• expired

First Choice Liquor: 20% Cashback ($50 Cap), [Westpac] 10% Bonus ($20 Cap), [Westpac] MYER: $15 Bonus ($50 Min Spend) @ ShopBack


First Choice Liquor


  • Penfolds and Dom Perignon products is ineligible for cashback, as of 11th August 2022.
  • First Choice Liquor orders paid partially or in full with any gift cards will be ineligible for cashback.
  • Purchase of Giftcards
  • Returns, exchanges & cancellations
  • Cashback is not applicable for purchases made via the First Choice Liquor app

When will I get my Cashback?

Purchase Tracked In Claim In
Today 2 days 35 days

Here’s a photo that shows both of the cashback rates mentioned


$15 bonus Westpac cashback ($50 min spend)

Terms and Conditions

$15 bonus Cashback when you spend a minimum of $50 in a single transaction at Myer (excluding delivery and all other fees) with your eligible Westpac card. Limited to 1 transaction per customer.

BG’s Notes:

  • Multiple transactions are allowed unless it’s specified it’s capped per member. First Choice Liquor is fine, but Myer has a limit of 1 transaction per customer
  • The bonus cashback tracks as a separate line along with the upsize cashback and it’s not in addition that’s added onto the order total
  • The list of eligible Westpac cards can be found here

Referral Links

Referral: random (3587)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

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ShopBack AU
First Choice Liquor
First Choice Liquor

closed Comments

  • +4

    My 3 orders from myer has been cancelled. Tried to talk to online servo who are useless arrogant and unfriendly. So I gave up. No more shopping with myer. Wasting time n efforts. No more games of paying n refunding. Damn. You won’t get a Cashback reward if the order is cancelled. Dunt waste ur time and efforts and ends up with getting refund and no cash back at all.

    • Myer costomer service team is a funny team

  • This Westpac deal with Shopback is getting close to being worth opening a westpac account for.

    Or am I just the target of good advertising/marketing?

    • They got me, caved and opened an account recently, another one to add to the list to churn $2k around all my accounts once a month haha

      • lol same. It's only going from HSBC to Westpac, so one more carriage to the train…

        • I really wish HSBC would hurry up and support osko payments. Bullet train turns into a steam engine when it hits that stop.

          • @gilbarc: lmao there are so many things HSBC should do to change their system… But turns out my time and patience can be bought @ 2%.

            • +1

              @Alley Cat: Oh same. But I'm still going to gripe about it once a month 😄

    • By the time you open one, they'll stop doing these promos.

      That's the whole point.

    • Just open a Westpac Everyday Account with a linked debit card - it's free if you are < 30yo or over 55
      No need to wait for the debit card to arrive in the mail - you get a virtual card through their app and you can register it with SB within minutes

      • Great, didn’t know that, no monthly deposit required to avoid fees?

        • +1

          Not if you are in the above age groups, if you aren't check out what options they offer but bottom line you don't need a credit card, a simple no-frills everyday account linked to a Visa/MC debit card will suffice :)

          PS see below re: fees from the Westpac website

          Account-Keeping Fee $5/month
          This fee is waived for:
          - Customers that deposit at least $2,000 each month
          - Customer under the age of 30 or full-time tertiary students
          - Australian Pensioner Concession or Health Care Card holders
          - New to Australia or expatriate customers (for the first 12 months)

          They also have a fee-free Westpac account for 55+ and Retired folks

      • Yeah, alot of people don't fall into that 😂

      • Awesome, oh wait I'm over 30 and under 55… $2k churn train for this middle aged dude… Choo choo

        • +1

          Thanks to OSKO the train can stop at several stations all within a few minutes ;)

      • I think the over 55's have to be retired.

  • Can I use with $10 off promo code?

  • How does this Westpac extra cashback work?

    All I need to do is using an eligible Westpac card?

    • +1

      Yes, and you need to pay for the items with the westpac card. Seems to be working for me so far.

      • With the same cashback rate?
        How do they calculate the cashback value?

  • +1

    Can't see fc listed under Westpac screen

    • +1

      I found it under Online Deals —> clicked on See All. There are a couple of banners, keep swiping right and you can see a Westpac FCL banner

      Here’s a photo

      • +1

        Thanks there it is. Wasn't clear if it needed an opt in, looks like you just click and buy

  • How about a permanent bargain: getting the nanny state to drop all alcohol taxes except a GST. Tax alcohol at the same rate as electonics and processed food.

    "At $2.26 per litre for packaged beer, Australians pay 17 times more beer tax than Germany ($0.13), 15 times more than Spain ($0.15), 7 times more than the US ($0.31), 6 times more than Canada ($0.35), 4.5 times more than France and Italy ($0.50), and approaching double that of New Zealand ($1.26). Australians pay one-third more than the UK ($1.52)."

    • +11

      The best bargain is not to drink any alcohol, save $$$, better health, better sleep, no hangovers, do less stupid things, consume less calories, be more productive. All that for $0 and tax free.

      Alcohol is shit for you liver, your sleep, your microbiome, packed with calories, makes people do stupid things, is quite frankly a waste of money.

      I stopped drinking back in 2019, can't say I miss it much other than less very late nights out with mates.

      • +1

        It's the way it's going, people can't afford drinking so there is more and more people slowing down.

      • -2

        Or let people do whatever tf they want without being condescending and righteous about it because it's a free country?

        • Explain how sharing a bargain is condescending or limiting your freedom? Spend all your $$$ on booze and get drunk, shag a sheep for all I care.

          There that's condescending.

          • -1

            @reactor-au: We are here to share bargains yet they guy is criticizing some guy for wanting a better bargain on alcohol

      • They see you coming from miles away and agree with you by offering alcohol-free beer, wine and all kinds of nonsense. Same with meat-free meat, or whatever that is. Oh and nicotine patches.

        And no, it's not always detrimental to your health, all about why you use it and how you use it. It is in this culture people seem to use it to feel happy, whereas in a lot of other parts of the world, it's commonly used when people are already happy, as a celebration not self-medication.

    • +1

      @Thaal Sinestro I agree with you that the costs mounted on alcohol in oz are too high (excise or wet tax, gst +/- customs e.g. For whisky) especially when compared to other countries.

      However some of it is essential as it will go to the government and hopefully will be pushed back into things like healthcare to deal with the negative health effects of alcohol. I do think though that they should rationalise excise on alcoholic drinks better and not favour one or the other e.g. The favourable low wine excise rates. If they did this the excise. Revenue would increase as a whole and they could then lower the excise rates against all alcohol products to compensate… Though knowing them they wouldn't

  • These westpac offers are tricky. Some need to be started in the challenge section, some dun seem to.

    Last time I forgot to click start before making purchase. Luckily shopback gave me goodwill credit.

  • Can't find the Westpac $10 bonus in the Westpac lounge page.
    Have i missed something?

    • Same, maybe it's targeted?

      I see the Myer one though.

      • +2

        Thanks, I see that now too but when I click through it just goes to the Westpac lounge area where it's not there anymore.

        Is there a chance it's been left there by mistake or yet to be updated in the lounge?

        • +1

          Pinging @gotyourback to confirm the below assumption

          The upsized base rate matches with the banner, prolly just forgotten to add it to the Westpac lounge

        • +3


          The 10% Westpac bonus has now been added to the Westpac Lounge

  • Just closed Westpac credit card. Instant regret…

  • +1

    Damn need another myer 20% off

  • +1

    20% off liquor at Coles online (including GST).

    *Prices might be slightly higher, but remember 20% cashback here is actually ~18%

    **ColesFu must be strong to navigate the website.

  • Someone mentioned champagne jumped 20%< so the 20% cashbacks are worthless now.

    It's funny because wine sales are down, yet they put prices up.

    I was discussing this with a worker at BWS once.

  • Are these any good Australian Craft Starter Pack? I feel like my parents should have bought me those way back, a bit late to start now.

  • What do members here thing of the Travla mid strength beer? I’ve never bought anything other than full strength previously but see some merit in having some middy stock in the mix - particularly if the taste is there. Thoughts on this one from those who have sampled? :)
    Online reviews seem okay.

  • Do click and collect orders with First Choice not "track" until you've picked up.the item? I made a C&C order in Saturday but haven't yet been able.to pick it up and haven't received a tracking email from Shopback.

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