This was posted 2 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS5] Dead Space $69 + Shipping @ Mighty Ape


I thought it was a nice price compared to all the other retailers

Game getting excellent reviews.

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Mighty Ape Australia
Mighty Ape Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    But it's an EA game and will just be half that price in a couple of months after the hype dies off… Why not wait until then?

    • +11

      I get what youre saying but i believe for remakes of this quality its well worth buying at full price. Massive have done a great job. It also shows publishers that this is what we want and not half baked remakes/remasters like GTA and Warcraft 3

      • -5

        It's not a remake…. It's a remaster.

        Same game

        • +5

          It most certainly is a remake. Not as if they just tidied up the textures. Its akin to Resident Evil 2

        • Remade from the ground up = remake. Why comment if you dont know the difference between the two?

    • The hype is the best part.

    • -1

      Why not wait until then?

      Because we want to play it now and not in a couple of months? Some of us aren't cheapskates when it comes to things that bring us joy.

      • +20

        Calling people cheapskates on a site dedicated to bargains and being a cheapskate… 🤯

    • +2

      I'm renting a copy from blockbuster finishing it over the weekend. Cheaper that way.

      • Username checks out

  • Like the movie/TV industry has hit the point where they are struggling for new ideas - so they just rehash old staff people liked but make it a lot worse ie Star Wars, Lion King, That 70s show etc

    the Video game industry seems to be 'struggling' and these remakes of classic popular games are coming thick and fast [in fairness they usually keep true to the formula so if you are a fan of it you will probably buy it for the nostalgia]

    I think dead space was a good game i dont know if it was 'that much' of a classic to be remade again.

    But classic EA fashion why be creative and think of new shit when you can resale the same game with a bit of polish for 70 bucks

    out of my sheer hatred for EA i wont give them money if i can avoid it or dont too and this is a game i dont have to the original is on game pass for those who are not aware it is 'dated' but it isnt that bad you cant play it

    • -8

      Nice to see a remake…but it is like taking a leaf out of nintendos book. Wouldn't cost as much as starting something from the ground up. Just be thankfull they didn't do some woke remake of it

    • +5

      Think they applied a bit more than a bit of polish on this one. It’s a complete rebuild of the original game including some mechanics changes.

  • +8



  • Got JB to price match Amazon at 74.99. Had $75 in gift cards left from Christmas so it cost me nothing. Slightly better than the original so far.

    • +2

      I’ve tried asking JB to price match Amazon and the girl at the counter said no, cos Amazon is not a physical store. FML

      • +1

        I had luck price matching in online chat prior to release. First person wouldn’t do it but tried again hours later and the next one did. Matched Amazons price and I got the JB preorder Steelbook included.

      • Like others have said, it depends on the JB salesperson, if they had a good night's sleep and the phase of the moon.

        I've had one salesperson at North Sydney say they don't match Amazon, then a few months later, for some reason the exact same salesperson price matched Amazon when I mentioned I could get it cheaper on Amazon.

  • +5

    FYI, the XBox Se X version is also $69

    • +3


    • +2

      Se X […] 69


    • Is it in EA Access or whatever?

      • +3

        No but it'll be in 12 months time, also in game pass ultimate as that has access to ea play

  • -8

    isn't this the exact same game as the original just better graphics? lol already finished this like 10 years or more ago. Why would i buy this again?

    • No

      • -2

        same game as the original. just remastered.

        • +1

          Not at all

    • Some people like to play a game more than once. If I’m going to revisit a game that I originally played 10+ years ago, why not play the version that looks better? I’m excited to experience DP again in all its PS5 glory.

  • +2

    Just a reminder for people with a gaming PC, it's available on EA Play Pro if you'd rather pay a months subscription to play the game than fork out the full cost. $20 a month.

    • If you wait a couple months you'll also have another two brand new EA titles to knock out in your month.

  • love this franchise, dead space 2 was some of the best horror games of all time, dead space 1 was great as well and 3 was decent despite the hate.

    Tempted to get this but I'll just wait for steep price drop as a single player only game on fb market

  • Been playing it now, great game. Feels tense but fair. This is a good price for it (I paid $89 from Big W because I didn't want to wait), but it will certaintly get much cheaper in the weeks to come, especially in the secondhand market.

    I'd recommend waiting if you've already got a backlog you're enjoying.

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