I work for an American company with offices in a number of countries globally. Recently got an email from HR saying they did a global audit where they discovered many employees hired before 2018 did not have background checks completed when they were first hired, and that they need this completed now for compliance purposes. The company will pay for them, so no employee needs to pay.
I've been at this company between 5-10 years, so it seems a bit illogical to get his done now.
Seems like a waste of time and money, I feel like refusing on principle (nothing to hide), but I probably will just consent to avoid the hassle and so I can get a copy.
I asked what happens if I don't consent, they responded it will be noted on my file as "non compliance", also a list of any employees that do not comply this time will be sent to the Risk and Compliance team, and will likely be asked to consent to a background check regularly going forward.
Any HR or experts in this area know if this the norm or have any insight on what impact this could possibly have on my employment (if any) if I do not consent?
Thoughts or feedback from everyone else? What would you do in this situation?
I found this confusing.