Record low for these. A further drop from this deal
The neon-and-pastel 20pk is only $4. So you can buy 1 pack of normal and 1 pack of neon-and-pastel. Thats what I did.
Just added twice.. Price showing up as $6.40 /delete
Duh. Checkout failed.
Thank you. I'm sure some of my nieces & nephews will enjoy this :)
These were the ultimate status of wealth back when I was in primary school, especially if you had any of the 50+ packs. Think we spent more time making things from the pens than using them to colour in or draw.
We used to colour the top of thumbtacks and use them as beyblades.
Unused to make extra-ordinarily complex guns with them. Push one end, the other end pops out like a bullet.
*Used to
Lmao I remember having so much fun with them markers tbh as a kid
We made like the longest gun bridge thing idk what it was but it was fabulous
Yeah it was kinda silly tho :( some classmates were very weird about how my family could afford certain expensive markers or whatever and I was like… But we're all… In this expensive private school together?? (No scholarship access just for profit lol)
Not sure what good these markers can benefit me as an adult but I'm willing to relive my childhood nostalgia building some whacky shit with connecting them with each other lol
without prime
Optimus disapproves.
Anyone else’s school in 90s try to ban kids from making fake guns and swords with these pens? Now their probably trying to stop kids bringing real knifes.
So your school recognised the potential slippery slope, but you kids just went ahead and commenced descent.
Tsk, tsk
Sounds like the schools set the expectation.
Do you also blame the road rules when you're caught speeding
@andresampras: No, but if they start handing out speeding fines to people playing Need for Speed,
I might as well just start speeding IRL.
Just bought them and the neon pack. I don't even colour in. Too good of a bargain to pass up!!!
Did i need them…nope! Did I buy them…yes!
I am sure these pens will inspire some nostalgia but the truth is they are just not very good. Better off spending a little more to get something decent imo. So many better options available these days (see Sayeec)
Thanks HamBoi, my daughter will love these.
Awesome got a pack of these & the neon too for my kids!
Do they still sell those connector pen connector clip things?
One pack whats the point, crap deal.
Only one pack allowed.