Is It OK to Charge Friends for Snacks on a Camping Trip?

Someone I know who is going camping with a large group of us this weekend intends to bring a large number of snacks in his 4WD.

He wants to sell the snacks he is bringing. Is it OK to do this?

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  • +17

    That’s tight, like tight ass

    • +4

      and most probably OP be unfriended after the trip.

      Or IOUs that will never be paid.

    • That's Brodening.

  • +8

    Profiting from friends…hmmmm that's a tough one.

    • +1

      not if he sells for what it cost.

  • +12

    Are you the one trying to sell it

  • +5

    Who is paying for the petrol?

  • +27

    Someone I know

    Please don't charge them OP.

    Also, have fun camping.

  • +26

    If he volunteered to do the shopping and asked everyone to chip in $10 or whatever then that is cool, but is he setting up a school canteen or something?

    • +1

      chip in


    • +18

      Yeah grabbing a bunch of things for everyone and asking for a contribution is fair.

      Charging people by the item is bloody weird.

      • +3

        I want to imagine the ‘friend’ - in a resident evil 4 merchant costume on the beach

        What are ya buyinggggg
        What are ya sellinggg
        Ahhhhh I’ll buy it at a high priceeee
        evil laughter

  • +1

    Definitely not. I have a family member with chickens that wants to charge their family for eggs. What are your thoughts on that?

    • +3

      Throw rocks on their roof while they are trying to sleep.

      • Put chickenfeed on their roof and hear them fight over it at dawn…

    • Plenty of people, especially me, would love to buy fresh eggs so there is no need for her to sell to family.

    • Bloody scousers I say

    • Family and friends contributing to things/ activities/ etc - OK
      Charging family and friends (except where you are expressly doing them a favour by ordering/ buying something on their behalf and you are simply being reimbursed at cost) - Not OK

  • +3

    Sharing is caring. Are you (or your friend) really going to quibble over a few bucks. Even if it was at cost, it really is weird and will probably leave a bad taste for everyone going camping.

  • +5

    Amateur business plan. Get to remote location, slash everyone's tires including your own, keep raising prices on the snacks each day until search crews find you.

    • +2

      Rookie business plan to just rely on snacks for sales. Need to include bottled water and most of all, toilet paper!

      • +5

        "Whoops it seems I have directed us all into a large patch of stinging nettle, lucky I have available here this bottle of Stingose that I am offering at the bargain price of $5.95 a spritz"

        • +3

          "No money? No problem! For the women, I have some seeds, dirty water nearby and a hoe. Proceed to start planting for the seasons ahead. As for the men, I have need for a house and I'm not evil, please also do a shelter for yourselves after my house. Here's the IKEA house build kit and the L Shape. I will pay in snacks as per market supply/demand."

  • +2

    How expensive are these snacks????? Going camping as s group is going to incur costs for various members which benefit the group as a whole. Are each of you going to attempt to quantify how each of the costs you incur benefit the others and ask for payment? Seems super weird. For shared purchases of a significant amount, everyone should chip in (petrol for instance). For snacks… maybe if you buy like $100 of snacks to share.

  • +3

    Camping food is like beer to a party… what is brought cannot be taken home.

  • +1

    Yes, he's okay to bring it and charge it if anyone wants to pay. I'll eat my own snacks, thanks.

    Seriously, why is he bringing snacks to sell to friends on a trip? To make up for petrol, depreciation of vehicle, etc?

  • +4

    Dick move.

    You should bring your own snacks to share with everyone.

  • if there is a happy ending involved, its okay to pay

  • i would say friend no more.

  • +1

    If you're all stoners he will make a killing ;)

  • No.

    What's the context tho? Is he taking everyone camping or is everyone bringing their own cars etc

  • -1

    I mean, no-one is forcing you all to buy them.

    Or stopping you from buying similar snacks and either a) selling them slightly cheaper, or b) giving them away for free.

    • +1

      Good idea. Just buy a heap of snacks as well and share them with everyone for free

  • +1

    just tell everyone to bring their own. issue solved.

  • +1

    camping with a large group of us

    If it was me, I'd bring along my own stash and undercut him on every sale to teach him a lesson about competition and arbitrage.

  • +1

    you should buy the same snacks and undercut him

    • +1

      this is the way!!!!

  • LOL no man. Not cool!

  • Are you the type of friends to pay the driver back somehow for taking all of you? Is he fronting up the petrol, snacks, gear etc?

  • +2

    Just make an arrangement with the friends to supply the snacks they want, then calculate the total cost and split the bill afterwards instead. Charging by the item is weird and makes people think you're a business.

  • +1

    I want to know if it's ok to charge a stranger, in this case the OP, for reading this terrible thread.

    • THIS is the way :)

  • -1

    Everyone cancel on him on the day!

  • +1

    Where are you camping?

    Might come set up a rival store out of my boot 😂

  • Is this what your friend drives? Snacks If so, maybe you're confused.

  • so he can eat for free !!!!

  • +2

    Is he a friend or acquaintance?

    It's OK for him to sell them but its also OK for others not to buy them or not offer him any food or drink for free.

  • NO!

  • -1

    Don't forget to prompt for a tip and charger credit card surcharge/overdraft fees on their purchases. Maybe offer a subscription deal. If they sign up for the monthly plan of $10/month you they can get 10% off one purchase.

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