Is It OK to Park Facing The "Wrong" Direction at a Petrol Station?

Just looking for some confirmation bias.

If car A enters a petrol station needing to fill up on the left side, is it OK to drive through the free RHS fill-up bays (or a free lane) and do a U-turn into another RH bay, filling up facing the "wrong" direction?

'Wrong direction' determined by the intuitive entrance and exit locations.

I'm interested to hear from fuel station attendees, annoyed persons, and those with first hand experience.

Do you do it? Are there times when it's OK and not?

MS paint diagram: (white arrows indicate station exit and entrance)…
Bowser design © SnowDragon

Poll Options

  • 319
    Yes it's OK to
  • 32
    Yes it's OK to, and I do it
  • 48
    No it's not OK
  • 3
    No it's not OK to, but I do it


  • +15

    What is the correct direction in the first place? It's usually a free for all

    • Mmm maybe MS paint diagram needed. How does one do that on an android?

      • +1

        Here's a pic I did on a moving bus using snapchat

        Light blue car is "correct" and LHS fuel cap
        Purple has turned around and is facing light blue to fill using RHS fuel cap

        • +2

          Thanks, used your bowsers! This is what I had in my head:

          • +4

            @Embaloo: Ha thanks for the shoutout on the bowser design. Maybe it's time to get into NFTs

            OK I get what you mean now. Two LHS cars filling up opposite each other.

            It's OK if you can exit and enter the petrol station from either side. If not then you may be inconveniencing a RHS car who will park in front of you and want to leave.

  • +17

    Its not, and the fuel hose will almost always reach the far side, so no need to face the wrong way. I have an suv and when i choose to use the side that does not match my fuel inlet, due to no vehicle in that bay, the hose has always reached.

    • I have learned something today. Thank you Austaurean.

    • +2

      What are you doing……the fuel hose will never reach the far side ;)

      There goes my express lane! Now all those who drive small cars will be filling up everywhere.

      • Those damned recalcitrants!

      • +3

        Don't tell anyone, but it works in big cars too.
        Actually just discovered at my local shell, that if you pull a bit harder another metre of hose comes out, just a bit of binding in the mechanism, so where I thought it only just reached, it actually reaches easily.
        Heaps of times I've been able to fill up on the wrong side when there are queues for left side inlets.

    • Whilst this is true and works fine for most standard sized cars, unless you park pretty close to the bowser, you will need to stretch the hose pretty hard. Ive actually been told of by one attendant for doing this. So you may find some servos dont like it as it can cause stress on the hose.

      • I wonder just how much they can be stretched anyway. Most of them are designed to break away if too much tension is applied because every now and then you get a yobbo that drives off without pulling the hose out, so the pumps break off cleanly, instead of ricocheting around dangerously.

    • +2

      Doesnt work on vans, ive tried many times.

      You also have to be careful not to spill any of the free fuel already in the hose. It will spill out if the hose is extended and downwards.

      Also be careful of the handle if it has damaged rubber bumpers. I scratched a rental car once doing the extended hose thing with the sharp exposed corner of the handle.

      • +1

        Free fuel is the most precious fuel

    • Yeah I used to do this all the time, chuck the hose over the back of the car and fill it up with the nozzle upside down.

      However my local servo has new bowsers and I think the hoses are shorter or something. The trick doesn't work on those.

  • +10

    Am I being inconsiderate of other people? Only question you need to answer.

    • +2

      Agree. It depends on whether you are not delaying or inconveniencing others. It cannot be answered unless through that lens.

  • +25

    It's fine unless you're queue jumping or there are painted directional arrows that you are not complying with.

    • If there's little to no RHS cap cars around, is it queue jumping? Yes, you may be filling up before other LHS cap cars that are waiting for a pump, but those cars are not opting to fill facing the opposite direction as OP is.

  • +2

    1: Switch on brain!
    2: if pump is free on wrong side stop closer to pump so the hose reaches over the back to your fuel cap.
    3: 99 out of 100 stations have a hose long enough to reach the other side if stopped at the right spot. If out of luck, chuck a u ie and be safe.
    4: Ignore dumbos with inabilities to drive let alone park. Live happy ever after….

    • +2

      You should really take note of your own point #1 smh

      • +1

        I bring the hose over the car 3 out of 4 times and never had an issue more than 1 in 100 time. Discount stations are usually jammed for cars having fuel caps on left so the right lane is just waiting for me.

        • Interesting, thats often! - Was the 1/100 the hose not being long enough?
          And i would have thought that there would be an even split of LHS and RHS-fill cars. Also interesting.

  • +8

    I think it would depend on if the petrol station has several entrances / exits versus one clearly defined entrance and one clearly defined exit. If the former, then free for all. If the latter, then not OK especially if you do so to jump a queue. Go with the flow.

    Sometimes there is a free bowser but the petrol cap is on the wrong side so I face the other way if there is room. If there is little room and would mean inconveniencing others, I face the same way as the other cars and drag the hose over the car.

    • +1

      Queue jumping not OK, agreed!

  • +8

    As if im going to queue when i can u-turn and use the other pump! Killing puppies is wrong…this is just stopping a car. There is no right and wrong way..EXCEPT IN YOUR HEADS. (Those who voted its wrong)

  • +1

    If you block the car behind you then you might be disturbing the order. In your diagram there was no car in that bay at all, you should have gone in correctly like everyone else tbh.

  • +2

    Generally yes, but depends on the layout, space and how busy the station is.

  • +1

    Problem with turning around is that you’ll probably need to pull up much closer to the pump behind (in front).

    Just pull up close to the pump and pull the hose over. Can usually rest the hose on the window not the paint.

  • +1

    There's nothing stopping you, but I like to think driver etiquette is something that does not need to be spelled out.

    Flow of traffic should face the direction of the servo entrance so that people can queue accordingly. If the servo is empty and there is no queue, then you have plenty of space to maneuver your car correctly.

    • Agree with that, if it’s busy spending the time to turn around then do it again after filling is just going to cause frustration. But then if it’s quiet, you won’t need to.

  • +3

    Why do you need to? Most modern fuel pump hoses can reach to opposite side of a standard car no problem, it's rather surprising how far they can reach.

    • +4

      I got a short one recently that struggled to get over my ute. Worst thing was it was rainy and windy and struggling with the hose just made me extra wet. Mostly it’s no problem.

  • +3

    I've never been to a petrol station where the hose doesn't reach the other side of the car.

    Edit: markmono beat me to it.

    Edit2: you can do it without scratching your car

  • +1

    There are also some drivers who just cannot work out how to line up their vehicle with a fuel pump to begin with. This happens more often than you would think!

    • True :(

  • +1

    I’m against it.
    Seen too many close-calls/head-on collisions next to the pump due to some smart-arses racing through the no entry-signs. Half the times the ones driving against the flow of traffic would also refuse to move out of the way.

    • True that about crazy driving near the pump. Good point.

  • +1

    Since you're in Sydney I would say it is acceptable, but should be avoided.

    I've seen some pretty awkward servos in Sydney (e.g. Medco Carlingford) which are on pretty small plots of land that only a few cars can queue up before cars start snaking onto the main road. Because of that, when you have people going the "other way" in a servo it can lead to other people queuing up behind them (i.e. follow the leader), and then it just gets messy.

    With most of the servos I've been to there's an ideal flow of traffic, going against the grain can cause issues and disrupt that. In that pic scenario, since it's quiet I don't think it's that much of an issue. If it's busy best to just go with the flow.

  • +3

    Normally the spot in front is only free because there was a car there when the car at the back arrived and started filling.

    If you’re blocking the car at the back from leaving (they need to wait for you to go before they can drive off), then is low act.

    • I do agree with your second paragraph. What about the pic scenario?

  • +2

    I guess it depends on how busy the servo is, its not that busy then yea B!t*h do the right thing take it to other side.

    If its really busy then, it depends on the layout of the servo, (if you aint blocking other car infront or back from going out (e.g. that car can go around you, or reverse to exit))
    then i guess its okay.

  • You do whatever you need to do to get fuel without pissing anyone else off. No need to overthink it.

  • Its ok to do but if its busy & you block traffic fing about you are likely to get sworn at & will deserve it.

  • I will do it 50% of the time at my local since only 2 of the diesel pumps are high flow. Staff have never had an issue with it so will continue to do so.

  • +1

    If there are directional traffic flow arrows, then No. Just be patient and take your Australian turn.

    No arrows, larger site, multiple islands then by all means do as you please, but it is your choice to then be open to be criticized if you then make another driver wait longer. If someone then parks directly in front of you and you need to reverse out… that is also on you to manage.

    I have seen at Aussie World Garage the privileged few that drive into the truck islands the wrong way against all signage and arrows, and many trucks will drive up nose to nose. You have no choice but to be blocked in then to reverse back out. A B Double will win the argument every time.

    Every driver just needs to share the bowser lanes as much as they should share the road lanes and do what is right and best for everyone to get thru the day safely. Bowser Rage is also real.

  • The one and only time I filled up at the 7/11 North Rocks Sydney, there were cars queued onto the road at both entrances/exits, and there didn't appear to be a dominant direction. I think it only has 4 Bowsers. There were cars facing both ways on both sides, cars needing other cars to move so they could get past, and I couldn't work out how you'd get out on the side away from the shop. Stressful!

    • That place is a free-for-all. If you get there when it's busy like you did, there is no room to navigate. Two of the bowsers are single lane so that gets into the situation where you may have to reverse to get out, or if there is a queue behind you, wait for the car in front to finish filling up and paying. You're in for a wait if the guy in front decides to shop in the store. I avoid that by going there after 8pm on a weekend.

    • Yeah wow. That looks like fun, I wouldnt know exit from entrance there either. Ive seen similar plots but they all have more exits and entrances than that e.g. the tiny plots at camperdown or blacktown.

  • +1

    Depends on the layout of the servo. That's about it.

  • +1

    I have never found a hose that didnt reach over. A couple have been a bit tight though as i dont let the hose rub on my vehicle. I dont fuel up in the opposite direction if it means blocking a car in i have seen people do this and then take forever inside. If someone chooses to fuel up like this they need to drive to the last bowser. Either way please drive to the last bowser to fill up not the first one you come to and if someone is waiting move your car to a parking bay before you go in and pay.

    • Yes agreed about driving to the last bowser! Common courtesy often ignored :(

      • +2

        Not all bowsers have all fuel types. If your car requires 95 you are stopping at the first bowser at my local servo.

  • Have done it many times, you might have a lane that is completely empty & all others have line ups.With the fuel cap on the left hand side I just go into the empty lane.Don’t think there is a wrong or right way for this. Sometimes you are waiting & waiting while someone is stuffing around in the servo shop.

  • I was cut off recently by someone rushing to the pump ahead of me, only to find that the hose could NOT reach over to the other side of their car. So it definitely CAN happen.
    They parked close in too, just the hose was only 1/2 of the length they needed.
    I was careful to avoid eye contact as they were not happy and drove off rather than around to another pump.

    • Gtk!!

  • Better than a Tesla coming in just to pump up the tyres and wash the windscreen.

    • Just took my bicycle to a servo in Singapore to sneakily pump up the tyres, and discovered they actually had a special hose and bike mode for bicycles. Maybe Teslas are welcome too?

      • +3

        Singapore is a long way to go to get your tyres pumped up. That really would cause 'range anxiety'! hehe!!

  • It stuffs up the flow of cars for that lane. Don't do it. If someone comes in against the flow, I just wait until they fill, and have to reverse, if they aren't blocked in. After all, that's what they'd have me do. I'm not around to argue with, but suddenly appear when the obstruction is clear.

  • of course esp when multiple are available - these days most cars fill up on the right so there is often left bowsers left over - people are too lazy or maybe just not confident enough to drive around or reverse in the other way

    • Three Japanese that I own are filling up on the left, so may be Toyota, Honda and Mazda doesn't make up the most car in Sydney.

  • No. Not ok ever.
    Going the wrong way is totes a douche move.
    The hose can normally reach across.

    Do better ozbargainer's

  • If there's 2 pumps and you go in the wrong direction for the first one, you're blocking the second one with the front of your car.

    If there's a designated entrance and exit for the petrol station itself to manage traffic flow and you're pointing the wrong way, you're gonna risk running into pedestrians as you reverse and try to avoid hitting things

    If there's clearly a sign saying no entry to prevent people from going in the wrong way then no you shouldn't.

    If any of the above apply and you still park the wrong way, then you're one of the thousands of inconsiderate, selfish assholes on the road and should pay yourself on the back for being so special.

  • +1

    I don't understand, if you do a U-turn, wouldn't you still be end up on the wrong side?
    I thing doing a reverse is better, either before or after the bays.

    Edit: I just noticed the small dots on the picture. Yeah that should be ok.

  • Unrelated to direction

    It used to be when you parked the wrong side the hose is extendable / long enough to reach your fuel cap

    Now, they make them shorter so you have to park the same side as the fuel cap

    Anyone ever notice that?

    • Yeah a few people are saying they've had short ones. Cant really tell from an initial look, yeah?

      • +1

        They kind of look like a loop on top with a string attached for the ones that you can extend

  • +1

    i think it's OK to do so but there's always a chance you're parked in front of a bogan or eshay who fancy themselves the servo police and act all pissy or holler at you rudely. Has happened to me on several occasions.

  • legit what difference does it make if you're looking at the car in fronts boot or bonnet while you wait? how is there a wrong way?

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