particular hardship.
      If you are 6'2" and closer to 100kg like some unnamed Ozbargainer I can think of, an upgrade is worth considering.
      And when you get to a certain age and income level, you start to look at the cost of a little extra comfort differently.
      That said, when i did upgrade I did the bidding thing or the late-offer from the airline thing rather than paying the original amount.

      • Are you like half American and half British? You write length in imperial but weight in metric?

        But the reason why i say this is because my partner is taller than me and we have different experiences in economy.

        • Maybe it is my age but I find it quite common for people to give their height in feet and inches, but other measurements in metric…

          • @Almost Banned: My brain cannot comprehend feet and inches and i struggle with ounces when im in the USA. But all good, I understand where you are coming from.

    • I’m right in the middle of those two heights, but for me it’s around the ability to sleep, which I find really difficult if my legs aren’t supported. Premium economy offers a leg rest in most instances which is nice, but usually has a wide fixed armrest which you can’t put up in the scenario where you find there’s a free seat next to you and you want to spread out a bit. I’ve found at least 50% of the time In economy there’s a least one free seat next to me which means being able to lean diagonally or in the case of having a whole row (has happened a lot to me - I’ve even had kind check in staff block a row for me) lying down. This of course is a gamble. I also have flown long haul since having a kid, now I would also consider the ability to put up the armrests as important so he can rest is head on me to sleep, unless we were in business and could all stretch out with our legs supported.

  • +4

    $1500 to $3000 to sit comfortably for 10 hours, or hotel upgrade + meals for the entire trip? I'll go for the later every time.

  • +2

    On my own dime I only ever fly economy. I'd rather factor in a day's rest following the flight(s) and keep $x,000 in my pocket.

  • Generally I think if Economy is ~$1500 then PE would be double, so ~$3000, and Business would be double of PE, so $6000+.

    So +$187.50ph (after tax) to sit in a PE chair, or +$526ph to sit in a business class chair.

    Nope. I hope you earn far more than this per hour, before considering that.

  • Fly economy as that's what I'm prepared to spend on myself, plus experiencing what I know I would miss isn't nice. That is, I know I wouldn't be prepared to pay business for every flight (for family too) such that I'd likely be envious about that one time way back when….

  • +1

    Having flown economy, PE and business, both on my own dime and the company's, my takeaway:

    1) Either get economy or business for long haul, I find PE to be dissapointing on all accounts. You can't lie down so its just simply bigger / slightly more comfortable seats but its still hard to sleep given you can't fully decline. Sometimes you get served the same food as economy class (sometimes marginally better). Sometimes you get classified as "priority" so you might have access to business lounge / get your bags sooner but depending on airlines, sometimes you are still "economy". Overall, service is still pretty poor.

    End of the day, its all subject to personal situation, disposable income and priorities in life, subject to 2) below.

    2) Business if you can use points or points and pay for upgrades is a no brainer. However, the catch is if you don't fly enough, you rarely get upgraded using points or P&P as you don't have enough status and get outranked by higher tier members who will take those seats.

    3) My tip is if you dont want to pay for business but want to travel more comfortably (subjective still), try to get status with an airline, that way you can a) use their lounge pre-boarding, b) check in quicker using the priority lanes, and 3) for most airlines, confidently ask for better seats, whether that be bulk head or near the front of the plane. There are a number of shortcuts in getting status (either through status match or certain credit card programs).

    I know i've gone a little off topic but hopefully this info helps some readers.

  • Business for long haul. My last flight to London, we boarded the plane then sat on the tarmac for three hours while an engineering issue was dealt with. The wine just kept on coming…. admittedly I used points for that trip, not cash.

  • Generally, I'll try and get business class if I'm on a flight where at least 5 hours of it is expected to be spent asleep. That's the alpha and omega of business class for me because sitting up for 24 hours or more in economy (or premium) ain't fun; if I can get the sleep in in other ways without paying full whack for business class, I'll do it.

    Simply put, the other trimmings of business are nice, but not worth the extravagant prices being asked. Lounge? $50 through Priority Pass (y'all do have your fee free for life Citibank cards from OzB, right?). Priority boarding/check-in? Queuing is annoying but they won't go without you if you're in line on time. Priority baggage? Doesn't work half the time. Extra baggage allowance? You're either overpacking and/or shopping on holiday, which is stoopid. Food and drink? Nice, but you could have a slap up dinner at a Michelin starred restaurant at your destination with the savings going economy.

    Premium economy a few years ago when the premium was only a few hundred more than economy was worth it, but now at twice as much it certainly ain't (at least until economy is made even more cramped and crappier)…

  • Business.. only on points.
    Have managed to have an abundance of point and early planning meant I haven't flown economy since I started the points game in 2017.

    Have also had enough points for first a couple of times from Europe all the way back to Sydney

  • OR
    Cheapest flight
    inner earplugs
    outer noise cancelling earmuffs

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