• expired
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$45 Credit Each for Both Referrer & Referee @ DoorDash

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I just noticed DoorDash have upsized referral credits.
I’m not sure if it’s targeted.

Refer a friend and get $45 credit
Your friend gets 3 x $15 off $20 spend

I spoke with DoorDash support they said to give it a couple of days for the system glitch to be fixed so try again in a couple of days or so

Referral Links

Referral: random (689)

Referee gets $1 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $1 credit once referee places an order over $20.

Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.


$400 Bonus for referrer and referee if referee does a certain amount of deliveries.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Doesn’t work - a couple of genuine referees signed up and were able to see the $15 off offer when doing dummy orders last week but when trying to place an order this week, the offer disappeared. New signed ups this week didn’t even see the offer

  • If this works it's epic. I signed up and used a random referral link so hopefully someone gets a nice suprise from that soon!

  • Cheers just checked mine and its updated to this offer.

    Time to refer myself lol

  • +2

    Time to refer my twin life is awesome 👍

  • Got it too. Thanks op

  • So hard to bypass new, referral these days. I think they upped their security check.

  • +4

    I noticed this offer on Sunday and referred a friend. He signed up but he couldn't see the discount on his side. He contacted the live chat support and they advised him to sign up again. He did but again nothing worked.

    I'm negging this because it was not working, hence not achievable.

  • Thanks OP and to the random referrer. I had to refresh the referral link a couple of times until the 3 x $15 offer presented itself. First order has $15 discount applied. Happy days!

  • Yeah this hasn’t been working since Sunday. Worked Saturday no problems. Doesn’t give $15 off on new accounts anymore.

  • Last time I befriended myself and it worked, now I referred my best bud, and it didn't.. yay doordash.. keep up the dashing work

  • Mine is saying $45. will give it a try.

    • But when you click the link it goes to $15 lol

  • +1

    referred a friend but not working. Don't waste your time

  • same as above. referred and no -15. dont bother

  • Tried twice last month, not working. Customer service acted like they dont care and keep asking same questions like a chat bot.

  • worked for my account thanks OP

  • Yeah did one legit sign up nothing, wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

  • I just referred my "twin" and it worked. Thanks OP

  • -1

    Worked for me. Been refering myself for past couple of days and eating free. Combining referral credit with 30% off dinner too

  • didn't work for me

  • +1

    OK had a few people message me about how I got it to work, so here is my walk through. I was initially doing it through a secure folder on Android but just tested on incognito and worked fine.

    1. Get a referral link and copy it into a new incognito tab on your computer. Note: there are only some accounts that the 3x $15 off is working for, only one of my accounts it worked for but the others it didn't. I think it has to do with previous referrals and age of the account, but I may be wrong
    2. Sign up as normal using a fresh mobile number (use Kogan or Gomo to get a free new number, I've got about 20 lol) and email and use your real name as per CC
    3. Browse for your food and add $20+ worth to your cart. The $15 off should automatically apply
    4. Get the first order delivered to a fake house number, for example, if you live at 123 Fake Street then use Unit 1/123 Fake Street (even better if it doesn't exist). This is likely just precautionary but I'm not sure on their exact method to stop referral exploitation. Also, I say to get it delivered as I had verification issues with my card when I tried to pick up but worked fine for my second and third orders!
    5. Enjoy your food and let me know if it worked for you!

    TLDR: Sign up as normal using an incognito browser. Only some referral links work, and only 1 of my many accounts does it work for, so just keep churning those random links until you find one that works. Make sure you use name that matches CC or verification will fail

  • Use a new device/incognito and it works. I referred two friends and myself, bought $50 gc and now I've got $100+ credit in my account

  • Tried to verify phone three times with referral code and didn't work. Tried it without referral and funny how it worked but no coupon. Followed incognito instructions etc.

  • Didn't refer my friend for the $15 off 3 orders and $45 for myself. Looks like it was too good to be true.
    Screw doordash

  • It's strange after using the $20-15 towards first order, the promotion just disappeared in my account. And the customer service told me that the limit of the promotion has been reached LOL? Isn't it clearly stating that 3 orders of 20-15?

  • Has anyone even managed to get this to work? New sign up but no discount….

    • -1

      Cannot get it working still. Looks like DD is exiting Australia and they don’t give a f*** about au promo.

    • Worked fine for me. I've got $400 of credit now that I'm slowly working through

  • Anyone can't place an order? Always says invalid payment method when using PayPal.

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