When I put in my child's age on Qantas flight search, it assumes that the toddler will not have his own seat. Does this mean I have to bump his age up to > 2 in the search prior to booking the flight? Does this affect the booking at all? I'm so confused why they don't have a "Young toddler in own seat" option
Dedicated Seat for Toddler < 2 Years on Qantas Website

Thanks @Hybroid,
I did scan this page but I missed that bit
I am assuming its because toddlers under 2 are generally on their parents laps so they are free of charge, so you'll probably have to pay for a seat.
Yeah I'm definitely keen to pay for a seat for this squirmy guy. Sydney - Oslo is a long time in the air…
wow, i admire your bravery haha. i wanna travel back to KL so bad but i know that with my 2yo it will be more work than a holiday ><
Feel like I owe it to my family to bring him so they can meet him, but I am trepidatious about the flight haha
@neme: good luck! i would be downloading as many youtube videos that can fill up your storage haha. apparently those blow up thingies that people put in front of the seats are really good for kids too so they can lie down and sleep.
There are pharmaceutical solutions. Consult your GP. Kinder for both of you.
If you are going to buy 2 seats, could you book a business class seat for yourself and share with the toddler?
looked into it but business class is 3x the price so too expensive for us