• expired

[VIC, NSW, QLD, SA] $50 to You if Your Electricity Rate Is Lower, $50 Credit if Your Rate Is Higher & You Switch to Globird


Upload your electricity bill to their website and if your rates are better than what Globird has they will pay you $50.

If they have a better deal, then they will give you a $50 credit to transfer to them.

It's a win win to me.


Referral Links

Referral: random (240)

$50 account credit for referrer & referee.

Related Stores

GloBird Energy
GloBird Energy

closed Comments

    • My bill is less than $90 a month and don't have solar nor interested

  • Unless I'm missing something, red energy for NSW seems to be much cheaper .. plus better solar rebate

  • Bill comparison will be based on the cost of the most recent electricity bill after standard discounts have been applied. For example pay on time discounts, direct debit discounts, guaranteed discounts are considered standard.

    The get outta paying part

    However, the calculation will not take into account one-off specials, cash bonus, government concessions, solar credits, prior account credits, adjustments, or special rates that are not generally available to the public. This includes conditional rates only available to limited members of certain associated clubs, card holders, memberships, other organisations like employer organisations, unions, armed forces, insurance company, limited group buy deals, or energy companies' staff only offers etc.

    And for the photoshoppers

    The tariff you are being charged for on your current bill must match the tariff type on the national database MSATS.

    And possibly get out of paying those of us in old locked in rates

    Rates must be current, genuine, verifiable, published standard rates that are available to the public and displayed on a competitor's website.

    • that's me out I'm locked in on old rates

  • "For residential customers only where electricity usage is less than 600kWh per month (an average house uses 340 kWh per month). Comparison based on residential bills on a standard residential tariff and meter in VIC, NSW and QLD, i.e., Flat Rate, Peak Off-Peak, TOU. It does not include nonstandard tariffs like demand tariff, large meters, business tariffs, industrial meters or COMMS4."

    631 estimated usage this month.

  • Is this a fixed price plan? No point if they are going to bait and switch to a higher rate 6 months down the track.

  • I'm currently with globird, I want to change my electricity but keep my gas with globird
    Will they allow this? From memory you had to sign up both gas and electricity at the same time to get the rates with globird?

  • +1

    Ozbargained? 404 page not found

    • Its been Ozbargained!
      Over 3000 clicks on Deal - now unavailable.

      According to updated T&C, Deal ended yesterday!!

      • "Woah!
        apologies, due to unprecedented demand we’ve currently paused this campaign whilst we play catch up on your bill comparisons."

        Plus the T&C saying expired.

  • +1

    is the offer over, the webpage doesn't work anymore?

    • +2

      Probably costing them too much

  • +1

    For me peak rates seem high, 0.4375c/kwh. Based on my last bill i'm still paying ~25c/kwh with alinta in nsw.

    not worth the 50bucks.

    • +1

      The Deal was - if they're more expensive - they pay you $50. No need to switch retailer to qualify! I didn't bother checking their rates.

  • +1

    Expired already? Initially the end date was 31/03/2023. I even made myself a note to try this offer before then. And boom it's gone already lol………..joke.

    • +1

      They changed T&C: Promotion starts Feb 5th and ends 20/Feb/2023 or may close earlier without notice.

      Seems that change was made retrospectively today!
      Likely most who uploaded their bill since Deal posted in the final hours of 20/2 may not qualify!!

      Luckily saw offer late last night & uploaded bill straight away!

      • +1

        The retrospective change is so dodgy! I uploaded my bill this morning, but I’m assuming it won’t be honoured at this point.

        I’m a current gas customer, and this sort of BS makes me want to switch my gas plan. Talk about an own goal.

        • +1

          Any offer can be withdrawn, as stated in original T&C.
          BUT withdrawing it AFTER people have taken up the offer is beyond dodgy!!

          A marketing / PR disaster for Globird.
          Shows they can't be trusted!
          (Will withdraw update if Deal not honoured)

        • Super dodgy.

        • +1

          I just called them and was advised by a customer service that they'll process all the applications received, don't worry! They have to currently paused this campaign to catch up with all the comparisons. They advised me to wait for up to 5 business days for the comparison results.

      • I actually did it last night too as i was considering switching to them for the Amex deal but now i dont think i will bother

        • Seems it will be processed - eventually.

  • +2

    Wow! Only have bad things to say about this company now…

  • +2

    Their rate is a joke. I will have to pay at least $200 more if I switch. I doubt they can beat any sensible deals on the market.
    That's why they have to end immediately otherwise OzB will bleed them $10K every hour.

  • +1

    WTF! Stealing the PII info and changing the T&C. Is that even legal?

    • Great point. They have our info for nothing.

    • +2

      Globird retrospectively changed T&C

      Possibly Unconscionable conduct
      …behaviour so harsh that it goes against good conscience. Under consumer law, businesses must not act unconscionably towards consumers or other businesses.

      In reality, all offers can be withdrawn without prior notice - as stated in original T&C.
      BUT withdrawing it AFTER many people have taken up the offer is beyond dodgy!!
      (Still hoping I qualify!)

      PR disaster for Globird.
      Who would trust them now??

      • +1

        I just called them and was advised by the customer service that they'll process all the applications received, don't worry! Due to unprecedented demand they have to currently paused this campaign to catch up with all the comparisons.

        • They're updated Deal Link with apology

          Globird say it has paused (due to being Ozbargained). Understandable.

          But Globird's T&C state that promotion finished yesterday…
          (But it can be restarted.)

  • +1

    I just called them and was advised by the customer service that they'll process all the applications received, due to high demand, they have to pause it and catch up with all applications.
    They add text on the page says 'Any applications we have received will still be processed, please bear with us, thanks for your patience!'
    Good luck guys

  • -2

    Surely people had some alarm bells with a brand new member who hasn't posted elsewhere, now they are sitting on all your details.

    Which they won't delete BTW… Just like Optus sat on mine for years, and got hacked.

    • Huh. Globird is a legitimate organisation albeit quite a bit more expensive than their competition

  • Damn it. I know they wouldn't be cheaper than Sumo

    Waiting for the deal to come back.

  • -2

    Guess what. They have your bill which has name account number, your email and every piece of information for a TRANSFER!
    Good luck guys

    • +4

      Don't think that's legal but sure

  • Deal link now shows:

    This offer has expired
    apologies, due to unprecedented demand we’ve currently paused this campaign whilst we play catch up on your bill comparisons.

    Any applications we have received will still be processed, please bear with us, thanks for your patience!

  • "Thanks for sending through your bill for comparison.

    We’ll get cracking on the calculation and get back to you soon (no later than the next 10 business days).
    GloBird are delighted and a little overwhelmed with the number of requests in recent days, please bear with us as we work through the backlog.
    With your help, we keep competition strong and downward pressure on energy prices."

    Just got an email!

    • +3

      I got the same email. And I noticed it's CC'd to a globirdenergy.com.au email and also what looks to be someone's personal Gmail address which seems a bit dodgy! Anyone else seeing the same?

      • +1

        My email received also has a personal Gmail address CC'd.
        Would love to know the reason behind that.

      • Haha just noticed!
        Very strange

  • +1

    cc: [email protected]

    and also some asian person's gmail.

    • Lmao 😂

    • Yeah. I submitted a complaint to enquire about this. This was their response….

      To ensure mail deliverability, GloBird use a CC address of a secure, verified Gmail account that can only be accessed by the GloBird System administrator.
      This account is secured by MFA (Multi-Factor-Authentication).
      In the past, e-mails related to Marketing campaigns have not always reached the intended recipient.
      This is essentially a safeguard mechanism we use to be able to cross check and ensure mail deliverability.

  • +1

    Not surprising. Globird is a pretty small provider in VIC and it appears to be ran by Asians (https://www.linkedin.com/company/globirdenergy/people/) None of that bothers me as long as they're cheap. They're merely invoicing you so I'm not fussed about the quality of my gas or power lol. The email thing is probably because they're admin staff are inexperienced and unprofessional, or rather they don't have good processes in place. Amateur hour!
    I used to be with them for 24mths back in the day and never had an issue. I only moved when they jacked up their price.

  • +3

    Thanks for kindly sending us your recent Energy bill to compare. Your current rates are excellent, and we cannot beat this bill. So as promised we’re happy to confirm your already on an awesome deal and pay you $50 for giving us a chance to compare. Please keep GloBird in mind if your rates change in the future. If you fill out the table below and reply to this email, we’ll transfer $50 to your bank account

    Please get back to me within 15 business days from the date of this email as payment won’t be processed after that.
    Account name
    Account number

    Please carefully fill out the correct details in the table above, as we can only make one transaction attempt.

    • I got this email today too

      • Me too :)

  • $50 cash came through for me today. Odd deal. IMO. Most people who go to this effort are alrrady on the best deal they can get. Or am I wrong?

    • Your are correct. My fixed rates with Energy Australia finish in a week & will be jumping significantly wherever I go now. Funny thing is I will give going with Globird anyway as they are the best of a bad bunch. $50 from Globird will dull the pain a little. From their original email I am pretty sure they were not expecting this deal to be ozbargained.

  • I got the email today :)

  • I got my email.

    Apparently my
    My Daily Supply is currently 107.47c/day, 92.4242c/day after 14% discount
    My single rate charge is 0.2005850/kWh, 0.1725031c/kWh after discount

    Is more expensive then

    Supply charge $1.1310 after discount
    Peak 0.2945/kWh
    Shoulder 0.2177/kWh
    Off-peak 0.2177/kWh

    But they suggested I stay with my current provider as it give more solar FIT. Err I'll stay with my current retailer as their pre-discount charges are less then yours. But I still want my $50. Any ideas how we dispute it?

    • +1

      Yeah sue them for not parting to you their money.

  • I applied on the 20th and I'm on a fixed plan that will be expiring soon so I assumed they'd knock me back, but they just emailed me to say they can't beat my bill and would like my bank details to deposit the $50.

    • Is that with Lumo?

      I'm on a fixed plan with Lumo that expires in August, and received this today:

      "Thanks for your enquiry with Globird Energy. The rates you have sent us look particularly low, and our pricing team were unable to find them online. Could you please send through a link or webpage where we can verify these rates so that we can pay you the $50. Alternatively, you can send us the relevant energy fact sheet, if you don’t have this handy, you can request a copy of it from your current retailer.

      For GloBird to pay the $50 we need to ensure the rates are current, genuine, verifiable, published standard rates that are available to the public and displayed on a competitor's website."

      I get the sense they intend not to pay it as it is no longer a verifiable deal (in that it is no longer advertised anywhere with prices having risen). It was obviously a publicly available deal when I signed up for it - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/703792.

      Part of the problem is I don't seem to have a fact sheet for that pricing/deal, and when I called Lumo Energy they literally hadn't ever heard of a fact sheet. I had to ask them to google 'Lumo Energy fact sheets' for them to work it out. facepalm

      Did I misunderstand the promotion and my energy comparison is not valid?!

      • Just got confirmation they will pay.

  • +1

    Urgh, Globird won this time. I sent them my most recent bill and they came back with a plan 30c(0.3%) cheaper. Well played Globird

  • No $50. Ruled out by the T&C

    Unfortunately, we cannot do a bill comparison for you. Your meter is configured on a non-standard tariff. It is a demand tariff.
    Our terms and conditions only allow us to compare residential bills on a standard residential tariff and meter in VIC, NSW and QLD, i.e., Flat Rate, Peak Off-Peak, TOU. It does not include nonstandard tariffs like demand tariff.

    Off again to Econnex for $100 Woolies gift card for switching every few months!

    • "Off again to Econnex for $100 Woolies gift card for switching every few months!"

      You gotta be kidding me. Is this even a thing? Utility churning lol

      • +1

        You don't know about it?
        You've been here long enough to know how to save on electricity.

        Governments encourage switching! They provide comparison websites.
        Your Vic Govt even gives $250 to consider swapping retailer!

        Switching is big business with incentives to switch! So churning is an option!

        CashRewards & ShopBack promote these Deals. Or go directly with comparison sites - what I have done.

        Retailers also offer incentives like credit. But can't combine with comparison site rewards.

        Churning is discussed in Econnex Deals. Rep even states you can claim as long as you stay with retailer 60 days, then churn again.

        Been doing it about every 90 days for years. Effectively hardly pay anything for electricity in an all electric house!

        60 days ago received $150 Digital Visa from different site.
        Waiting on $150 Woolies egift card from Econnex in next week.
        So time to churn.

        Have got free or very cheap mobile service & data for over 7 years.
        Been using same number for over 10 years.
        Currently have 1000GB of data left on free service until late this year.
        People used to say that wasn't possible! Some still don't know about that basic churning.

        • Any hacks for cheaping out on NBN!?

          • @muwu: I just use mobile data. Never bothered connecting to NBN.

            • @INFIDEL: How good does it stream?

              What's your biggest single download (GB), how long does it take?

              • @muwu: Don't stream much.
                Had no problems streaming movies from Disney+, Mubi & Paramount on mobile as hotspot to 4K TV (with free or nearly free subs).

                I don't bother keeping stats.
                Am on Telstra Wholesale service. Good enough for my needs (for free)

        • $150 Woolies egift card from Econnex for switching electricity arrived last week.

          Signed up to next retailer for $100 Woolies egift card.
          No longer have demand pricing with new retailer - the reason why I failed to qualify for this Deal

  • My $50 just landed. Thanks Globird

  • Got my $50 yesterday. Thanks okluke.

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