Honeymoon in South Pacific

Hi there, my fiance and myself are trying to work out the best place to go for our honeymoon.
We are thinking somewhere around the South Pacific due to close proximity to AU and cheap flights.

We will be going for around two weeks and ideally want somewhere relaxing and close to nice beaches but also cheap.
We currently have a budget of around $5k for the both of us including flights.
What do people recommend and where at the best places to find the cheapest prices for such a trip?

Thanks in advance


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    If you want cheap look at south east Asian destinations, especially Vietnamese beach resorts, Thailand (Hua Hin, Koh Chang, Koh Samui) Indonesia (there are better places than Bali) such as Lombok, Java (thousand Islands, Tanjung Lesung)

    Depending on your personality type, you may find the South Pacific Islands a little more slow-paced compared to Asia but I personally love the whole Asia vibe.

    • We love Asia and Vietnam is on our bucket list but we think a south pacific island with nice sandy white beaches is the go for the honeymoon.
      We've both been to Thailand and Bali and not really interested in them for our honeymoon.

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    Is Logan considered south pacific?

    • haha pretty sure its not!

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        Then I have nothing to suggest. Thanks for the clarification.

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    went to Langkawi a few years ago with the mistress… can definitely recommend.

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    If I was stupid enough to get hitched again I'd go here https://www.tahiti.com/hotels/vahine-island-resort---spa-298…

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    We went to Fiji and Vanuatu as part of our original plan to tour the pacific islands. Of course Hawaii was first!

    Vanuatu is the lesser known of the two but it was a heart warming place! It didnt have the Marriott we stayed at in Fiji but it was a good resort nevertheless.

    The locals were friendly and the place itself is so pretty with lots of touristy places. I think its cheaper than Fiji but safer than some of the other pacific islands!

    Have fun at your honeymoon!

  • We will be going for around two weeks and ideally want somewhere relaxing and close to nice beaches but also cheap.
    We currently have a budget of around $5k for the both of us including flights.

    Not sure these requirements and your budget are compatible. The last time I went on a similar holiday, the costs were significantly higher than this on a per day basis. Once flights are factored in, not to mention spending once you are there, you're looking somewhere in the $1k (or more) per night range for "honeymoon" destinations.

    • Yeah we are aware that places that have the overwater bungalows cost around $1k per night, but other places aren't so bad. I'm pretty sure we could do it within our budget

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        Yeah, what I'm saying is factor in the flights.

        Even if your flights are free, $5k spread across 14 nights only gives you ~$350 per night. If your flights are $1.5k (hard to see a lot of change from this), you're down to $3.5k or $250 per night.

        Play it the other way, you can easily be looking at $600 - $700 per night in some of these places, add on your flight costs and you can be looking at close to $1k per night on an all in basis.

        While I obviously cannot speak for every flight/accommodation/location option across the South Pacific, the above numbers for "honeymoon" locations would not be unexpected.

        Hopefully you will meet your budget, but make sure you are managing your expectations as you go.

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    Most beaches in the South Pacific are not that great. The beach itself is ok, although often a bit coarser than you may be used to in Australia. However, once you go in the water its usually full of coral rather than a nice sandy bottom. Obviously not all places or all beaches, but most of them. Great for snorkeling or anything that doenst involve walking on the bottom though (that said, some places are affected by the tides as well eg Coral Coast in Fiji is about 6 inches deep at low tide).

    If you want something that involves lazing by a pool and looking at a nice beach, then most of the Mamanucas islands are the ones to look at in Fiji, or the Cook Islands or Vanuatu. But none of these are super cheap

    Philippines has some great beaches and can be pretty cheap. Malaysia (Langkawi, Kota Kinabalu) some good resorts (beaches a bit meh) although its obviously a fair bit further away. Vietnam as well. Even PNG has a couple of places (Loloata island, for example). Dont knock Indonesia, even Bali - once you are out of Kuta there are some incredible resorts, easily some of the best in SE Asia

  • Go to Cook Islands - sure its a bit more expensive, but it is the poorer cousin to French Polynesia.

    Head to Aitutaki and it will be an amazing experience with perfect turquoise water!

    If you do find a bit more money, French Polynesia is only three hours away.

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    Tasmania? Not quite South Pacific. Close enough is good enough

  • Everything I've heard about beachfront accommodation in the south pacific has been negative.

    It depends exactly what you are looking for but I think you can do the same thing better or cheaper elsewhere.

  • Yasawa Islands in Fiji. Pick a place that fits your budget and enjoy. Snorkelling off the beach, amazing food, friendly people, and you can get everything from luxury to budget.

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