JV 100k Comments




        • +1

          I thought I was going down in the history books then but no, I'll never be remembered when I'm gone.

  • +1

    I went through JV's post history to learn more about the man… With 100k comments we could see him grow from humble beginnings to a frequently outspoken poster who can also play devils advocate.

    I have also deduced:

    JV is an Apple aficionado, who appreciates the ecosystem and how everything just 'works'. Being so close to middle-age he appreciates the need to keep in the loop with technology and a strong desire to learn about a variety of topics. He doesn't like Aldi because he does small shops and dreads the thought of being in line for so long. JV seems to be type of person that sticks to trusted big box brands when he can. One thing JV learned via OzBargain is that no matter what you say, there will always be neggers, so he dares to say what others don't.

    JV, may your 100 000th comment be all that you imagined it to be. Best Wishes XOXO

    • +3

      JV, may your 100 000th comment be all that you imagined it to be.

      Comment counter seems to only go to 5 digits….

      • +1


      • +7

        Lol or did you work out how to delete old comments so you can just keep it there…?

      • +1

        This might have been the real joke all along…

  • OK, have some possible scenarios as to JV and his 100 000th post and how he may be tossing up his options:

    1) He wants to commemorate the milestone by giving his usual short & sweet bolded comment within what is just another random post
    however he doesn't want it to be unmemorable, and so…
    2) He writes a short paragraph reflecting on his time on OzB and adds it to this thread… where we will all upvote it.
    …but knowing there's not a chance of making everyone happy he…
    3) Considers leaving the 'JV' account at 99 999 comments for a while, maybe even leaving it as a legacy account….

    So I think in this indecisive moment, me must all believe that JV has a plan, and in fact I think I know what it is:
    On Monday the 13th, after coming back from Moomba, JV will add his thoughts to this thread…

    • +2

      You are definitely overthinking this.

  • +3

    JV face reveal @ 100k comments?

    • +3

      Na, rookie move that

      Jv needs to start an OF account first, lure people in first and make some $$ off them.

    • +2

      JV face reveal

      Thanks for the idea

  • +1

    ..shhhh…. He's here… today is the day! Welcome JV to your 100 000th post celebration, we keenly await your post. Hope you had a wonderful long weekend, enjoyed the time away with family, and now you are back with your OzBargain family. One of us, one of us.

    • +10

      ..shhhh…. He's here… today is the day!

      Nope !!!

      • +3

        Hold on a second, it hasn't ticked over yet and @JV has been commenting.

        Something is amiss

        • +5

          Voodoo ?

  • +5

    Maybe JV has figured out the secret of OzB. It can't count past 99,999 comments!

    • +1

      You can say that OZB is jv proof

      • +2

        My lawyers are onto it…

        • +4

          Scotty is selling OZB as we speak

  • +2

    Well I'm nearing 36,000, where's my post?! Huh huh

    • +1

      Come back when you're at G.O.A.T status

      • +2

        Yeah nah

  • The day has arrived! Who won the competition?

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