Here is another free bargain!! You can download for free with Kindle, you don't need kindle unlimited to get it for free.
George Orwell is one of England's most famous writers and social commentators.
I couldn't find it on Amazon AU or US for free. Feel free to pop it in the comments if you could find it.
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[eBook] 1984 / Animal Farm by George Orwell Free on Kindle £0 @ Amazon UK

Last edited 26/01/2023 - 15:55 by 2 other users
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Interesting bit of history
Interesting. Give it five years and Apple et al will be deleting more stuff but more as an extension to "deplatforming" - maybe starting with Kanye West….
too late now you are a jabbed sheep clotting or myocarditis on the way hahaha
Congratulations, that was your 1000th comment on this site. That's your legacy, what you just said.
whats the matter son missed ya booster? you know they are safe and effective and free? go nuts!! lets talk again in 5 years.its too early.
@sammyla: Just think it's a funny coincidence your 1000th post is one wishing conspiracy-theorist illness on a stranger. Feels a little embarrassing.
I'm trying to think of a more awkward thing to say in public like that, but the best I can come up with would be yelling across a Coles carpark at someone "so what if i got a rash that doesn't mean i can't secretly film your feet under the stall doors"
@Crow K: lol its no illness its due to the spike protein,let me do a good deed fot this sheep…go do a troponin test for heart muscle damage and a d dimer test for clotting. thank me later. now if you come back at me now with"oh im still fine" yes you are for now. also you have not notices a shift in the narrative have you? lol educate yourself little sheep. you can argue with me,i love a good debate.
"now if you come back at me now with"oh im still fine" yes you are for now"
Have a little think about the lack of rigorous processes going on behind the scenes in your brain if it's burping out sentences like these.
Normal people don't have "..and even if the evidence contradicts what I just said, I'll still be right because.." on the tip of their tongues.
@sammyla: your time would be better spent playing with your six year old and telling stories about the tooth fairy and santa claus.
in a couple of years time they're going to be too old to believe in that sort of stuff.
and then a few years after that they'll have outgrown your conspiracy theory nonsense as well.
@Crow K: so i have a 6 year old do i? thanks i didn't know that. weirdo. i know exactly what i need to teach my kids don't you worry. they will learn life skills for surviving the bullshit. will learn to grown their own food like we already do. will learn to appreciate everything including nature. will learn how to respect and not be wrapped in ideologies that are detrimental to people.they will play sport to be fit and healthy, they will not eat junk food. they are absolutely blessed to have parents witch common sense.
will learn how to respect and not be wrapped in ideologies that are detrimental to people
Cool. How does that tie in to you calling people (and strangers, at that) with different beliefs to you on here "sheep"? Is that the sort of respectful, non-detriment positive mindset you'll be teaching them?
I know you're a credulous person, but you should at least come up with a bit more a plausible "actually everyone i'm not shit, here's my positive qualities" list.
@Crow K: lol let me explain, them learning to respect doesn't mean they will not talk back when they are ridiculed or attacked for stating the obvious you know my son is 6?is he? how do you know? hahaha stalking my posts? that's sad.but he is not 6 so its all good hahaha
me credulous? yeah me credulous because of the lying and brainwashing that's going on. so if a company came to you to sell an anti ageing pill but you see everyone who took it are ageing like they used to would you take it? now think about the jab lol credulous you say? hahahahamy positive qualities hmm, im much more humane than you will ever be. i came to this country 20 years ago, handful of good deeds i have done -> been through tough times myself at start but still helped at least 4 people find jobs when they were in really dire situations,paid to get electricity connections for a few families in a 3rd world country, bought lifesaving injections for cancer patients in the same country.have gone out of my way to help friends pay uni fees when they were international students.looked after my neighbors, now tell me something positive about yourself? what do you do other than ridiculing people who state facts? stop watching television and enjoy life its too short.
Free in the public domain too. I'm listening to the audiobook version of animal farm on YouTube.
I think its run out in AU :(
Or just watch the news
Definitely should be compulsory reading for elected
politicians. Maybe a graphic novel version for the more challenged.was compulsory reading for me in yr11. Only read the sexy bits my friends showed me. Book reading didn't really help in the assessments and your understanding of the book isn't even really assessed rather they just want you find quotes that use a certain technique and then make up some bullshit about how that quote furthers some random theme that the question provides.
Damn - that's one long sentence. 5/10.
@bdl: It's a language technique I used to signify the dazed nature of main character to the audience and to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind of the narrator.
p.s. I wouldn't recommend running this through the plagiarism checker 😉
Leaving aside the torture that is the national curriculum’s abuse of literature, these novels are worth reading and then reflecting on how our society compares today.
I must admit Animal Farm was pretty on the mark when I read it all those years ago, when the iron curtain still existed.
I am not sure which depressed me the most, 1984 or Brave New World as prophesies.
@entropysbane: I only read those 3 books recently, and loved all of them! Then cried a bit.
Can definitely see too much in common in today's world. Some countries a bit more 1984/AF, others a bit more BNW, but on both cases the Govs achieved their goals.
It's a shame that the 1984 movie was rubbish, and I couldn't find one for Brave New World available to watch =(@l o l: There is a serial production of Brave New World that is pretty good. And it has Jessica Brown Findlay as Lenina Crowne in it, so very good. You can watch it on Stan or just buy/rent it on iTunes. Just be aware the ending isn’t quite the same as the book.
Then there is always the Sylvester Stallone loosely BNW based movie “Demolition Man”. Well, it gives BNW a few nods. Given its age, some of the future scenarios are a bit too true! I am still trying to figure out the three shells.
@entropysbane: Thank you! I'll watch both.
Actually, the series of BNW was already on my watchlist, but since it's only 7.0⭐ on imdb, it was always at the bottom of my priority list 😅
I don't know Jessica Brown Findlay, but given your approval, I can assume she's very pneumatic.
@entropysbane: We were forced to read Of Mice and Men and The Collector in high school. The former I can still understand, but the latter was a book about how a psycho kidnapped a woman to add to his collection. What they want a 16yo to learn from a book like this is beyond me.
is still on the syllabus.
Wish we read classic books like Orwell, Dickens or Kafka. We read Shakespeare and bloody Romeo and Juliet at that. Boooring! 😑
I don't remember any sexy parts in animal farm. Sitting here wondering your kind of sexy. 🤣
Definitely should be compulsory reading for elected politicians.
I thought it already was. As an instruction manual. (Hi Dan.)
Grapes of Wrath should be compulsory reading for all.
Oh yeah, it was quite popular in the Soviet Union, but Animal Farm for some reason wasn't :-)
Animal farm is basically the kids version of 1984
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Have you read these books?
@ForkSnorter: For those who don't follow:
1984 is actually about how totalitarianist states can make the world a living hell through disinformation, surveillance, eroding privacy, threats, torture and control. It is relevant to North Korea, but modern governments around the world do some of these things to a lesser or greater extent, including ours. And the number of people who read this book is a key factor in the population understanding what's happening, which is by far the most effective way to reduce how much they can get away with.
Animal Farm is about how even Communism, which is supposed to be about the bottom 99% being in charge of their own lives, not the ruling class, doesn't solve this either.
@ItsMeAgro: For Animal Farm, if you don't read the book, you will get a 'distorted' conclusion by watching the movie.
If you keep reading, then < SPOILER ALERT > for those, who have never read Animal Farm before.
The 1954 film version of Animal Farm was secretly funded by the American intelligence agency the CIA,
who bought the rights from the writer’s widow, Sonia Orwell.source:…
To meet the CIA's objectives, the ending was changed to show that only the pigs had become totally corrupt.
The film ends with other animals mounting a successful revolt against their rulers.
There is no mention of the humans in the film's conclusion.source:…
@whyisave: What were their objectives? To show fascism as exclusively evil I guess?
Unlike today where Western nations are funding and supporting it with military aid. (Australia to the tune of over $600,000,000.) Good onya Scomo/Albo… obedient globalist hand puppets.
@ItsMeAgro: The ALP and the Greens see 1984 as an instruction manual. 1984 is about the danger of the surveillance state. And that can happen under communism or capitalism.
There is very little difference between the totalitarism practiced in Commie countries and in capitalist ones. The Communists are at least honest about what they are doing. Here in Australia every transaction over $10,000 gets reported to the nanny state, every IP address and telephone number you call is logged, site IPs are blocked because piracy sites displease the capitalists who bribe the political class, cameras monitor your driving performance looking for an excuse to issue you fines, people are forced to get medical treatments they don't want (mRNA vaccines), people cannot consume plants like cannabis and magic mushrooms, and so on.
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." Australians unofficial motto.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
"Thoughtcrime is death. "
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
Goodthink: This is approved by the Party. It is the opposite of crimethink.
doublethink - the power to hold two completely contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever."
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” - C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
@RefusdClassification: "Here in Australia every transaction over $10,000 gets reported to the nanny state"….
Except you can still draw it no problem but in CCP China even today, you are being turned away with no explanation why you can't draw your own money, that's a HUGE difference !The ALP and the Greens see 1984 as an instruction manual
Here in Australia every transaction over $10,000 gets reported to the nanny state, every IP address and telephone number you call is logged, site IPs are blocked because piracy sites displease the capitalists who bribe the political class, cameras monitor your driving performance looking for an excuse to issue you fines, people are forced to get medical treatments they don't want (mRNA vaccines), people cannot consume plants like cannabis and magic mushrooms, and so on.
You do realise that all of these were bought in by the Liberal+National Parties? With support of Labor.
The greens have a very small minority, and they only so called power they have is because Labour.and Liberals allow them to have it. If they worked together like adults they could sideline the Greens, One Nation, Nationals, etc. They could even make Costello, Stokes & Murdoch irrelevant.
@M00Cow: The uniparty. That elections are held every three years is just theatre to keep the proles distracted.
Always remember they have more in common with each other than they do with us.
Here in Australia every transaction over $10,000 gets reported to the nanny state,
isn’t that so people don’t avoid paying tax where required, so that the government can fund social security, pension, medicare, free education, and infrastructure that allows society to function?
The Communists are at least honest about what they are doing.
Are you saying the North Korean government does not lie to the North Korean people?
cameras monitor your driving performance looking for an excuse to issue you fines
If the cameras deter use of phones while driving and save lives, isn’t that a good thing?
people cannot consume plants like cannabis
In most states possession is not really illegal anymore, you’re usually just given a warning, and I strongly suspect marijuana production and sale will be decriminalised if Labor stays in power for a few. In the ACT it is already legal to “possess up to 50 grams of dried cannabis or up to 150 grams of fresh cannabis. grow up to two cannabis plants per person, with a maximum of four plants per household.” But you’re right that criminalisation of marijuana is ridiculous and hypocritical.
1984 is actually about how totalitarianist states can make the world a living hell through disinformation, surveillance, eroding privacy, threats, torture and control. It is relevant to North Korea, but modern governments around the world do some of these things to a lesser or greater extent, including ours. And the number of people who read this book is a key factor in the population understanding what's happening, which is by far the most effective way to reduce how much they can get away with.
Orwell commented that he was particularly concerned with totalitarianism and leader-worship, i.e. personality cults.
I think you’re underplaying the parallels with North Korea. There is literally a Ministry of Information (called “the Central News Agency”) which rewrites history and broadcasts propaganda and fictional news. There is a big brother-like personality cult around the supreme leader. There is a system of reporting what people say, in case they say/think the wrong thing. Government pretends it is constantly at war with the rest of the world.
Animal Farm is about how even Communism, which is supposed to be about the bottom 99% being in charge of their own lives, not the ruling class, doesn't solve this either.
Orwell commented that his main objective was to show how violent revolutions don’t work if the leaders of the revolution install themselves in power unchecked, with no means of removing them.
You're actually the idiot mate.
Well, just because Australia isn't completely Orwellian YET doesn't mean it's not Orwellian ("ian" mean "like" or similar traits). e.g. The last 3 years with their Hyundai sniffles virus, tracking app, useless masks, ineffective experimental jabs with healthy young athletes dying mid-field of "explained heart complications" (while automatically excluding all members of parliament having it themselves of course), people blackmailed with job loss if you were arrogant enough to think Federal Law actually protected you against onerous and punitive State Law like it's supposed to, some people able to shop but not others, police accessing phone app data when they specifically vowed they wouldn't, most the media in complete lockstep with and obeying government saying "follow the science" while censoring and projecting the many other equally or better-qualified experts actually following real science on a big screen for the sheople to scream at and blame - all to support "the latest thing"… and the list goes on.
Cooker alert
@Miso: As usual the ones without evidence flippantly calling those with evidence and equal or better experts, "tin foil hatters." Here's a bit a reality for you. I had to go to hospital ED when NSW Health was about to make their clotshots mandatory for all heatlh workers. The two paramedics who drove me there said they had about 12 employees at their depot, and after all the toxic reactions to the jabs they'd been seeing on their emergency callouts, about 8 at the depot were seriously considering walking away from their job to clean toilets and stack supermarket shelves rather than risk their lives.
@[Deactivated]: Sure.
Also, you don't need to go to the hospital for ED. There are pills for that now.
@Beef jerky time: I doubt an entire hospital ED had E.D. Though given the sheep-iike compliance of those who kneeled at the altar of pseudo science, it's entirely possible. ;-D
or watch the documentary, Black Mirror
What a wholesome sounding kids story :)
I think it even includes how they look after pet pigs
Don't read this, otherwise how can you confidently describe situations as '1984' or 'Animal Farm' completely incorrectly?
"1984 was mean to be a warning, not a guide"
Is this like a Hitchens quote about North Korea?
I do!
This is all exactly like 1984.
No, I haven't actually read it, but if I had I bet it would be something like this.
Saying this is like 1984 is so Animal Farm. Disgusting.
I'm dialing in to Sky News this second to complain.
"Four legs good, two legs bad"
All legs tasty.
I will focus on bacon.
I watched the video version of this on VHS years ago but it was completely different from the book version
No No, men CAN have babies!
How ?
Don't ask me I'm not woke enough to figure it out.
When we read 1984 back in the day I remember the quote you were alluding to "Freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4"
I never understood that back then. I do now.
get it before the rewrite with a female lead
look heres a link about it, or search for one with your own preferred biases.…
Looking forward to it, from a different perspective. Should get people thinking. Choice is something lacking in totalitarian thinking. The original will still be available.
Attended the George Orwell Prize in Myanmar. Met many authors there who had been imprisoned for their writing, because some considered it unacceptable…
(Myanmar & it's people had an affect on Orwell - known by locals as the Prophet, who served there under the colonizing British.)
those who control the present control the past.
[Spoiler alert]
In all seriousness though, the link does remind me I never really understood why Julia had a thing for Winston… I actually thought she was thought police when I read the book.Yeah I pictured him as a weedy balding guy, is he described that way in the text? I thought she was definitely just pretending to like him.
I recently watched the movie version and he looks more like a dishevelled Snape in my mind now. That being said, when I read the book, I also imagined Julia to be more glamorous/exciting for some reason.
So no criticism of the CIA funded rewriting of the film to push their ideology??
So many received a very different message to that intended by Orwell!!Julia is already a lead.
What an interesting comment section.
+1 because the best books are those that tell you what you know already.
Public domain. This and more available at project gutenberg for free always
You should have posted the terms and conditions:
"Only free for pigs!"
It's actually in the public domain in Australia (though not in other parts of the world due to slight variations in laws.) Can also get most of Orwell's books in multiple formats from Project Gutenberg Australia -
Is there a preferred app for reading Gutenberg books?
They've got multiple formats (including HTML so you can read direct in the browser), but the easiest one for my money (i.e. free) is the ePub format, which is an open standard that should work on pretty much any app you can find.
I'm a big fan of Calibre on PC which is a manager and a reader, but I transfer and read them on a Kobo device.
I like FBreader on Android.
Great books. Already read them a long time ago, I highly recommend.
Waiting for the sequel: "George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Vlod the Impaler Zelenskyy Fascist Farm."
Not sure why you're so excited - any sequel would be an actual book you had to read, not a series of YouTube videos recorded by a guy in his car while having a manic dissociative episode.
No need for youtube videos. Read C__t Schwab's own books, Bill Gates pseudo-scientitic drivel on climate and other conspiracy theories, then check out who the nasty little group of fascist neo Nazis are called the Azov Battalion, and then Zelenskyy's public photos taken standing with them in approval after their ongoing racism, r__e, and murder of non-compliant and LGBT folks alike, after he grants them key positions in his military, etc.
But stuff the facts and reality, right? What really matters is whatever "the latest thing" the media is regurgitating today, lol.
Waiter, I ordered the "cheeseburger with Fanta", not the "conspiracy bingo word-salad with little to no self-review".
@Crow K: Right… So according to you, when a few people who most world leaders fly across the world to meet and listen to, who writes books laying out his plans and dreams for the future of the planet, how they'll bring it about, and then actually carries them out… it's "conspiracy word salad with no self-review" to you?
Do I ned to read it? "Animal Farm suggests that Britain is old-fashioned country, badly run by self-serving aristocrats."
All too familiar & we have their head of state (in our animal farm ;)Everyone should read these books. And Brave New World.
Back in my school days one of the other kids brought in his Dad's copy of Animal Farm on VHS. I don't think it was based off the George Orwell novel. This Animal Farm video had way to many naked people interacting with farm yard animals and the plot was very thin. I didn't enjoy it, in fact i'm still slightly traumatized by the video!
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