• expired

Soft Serve Cones $1 (Was $2.50) @ Guzman Y Gomez (App Required)


Never tried. Could be okay.

We're giving away Soft Serve Cones for just $1, and for one whole week 😱

Made from real cream, real vanilla flavour and no added preservatives - nothing beats the taste of GYG's smooth and creamy Soft Serve on a hot summer's day.

But hurry, this offer ends Sunday the 5th Feb. So get in quick and grab your Soft Serve Cone on the GYG App now 💛


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Guzman y Gomez
Guzman y Gomez

closed Comments

  • +12

    How authentic.

    • +1

      I was so confused;
      "never tried, could be okay, we're giving away"… what kind of boss/rep are you?

      "made from real cream"… Oh, I get it now 😂

  • I known that their soft serve cups are smaller than small at McDonald’s and Hungry Jacks. So are their soft serve cones smaller than Mcd and HJ’s ?

    • +1


      I heard we can get chocolate soft serve here but couldn't find it, must be selected store.


      • +4

        confim my local Gladesville NSW offers Chocolate soft serve and being doing so for atleast last 3 years. Its good.

      • +4

        I tried that chocolate flavour, and won't buy it again. The original one is far better IMHO. And if you are a chocolate lover, then try their sundae with hot fudge :P

        Anyway, the price of Macca's soft serve is the most inflated. $0.3 until 2009, then $0.5, then $0.6, 0.7, and now it's $0.8, and even $0.85 at some places :(

        • +4

          This just goes to show it depends on ones tastes. Personally, I cannot stand the plain McDonalds soft serve. And I can eat just about any ice cream. It just doesn't even taste like ice cream. I get the feeling that they don't add any flavouring to it.

          Where as the chocolate, I think it is fantastic. Such a huuuuuge improvement. Tastes a lot like the Streets Blue Ribbon for comparison.

      • can't even get it in Engadine! they've served them since the 90s!

  • +30

    They are giving away for a price. That is not giving away.

    • +3

      and for one whole week!

      Soft serve scary 😱

  • +3

    Pretty unexciting :(

  • +7

    Is this the one my Mum says yes to?

    • +2

      Would cost more than $1 in labour to do that for you lol

      • +2

        We shortly exceed $1 in collectively viewing, reading and discussing this

  • Do their soft serve machines work?

    • +1

      Ah the classic foot traffic deals where soft-serve, slushies and other machines are inoperable

    • +3

      If they're anything like all my local Maccas, then yes they should be working all the time.

  • Are they bigger than the maccas one with flakes for $1?

    • +4

      Who cares, they are GIVING THEM AWAY, for $1. McDonald's are merely selling theirs for $1.

  • +9

    Alright alright soft serve expert coming through.

    They're fine. But it's the dulce de leche sauce that makes their soft serves good. For $1, the cones are probably worth it, but I'd never pay the $2.50. I'd rather a dulce de leche sundae or a churro sundae.

    • +2


    • +1

      Do you like hot fudge sundaes?

    • +3

      Google translate activated - dulce de leche = caramel sauce, english is so un-sexy

      • It's a little different than just straight up caramel sauce, bit more like caramel and condensed milk I think?

    • Based on the website, it seems you can't add dulce de leche sauce on the soft serves. :(

      • +1

        Very disappointing. Only reason I'd get one other than it being $1.

  • +1

    $1 matcha or vanilla soft serve cones @Motto Motto [NSW, QLD]
    Big tasty cones. Been buying a few each week since December. App only offer keeps being sent.
    Current offer expires tomorrow.

    • GYG offer one whole week 😱
      Motto $1 offer is extended for 3rd month!
      App Offer now expires 28/2.

      Tasty waffle cone with about 3 times amount of soft serve as Maccas for $1 (in app only). Love the Matcha (green tea).

  • +1

    I've had one of these and it was disgusting. I don't know if it was the particular store that got the mix wrong but it was like icey baby formula.

  • +3

    giving away Soft Serve Cones for just $1

    Giving away and $1 does not fit in one sentence .

  • +5

    No deal due to their shitty radio ads.

    • +4

      Glad someone else can't stand them. 'Love ya!' … (profanity) off

      • +1

        Why does it sound like, a boston accent yet its mexican food…. I cant stand the adds!

    • +1


  • +1

    These are much better than Macca's

  • Could do without the extra fat and sugar, plus save $1 in the process.

  • +3

    I paid the full $2.50 for it the other week just to try it out and thought it was really good. You can actually taste the vanilla in the ice cream and it comes with a proper quality waffle cone.
    If you've never had it before I would recommend trying it, especially for only $1.

    • Whats the size compared to Mcd's one?

      • +2

        The one that I got was about 30% bigger than Maccas if I had to guess.

      • +1

        20% smaller. 50% better taste. Maccas to me tasteless in comparison. Cone not real waffle cone like Guzman

        Bargain at $1.00

  • Is it better than the Soft Serve at Macca's? Can someone here tell me which one is better :)

    • +1

      Maccas soft serve is creamier, GYG has more vanilla flavor.
      Up to you which you care about more, but personally I like GYG

    • Give me a dollar and I'll go find out for you.

  • -1

    These are not vanilla flavoured

    • Yes they are, it's actually an ingredient in them!

      • I looked this up and it's true, but it had zero vanilla flavour when I tried it.
        Ultimately white and sweet is not vanilla.

        • I just tried and it tastes like vanilla beans.

  • +1

    free burrito for new customers on their app

    • Or anything to the value of a burrito.

  • Had a choc sundae at Gomez the other day. Tasted exactly the same as the Macca's ones.

  • Tried this twice and both times it was pretty terrible. Tasted icey and sour rather than creamy and sweet

  • My definition of cheap soft serve is 50c :p

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