This was posted 2 years 1 month 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Free Rapid Antigen Tests at Certain Community Locations @ WA Government


The WA government is making free rapid antigen tests available for pick up from Pop-up locations between Monday 23rd January until 5pm 29th January.

For the full list please visit:…

Additional free tests are available for support and disability workers via the Department of Communities:…

As always, stay safe, mask up and use common sense.

See also free RAT tests for close contacts

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

  • +18

    Is this still a thing "

    • is what still a thing?

      • +2

        Rat testing .

        • -1

          yes, and the advice is to still stay home if you're positive.

          • @DalekZ: That's not correct.
            Only if you're symptomatic, which is the case with any sickness.

            • -7

              @Pigey: "If you test positive on your RAT, register your results online with WA Health and stay home until you are recovered to prevent the spread of infection."

              • -3


                If you are asymptomatic or show no symptoms and have recovered there is no need to isolate from Day 1 even if you are still testing positive. This has been verified when I called 13COVID

                There is no need to spread misinformation.

                • +2

                  @Pigey: I'm not spreading misinformation, I am only repeating what was written on the site I linked too. If you find it misleading than go complain to the WA Gov

                  • @DalekZ: The WA government and Federal Health site is crystal clear.

                    It is you who is saying if you're positive you stay home. The correct statement is if you are symptomatic you should stay home.

                    Please be consistent with the health advice of the day and not that of a year ago.


                    While isolation is no longer a legal requirement for anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, staying at home protects the people around you and the broader community from COVID-19.

                    Like other respiratory illnesses, it is recommended if you have symptoms you should stay at home.

            • +1

              @Pigey: That's not correct. Some viruses are still contagious after the symptoms finish (I'm willing to bet one day scientists will put COVID into this category).
              As an example, if you have Viral Gastroentiritis then you should stay home for 48 hours after your symptoms end as you are still contagious during this period.

              (edit to clarify that I was replying to Piggy's original comment stating to stay home only while symptomatic, same as any other virus)

              • @karnage1020: I'm sure some people are contagious even if they show no symptoms, this is not the argument.

                My point is, from an official government advice perspective, is that you don't need to.

                • @Pigey: And my point is, I am only posting what the website I provided as part of this deal said itself. Its not misleading if it came from the website page itself

        • +1

          Normally you go to the vet for pets

    • They never actually stopped these pop-ups. not sure why it's a deal today

  • +1

    To be honest they are like surplus now!

  • Still waiting for the ones they sent last year

    • +19

      They are at Auspost Welshpool

  • -6

    people still play pandemic?

    • +1

      Because we still are in a pandemic, it hasnt been declared over by anybody with the authority to make such declarations.

      • +5

        All hail the "authorities".

        Where would we be without them?

    • There still are thousands of people die to covid on a daily basis and new variants being confirmed.

      • -1

        The pandemic is no laughing matter, what sort of monster makes a joke about the bodies piled up in the streets since 2020? Our hospitals are overwhelmed and we still can't clear them. I saw on the news last night that experts are saying we may never clear the backlog of bodies.
        Please, just stay home.
        Just be a good person and flatten the curve, will you?
        It's not hard, just don't be a d*ck and wear a mask, please! My grandpa is 107 and the nurses told me if he gets covid he might die, stop being a selfish as*hole!

  • Just couple of weeks ago they were giving out by the box at optus stadium.
    There were 250 in a box…

  • +5

    My tax money is well spent on good cause.
    Thanks Wa govt.

  • -1

    Whats the point? There's nothing I will do any different if I tested positive. I'm only gonna be testing myself if I feel sick. If I feel sick, I'm staying home.

    • -8

      OP thinks says stay home even if you don't feel sick.

      • +4

        That's not what i said, I was quoting what the site I LINKED said about staying at home until you feel better. Jeez you like to put words in my mouth don't you

    • I suppose it helps anyone that has someone in their family at risk or who is in hospital.
      But yeah anyone not in that situation would do as you said and just stay home if sick.

    • +2

      They obviously aren't for you then…
      I was testing myself daily after being close contact a few weeks ago and my wife being 37 weeks pregnant. I ended up positive with almost no symptoms and was able to keep it from my wife and our daughter thanks to the tests

  • +11

    I have some free garbage that people can collect from my place if people are indeed into driving somewhere to get free garbage?

    A rusted old swing set (disassembled), and a stack of water logged cardboard. Let me know.

  • +4

    I thought WA banned single use plastics…

    • Just as long as they don't bam single use rubbers…

    • +3

      Feel free to remind the nurses of that next time you're in the Emergency Department

      • Will do. Thanks for the tip!

  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Ive got about 50 RATs from the last give aways, going to expire in August

    • Same, I need to get the sniffles a few times over winter to stop them going to waste

  • I wonder what's worse

    Antigen kits no one's probably buying


    the alcohol ban in Darwin.


    The Kanye West Ban from Peter Dutton.

  • -3

    Not free, cost Australian billions and recession. Stop spreading fear.

  • +6

    A product as innacurate as these tests should be disposed of, not given away for free

    • -3


      • A sigh may even be more accurate than this test for Covid

  • +1

    Thanks OP, appreciate the heads up

  • They test if you are a RAT

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