I've been tracking this for a long time and it's finally FREE again!!
Last time it was free was in January 2012 so better get it if you haven't already.
I've been tracking this for a long time and it's finally FREE again!!
Last time it was free was in January 2012 so better get it if you haven't already.
If you check the reviews for this app you'll see it started spamming users 24/7 with messages about winning free iPads. The messages can't be blocked. They either got hacked or sold on the contact details of all their users and hence generated some revenue. Either way, I don't like being woken up with spam at 3am so I became an ex-user.
I've been using it for almost 2 years… never got spammed. It's prob my most used app out there.
So you can keep in contact with your iFools and iFools only..
iMessage is horrid. I cant stand it. Photo's take forever to send and sometimes don't send at all.
Messages that I send never reach the recipient, and vise versa.
Whatsapp is by far superior to iMessage
Whatsapp is by far superior to iMessage
I've never had any problems with iMessage… even with photos and video, as long as there is a good 3G signal…
I've had issues whilst connected to the wireless in my house, other times when I've had a perfect 3G connection. Sometimes I can maybe 1 or 2 bars of 3G and it'll work. So it's not the connection that's at fault here.
When I'm trying to send photos and they don't work through iMessage, WhatsApp will send them immediately without any issues.
I now primarily use WhatsApp, with whoever I can, and have turned iMessage off completely.
obviously didnt get sucked in to signing up with vodafail like i did :(
I received a few of these messages, I still use them though.
I got that aswell…for a sec I thought I really won an IPad haha
2 Years, never got it
Nice avatar delfredo.
i thought it was always free.i have this app on both iphone and sgs2
nope.. 99c most of the time…
On Android, it is free for the first year, then $0.99 per year after that
free on android til august 11 2012 but they just extended it feb 7 2013
I thought it was just because I don't use it enough that they keep extending the free period (3 times now).
It makes no sense that they give it away for free on iOS but charge Android people.
How/Where do you get that? Mine says Jan 2013…
Correct… on Android its free for first year, then 99c per year after that … HOWEVER, my 1 year came up a few months ago and they gave me a free renewal for another 1 year. Giddy up!…
Note: Would have definitely NOT paid for Whatsapp, esp now that other similar apps, like Viber (latest update), also have similar functions (like group chat), on top of their free calls.
Free on android only.
great app
Great app that provides group conversations.
But with the recent Viber update that now has group conversations. I cannot see the need to have whatsapp installed anymore.
I got this free about a year ago - no-one seems to use it anymore. 99% iMessage 1% Viber
All you friends have iphone only?
Or at least his iPhone thinks they all have iPhones.
There were issues where people changed from an iPhone to another platforum phone but iMessage thought they were still using an iPhone. Hence the iPhone user thought they had sent a message to their contact but it never arrived and never got sent as an SMS either.
Obviously you have no idea how iMessage work, you just send a message to your contact. If that person have iMessage it will send through iMessage and will show up as Delivered if that person received it, otherwise it will send via SMS… its automatic. You can choose not to turn on iMessage.
Umm, no. I switched from iPhone to Android and my friend didn't know and her iPhone keep sending SMS by iMessage. No failed messages, not reverting to SMS. Google it and see for yourself.
@huu - Obviously YOU have no idea how iMessage works, or rather doesn't work:
This is known problem. If it has been registered previously, it will default as iMessage and send an SMS fee afterwards without your knowledge, despite having this feature disabled. The other issues i observed when testing is when 1 IOS 5 phone is unreachable, it will attempt to send as iMessage but convert to SMS after certain time without ur knowledge. IMHO, it is unreliable & occasionally i have the odd SMS 50c charges pop up in my bill.
Also Viber also won't run on my Nexus 4.1
Saves me so much money on texts! Great app
you pay for texts ??????
great app since most of my friends don't use iphone.
Viber is better and always free.
I have just installed Viber on my Nexus Jelly Bean but it won't run and crashed.
WhatsApp is more reliable!
ive been using kakao talk lately coz friends in whatsapp groupchat spam all day long
Leave the group.
Sounds like you need new friends then a new app.
I'm one of those still stuck with Symbian and so far, I haven't got charge for Watsapp yet. But then, Viber's not available on Symbian :(
The Power House Museum just called - they want their Exhibit back.
you wait, one day those Symbian will be colectiable, just like that first Apple computer, one day…
Used to be the best & 1st in breed, now losing popularity.
Competitors are too strong…
- WeChat
- iMessage (iOS only tho)
never even heard of the first two.. what's so good about them?
i've no problems or spam with whatsapp (android) whatsoever
WeChat sounds good
"You must be at least 17 years old to download this app.
Frequent/Intense Sexual Content or Nudity"
LINE is a Naver Japanese Product and Wechat is subsidary of Tencent Ltd, also the parent Chinese company of QQ which incidentally if no one knows, is a combination of twitter/facebook/whatsapp etc & a user base that outnumbers the 3 combine.
They are mainly used within the demographic community but have in recent times, more adopted into the Western world. There is also Kakao ,a Korean equivalent. They are free and i have personally used all 3 which in opinion offer better functionality than whatsapp who have got greedy in recent times. Strongly recommend them but unfortunately, humans are creatures of habit, is so annoying having to maintain so many.
better functionality like what though?
has on top of regular text/group text
push to talk messaging
which has low data usage compared to hideous whatsapps voice recorder
images/videos sharing
newly added video talk (iOS only at the moment)
free on android and iOS
User homepage (like FB), photo management, emoticons, groupings, search functionality (see who's nearby), etc … quite innovative, they've integrated every social platform you can think of & made it fun.
Give it go, it's light years ahead & you'd quickly realize whatsapp have gotten lazy & greedy. Only trouble is convicing pple to get onto it.
It's great for group chat. They've recently increased the group size to 20 contacts.
Last time it was free was in January 2012 so better buy it if you haven't already.
By buy you mean receive for free? Yeah I'll take one thanks!
haha thanks
I use imessage and viber as WhatsApp doesn't work on ipod touch.
People pay for iPhone apps?
Does this work on Ipad?
Not officially, you need to jailbreak and install some other thing I can't mention to use it.
kangaberries 5 hours 3 min ago
I've been tracking this for a long time and it's finally FREE again!!
Last time it was free was in January 2012 so better get it if you haven't already.
You make it sound so dramatic/sensationalist. It's normally only 99c anyway, so really such a big deal?
Thanks for posting for benefit of OzB users, good deal!!
I just hope there aren't people out their waiting more than 6 months to save just 99c!! I can't believe how many are going ape*hit over 99c.
I didn't wait 6months I already had it way back, I only track apps to see whether prices will drop. I only stated its been that price since Jan cause its a long time and people are just voting it up cause its a great app for free.
I agree, good app and even better for free. Even though it's already available for free for phones other than iPhone.
It's just an interesting observation into the OzB user psyche when they'll easily fork out $800 for an iPhone and then go crazy over a 99c app!!
Well we can't exactly help it if WhatsApp decide to give apple users an apple tax :/ I find that kind of a dog move.
But yeh its funny this app gets a lot of +'s
I used to use this program, till I started to get non stop spam.
My friends also got spam, saying you won money or a ipod.
Now don't use it.
This is a valid opinion or experience and should not be neg voted IMO.
In my experience, I haven't received any of that spam - yet.
I guess you get what you pay for.
Spam and no support.
Should always be free then.
This is always free on Android.
Edited: realised program was free on android
Free only for the first year I believe
yep free to download, use for a year (no ads, which is good), then after that year you need to pay 99c
worth it anyway and a good way to get android users hooked and dependent then PAY
it always gets extended…
this is great app but just beware i received lot of spam lately
Not sure about iOS version but I had it on my android and un installed it after a few days because it was constantly waking up my phone from deep sleep and draining battery. For what is a very simple app, it uses a lot of battery in the background even when you don't use it much.
not at all for me…….
I use whats app on my nokia n900 :D
i don't understand why people use these, unlimited plans are so cheap
Useful for IM communication with overseas friends where international SMS does not apply to unlimited plans.
I wonder what drives their revenue/bottom line when they neither earn regular income from apps nor display advertisements.