Millennius making the Samsung Galaxy Nexus even cheaper from our competitors.
$359 + $19 = $378
Millennius making the Samsung Galaxy Nexus even cheaper from our competitors.
$359 + $19 = $378
Good price for Aus Stock.
No its not Aus stock
Great deal. Was going to buy the one from Kogan for $398. Hmm, should we wait and see what's round the corner?
EDIT: Rep, you may want to update the copyright date at the bottom of the page.
@Neil, A few content information like that is out of date. Reason is the website is getting a new refreshed look, to make it More user friendly as well. All that info will be updated.
Aus stock or grey import pls rep
S3 is only $548. Are these really Aus stocks?
Can you make S3 to $500? You will kill your competitors straight away.
$529 + $19 shipping on the white SGS3 is the deal that this company should actually be advertising…what a bargain!
curious though that the SGS3 page says "12 months Australian warranty" as opposed to the other products which just say "12 months warranty"…although I doubt that implies that the SGS3 being sold by millenius is australian stock.
get the blue one in at that price and i might just have to move off from my ONE X :)
I can't see anywhere mentioned that it is an Australian stock. From the "Postage" tab:
This product will be sent via Express courier. Will usually be dispatched within 3 business days of payment and delivery time is usually 3-5 business days.
3-5 business days for Express Courier? I'll say grey import/drop shipped…
Does anyone know if Jelly Bean has been rolled out OTA for this yet?
Yes it has, a week ago at least (I'm currently running it)
Weird. Checked for system updates on mine, but nada. It did update to 4.0.4 a couple of weeks ago though.
You might be using an Australian ROM. Vodafone or Optus? Might want to flash yakju to it first and then it would OTA update to 4.1.1
I'll check it tonight. It could be an Australian ROM, but I'm not too sure since it was a gift. Thanks.
I just went through this (updating a Galaxy nexus from 4.0.4 to 4.1.1), so let me explain. The problem is that you're running a non-Google build that requires approval from Samsung. What you want is to run the pure Google build, and then you'll have the latest as soon as it's released.
Here are the full steps I took to get a pure Google 4.1.1 installed and working well on my Australian Galaxy Nexus:
This may come in handy. Awesome work my friend.
@nickj — indeed and why Google allows that on their Nexus phone is beyond me. Most Australian stock do not have Google build (at least mine from MobileCiti didn't), but many "grey imports" do.
Sweet. Nice to have these instructions all in one [PasteBin] place. Thanks!
FYI, those with a 4.0.1 Tel$tra build Nexus (yakjudv), they claim here (25 Jul 12) that an OTA update to 4.0.4 will be available "Late July".
We'll see - that promise date has moved at least 3 times in the last 3 weeks…
For Jellybean, the same page says that "Samsung is preparing an update but is yet to confirm the date it will be submitted for Telstra testing."
Some folk on other carriers (e.g. Vodafone) started to get OTA updates rolled out on June 21st. (@pauly - I'm guessing you don't have a Hel$tra build/service).
<sigh> The bigger they are, the slower they move…
Not sure why people assume this is Aus stock, nothing on the website implying it that I can see.
Good price regardless
is it the GT-i9250 one, cause the specs say LTE
The specs look like they have been copied and pasted from GSM Arena so probably not all that reliable.
Hi This is the 3G model, The LTE was inserted incorrect
Is that the standard "black" colour?
I was going to buy from Kogan however i'm going to wait (cant wait to upgrade from the crappy 3GS on Optus network) until Oct since I definitely think there will be a new Nexus phone (based on previous release history).
Black is Black.…
A $40 premium over Ti-Si
That's the Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus's predecessor
My bad. Subtle differences hard to see when you're half asleep :p
All good bruv! :)
I don't believe the next Google sponsored phone will be released for a few months (Prob Nov again to give Galaxy SIII some room to sell).
I have the same question. I am buying for a family member who I know specifically wants Black. Is Titanium Silver the same as the ones listed as Black elsewhere, or is there a different colour that is actually black/darker? To my knowledge they only come in 2 colours (Ti silver and white).
Actually I don't think I've seen a Galaxy Nexus in black. Yes the front colour is black (underneath the one piece front glass, like most phones), but back plastic is either titanium-silver or white (which is more rare).
There might be ways to get black back cover.
Thanks :-) had same question
Could you state your warranty arrangements for repair?
3G -
HSDPA, 21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps; LTE
LTE? Works with Telstra?
No it doesn't support Telstra's LTE,
LTE has been deleted, It was inserted incorrect. These are 3G
Come on Kogan, beat the price!! I'd be happy to see it hit $200 range tag.
ya, next year when nexus discountinued.
Seeing as even the Nexus S cannot be had for $200 brand new, I can't see that ever happening (it'll be long since discontinued before it hits that kind of price).
I also agree that $359 is a bit pricey for this phone nowadays, but its a good phone nevertheless. $349 inc post would be a good sweet-spot.
The warranty says 12mths = Grey import
i know thinkofus sometimes has the same model at $399 including shipping. Australia stock.
Not exactly, in my memory, from 14-16 Jul, it was in Stock.
Maybe then, but today it says:
Stock Status:(Out of Stock)
it is in stock NOW!
That's just bizarre…I literally checked within seconds of posting that comment!!!
Oh well, good price & thanks for the heads-up! :)
me too. weird.
Most people consider "local" or "Australian" stock to mean it's procured from and supported by the manufacturer in Australia, but alas technically it means they have in stock in Australia (ie they dont drop ship from OS). It doesn't mean they haven't imported it.
They site says it's local stock & it mentions, "24 Months Manufacturer's Warranty"
I was a bit skeptical at the price, but Live chat just told me
"The warranty is through Samsung. This is Australian Stock. "
here is the email i got in 13th Jul. and i did check it on their website,it was available till 16th noon.
A product you showed interest in is now in stock.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus i9250 (Australian Stock) Samsung Galaxy Nexus i9250, $399.99
Read more about this product
Xtreme Partners Co Ltd.
Just checked now and it's $389 in stock.
Is this site any good?
horrible website!
How come the 'google nexus' is more expensive than 'Galaxy Nexus' on your website? Isn't google nexus a predecessor to the galaxy nexus ? I smell something fishy here !
webiste appears broken to me. Can't even browse the phone section. I get a "forbidden" error
Google Nexus smartphone release history
Nexus One (HTC) - Jan 2010
Nexus S (Samsung) - Dec 2010
Galaxy Nexus (Samsung) - Nov 2011
"Nexus 4" (???) - Sometime 2012 for sure?
Yeah, Probably Oct-Nov and it will be either by Asus or Moto.
Nexus S is $399 on their website while Galaxy Nexus is $359. Puzzled !
Hi guys, just new here. has a cheaper offer for this product. $369.85 shipped. Just wondering whether crazybuy is a good seller. thanks…
Both sites look pretty dodgy, but this one looks less so.
Millenius your page is being blocked by trend micro F.Y.I:
"Verified fraudulent page or threat source" That won't be good for business..
Anyone got experience with this seller?
how long does it take to ship to canada? is the price in australian dollars?
o.O what is a canadian doing on Ozbargain ?
Has the deal ended?
It is now showing up as $379.00 + $19.00 Shipping. = $398.00
Wow Kogan vs Millennius!
"It's Millennius for the rest of us" (for those old enough to understand this sitcom reference!)
"Millennius making the Samsung Galaxy Nexus even cheaper from our competitors."
Thanks for making it cheaper from your competitors, I'll wait for their price drops then.