How JB Hi-Fi's Tradein Partner SquareTradeUp Denied My Trade-in and Blocked Me

Hi everyone,

I recently had an issue with SquareTradeUp and I'm hoping to get some advice on what to do next. Here's what happened:

I was looking to purchase the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra from JB Hi-Fi using a promotion that gave an extra 300 trade-in credits and a $250 JB Hi-Fi coupon after purchase. To take advantage of this offer, I decided to trade in my Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 through SquareTradeUp.

However, I encountered several issues with the trade-in process. The customer service representative asked me to provide a photo of the device's IMEI number, which I provided. Then, they asked me to provide additional photos of me holding the device (which I did), and even after sending the pictures, they were not believing that I owned the phone I was trying to trade in. I was also asked to send my phone to them before they would release the eGift card, which would cause me trouble as I could not transfer the contents from my old phone to the new one without a phone, and I would not have been able to use the trade-in credit towards my new phone's price.

I asked them to cancel the trade-in because I already missed the opportunity to get the JB HiFi Deal. They were able to cancel the trade-in process, but they also blocked my SquareTradeUp account and asked me to use email for future trade-ins.

I tried to contact SquareTradeUp support multiple times, but they stopped responding to my emails. I also tried calling SquareTrade, but they told me that SquareTradeUp is a different company.

The most frustrating part of this experience was the lack of clear communication and the feeling that I was being discriminated against for reasons beyond my control. I feel like I've lost out on a good deal and I'm not sure what I can do to make things right. Additionally, I am concerned about using email for future trade-ins as it adds an extra layer of complexity.

I also raised my concerns with JB HiFi, but their support team directed me back to SquareTradeUp.

I'm not sure what to do next. How should I contact a higher authority in SquareTradeUp? Or should I contact an ombudsman to help me with this issue? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Why I went for this trade-in in the first place?

I purchased the Fold 4 from Samsung's EPP portal for around 2100 AUD, and the combined value of the trade-in and gift card offered me around 1750 AUD. Moreover, the S23 Ultra was also on a discount during the pre-order promotional period (1949 AUD for 512GB). Hence, I thought it was a good deal to trade in my phone for the S23 Ultra.

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JB Hi-Fi Trade-in by Square Trade
JB Hi-Fi Trade-in by Square Trade


  • +3

    Or should I contact an ombudsman to help me with this issue?

    What would the ombudsman do?

    The main things they can do is cancel a contract or refund money you paid for a service you didn't receive. Not much else.

    • +7

      What would the ombudsman do?

      Ombudsman office worker reading the email:


    • Yes, I am not really sure about anything. I am feeling mixed bag of emotions.

    • OP is not clear on the outcome required hence

      Nothing to recommend

  • +1

    In addition to this, As SquareTradeUp is JB Hi-Fi's trade-in partner, they have not only blocked my email but also my driver's license, making it impossible for me to trade in anything on their portal in the future. This situation has left me feeling frustrated and discriminated against as a customer.

  • +1

    The customer service representative asked me to provide a photo of the device's IMEI number, which I provided. Then, they asked me to provide additional photos of me holding the device (which I did), and even after sending the pictures, they were not believing that I owned the phone I was trying to trade in.

    Seems strange, I wonder what caused the red flags

    • +1

      I've been wondering the same thing. I provided all the necessary information and photos, but they still insisted on more verification. I'm not sure what caused the red flags, but it's frustrating that I was unable to take advantage of a good deal and now have a blocked account with no clear solution.

  • +1

    This doesn't sound normal, there must be some issue or part of the story not mentioned here from your perspective to illicit such a reaction from them.

    At the end of the day, they're a business and if they deem you too risky to do business with, then they can choose not to. You can also choose not to give them your money and go elsewhere.

    • +1

      I understand where you're coming from, but I assure you that I've shared my side of the story as honestly and transparently as possible. The fact that they initially asked me for additional photos and then blocked my account without a clear explanation or an opportunity to resolve the issue has been frustrating. I also reached out to JB Hi-Fi, but they directed me back to SquareTradeUp. At this point, I'm simply looking for advice on how to proceed and what options I have to address the situation. Thanks for your understanding.

      • +1

        SquareTrade is a separate company so makes sense for JB Hi-Fi not to be involved or have a say in the process.

        How to proceed is you take your money somewhere else. They don't want you as a customer for some reason, move on. There's tons of complaints about them online so it's not just you.

        • I appreciate your input. It's frustrating to be in this situation, especially when I'm a loyal JB Hi-Fi customer. I understand that SquareTradeUp is a separate company, but they are still JB Hi-Fi's trade-in partner. I feel like I should have the same opportunities as any other customer who uses their trade-in services.

          I have already decided not to do business with them again, but I also want to make sure that my concerns are heard and that other customers are aware of the issues I faced. I hope that sharing my story, will help other people make more informed decisions when choosing a trade-in partner. Thank you for your support.

          • +2

            @sanchitdang: Nothing to do with JB Hi-Fi. It's SquareTrade, a separate company.

            Similar to all the complaints about Asurion on here, Samsung have no say in that process. It's a different company managing it.

            You can't force a bank or insurance company that doesn't want to offer you it's products due to not meeting a risk profile. Same thing here. It happens.

            • @Hybroid: That's a valid point, but it's frustrating when the lack of clear communication and unverified accusations affect customers' ability to take advantage of a good deal. It's also discouraging when they block your account and refuse to offer any explanation or resolution. While it may be a separate company, it still reflects poorly on the reputation of JB Hi-Fi and its partners.

  • Did you have any prior trade-ins that you cancelled?

    • No, this was my first time using their system for trade-in and I encountered a lot of issues right from the beginning. I even provided all the required documents and pictures, but they kept asking for more and were still not satisfied with the proof of ownership I provided. It's frustrating to be treated this way, especially since I'm a regular customer of JB HiFi and have never had such issues before.

      • since I'm a regular customer of JB HiFi and have never had such issues before.

        As Hybroid said above, squaetrade is totally seperate to JB. Your patronage to JB is literally a non-factor to them here.

        • Thank you for your reply. While I understand that SquareTradeUp is a separate company, I am still a customer of JB Hi-Fi and I believe it's important for them to be aware of any issues their customers may be experiencing with their trade-in partner. Additionally, I am seeking advice on how to resolve this issue with SquareTradeUp, as I feel like I have been treated unfairly and I don't want other customers to go through a similar experience.

          • @sanchitdang: Just out of interest - who/how did you contact JB?

            Locally in person, or email?

            • @Jimothy Wongingtons: I tried to contact JB Hi-Fi's customer support team via email, the contact box, and live chat. They were responsive and tried to help me, but they directed me back to SquareTradeUp since they are their trade-in partner. Unfortunately, I have not received any help from SquareTradeUp and they have stopped responding to my emails.

        • +2

          While they are a separate company, they should be wary of pissing off JB customers using their service if that's where their money is coming from. I imagine if they get too many complaints, JB will be looking for a new trade in partner pretty quickly. Also, if JB persist in a relationship with a partner company which is using discriminatory practices, it looks pretty bad for JB.

          • @djsweet: Absolutely agree. As a JB Hi-Fi customer, I was really disappointed with the way SquareTrade handled my trade-in. I did everything they asked for and still didn't get approved. It's frustrating and makes me feel like I'm being discriminated against. JB Hi-Fi should definitely take note of their partner's practices and address these issues. It reflects poorly on them as a company if they continue to work with a partner that is using discriminatory practices.

          • @djsweet: @djsweet anyone gotta be better than ausaurion the mob who Samsung use. What a dick around that was.

  • -1

    Why did you need to email them the information? Isn't it all done online?

    • It was not my intention to have to email them the information. The process should have been done online, and I was hoping for a smooth and hassle-free experience. However, the customer service representative asked for additional photos and even doubted that I owned the phone I was trying to trade in. It was incredibly frustrating and made me feel like a criminal for simply trying to trade in my phone. The fact that my account was blocked and I was directed to use email for future trade-ins only adds to the inconvenience and feeling of discrimination. I understand that companies have their own policies and procedures, but the lack of clear communication and the hoops they made me jump through was unacceptable.

        • Yes, I started the process online and provided the required information including the IMEI. However, later on, I was asked to provide additional photos of me holding the device and also had to send my phone to them before they would release the eGift card.

        • -1

          Nope, almost always you have to upload the photo thing now….they usually send you the voucher pretty quickly though

          • @Motek Benzona: It's great to hear that you had a smooth experience. Unfortunately, that was not the case for me. The customer service representative mailed me asking for additional photos, which I provided, but they still did not believe that I owned the phone I was trying to trade in. Additionally, I was asked to send my phone to them before they would release the eGift card, which added an extra layer of complexity and risk.

  • How does the trade in work, you wrote you want the gift cards before you give them a phone? Why would they give you hundreds in gift cards with just a promise of a phone from a random person they have not transacted with before? That seems risky.

    • +1

      That is actually how it is supposed to work.

      If you accept the quote, you’ll get your JB Hi-Fi Trade-In Credit via email immediately. No need to wait until you’ve sent your old device back.

    • In the trade-in process, SquareTradeUp generates an eGift card after verifying the trade-in device, which the customer can use towards the purchase of a new device. In my case, they asked me to send the phone to them before they would release the eGift card. However, I was concerned about sending my phone before receiving the eGift card because I would not have been able to transfer the contents from my old phone to the new one without a phone, and I would not have been able to use the trade-in credit towards my new phone's price.

      I understand the potential risk involved in releasing an eGift card before receiving the device. However, I provided them with all the necessary information (eg. my ID and Card details) and even sent them additional pictures of me holding the device to prove that I owned it. Despite this, they still did not release the eGift card, which led to frustration on my end.

      • Somethings obviously happened that made them scared, the zfold is 2500? For a 300 gift card? Would people trade these phones at 10% face value, to purchase a downgraded phone? Is that a worrying sign?

        • The deal was actually much better than what you're suggesting. The trade-in value for the Z Fold 4 was $1200, and the extra $300 trade-in credit and $250 JB gift card after purchase made it a great deal. I was planning on getting the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512GB, which was on discount, and I would only have to pay $250 out of pocket. So, it wasn't just a $300 gift card for a $2500 phone. The hoops they made me jump through were ridiculous, and it's understandable that they want to be cautious, but the lack of communication and the feeling of being discriminated against was frustrating.

          • @sanchitdang: We traded the exact same phone. I got mine for less than half price via vodafone in September and with the $1150 we got offered and the 550 bonus we came out about 500 on top. I wonder why you had the problems?

            • @Motek Benzona: That's interesting to hear. I'm not sure why I had such a difficult time with the trade-in process. Perhaps it was due to some issue with the photos I provided, or there may have been some other factor at play. Regardless, it's frustrating to miss out on a good deal.

        • You get $300 bonus credit on top of the value of the phone. A mint condition 1tb z fold 4 is valued at $1200 for trade in.

          • @CodeXD: The reason I wanted to switch was because of the improved camera and battery life on the S23 Ultra. And yes, you're correct, you get a $300 bonus credit on top of the value of the phone. In my case, a mint condition 1TB Z Fold 4 is valued at $1200 for trade-in, so I would have only had to pay $250 out of pocket for the discounted price of the S23 Ultra with the JB Hi-Fi deal.

  • +2

    I went through this process yesterday afternoon, so can understand your frustration. Were you able to send them a photo showing you holding the phone, with both your face and the phone's IMEI displayed on the screen visible at the same time? That was the challenging part that I had had to ask a second person to assist with,.

    • Thank you for understanding my frustration. Yes, I did provide photos showing me holding the phone with both my face and the phone's IMEI visible on the screen at the same time. However, even after providing these photos, they were not convinced that I owned the phone I was trying to trade in. It seems like a strange and frustrating process, especially when the promotion period was about to expire.

  • +1

    You can just setup another jbhifi/square account with different email address but

    Well i had similiar situation were my previous/original square/account,.. trade-in attempt (10 months ago) the transaction status was flagged fraudulent, have been email chatting with them last few days for the S23 ultra deal, well all the attempts with email correspondence with square at the end they could not remove that particular transaction and square told me too try to do my trade-ins elsewhere

    So somehow even with new square email account when going through tradein process to tradein current 2x Notes i have, when appling for it comes with a flag pop up stating "i need too complete last transaction", obviously the last fraudulent transaction from my other square account square can not remove, but without mentioning here how, I did find a way around too bypass this flag

    Also square was nice enough since they couldn't fix this, they gave me a $300 voucher to use with my S23 ultra purchase through jbhifi

    • It's concerning to hear that you had a similar issue with SquareTradeUp. It seems like they have a flawed system in place that is causing a lot of frustration and confusion for customers. Setting up another account with a different email address may be a possible solution, but it's not fair that customers have to go through such lengths just to use a trade-in service.

      The fact that they flagged your previous trade-in attempt as fraudulent without any explanation is alarming. It's understandable that they need to take measures to prevent fraud, but there needs to be a clear and transparent process in place for customers to understand what is happening and why. It's good to hear that they provided you with a voucher to use towards your S23 Ultra purchase, but it doesn't change the fact that their system needs improvement.

      I hope that SquareTradeUp can address these issues and provide a better experience for their customers in the future.

      • Funny the freebie $300 voucher didnt work, but have a feeling when i was at jbhifi purchasing my 2x S23 Ultras i actually used the successful $300 voucher first (succesful trade-ins $300 voucher), and so somehow automatically cancelled the freebie $300 voucher given too me, umm now im wondering if the freebie $300 voucher was entered first maybe it would have worked, oh well lesson learnt (with lesson learnt one transaction per one mobile to achive one $300 voucher per mobile) for next time lol

        • That's unfortunate about the voucher, but good to know for next time. Quick question, were you able to use the original ID and email that was flagged as fraudulent for your recent successful trade-ins? Or did you have to use a different email and/or ID? And if it was the original ID, was it approved without any issues?

          • @sanchitdang: Funny the freebie $300 voucher didnt work, but have a feeling when i was at jbhifi purchasing my 2x S23 Ultras i actually used the successful $300 voucher first (succesful trade-ins $300 voucher), and so somehow automatically cancelled the freebie $300 voucher given too me, umm now im wondering if the freebie $300 voucher was entered first maybe it would have worked, oh well lesson learnt (with lesson learnt one transaction per one mobile to achive one $300 voucher per mobile) for next time lol

            Also missed out on (cause one day late) on the $10 off Telstra $99 plan to $89 and $1100 off the S23 Ultra price, now $1000 off but Telstra on Telstra chat I managed to get $20 off plans for 12 months so now my $99 plans are $89 each for 12 months, discounts are actually 2x 6 months $20 credit discounts, ( 6 + 6 months) as they reckon the 12 months discount is not in there system anymore

            • @Italkdigital: Thanks for the heads up on the Telstra discount, I'll definitely look into that.

              Regarding the SquareTradeUp issue, it seems like their process can be inconsistent. I followed all the steps as outlined and provided all the required information, but still ran into problems. Quick question, were you able to use the original ID and email that was flagged as fraudulent for your recent successful trade-ins? Or did you have to use a different email and/or ID? And if it was the original ID, was it approved without any issues?

              It's frustrating when things don't go smoothly, but it's good to know that some people have had success with their trade-ins. Hopefully, SquareTradeUp can work on improving its processes and providing clearer communication in the future.

          • @sanchitdang: Actually that 10 months ago fraudulent transaction was my fault, as OP they started asking me to do extra steps with photos with phone etc was so over it and didnt reply back with right photos as they wanted, so lesson learnt dont mess around with square trade-ins or basically like me one is actually being banned to do future trade-ins

            But by share luck I figured out a work around, i dont think it matters which account i would have used as its all relates back too that one fraudulent transaction, ones email can be chaned so im sure its all tied too ones name and ID used

            Want to know work around PM me lolz 👍🤣😀

            • @Italkdigital: That's unfortunate to hear, but it's a good lesson to learn. It's important to follow the instructions and provide all the necessary information to avoid any issues. In my case, I did everything they asked for, but I still faced problems. It's frustrating when you've done everything right, but still end up being banned from future trade-ins.

              • @sanchitdang: There is a work around not sure if would work on your case

                Agh when following the right steps when concerning ill call "non standard vouchers/gift cards" well even the jbhifi staff dont know exactly how the system works so yes certainly a matter of learning from past mistakes

                Lets see,… I lost out on a non standard obtained $300 trade-in bonus voucher (jb should have used 1st before standard below bonus voucher), a standard obtained $300 trade-in bonus voucher (should have done a trade-in transaction per mobile not both mobiles in one trade-in transaction), day late lost out on $10 per month on jbhifi/Telstra plan price from $99 to $89 and s23 ultra discount was $1100 at purchase reduced too $1000,… with Telstra well would of been great $20 credit for 24 months each plan but managed 12 months $20 credit each plan, dam missed out on new jbhifi signup $10 gift card also lolz

                Total losses due too my fk ups lolz,…

                $300 + $300 (2x trade-in bonuses)
                $480 ($10 x 24 mths x 2 mobile plans)
                $200 (2x $100 discounts against s23s)
                $240 (2x plans 22 mths $20 credit)
                $10 (gift card signup)

                Wow funny $1500 on the dot

  • Weird, I did the same process but on my trade in phone and wasn't required to have a photo with the device - just photo ID and then a selfie video.

    • It seems that the requirements may vary depending on several factors. Perhaps the device you were trading in was not considered a high-risk item, or maybe it was a different model that they had no issues with in the past. It's hard to tell for sure, but it's clear that the process is not always consistent.

    • Same here, im sure standard process, 1st step add phone(s) to trade-in, 2nd step verify oneself, verify photo ID by scanning ID and photo of oneself, 3rd step enter address details, 4th tick few boxes, im sure thsts how the process was, somwhere imei numbers of mobiles had to be entered

      Oh if your trading in 2x mobiles (my big fk up) do one trade-in transaction per mobile or if you do 2x mobiles in one transaction you wont receive the $300 tradein bonus twice, the $300 trade-in bonus is per transaction

  • Probably just blocked for the Karen vibe the OP gives off :/

    • +1

      I understand that it may seem like I am coming off as a Karen, but it's not about that. It's the frustration of not being approved despite doing everything they asked, and feeling like I am being racially discriminated against because of it. As a customer, I expect to be treated fairly and with respect, and it's disheartening when that doesn't happen.

      • +1

        How many times did you hound them via various contact methods?

        Probably very little in it for them, so they decided the risk vs benefit of dealing with such a customer is untenable :/

        • -1

          I understand that it may not seem like much for them, but as a paying customer, I expect a certain level of service and respect. In my case, I followed all the instructions and provided all the necessary information, yet my account was blocked without any explanation. This kind of treatment is not acceptable, and it's important that businesses are held accountable for their actions. I reached out to JB Hi-Fi because I believe they should be aware of the practices of their trade-in partner, and they should take steps to ensure that their customers are treated fairly and with respect.

        • It took a lot of emails with square too try too fix my issue, there last 3x email replies always staing suggest "i look elsewhere too trade-in my 2x Note mobiles", well i went on about being a great jbhifi customer for years, third expensive Note mobile purchased under a year, bla bla bla, eventually even though it didnt work they did email me a $300 voucher code to use, I have a feeling with square there are no exceptions to edit or remove past stuck trade-in transaction attempts, they couldnt even remove my square account, though ive emailed jbhifi to completely remove my original jbhifi account, though i have a feeling its not going to remove my associated square account or past transactions, theyll be there for life lol

    • -1

      Yep too much work for them.

      They dont' have time to debate with you for hours, so you have been blocked.

      Sorry it didn't work out for you, but time to move on because debating it with ozb for hours won't achieve anything either.

      • You make a fair point, but my frustration stems from the fact that I provided all the necessary information and complied with their requirements, yet my account was still blocked without any explanation. I understand that they have their own protocols and policies, but as a customer, I expect transparency and clear communication regarding any issues that may arise.

        • There Gestapo, dont even bother anymore with them, but do fully understand your point

  • Honestly, at this stage - having not sent your phone to them, it sounds from my perspective that you probably dodged a bullet.

    There’s zero way I would be sending in a phone to a company loosely affiliated with a retailer for a promised return of a gift card, or store credit - too many things to go wrong.

    If I were you, I’d try and sell your phone privately (I understand you want to transfer information so that’s tricky) and buy the phone you want.

    It all just sounds really Mickey Mouse and odd-ball behaviour.

    • Havent a lot of people in the past negged sending in there mobiles to square? and still kept the $300 bonus trade-in voucher, i think they were just charged a very small administration fee

      Edit: yupz and made more selling there mobiles privately 👍🤣

      • Not sure about that - another user mentioned that they’ve had bad reports in the past on the site.

    • +1

      At first, I was hesitant to trade in my six-month-old Fold 4, but after seeing the improved camera and battery life offered by the S23 Ultra, I made the decision to switch. I have never used the JB Hi-Fi trade-in process before and I was simply trying to take advantage of the offer. My main concern is whether there is a way to bring this issue to the attention of higher authorities in SquareTradeUp and inform them about my experience with their customer support staff.

      • That’s fair enough. That they advertise the ability to trade in your old phone for something you’d prefer would be enticing. It would be appealing to take them up on it, as you might - the issue seems to be that they’re fairly restrictive about who, and how the process trade ins.

        It’s not something I would be trusting of, but I can certainly understand your desire to upgrade to a better phone.

        My suspicions based on your experiences, and what sound to be a number of other complaints regarding their processes with their organisation is that they would be unconcerned with your dilemma, and presumably fairly unwilling to hear your gripes.

        They’ve wasted enough of your time - as others have wisely suggested, I think you should just move on. It’s frustrating, but sometimes it’s about the only thing worthy of doing.

        • Thank you for understanding my situation. Yes, the trade-in process seemed like a great opportunity to upgrade to a better phone. However, the issues I faced with SquareTradeUp have left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

          While I understand that they may have had their reasons for being restrictive in their trade-in process, it's unfortunate that they were not more transparent about their requirements. Moreover, the lack of response from their customer support team has only added to the frustration.

          I agree that it's time to move on from this and look for other options. Thank you again for your understanding and support.

  • Is there an official ozbargain thread concerning this jbhifi deal, anyone know?

      • Thanks,. that particular deal has expired but jbhifi have another deal now,.. which is actually better deal with $1550 off the Ultra S23 range if again one signs up to Telstras $99 300gb unlimited calls/sms plan for 24 months, maybe ill go for a third purchase of the S23 Ultra well I returned back my original 2x Ultras purchased well bloody have $2950 of gift cards as part of the return so need to spend them somewhere or sell them somewhere discounted lolz

        Edit: Anyone here negged out not posting there mobile phone to JBHIFI'S square trade-up? where you would have got a trade-in voucher, value of your mobile plus the $300 bonus trade-in bonus voucher, I think past scenarios one kept the $300 trade-in bonus voucher but lost out with the trade-in value voucher of ones mobile, well I'm negging and see what happens lolz

  • +1

    I too got asked to email in a photo of me holding the phone showing the IMEI. Luckily, they sent through the trade-in voucher the next day with no further issues.

    I too thought that it was a strange request, having gone through it previously (multiple times) without any issues. I guess they must have received a number of dodgy returns (especially on high-end/value devices) so they are taking measures to reduce their risks.

    Not sure why they would ignore your responses though.

    Note for future transactions - do it early to give yourself plenty of time before pre-order bonuses expire.

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree that it is always better to be proactive and start the trade-in process early to avoid any last-minute issues. It's good to hear that you were able to successfully complete the trade-in process without any further issues.

      Regarding the strange request for a photo of the phone and the IMEI, I can understand why they would want to take extra measures to prevent any fraudulent returns. However, in my case, I did provide the requested photo and responded promptly to their emails, but unfortunately, they wanted me to ship the phone first, and they would release the gift after they received the phone on their end, which I was not comfortable with.

      Thank you for the advice on future transactions, I will keep that in mind for any future trade-ins.

  • Something was raising red flags from their side of the deal, and they decided not to deal with you. Sounds reasonable, its their right.

    • I understand that it's their right, but the issue is the lack of transparency and communication from their end. If there was a specific reason why they were not able to verify my trade-in, I should have been informed. Instead, I was left in the dark and left wondering what went wrong. This has caused a lot of frustration and disappointment on my end.

      • If there was a red flag on their end, they wouldnt necessarily tell you as they could essentially be telling you the red flag itself and you then use that to your advantage.

        As others have said, move on and use another service; heck use Mobile Monster or some other company, or even sell your phone on eBay/Gumtree/FB Marketplace, get the cash for it then use that to buy the S23 Ultra. You'll probably get close to what JB/Square offered you anyway or you may even get lucky and get more.

  • My mistake leaving till day before deal expiring lol

  • Where did you buy your phone? It sounds like the IEMI is flagged.

    • The phone was purchased from Samsung Store so the IMEI shouldn't be flagged. I went through the entire process, but my account was blocked for some reason.

  • The trade up stuff usually doesn't get you more than what you would get on ebay/marketplace

    • You make a valid point, but in my case, I purchased the Fold 4 from Samsung's EPP portal for around 2100 AUD, and the combined value of the trade-in and gift card offered me around 1750 AUD. Moreover, the S23 Ultra was also on a discount during the pre-order promotional period. Hence, I thought it was a good deal to trade in my phone for the S23 Ultra.

  • +1

    I've used squaretrade and although not perfect they are way better than Asurion

  • New better deal at JB-HiFi, $1550 discount of the new s23 Ultra range if one signs up to Telstras $99 plan 😀

  • People heart broken because of missing out on a two grand phone is heart breaking. Oh well

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