I'm Surprising My Wife with a New Tesla Today. How Should I Reveal The Surprise?

Hi Everyone,

I've bought a Tesla Model 3 for my wife and pick it up today. She is working until 7pm and doesn't know about it. Just trying to figure out what the best way to give it to her is and need some ozbargain wisdom.

Any other ideas are welcome.

Poll Options

  • 41
    Swap her cars at work and leave the new key in her bag
  • 12
    Park the Tesla in her garage
  • 13
    Park the Tesla in the driveway
  • 540
    Pick her up in the Tesla and take her for dinner
  • 34
    Something else?


        • What about the other half?

        • haha this sounds like someone at work

        • +1 for ShitTok

        • -1

          you forgot the douchebag number plates that just about every Tesla owner puts on their car, like BYE OIL, etc.

          • @PleasureMe: those are just douchebags, plenty of that about

    • +4

      OP: - surprise, i bought you a tesla.
      OP wife: - I can finally hang around with the cool mums after school drop off

      • +2

        Nah, you at least need model Y or SUV

      • Nah cool mums have suvs or supercharged Rangies

        • Is a supercharged Rangie not an SUV?

          • @MS Paint: ha ha probably those that can afford them would posit they are super suv's

    • +20

      Gunnar: Surprise I bought you a Tesla
      Gunnar Wife: Couldn’t you have an affair like a normal person? I’d be far less ashamed

    • +1


      Remember the ad campaign:

      "I bought a Jeep" lol

      People said that (never),

    • One of my kids schoolmates mum was telling me about this.

      Her husband "bought his mum a Tesla" - knowing good well that the mum wouldn't like it, as she doesn't like electronics, is reasonably elderly, and would just prefer a simpler car. So the idea is then the mother in law can swap cars with her (Kia), and he basically has the Tesla at home, his mum gets a late model Kia.

      The problem is, the wife has no interest in a Tesla. She loves her Kia, and she's quite frankly, (profanity) off with him, that he's orchestrated this bullshit scenario, where she loses the car she loves.

      Reason he can't just buy one for himself, is because he's a tradie so needs a ute.

  • +2

    Why would sitting in ANY car be great ?

    Being locked up in a box, just sitting there, looking at other morons sitting in another car… i fail to see the joy in that ?

    • +25

      My car makes loud broom broom noises and goes fast tho

      • +1

        And going fast at 30km on Parramatta road is exciting for how long ?

        • +7

          Probably the reason why I don't drive on Parramatta road?

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: All roads, are boring. Going in a straight line at 10 or 100 is boring. Being a passenger in a car looking out a window at any speed is boring.

            • +5

              @CowFrogHorse: I take it you've never been on the Great Alpine or Black Spur.

              • +2

                @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Went for a drive on Black Spur 2 weeks ago oo man what a DRIVEEE, had whole road to myself and my car make boom boom noises too, probably one of the best drives I've ever done.

                @CowFrogHorse, doesn't have to be boring, if you're in MEL hit me up I"ll take you for a drive, I am sure it will change your perspective about drive = boring.

                • +2

                  @RobotWizard: I did 50% of my L plate driving through the black spur. It ignited a passion for spirited driving that remains to this day. Thanks dad 👍.

                • @RobotWizard: You just confirmed my point - you hate the city and you drive hours to visit somewhere else.

                  I hate the city because of the traffic etc bullshit so i live in paradise so i dont need to drive to get to my favourite place.

                  So while you go to your favourite place once a year, im at my favourite places every day.

                  • +2

                    @CowFrogHorse: I love driving my mean-machine so much that even if I drive 10 mins away it still puts smile on my face and turns heads and no I don't drive hours away once a year, I do it every weekend, try to live a little.

                    • @RobotWizard:

                      turns heads

                      what are the odds this guys car sounds obnoxious?
                      pretty high imo.

                • +1

                  @RobotWizard: It's an amazing stretch of road. Even better on 2 wheels!

                • @RobotWizard: I first read that was 'Black Spur 2' and got excited like it was a sequel or new version..

                  In regards to driving through that road, it's a fun drive but as a passenger could still be zzz or motion sickness inducing

            • +3

              @CowFrogHorse: Sorry for your bitter existence.

            • +1

              @CowFrogHorse: being you must be boring

              • @redfox1200: So you think sitting a car for hours is better than being in the great out doors ?

                Im amazed that you think sitting in any car is great, surely you have better things to do, than sitting like a moron looking at nothing out the window for hours and horus every day and week until you retire.

                • +8

                  @CowFrogHorse: @CowFrogHorse: Looks out window BORING
                  @CowFrogHorse: Gets out Car - Same View Outdoors AMAZING

                  • @redfox1200: red: @CowFrogHorse: Looks out window BORING
                    @CowFrogHorse: Gets out Car - Same View Outdoors AMAZING

                    No the problem is being INSIDE the car is BORING.

                    Looking a crap on a phone at tictoc etc type of social media and similar things is for people with very small minds.

                    At least if you are outside the car you can actually move and do somethign, anything.

                    But hey if you think being inside a car is great, why not buy a coffin and sit in that ?

            • @CowFrogHorse: I think driving is fun, especially fun at 30km/h as it requires skill, foresight and intelligence to get past everyone else just parked there stuck in the wrong lane at the wrong time. However, it doesn't matter if you're going at 10km/h or 110km/h because all cars are capable of doing that. No need for a special car.

              • @supersabroso: Why does it matter if it requires skills ?

                Replacing a sewerage requires skill that doesnt mean i want to do it all day every day for the rest of my life with weekends and holidays.

                You confirmed my point the speed doesnt matter, driving is basically boring compared to many other better things to do in life.

                Im reasonably confident lets pretend you like to drive for a hoilday. Im sure you appreicate the destination far more than the drive.

                • @CowFrogHorse: It's clear you don't like driving and find the concept boring.

                  Is it possible other people might have a different view on things? That people take jobs that enable and require them to drive, because they like driving?

                  I'm not saying I'm a M Night Shamalayamanmanamn tier writer, but imagine the exciting narrative possibilities of a world like that!

                  • @Crow K: crow: It's clear you don't like driving and find the concept boring.

                    Is it possible other people might have a different view on things?


                    So why do you pretend that driving is the best and greatest thing on earth ?

                    Since you didnt disagree with me, surely you can appreciate there are many many better things to do with your time.


                    crow: That people take jobs that enable and require them to drive, because they like driving?

                    cow: Those who enjoy driving are out numbered by many more who hate driving.

                    Stop trying to pretend because one person wins lotto that means everyone wins lotto. Be honest and judge what the majority of people think about said subject.

                    Most people especially kids hate sitting in acar for hours upon hours. Stop being selfish and think of others.

                    • @CowFrogHorse: Not sure what you're hoping to get from all this disingenuous trolling ("well if you didn't disagree with me, obviously you're pretending it's the greatest thing on earth.."), but you do you, baby boo.

                      The only people I've seen who refer to cars as 'boring' and 'boxes' are children, usually because they haven't developed an inner world (or theory of mind, for that matter).

                      If cosplaying as that sort of person is what's doing it for you today, great, but leave me out of it.

                      • @Crow K: @Crow

                        Did i say anything untrue ? NO

                        Why dont you show a little class and point out any of my mistake or lies instead of inventing MORE lies about me.

                        Or dont you have the mental intellect to challenge my statements ?

                        Or are you going to call me names like a 5 yo ?

                      • @Crow K: @Crow

                        When you drive to Byron Bay from say Sydney, do you get out and goto the beach or visit other places ?

                        Or do you just turn around and go home ?

                        Of course you and your family get out, because doing all the other things is FAR better than SITTING in a car and driving.

                        When you goto THailand… do you go outside and do everythin there or do you get back on the plane and return home ?

                        Of course you visit eveyrthing Thailand, only a fool would pretend the plane ride inside a box doing basically nothing just like a car is better than outside…

                        • @CowFrogHorse: I frankly don't know where this discussion is going (and equally don't care).

                          I don't need you to accept or not that you're talking exactly like a child. The various fallacies and bad faith/trolling points you've made all along the way are signal enough for everyone else for what to expect of you.

                          I will say this though: adults, people with fully developed minds, really don't think about things in terms of whether they're boring or not. Sure, we may occasionally have a bit of tedium due to a set of circumstances (a wait in the doctor surgery and only old magazines on the coffee table, sigh) but blanket statements like 'cars are boring' is the same as 'brocolli is yuck'. It's something people move beyond as the world around them and the compromises it requires become clear to them.

                          I mean, I don't think "brushing my teeth" is an exciting event, but I don't complain to people about how boring it is, either. It's just a thing you do because of related events and benefits.

                          If that aspect of understanding life is missing from your mind, you have my pity.

                          • @Crow K: crow: I don't need you to accept or not that you're talking exactly like a child. The various fallacies and bad faith/trolling points you've made all along the way are signal enough for everyone else for what to expect of you.

                            cow: Fallacies ?

                            you quite clearly said stupid childish shite a few lines above

                            Not sure what you're hoping to get from all this disingenuous trolling ("well if you didn't disagree with me, obviously you're pretending it's the greatest thing on earth.."), but you do you, baby boo.


                            crow: I mean, I don't think "brushing my teeth" is an exciting event, but I don't complain to people about how boring it is, either. It's just a thing you do because of related events and benefits.

                            cow: Of course we all have our duty to things because they are good for us like brushing our teeth, entertainment is not the important factor here.

                            Why should anyone pick a rotten banana when they can pick a good fresh one ?

                            Im not discussing whether we should do OUR duty like brushing teeth or visiting the doctor. I am discussing that driving is NOT entertainment, and if you wish to call it entertainment well YOUR standards are VERY VERY LOW. Why pick a shitty entertainment like driving when you pick something many times better ?

                            Theres something really broken if you cant grasp the concept of picking better rather than a poor substitute.

                            Maybe its me, but i wouldnt return to a restaurant that served me a poor food, i would always want to pick better or best. Driving is a shitty entertainment compared to the much better choices out there.

                            Beats me why you would want to elevate shitty driving or rotten food to the same level as fresh good quality food.

                            • @CowFrogHorse: It's frankly embarrassing that you're so welded to your "well i hate driving so clearly it's the worst for everyone because everyone thinks like I do" line of thought. I don't know if you have an actual theory of mind deficit or not, but I don't care either, so we can probably leave the pop psychology there.

                              Consider why people get jobs as Uber drivers, taxi drivers, delivery services, tour bus operators etc. Do any of these people enjoy their work, or do they all agree with you and have picked literally the worst job possible, because they have no other options to them?

                              Your weekend homework is to find someone who respects you (no jokes, please, there's bound to be someone) and tell them, unprompted, your theory about how cars are just boring boxes and everyone hates driving. Use the actual words "boxes" and "boring" as part of the discussion.

                              Focus on their face when you do so.

                              You're going to see, in order: confusion, then sadness, then tension/nervousness the longer the discussion goes on.

                              And on that note, have a great weekend.

                              • @Crow K: Crow: It's frankly embarrassing that you're so welded to your "well i hate driving so clearly it's the worst for everyone because everyone thinks like I do" line of thought. Consider why people get jobs as Uber drivers, taxi drivers, delivery services, tour bus operators etc. Do any of these people enjoy their work, or do they all agree with you and have picked literally the worst job possible, because they have no other options to them?

                                Theres a big difference between LIKING driving and being FORCED to do driving for you job ? I would have thought it was obvious that most people get jobs because they need the money not because they LOVE their job.

                                Its embarrassing that you cant tell the difference and instead try and pretend that everyone who drives for their job must love driving.

                                Can you tell the difference ?

                                Embarrasing that you cant grasp the concept of using your time to do things you LIKE to do and avoid wasting time on crap.

                                Maybe its me, but i would rather spend my time doing many other things than DRIVING.

                                You are obviously not at the level to understand that a lot of driving is a waste. The recent covid experience has shown that a lot of people dont need to travel half way across the city to work when they can work from home. There are many other examples like this that show that travel can be minimized far less than what happens today but you dont seem to appreciate or want to entertain this. Instead you want to bulldust and say that driving is great and everyone loves it insteading of exploring ideas that we can give freedom to people to do better things with their time instead of sitting in a car for hours and hours every day and week.


                                Crow: Your weekend homework is to find someone who respects you (no jokes, please, there's bound to be someone) and tell them, unprompted, your theory about how cars are just boring boxes and everyone hates driving. Use the actual words "boxes" and "boring" as part of the discussion.

                                cow: Stop talking like an arse and learn to read.

                                Now you are mixing those forced to drive for their job with making choices where you drive less and spend that time doing something better ?

                                • @CowFrogHorse: Why are you digging your heels in on such a bad talking point of "well of course most people hate driving" which is just flat-out not true?

                                  I mean, even if you want to ignore the dozens of industries of people who've chosen to spend their time doing it, have you even got a single person in this thread to agree with it? Do "most people" in this discussion thread think you are right? No, "most people" who have responded to you are saying "driving's fine/great, you're wrong".

                                  All your talk about driving being boring and 'sitting in boxes' isn't an insight into the world, it's an insight into you. And a sad one, at that.

                                  Stop shitposting and get outside and touch grass. You're pretending you love being outside boxes, go and prove it.

                                  • -1

                                    @Crow K: crow: Why are you digging your heels in on such a bad talking point of "well of course most people hate driving" which is just flat-out not true?

                                    cow: You pretend that everyone loves driving ?

                                    If we were to ask a survey of average ppl, from old to young including kids…

                                    where would MOST not ONE or a FEW say ?

                                    Far more would say they dislike sitting in a car all those times they do, compared to any that claim to love it.


                                    crow: I mean, even if you want to ignore the dozens of industries of people who've chosen to spend their time doing it, have you even got a single person in this thread to agree with it? Do "most people" in this discussion thread think you are right? No, "most people" who have responded to you are saying "driving's fine/great, you're wrong"

                                    cow: Im not ignoring anyhting..

                                    Theres a big difference between WORKING because you have too for money and LOVING something.

                                    Why do you pretend that everyone who drives for work loves their job ?

                                    That clearly is not the case, most people DO NOT LOVE their job, they do it because they have too.. Big difference.

                                    What is this American brainwash bulldust where everyone has to say they love the company and love the ceo and love their job ?

                                    Feel free to put up a vote and lets see how many peple LOVE spending hours upon hours commuting in all forms ?


                                    crow: All your talk about driving being boring and 'sitting in boxes' isn't an insight into the world, it's an insight into you. And a sad one, at that.

                                    cow: So you agree that sitting a box which means driving is boring ?

                                    So why are you dishonest and say that a majority of people love doing it ? Why do you pretend because YOU like it then everyone loves it ?


                                    crow: Stop shitposting and get outside and touch grass. You're pretending you love being outside boxes, go and prove it.

                                    cow: Thats exactly what i said from the beginning. The less you drive the more time you have to get out side…

                                    We all have limited time, if yoru long weekend is only 3 days and you waste 10 hours driving each way, how much time are going to have outisde ?

                                    Thats right far less than if you didnt drive 20 hours…

                                    Cant you do maths ?

                • +2

                  @CowFrogHorse: You're being myopic here. There are plenty of simpletons that are entertained by repetitive hypnotic states, and just because you prefer mental stimulation, nature, and engagement, doesn't mean everyone should. Lobotomy patients are real people, too.

                  • @ssfps: THose people have been brainwashed to accept less and nothing and thats why they receive far less and nothing.

      • +5

        My car makes loud broom broom noises and goes fast tho

        Finally, I can use this!

        • I've had a few Pshhh pshhh cars in the past. Hella fun.

      • +1

        i don't think OP's new car makes any noises…

        maybe the ones he makes himself when he pushes down on the accelerator.

    • the same joy as sitting in a bigger tin can with 300 other people.

      • -3

        Its sad that someone would celebrate that wasting countless hours in a prison is a JOYOUS moment.

        Whats next, being happy about buying a coffin ?

        • +2

          On a side note, I saw a dad taking photo of his daughter standing between of coffin samples in Costco with a big smile on her face

      • -2

        Nearly all travel and commuting is basically stupid and a waste of time and shoudl be avoided.

        • +3

          ah i see, words of the privileged. some people don't have a choice to commute to do a job that provides the rest of the us the luxury of not commuting.

          • -1

            @Archi: Well thats sad some people dont have a choice, but that is another topic.

            THe real cause of this problem that is commuting is too many people accept it and so it becomes a social norm. People shoudl stand up and say they are sick of this shit - theres so much waste in commuting. Companies shoudl be forced to pay not only for your office time but for your commuting time - then change will happen.

            ANother reason we dont see change is we have moron celebrating that COMMUTING is a great simply because they are sitting in a different coloured box.

          • @Archi: Secondly there are alternatives, you could live in a smaller town etc, take remote jobs etc. Life is too short to waste commuting.

            • +1

              @CowFrogHorse: Then there's the argument that life is too short to waste working.


              • -1

                @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Checkmate what ?

                You have the choice of living in a big city along with the consequences that is commuting. Maybe its me, but i would think the smart choice would be to pick the one thats lower. If you are plumber for example im pretty sure a plumber in Sydney wastes more time in traffic than a plumber in Eden.

                But hey, ….

    • +4

      Anyone who watched the tennis knows a Kia has movement that inspires. Could be just what you need.

    • +5

      you probably fail to see the joy in a lot of things though. There are plenty of people who enjoy driving, and a nice car makes it even more enjoyable.

      • +1

        He's the guy upset that people consume coffee.

        • -1

          AS always you miss the point.

          The point is driving is boring. Ask any kid if they enjoy sitting a car in a 1/2 day trip from Sydney to Coffs. of course they hate the trip, they like the place but not sitting in a car.

          So why be happy about "sitting in a car".. ?

          • +2

            @CowFrogHorse: I think you missed the point. I enjoy driving, many people do, it makes me happy, and lots of others too. You can't seem to accept that.

            • +1

              @Keplaffintech: This! My son has had his license (L plates) for 6 months and has already clocked up almost 100 of the required 120 hours he needs to get his P's. (And still has 18 months left). He has driven 3 different cars to rack these up, including a fully rebuilt project car, which is also a convertible. Try telling him driving "isn't fun"!! Also his dad drives said project car, to places like Lorne along the Great Ocean Rd…for fun!!🤦🏼‍♀️

    • +1

      Voted #1 most miserable killjoy person on OZB?
      Why do you sit there raging at people all day thinking everyone else is wrong and you're right? I fail to see the joy in that.
      Seriously, go get some help, go speak to someone, this isn't normal.

      • Did i say anything that was untrue ? No everything i said was true, you might not like it but its all true.

        Wow so you call me names, simply because i point out there are better things to than line up and buy coffee 100s of times a year ?

        Seriously dont you have anything better to do with your life than buy coffee ?

        • I'd argue lining up with friends to catch up over a coffee is better time spent than arguing with internet strangers about the topic on a bargain website. I hope you see the irony in your argument about wasting time here…

  • If you're at home, is it a unit or a townhouse or a independent house? More details about location, then you can plan some story about it, like, ask your neighbour to ask you to move the car, then take her down to the car with a card on it. And then she reads it, then you show up with flowers and the key.

    • Go out for a meal to a restaurant in your current car, then when you come back, rather than go back to your current car, walk to the tesla. At night.

      • +2

        Or, have the old car towed after the dinner and freak out 🤣

        Maybe I'd only think that's hilarious 😂

      • +5


        Finish dinner, go back to the old car, turn the key in the ignition and pretend that it doesn't start.

        Then get out, say that you're going to steal a car, drive in with the TESLA!
        The look on her face! And record it on the car cameras!!!

  • +1

    After a tiring day at work, between another tiring day at work tomorrow, you are trying to sandwich-in a big surprise, the first being a car, the second being trapping her into more work hours to pay for your car.

    IDK. I would put it off for a few days until you both have some free time.

  • +21

    Obviously surprise with a succulent Chinese meal

    • +3

      My wife would show me that she knows her judo well if I spent money on a Tesla

      Get your hand off my gear stick! (does a Tesla have a gearstick?)

      • +1

        no she would have to use yours

  • +2

    If your wife frequents OzBargain then she already knows!

    • +1

      Ozbargainers don't have wifes, they have appreciating assets, depreciating assets, or liabilities.

  • +1

    Just leave it in the driveway and pretend like nothing has changed. Then when she asks why there is a Tesla in the driveway, just casually say "was just driving past the dealership and decided to grab one on my way home"

  • +4

    shouldn't you discuss first with your wife? she might want to buy her own car.

  • +9

    Nice Flex! (seriously)

    Odd that you'd ask strangers how to please your wife though. You'd know your wife best and what would work for her.

    • +3

      Not so humble brag.

    • +8

      Doesn't ask wife about a major financial commitment. check
      Does ask internet randoms about their personal interactions. check
      Accountant with limited social awareness. check

      No problem. All checks out.

      • -1

        At least he got a tesla and a wife 😉

  • +2

    Tell her you definably don't have a mistress you're hiding as well then Maccas drive-thru, buy her a happy meal.

  • +1

    Drive behind her (she won’t hear a thing because Teslas are dead silent). That’ll surprise her.

    • +4

      What if she finishes work 2 hours early and drives to an ex's house…

      • +2

        well atleast he still has the tesla!

    • +9

      I like this idea.

      OP can drive behind her when she leaves work and see if she notices. If she starts driving faster he keep up with her. When she gets home don’t drive into the driveway just keep driving. Do this for a month or so until she’s about to call the cops to report a stalker then jump out of the car revealing the surprise.

    • +1

      Teslas are dead silent

      No they're not.

      • I doubt she'll hear the sound of tyres from a car following her.

        • Have you heard EVs on the road? Anything over 20km/h, they're almost indistinguishable from most stock small petrol powered vehicles.

  • +2

    Just send her a link to your new #TeslaLyfe blog post and the car's Twitter and Instagram pages. Or just do what every other Tesla owner does, and that's tell EVERYONE about their new Tesla… and word will get to her quick enough…

    • +9

      How do you know if someone is a vegan drives a Tesla?

      Don't worry, they will tell you.

      • +1

        Literally everyone talks about what car they have, especially if it's brand new.

  • +4

    Design an elaborate scavenger hunt that sees her travel across the world, eventually finding the Tesla, e.g. leave a note in a box at the top of Mt Everest telling her to go to Tokyo Japan where you’ve taped a note under a chair at a ramen restaurant.

    • +5

      Then the note says you need steal the Declaration of Independence
      Sounds fun!

  • +1

    Big mistake: She has just watched Mrwhoistheboss on youtube and Arun is going to give her a purple top of range electric Mercedes.
    Does Draskey still do cheap divorces?

  • How Should I Reveal The Surprise?

    Wear one of these whilst naked…

  • +2

    Maybe try something like that song dick in a box, while you sit in the passenger seat ?

    Nice humble brag btw

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