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Emergency Safety Car Glass Hammer with Seatbelt Cutter $6.95 Shipped @ lhkhsh-8 eBay


Emergency Safety Car Glass Hammer with Seatbelt Cutter

$6.95 With Free Shipping And Lots In Stock

A Important tool for car

Set yourself free from the danger by cutting the seat belt

You can break the car window in an emergency situation

Fixed in a holder, it will not fall even if the car bumps, and can be removed easily.

Material: ABS and chrome

Dimensions: 13 x 7.5cm

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Honestly; who needs this?
    Guarantee you will misplace it before you need it

    • -1

      exactly, this is like wearing a hemlet outdoor in case a meteor will hit you on the head one day.

      • +6

        Ohhhh. Hadn't thought of that possibility. Do you have any links to high quality helmets at a good price?

    • +1

      For breaking in not out

    • +7

      Tesla drivers.

      • yes, only teslas passengers/drivers find themselves trapped and unable to free themselves from the seatbelt and cars.

        doesn't happens to any other cars right?

    • duck tape it to the windscreen, problem solved!

    • who needs this?
      A Important tool for car

      It’s for the car, not the driver or passengers.

      it’s when the car is integrated with ChatGPT and autonomous break own window and self cut seat belt…. But then this tool will be obsolete…

      • +3

        imagine the CarGPT gets pissed off at your driving and cuts you instead. lol

        • I like to see that.

    • +1

      Have kids in car seats, would rather have this and never use it than wish I did have it.

      • +1

        Please don't.
        Little humans who won't comply and get in their car seats are not the intended target for this mini human sized hammer.
        You are supposed to use it to break windows, not little heads!

        Just pull the headrest off the seat and use the spokes on the headset if you are desperate and they won't get in their seats. Can start with the headrest part and if they still wont comply, use the spokes.

    • Thieves?

      In all seriousness, I have one as well, just nice to know it's in the car and the kids/wife can use it to break windows if needed. Cars do have crashes, and sometimes the windows are a problem. Additionally, it could be helping someone else in their car that crashed, or even breaking a window with a kid locked inside.

      • -4

        breaking a window with a kid locked inside. .. Um if the unit is inside the car as well as the kid… Well, I will let you think about that.

        • +3

          I read this as to break someone elses window if a kid was trapped inside i.e. assist with another vehicle, not your own.

        • +1

          Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant breaking someone elses car window with it. Carrying something around in your car would make it useful for others in need as well.

          • @BarginBandit: All good. was being a smartie. Not sure why the negs on my comment tho.

      • -1

        There are plenty of alternatives in an emergency, assuming you have the nous and adequate knowledge of what to do and what not to do (eg moving an injured person). Imminent extreme danger is a whole different thing.

        • Imminent extreme danger is exactly why this would be used. Obviously if there was no imminent danger, there'd be no need to break the window.

        • not that i would wish this on someone, but standing around a flipped vehicle because you can't get the passengers out due to jammed seat belts is not something you would want to do.

          things like this changes you when it happens to you.

          but hey, internet people like to go for the cheap tesla and car thieves shots in the safety of their armchairs.

          • -2

            @slowmo: All hypothetical but in the infinitesimally small chance that happens you'd want to know what you're doing to begin with, and not have to fcuk around with a pathetic belt cutter like this would be a good starting point. But if devices like these are a security blanket then there's nothing wrong with having one. As I suggested above, unless there is imminent danger - fire etc - then apart from checking responsiveness and ABC most people are better off waiting for expert help. There's a reason why S is in DRSABCD. Doing a basic first aid course will be far more valuable to your family and community.

    • +8

      I always used to think this. Then we were involved in a crash where our car rolled over. I had two kids in the back, jumped out of the front and straight around to their doors - both doors were hard to open and I was able to easily unclick the kids and get them out, but ever since I kept wondering what I would have done if their doors were stuck or the car was still upside down.

      Now I have a couple of these unnecessary tools in the car, one in the centre console and one in the glovebox.

    • +2

      When you see kids being left in a hot car by some numpty and you need to get them out

    • +1

      Plenty of people need this!
      They are sold out in San Francisco, or the next dodgy suburb near you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWeu2dxHRDg&ab_channel=MarkR…

  • +13

    I like these tools. Simple and effective.
    As a tip, you can also use the headrests from your car seats. Pull them all the way out and you will notice that most have a pointed or rounded tip on the end of the steel shaft. It also means that you have something large to grasp with both hands when driving the spikes through the window rather than the smaller handle on these little hammers.
    Just my $0.02 worth.

    • +1

      its slightly annoying to remove headrests normally, Id hate to see how hard it would be to do after an accident in an emergency. Then you also have to get enough swing and direction to sucessfully do it(even in a few swings) check some youtube clips out.

      • +1

        I get what you are saying and yet the body does some amazing things in high stress/adrenalin fueled situations.
        It's not a strategy for everyone. I was just wanting to offer a free alternative for people who were not aware. :-)
        I learnt this tip from my time as a Rescue Paramedic. Cheers.

    • +1

      fwiw, some headrests are difficult on itself to remove when the car is in a normal position, nevermind if it's in an abnormal position.
      and there are cars with fixed headrests because bucket racing seats.

      my $0.02

      • yep. my car has integrated headrests and it isn't even a racing seat. i love it though; has a metal seatback you can attach magnetic gizmos to

  • Does this fit in glovebox? 😜

    • +1

      It depends on how many gloves you have in there.

  • +6

    These are also super useful for swatting mozzies on your windscreen. You do need to use a light touch though.

    • That poor mozzie wouldn't know what hit it. Holy Shit

  • +1

    Who needs a new car when you've got one of this aye?

    • +2

      this one trick, car salespeople hate them!

    • Every day can be new (well, maybe used) car day?

  • OP What's the store?

  • +2

    I’ll just MacGyver my way out with some bubblegum, hair clip and matchstick

    • This is one occasion where a rusty nail might actually do the trick…

  • +2

    $3.50 delivered from aliexpress.

  • The way people drive in this country, this is a godsend, indeed! OP… 👏

  • -1

    Probably wont work on tinted windows.

  • +3

    I’ve wanted something like this ever since a man was in flood waters and drowned in his car.

  • +1

    Good for when you drive into the river or lake. Don't ask me - it happens.

    • +2

      Or flood waters… That happens.

    • +2

      The seatbelt cutter is as important as the glass breaker, because seat belts can be hard to release in overturned vehicles.
      A friend at Uni told me about failing to rescue someone from a vehicle in water because of this.

    • +1

      "Maybe it's a shortcut, Dwight. It said go to the right."

  • Came here to see if this was being trolled by the usual ozbargainer knowitalls.
    I wasn’t disappointed.

    I guess you guys never seen these on public buses either.
    Because why would they install them if they were as useless and many of you here make out they are.

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