This was posted 2 years 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[QLD, NSW, VIC] Free Movies, Popcorn, Oporto Burgers & Chips @ New Farm, Ritz & Lido Cinema (New Farm, Randwick, Hawthorn)


Register now for your free ticket.

I'll just copy and paste the description from the website itself below. Please see the link for the free tickets max 2 per person.

Everyone loves chippies. Tbh, they’re the ultimate summer snack as you dip them in tomato sauce while watching the sun go down. And you know what folks love even more? FREE chippies.

There’s not much better on God’s green earth than biting into that crispy, salty stick of deliciousness. And when you don’t have to hand over your battered and bruised debit card in exchange? Priceless.

The team at Oporto also know that free chips (well, free food) is what makes life worth living. 

That’s why they’re slinging free snacks alongside your favourite flicks at the Oporto Summer Cinema Club.

‘Where can I shove free chicken and prego sauce into my mouth?’ I hear you ask.

Well, if you’re based in Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne, the Portuguese chickens have blessed you, my friend. At a series of beloved local cinemas across the Eastern Seaboard, Oporto are inviting Australians to share in a night of summer nostalgia (Double Bondi Burger in hand).

On Saturday the 11th of March, New Farm Cinema in Brisvegas will be hosting Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at 4pm, Mean Girls at 6pm and Grease at 8pm.

In Sydney, on Friday the 17th of March, the Ritz Cinemas in Randwick will screen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at 6pm, Mean Girls at 7pm and Grease at 9pm.

And finally, Melbournites will be able to catch some flicks at Lido Cinemas in Hawthorn, on Saturday the 25th of March. The cinema will be screening Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at 4pm, Mean Girls at 6pm and Grease at 8pm.

As previously mentioned, the kind folks at slow-fast food chain Oporto will be organising the catering with free chips, Spicy Chicken Bolas, Double Bondi and vegan burgers galore. There’ll also be live entertainment and DJs (not during the film, don’t worry cinephiles). And because it’s the cinema and Oporto aren’t heathens, there’ll be popcorn for each movie-goer.

While this event is FREE (!!) to attend, you do need to register to get involved and spots will go as fast as a burger at the office lunch rush so get in quick sticks. You can register at….

Ngl, this almost sounds too good to be true? But it is in fact happening so count your lucky stars. See ya there, spring chickens.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks OP - picked up tickets!

  • Damn 18+ only, got a 15 year old that loves Ferris so would of been a treat to see it at the cinema.

    • +2

      Sneak them in, Ferris would be proud!

  • Got some tickets, thanks OP!

  • Intrigued me enough to pick up a ticket, thanks OP

  • -4

    Classic Aussie movies… what’s not to love

    • +6

      Where did they say they're Aussie movies? Nothing Aussie about Portugese chicken either…

      • -2

        Not sure how many Portuguese chickens are being sacrificed… most likely to be Aussie chickens in disguise

      • +1

        Except for the fat that Oporto was started in Bondi by an Australian

        • +3

          Definitely start with the fat. Fry absolutely everything, I say

  • +1

    Thanks op grabbed two tickets. Date night sorted… and free

  • ‘Where can I shove free chicken and prego sauce into my mouth?’ I hear you ask.

    What's "Prego sauce" ?

    • -5

      Slang for semen. Or perhaps not at all

    • Bbq sauce + mayo
      You’re welcome! As the Italians would say

  • +1

    Direct link:

    Spots will be allocated on a first come basis until the allocation is exhausted.
    Max two tickets per person.
    Guests must be 18+.
    For any event related enquiries, please reach out to [email protected]

    • This sounds awfully like you could just miss out

  • Too many night owls in Sydney - all gone. Melb and Brissy still available

  • Still some for grease and mean girls in Sydney. Says just added

  • Nice deal ! 2 tickets for mean girls booked , great night coming thanks OP !

  • Tickets still available for Sydney, thanks Op

  • +1

    Thanks OP - great find 👍

    • I knew it would get oZbargained though

  • -1

    All gone. Sh1t

    • +1

      Grease is still available in VIC as of my comment.

      • Thanks. You are right. Only Grease still available.

  • If anyone Vic based can’t make it private message me 🙂

  • Love the description. Have fun at the flicks people.

  • Vic seems sold out

  • -1

    Would have liked 2 tickets to Ferris Bueller in VIC, if anyone can’t make it, please let me know :)

  • +1

    waitlist in syd, sold out?

  • Sydney sold out as well

  • +1

    "She doesn't even go here"

  • I am also on the waiting list for Sydney :)

  • +1

    Ah, man! I really wanted to see Mean Girls…… ;)

    • +1

      Ferris Bueller (your nick) wants to see Mean Girls, how ironic :D

  • Sold out, would love to see Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Grease. (Melb)

    • Really? Not interested in Mean Girls? Might pick up a tip or two…

      • +1

        lol nah saw it in college, not sure why everyone loves it, I didn't get it

  • If anyone can't make it to Mean Girls in Brisbane, please PM me, my partner and I would love to see it!

    • Hi mate, pm me if your still interested, have 2 tickets…

      • Messaged you, thanks!!!

  • +1

    Deal is Ozzybargined mate

  • Got two tickets to Mean Girls 6pm tomorrow and I can't go. Message me if you want them including where to send you the tickets in PDF format.

  • +1

    Fellow OzBargainers attending Ferris Bueller’s Day at Brisvegas today at 3PM, please post experience(s) here. What's Oporto offering? Is it all of the following?

    • Double Bondi Burger (or Vegan if you prefer)
    • Spicy Chicken Bolas
    • Chips
    • Popcorn

    Really sounds too good to be true. I'm assuming there are no drinks being offered and we may purchase from the Bar if we want to.

    • +4

      1 free drink at the bar per person. A few beers on tap, 2 wines and softdrink to choose from.

      The food was in a snack pack sort of thing. 1 burger, few chips and chicken. Popcorn as you went into the actual cinema.

    • +1

      As bemathkata said
      Plus large serves of chips.
      & 3 choices of Oporto sauces.

      On entry received stubby cooler & wristband - marked when you got the 1 drink (large beer, or large soft drink or wine).
      Later asked for a soft drink… $7.50 no thanks!

      Food came out in small batches.
      Last came out when most people had left early to get seat for movie.
      So got a second Double Bondi Burger with Spicy Chicken Bolas & Chips in snack box. Plus a large chips I ate with movie.
      They thanked me for helping clean up!
      Ferris would have approved!

      Cinema was about 1/3 - 1/2 full - likely many did not turn up on the rainy day.

      Enjoyed watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off again. Had missed lunch, so enjoyed the tasty food 👍

  • I have 2 tickets to Ferris Bueller’s Day tonight in randwick [NSW]. Msg me asap

  • I think most people turned up just for the free food and drink. Cinema had maybe 25 people in it. Had 3 beers and got two Oporto packs and one popcorn. Well run and interesting promo event but not a fan of the social media stuff they always try to get you involved in, easy enough to decline though.

  • Great night in Randwick Ritz in Sydney.
    Food was slow to arrive in packs (one delivery with 10 boxes, gone in a second, next one 15min later gone in a second etc etc), but after a bit of wait we all got food so not complaining too much here. One burger , chips and chicken pop corn ! Seriously great deal.

    Also have had "free refills" on my drinks, but I was only drinking coke Zero, I don't know if alcohol was limited but nothing was saying that it was

    • Downed 5 glasses of Prosecco, can confirm it will unlimited.

  • Thanks for the legend who posted this deal. Me and wife went to this event and it was really good.
    First time we are going to an old fashioned cinema in Australia. Good food, drinks, popcorn and a great movie classic. Attended the Ferris Buller Movie on Friday night at Randwick, Sydney.

  • Have 2 tickets for VIC, tmrw 5pm (Mean Girls) that we won't be able to use. Pm me with your email if interested

  • have 2 tix for tmr's Ferris Bueller's Day Off at 3pm in VIC, dm if interested

  • If anyone has a ticket for tonight and cant make it please let me know. Thanks so much!

    • Mine is at 5pm if u want it. Pm me ur email, I’ll try to fwd it as soon as I see it

      • Sorry I meant for the 8pm session tonight but thanks so much for offering :))

        • No worries

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