• expired

[XB1] Rare Replay (inc. GoldenEye 007) $10.97 + Credit Card Fee (VPN Required to Activate) @ Eneba Marketplace


EDIT: It's sold out now lol. All that's left is some ~30$ code, here's the link to search Eneba overall for Rare Replay in case they end up with any more cheaper ones, can't change the actual link of the deal itself https://www.eneba.com/store?text=rare%20replay

This is by no means the best deal ever, but it's the best deal now. Rare Replay is back to it's full fat 50 AUD on the Xbox store, will surely go on sale again, but wouldn't shock me if they hold off just a bit at least while the GoldenEye hype is live. This has been 3/4/5$ on Eneba numerous times, it's only up higher now bc, again, the hype. It WILL die down, and I'd honestly say wait for it, but if you want to own GoldenEye rather than use the N64 pass or Game Pass, this is the cheapest way as a disc version of Rare Replay does NOT grant access to GoldenEye.

To use this code, you will need a VPN. Free ones will work fine, if you use Chrome the easiest free one is probably Urban VPN, it's just an extension, real easy setup, no cost, no account, no bullshit. Set the VPN to Argentina, sign into your account on Xbox like normal, enter the code, and presto. No more bollocks, nothing to actually play it, just the initial activation.

From there, the game will be in your account. GoldenEye will NOT be. By having ownership of Rare Replay, you are "entitled" to download GoldenEye, it will be listed as a free download in the store, but you will have to go and click that download.

The real reason I made this deal though, is so I can recommend people use the refund feature on Xbox. The way GoldenEye ownership works, is you can play it through Game Pass, or you can "buy" it for $0.00 if you have Rare Replay on your account… as it is a separate purchase, you can in fact buy Rare Replay, then "buy" GoldenEye, then refund Rare Replay on your account. The entitlement to GoldenEye is still on your account. Or at least it is now, who knows how long they'll let it ride, but I did it for funzies on the missus' account (already owned Rare Replay genuinely on mine) and she still has the entitlement to play GoldenEye despite Rare Replay being refunded. They likely may get rid of the loophole, and I know OzB doesn't let you put "buy this, then return it" as a deal, but definitely worth a whack for those who want to play it, without paying for a subscription.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It's worth keeping Rare Replay for games like Perfect Dark.

  • Do old rare replay now let you access golden eye?

    • +3

      Only if it's the digital version.

  • +1

    Goldeneye is free on Game Pass now anyway.

  • Played goldeneye on series x yesterday for about an hour, can't say it has aged well if I'm honest.

    • +1

      I played on switch yesterday. The port is almost unplayable with the controller set up and sensitivity aiming.

      • There’s guides online on how to customise the systems controllers for switch to get a better experience. Involves making some controller changes at the system level.

        Playing on Xbox where they have a sensible dual stick option out of the box. I thought the Xbox release felt pretty good.

      • The control setup on Switch is so (profanity) dodge, it's trash AF, once you go into the system settings and remap buttons (which I agree, you should never have to do, and I've never felt the need to do before this game) the game is fine. Interestingly can't figure out how to crouch, but never really did anyway, eh.

        Gameplay wise it's perfectly fine on either console, both have widescreen which is the main thing for me (was worried the N64 app might not allow for 16:9 even though the game always did).

  • How much in Turkey.

  • +4

    Played goldeneye 007 on my XSX today and absolutely loved it!!!

    • Hell yeah! I've been playing some split screen with the kiddo and she's loving it. Gonna graduate onto Nightfire with her sometime soon so we can smash bots rather than just eachother.

      • Perfect Dark…

        • +1

          I've never actually played it's MP. She's just taken a genuinely surprise liking to GoldenEye, even playing a good deal of the campaign, so I might jump on the Bond train while it's here. Plus Nightfire was the one I grew up playing, so while I love GoldenEye, I have the nostalgia people have for that, for Nightfire.

          But definitely worth a suss out sometime. Can you do bots in PD, only ever beat the first half or so of the campaign, never got around to finishing it.

          • -1

            @TheDukeOfNukem: Perfect Dark is basically the spiritual sequel to GE.

            Has many similar maps and guns from memory.

            Bots as well.

            Far better than the other Bond games.

            Frame rate can take a hit though, it's also a 360 title, so that'd have cleaned it up too.

            • @scuderiarmani: Knew all that outside of the bots. I've burned through most of the campaign on the 360 version years ago but never finished it. Never bothered with MP as no one I bothered to actually see really cared about it. Do have a mate who loves TimeSplitters, but despite them being so goddamn similar, could never get him to give a shit and play it. Cool about the bots though, we'll definitely have to check it out. Popped the 100 kills in MP on GoldenEye achievement earlier today together too.

              • +2

                @TheDukeOfNukem: The campaign can be played co op on perfect dark as well. It's a great game!

                • +2


                  Bruv, that's baller. Definitely gonna get on the PD sometime soon, cheers!

  • So the refund thing would require you to buy from the xbox store, not eneba

    I might give it a go.. given that I own a disc version, I do feel entitled to it.

    • I had the disc version in the day, used some MS Rewards $$$ to buy Replay for around 12 bucks basically the moment they announced you'd get GoldenEye included. Silly me figured they'd let you buy it on it's own, but clearly not the case. Either way, would have happily shelled out 15/20 without any thought for GoldenEye, so I'm happy with it.

      But yeah, defo a bummer it's not for disc people. It's been on sale for 12ish bucks countless times though, so can always wait it out and rebuy, probably get 5 or 6 bucks for the disc copy trading in too.

  • What If I have the rare replay in Disc?

    • +3

      No dice, sorry brother. Gotta be digital, otherwise you need GP or the N64 pack. Can't be bought on either console on it's own.

      • +2

        That's so frustrating as I only have the disc version. May as well wait for the digital version to be on sale >.<

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