Here's a picture of the front and back of the box.
Saw this today whilst at Bunnings. Bit annoyed I paid $99 for 2 in the last deal, but them's the breaks. 5 batteries should be enough…
Employee told me they stocked the shelves 2 days ago.
Note: Doesn't come with a charger.
- Compatible With OzitoPXC Range
- 3 x 4.0Ah Batteries
- Built In Charge Check
These high capacity Ozito PXC 18V 4.0Ah Batteries provide reliable power and extended runtimes, so you’ll spend less time waiting and more time doing. Whether it’s a drill, sander, jigsaw, mower, blower or hedge trimmer, pair these with any tool from the Ozito PXC home and garden range for your next DIY project.
The 4.0Ah Battery can be charged within 75mins with the PXC Fast Charger or 160mins with the Standard Charger.
great price for a 3-pack