Renewing Pet Insurance. Which Insurer?

My Pet insurance is coming up for renewal. As with all companies right now they have increased their prices somewhat. Just looking at who others are using? Looking at top coverage with $0 excess. Also, want a "no-fuss" company. ie. One that isn't going to run me around if I make a claim. I don't have time for that and am prepared obviously to pay more than the cheapest options.


  • -6

    Do you need it?

    • -4

      Not sure where I asked whether I needed pet insurance. But, the answer is yes, yes I do. Now, can you answer my original question or quietly GTFO

      • +2

        holy agression batman

      • -3

        Ok angry boomer

  • +1

    Just switched from Bow Wow Meow (after consecutive and exorbitant premium increases) to Pets On Me. Seemed to be well reviewed and were much cheaper

    • Pets on me seem to be the most expensive I have seen (by far), doesn't offer $0 excess and has the lowest coverage amount.

      • +1

        I would expect a range of factors would go into calculating premiums but they were over $50 cheaper per month and from memory the coverage was very similar to Bow Wow Meow.
        Credit where credit is due, Bow Wow Meow were very easy to deal with.

        • +1

          One thing I've noticed is that the quotes are all over the place and what's cheapest one day isn't necessarily cheapest the next.

    • +2

      Bow Wow Meow

      I had to laugh. I can't imagine working there and answering the phone with 'Bow Wow Meow' every time with a straight face.

  • Go with everyday insurance for the 1x monthly 10% off woolworths/bws/bigw shop. Makes it worthwhile.

    • That's who I am with currently… Their retention team has offered me 3 months free to continue but their increases are still i bit too much. I'm sure there is better out there.

      Edit: Didn't realize I could use the 10% off at Big W. That's more useful to me than Woolworths.

      • 3 months free? How did you get that? I accepted one month free from Pet Insurance Australia PIA

        • +1

          I don't know. I just rang them up and said I would cancel at the end of my policy period because their increases were too much. This was their counteroffer. To suggest that I was a master negotiator would be inaccurate.

        • +2

          PIA give 3 months on new accounts with PIA303 code. Says expired but seems to still work on quotes.

  • +2

    I just put money in a bank account every pay and pay the bills when I need to

    • -4

      That's nice but not answering my question at all.

    • +2

      At what cost would you decide to let your pet go? E.g. if a surgery came up that was $10k, would you pay it? What about 15k? That's not a decision I want to have to make.

  • HCF pet insurance, used them for years, never been a problem with claims, vet puts it straight through to them and usually get paid in couple of weeks. You get 10% off if they are your health insurer.
    There are cheaper ones but they've been good to deal with over the years so I've stuck with them.

  • What kind of pet do you have.

    • +1

      Not sure where OP said you could ask this question.

      • +2

        but relevant to the topic, not like your comments

  • -1

    90% of them are the same insurer and it's quite expensive. Just put $3000 aside and you'll be good.

    • man garuntee the day i stop my dogs hurt themselves

    • +1

      And my work mate's dog needed two surgeries, cost around $12k lol

      • yikes.

        I think there is an alternative option when it goes over $3000

        • Yeah , you need to draw a line, then gain I don't own a pet :)

          • +2

            @boomramada: You can draw a line or have insurance.

          • +1

            @boomramada: No one wants to draw a line when it comes to a pet they love.

            A dog may cost $2k, but It's not like a $2k car that becomes too expensive to fix one day, you will pay whatever it takes to fix your $2k dog. This is why pet insurance makes sense.

            It's like skipping 3rd party car insurance, without insurance, there's no upper bound on the costs that you may incur, so it's not a solution just to 'put $3000 in your bank account'

  • from what age it is ideal to have insurance? getting a puppy soon

    • +1

      The start.. its chepeast that way.

    • Earliest is best.

  • +3

    I’m with RSPCA for a pure breed dog and was a good price. Just make sure if you have claimed anything under your current pet insurance your new pet insurance will not cover those issues. Pre existing conditions are not covered when you move so if your pet has had a joint issue or surgery etc you will not be covered for that joint at your new insurance company, just keep that in mind

  • I got a quote from a company called Potiki which was cheaper than my current Woolworths pet insurance. When I'm due for renewal I'll definitely be checking again. Most importantly for me it covers IVDD which can be an expensive issue in my dog's breed.

  • +2

    10 years ago, it was $670/year, I just got my renewal for PIA for 80% coverage, $4516.19 per year ( 14 year old poodle), that's more than my families health insurance. Beware they will price you out of renewal when they feel that the dog is getting older/risky. Of course, no insurance company will take a new policy for 14 year old dog, so its $4K or self-insurance. So, with hindsight, better to have put the premiums each year aside $20K we have spent on insurance in an account. So I recommend self insurance.

  • +1

    There is only 2 pet insurers in Australia.
    All companies resell one of these two.

    You are better off setting up a high interest savings account and putting $50-$100 a month into it.

    Pet insurers are terrible now. There literally is not any value to having it over a rainy day fund.

    • I was thinking the same re. only two insurers. Seems the prices are all very much close together and the clauses are somewhat difficult to follow. Makes it very hard to know exactly what is covered and what isn't.
      At the end of the day though, all insurance has no value, that is, until you need it.

    • Which are these two?

  • +2

    I am with woolies pet insurance. premiums insane. however i have called up on two occasions now threatening to cancel and each time they have then given me the next 3 months for free. so all up i have got 6 months of no premiums with them. worth calling up and seeing

    • +1

      I've got a few weeks until my renewal. I rang them yesterday and the first thing they did was offer me 3 months free, I'm thinking they may get more generous as the final date comes closer so will give them another chance to offer a better deal. 6 months with no premium would certainly seal the deal.

  • Totally disagree with the above and I here is why SUBLIMITS They all have sub limits. The only one I found that doesn't is Knose Pet Insurance. With Knose what you see is what you get. You can choose your limit, I think there is three but up to 25k which is what I went with. Then you can have a choice of percent too. 70 80 or 90. But that is what you are insured for.
    Massive difference when you have a 10 k surgery. Do you want to be covered for the 10k which you would with Knose or a 3k sublimit which so many of the above have? Was an easy choice for me. Also the other thing I learned was if you add an excess in the quote tool it brings your monthly payment down, BUT you only pay it once a year. Not every time you make a claim. I love it. I wasn't sure what I was doing at first so called them. So friendly and helpful, really glad I did. Knose have been amazing. I made one claim so far and it was in my account within days

  • Pets on me. $50 excess. $20k coverage. Compared 14 different insurers. Picked their PDS apart in fine detail. Spent nearly 4 hours on phone (recorded it and asked them to record it) asking specific clarification for most causes.

    Two dogs. Top cover including dental. One got pancreatitis, total $2800. Made claim Wednesday night online, paid with no dramas by Thursday lunch.

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