I beg to differ. JV is an important contributor to OzBargain.
I agree. It brightens my somewhat dour workday.
We like variety in life, we need JV on ozb.
@skillet: I agree. I hate when is banned.
I'm thinking of changing my username to JVFanboy. Mind you I'm stuck with it for 12 months. :)
Yes not all quotes are great, but I enjoy them (most of them).
i like his/her comments, some are legitimately funny
Have you read all 100,000 of them?
JV has more popular comments then everyone in this room.
And more negative comments!
Did you just break the fourth wall?
JV elicits more emotion from its targeted use of bold font and succinct one-sentence comments than some random keeping track of JV's post count in caps lock.
I thought there was only one of them?
Pronouns, innit..
Username checks out….or not. :)
I didn't want to assume gender so used "They" instead of s/he.
that was a great thread with more upvotes than your post deal count.
more upvotes than your post deal count.
Didn't realise that we were measuring e-penises but i guess yours is bigger. Congratulations?
I don't know where, I don't know when, but I do know it will be bold
Yes we should do a competition to guess how many of the characters are in Bold? ;)
I just can't wait for the new Avatar? @jv ;)
Oh yes and the last jv-specific forum post was removed as 'inappropriate'
jv replied my comment on that one but it was locked/blocked by the time i got back to see it ahhh
JV 10k Comments
You mean 100k
Also, why are you shouting at us OP?
It's a momentous occasion and deserves to be shouted.
I'm pretty sure JV is not real and is an early prototype of ChatGPT
I believe the JV model is called ShatGPT.
Oops yes 100K
When jv makes a further 52 comments.
I'm surprised he hasn't made a comment here?
Can we get a petition to remove the ability to bold words in comments
How about a Poll?
How could Dan Andrews let this happen
Naaaaaaw I think someone's in love.
I'm just a big fan
I'd like to see 51 comments posted on this thread, then a masterfully created sarcastic comment on a perfect deal.
JV IS ONLY 52 COMMENTS AWAY FROM Deletion would be nice news.
The original text needs some text on bold. ;)
Jokes on you all, they'll post up to 99,999 comments then disable their account
I'm so glad we're all here talking about JV and haven't invited them to the discussion…
He didn't take the bait….yet. :)
Has @jv got the highest comments?
By a LOT!
Think this post will get deleted soon. Twice now I have seen forums posts about JV that were deleted, one of them was mine lol.
The reason was can't target other users or something.
This isn't a targeting but merely a CELEBRATION
Sure I get that but you are still calling out the user by their username, which I think was the main problem.
My post was also just an attempt to get JV to have a laugh, it wasn't targeting them in a bad way either. (I just posted a link to a video with a guy who "emphasizes" certain words, speaking kind of like "god" so I joked that's what JV probably would sound like in real life with the bolded text)
Edit: I now think your post is ok since you just mention info (post count) that is viewable by anyone just by clicking JV's profile. So no real issue because it's just neutral info that's already on the website at least I think that's what Scotty thinks.
Why are you celebrating though?
Do you actually know JV? Have they ever even responded to one of your previous posts or comments?
In terms of OzBargain, you're a nobody. Your account's not that old and JV is more than capable of holding their own CELEBRATION.
Calm down Karen.
My mum says I'm someone… :(
Scotty has already seen it and altered the title of the post. If he wanted to remove it, that was an easy chance to do so
Ok sure looks like you have some kind of backdoor access. And I assume what Scotty sees scotty approves? He is some kind of authority here?
Ok sure looks like you have some kind of backdoor access.
No, just simply hit the "revisions" tab at the top of any post…
He is some kind of authority here?
He's the owner
@Gervais fanboy: I actually commented with Scotty once he seemed like a regular helpful user to me.
(sorry I can't find or remember what we were on about)
@n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm: I am sure he’s great.
Anyways, I only facepalmed at your suggestion that spackbace might have some back door access..lol.
The moderators actually had a bit of discussions yesterday, and have decided that we'll only remove it if jv requests it to be removed. Yes the post is targeting a specific user, however the intention wasn't really an attack.
@scotty: That atleast tells us that Jv doesn’t report posts about him, kudos to him for having a thick skin about it all… I wish I could say the same about all these users here dumping on Jv because - ‘wOrDs’ 🥴
43 to go.
99,999th comment and never returns
Didn't I read an obscure forum rule a while back, that anyone with more than 99,999 posts is put on 12 months compulsory gardening leave - to give both them, and (particularly) us, a well earned rest?
Guess when JV will make their 100,000 comment to win a JV poster. Enter comp.
Follow live on the Twitch Stream
Only 3 viewing, surely more should be watching history in the making
Years from now, people will ask, where were you when JV hit 100k comments?!
Good to see @Muzeeb make an appearance on the stream
Couldn't jv just rig that?
That's a bold assumption.
Accurate one though, unless they'd had prior communication with the mod team as to when they'd comment
@spackbace: You think jv is going to tip off another user on their 100,000 comment in order for that user to win a poster of jv?
@spackbace: Good point lol
But it seems like they have factored that possibility in already..
jv is excluded from guessing.. obviously.
T&C listed under the competition banner.
Massive crowd in fed square gathering for this momentous occasion
26 comments to go!
Tomorrow 23 Feb
4.45pm AEST
That's when I was born 40 odd years ago. Hope u won
Uncanny! Unfortunately I did not win :( I can tell you your birth chart though.
I think there needs to be like a little dedicated shrine here for JV. Something like a JV corner… Or maybe rename the penalty box to JV box
Still 14 comments to go
Here's a compilation of some of the jv avatars I've had over the years. He was particularly mad at the MSPaint ones.
2 comments to go
I'm amazed it's gone this long tbh
Hopefully he can stretch it out for another 6 months or so.
He's not posting as often looks like he's enjoying the limelight here.
He’s been toying with us for the past few days..
And I bet you he’s reading each and every one of these comments.
Yeah maybe he does and then that would be it, he disappears forever after that.
That would be one epic tale..
I reckon JV is the ultimate troll and will never reach 100k comments just to leave us all disappointed. Good work JV.
I'll think about it…….
I reckon JV is the ultimate troll
Good work JV.
I was just about to pop open the champagne but I noticed that it still only says 99999 comments, how?
They're a perfect example of quantity over quality. I don't think I've ever seen them provide any meaningful contribution to a conversation beyond sarcastic comments and pointing out grammatical errors.