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FREE PDF eBook Download: 101 Lessons The World Can Learn from Steve Jobs. Needs Personal Details


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Here is the info from the email:

Few can say they touched the world, even fewer can say they transformed the world… and even fewer can say they surprised the world's imagination, and expanded our vision of how we connect, play and create. This is what Steve Jobs did.

A visionary, an innovator, and the co-founder of one of the world's most influential companies and brands - there's plenty of lessons to take from Steve Jobs and his story, and apply to your own life.

The story of Apple
Apple values
Keeping it simple and user friendly
The evolution of the Apple products
Innovation and design
Branding and marketing
Building a committed team
Seeking your passion
Steve Wozniak and the Steve Jobs Legacy:

"Every dream I've ever had in life has come true ten times over. Everything we did, we were setting the tone for the world. For some reason I get this key position of being one of two people that started the company that started the revolution" - Steve Wozniak (Co-Founder of Apple)

More about business practice than biographical info but someone might be interested.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    lesson no 1. nothing in this world is free!

  • +7

    One missing lesson: don't self treat cancer.

  • +22

    Direct link to PDF so you don't have to sell your soul -


    • Thanks. Too late to go looking for it.

    • thx

  • +6

    Lesson 2: Make people believe they are trendy if they own one..

    Hang on I'm replying on a MacBook Pro. I just lost the game :s

    • +2

      Gotcha …

      • You only lose the points if you're replying from a cafe on your mac, home doesn't count! :p

        • +1

          What if im wearing skinny jeans and drinking a latte? HAHA

        • Throw in a black skivvy & it's all WIN! :)

        • +2

          Only if its turtle neck

        • +2

          Is it Soy latte with decaf? Sweetened with honey?

        • +1

          In a 100% recycled paper cup, Biodegradable spoon with Rainforest Alliance certified beans

        • ….that was purchased from Starbucks

  • +5

    Lesson 3: Be an egotistical prick for long enough and it will just be accepted as normal. And the world will think you're a god.

    • -1

      And the world will think you're a god.

      Have you read Walter Isaacson's book?

      • +2

        Sometimes I think jv just gets negged automatically for being jv.

        It's actually quite amusing if you know what he's talking about…

  • +2

    Lesson 4:

    "Good artists copy; great artists steal".

    (Jobs quoting Picasso)

    • +1

      LOL, I was thinking the same thing…I had a mental image of Jobs doing a Midnight Express with a fistful of Xerox disks years ago! :p

      • +1


        it was okay to do it to xerox coz they weren't using their mouse and os to their potential

        but it's not okay for others…

  • +8

    Lesson 5
    Instead of actually competing, it is better to sue your competition

    Lesson 6
    Never drop the price of your product. It devalues the brand. If people know the price will not drop then they won't wait for a price drop before buying your product.

    Lesson 7
    Bring out technologies or ideas that existed before already, but now give a cool sounding name
    such as icloud, retina, facetime..

    • Lesson 6 is a winner for sure!

  • +3

    It's a shame that the positive aspects of Apple's actions in the mobile computing world will always be attributed to Steve Jobs, not the Apple engineers actually behind them.

    • +1

      It's the norm. Look at DYSON.

  • +2


    94 more Lessons… i kinda prefer reading it here than from the ebook!!
    thanks guys

  • +5

    Give money to charity, oops sorry, that was Bill Gates.

  • Lesson 8: Acquire peoples personal details

    • I think thats in the '101 Lessons from Google' book

  • Quote from the front cover…



  • +4

    Someone's opinion who we all wanted to hear

    “Wow Steve Jobs died! He was a brilliant man!”
    Kim Kardashian

  • nice bit of product association by the author.

    got me!

  • +1

    Lesson 9: Don't give personal details to these guys or you will be in a world of pain/spam.

  • +2

    Lesson 10:
    Don't turn in grave whilst Ashton Kutcher plays you in a movie

    Lesson 11:
    Steal all the credit of employees

    Lesson 12:
    Look good for camera, be an a$$ off camera

    Lesson 13:
    It's okay to nickname your employee f**kchop.

    Lesson 14:
    Patent Everything.

  • "New" Lessons for us to learn from its publisher / promoter (21 Century Education):

    • Creative & agggressive enough to be branded as spruiker;
    • No publicity is bad publicity (so I'm doing them a favor here, LOL)
    • Ugly or poor "investment" ideas does look good if you cut them from certain angle.
    • Don't mix up simplicity with easiness. There's no free lunch in the WWW (Whole Wide World).
    • Trading is the hardest profession to make quick bucks, unless you are the "tutor", the "educator" or "successful traders". this won;t sink in until you've lost a fair bit in the game, unfortunately.
  • +2

    Lesson 15: "Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?" "Later. Let's play Global Thermonuclear War." "Fine."

  • Lesson 1: Patents
    Lesson 2: Patents

    Lesson 99: Patents

  • So anyone actually checked out the book? Its it worth my time downloading it?

    • The offer is an attempt by self proclaimed success guru Jamie McIntyre to get your e-mail and name so he can relentlessly bomb your inbox with unmissable offers on how to get rich.

  • lession 16:
    - make it nice
    - make it at low cost
    - sell it for A LOT more than you make it

  • Lucky I set up a fake email address for this - I just started getting SPAMMED.

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