This was posted 2 years 10 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] 10 Free Rapid Antigen Tests for COVID-19 Close Contacts - Pickup Only @ WA Government


Western Australians who are COVID-19 close contacts are each entitled to 10 free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to help them meet testing requirements while asymptomatic (one daily test for 7 days).

Close contacts with no symptoms can each collect 10 free RATs at metro and regional locations.

Close contacts with no symptoms are allowed to leave their isolation premises but must undertake a RAT every day for 7 days and return a negative result. They must wear a mask outside of home (12 years and older) and avoid high-risk settings unless they work there.

People who test positive to the COVID-19 using a RAT must register their result and isolate according to positive case guidelines.

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

  • +3

    Looks like stocks are
    Getting cleared

  • +4

    Word is the gov overordered the RAT tests and forgot that they had a use by date…

    • +13

      They never sent the 15 that I signed up for, and their and support team just said keep waiting.

      The process has been pretty poorly managed, good intentions poorly executed.

      • Mine arrived 2 months after I ordered them

      • -1

        Ditto still waiting for mine
        Apparently you could go to the airport and grab them

        Even then this is classic wa health department antics. Possibly one of the clunkiest overstaffed gov depts in Australia

        • +4

          Give them a call. They lodge a claim and then send send you 15.

          • -2

            @pandadude: Id rather just whinge about it on OzBargain

            • +1

              @Keeno: I've called them 3 times.
              As I stated above, they told me to just keep waiting and blamed "logistics issues". They wouldn't look into it despite me asking to review my Order Number.

              I'd rather not read and try to call people out on Ozbargain…

              • @cook99: Mine arrived only yesterday and I ordered them within an hour or two of the process opening. They just arrive in a bag as they've been taken out of the bulk box.

          • @pandadude: Work's already provided copious amounts fortunately.

      • +4

        My 15 RATs arrived within a week. I assume its Austpost that is dropping the ball.

        • Mine’s been sitting there for over 3 weeks now with the usual “delayed due to COVID-19” excuse.

          Meanwhile, parcels from Amazon still gets delivered like clockwork.

          • @darthsparrow: Amazon is amazing. Often get things next day or at the worst 3 day turn around. EBay is a week.

      • Yeah I got mine within a month of signing up. I did sign up on day dot as well.

        • Signed up within 5 minutes of the announcement, I was on the site before it was live. All good it's lost in their process or the mail, just stating that I've tried to get them but no luck for me unfortunately.

      • +1

        i've filed two "missing item" enquiries with australia post, just for the first batch of rats. both times a canned response telling me to wait another 14 business days, blaming "high parcel volumes" etc. meanwhile i've received many parcels through aus post since then, even from flood-affected regions without any noticeable delay

      • +1

        My 10 extra didn't arrive after a month so I rang up and they were super helpful. Apologied and got it in motion. 10 days later and they arrived.

      • Called last week and see said mine never got delivered. It was in my postbox in 2 days

      • Mine were sent to my neighbor's address

    • +3

      I highly doubt use by dates are anything to do with this. I have received WA government RATs in a few ways, and none are anywhere near expiry.
      15 gov AllTest nasal via post: Jan 2024
      5 gov employer Roche nasal: 21 Jan 2024
      10 local state MP V-Chek saliva: 05 May 2023

  • I assume they will ask for a name or address to check the register that someone in your household has registered as having COVID?

    • +3

      They took down my drivers license and mobile phone number and and gave me 6 packs (total of 30 RATs, household maximum) upfront, no further questions asked.

  • +12

    Gov doesn't give free RAT - criticise.

    Gov gives free RAT - criticise.

    What a world we live in.

    • +2

      It's almost as if people can have opposing views on the very same issue. Wild concept.

    • -2

      We have around 100 tests at home ready to be binned. What a waste?

      • Chuck em on marketplace?

        • -2

          I don't have a FB account and I don't even know there is even demand in Vic for these things anymore.

      • +5

        You picked up 100? why?

        Couldn't you have just stopped at 50

        • -6

          Got 2 Kids. They were given at school. Kids brought them home. My kids never fell sick. We never tested them. In Vic, we don't go get them. They will give in school for kids regardless

          • +11

            @[Deactivated]: Well there in lies your problem, you weren't supposed to test them only if they seemed sick, you were supposed to test them regardless. A significant proportion of kids with COVID are asymptomatic, they can carry and spread it without having any symptoms.

      • give it to people in need..

        • -4

          I don’t even know that people still need them. I thought covid party is over.

    • +2

      Gov gives free RAT - criticise.

      Gov failed to get free RAT to the public, i think it's pretty fair to criticize that.

    • Always crticise.

    • -3

      Free RAT? no such thing.. they're taxpayer funded.
      When you see how many the bought up and how soon they expire you soon realise this isn't an act of generosity, it's an act of desperation to save face.

    • +7

      nuh. We have moved onto logging in and shitposting on deals we have zero interest in, rather than just going about our day.

        • +3

          Western Australia. 275 in hospital as of right now. 7 ICU. Less than 1% of the eligible population have had ANY Covid-19 vaccination. 27% of those in hospital or close to 1 in 3 have not had a vaccine. Covid theatre. Got it. If you can't test - then you are destined to spread more of this about. Everything is landfill. You. Me. The piece of tech you are typing on. These raw materials were landfill before they were RATs. Your 'good number' is a minority number and it's generally your Palmer's, Christensen's, Hansons and anyone on a diet even closely tied with Shitizen KKKane Murdoch which 70% of all Australian media is. I get my information from academics not pollies (not saying you do). But even your covid theatre is a RW talking point.

          • +1


            Western Australia. 275 in hospital as of right now. 7 ICU

            Tiny amount considering the population is over 2.5 million. Half of those are likely incidental in that they are in hospital with covid and not because of it.

            • +1

              @ozhunter: WA posted their largest covid number today. Worst so far is couple of weeks away still. Agree that some will be in hospital with covid rather than because. But the almost 1 in 3 being unvaccinated should be alarming to anyone.

          • -1

            @seamonkey: Hang on seamonkey. All the stats you just rattled off were all information provided by academics? 7 in ICU directly due to covid out of 50k odd cases? Those numbers right there tell you something. Let’s play along though, do you know the ages of these 7 icu patients? If they reflect other states then those 7 patients have a median age of around 80yo. On your numbers 2-3 of them are unvaxed. Why on earth would we have 80yos unvaxxed? Are they antivaxers?

            • -1

              @Pennypacka: Yeah. Keep on cherry picking. 7 was an ICU figure, for one state, one 24 hour period.

              The fact is there are about 3,200 Australians in hospital today with COVID. That's rolling. Some will recover, some won't make it out. The 3.5k Australians in hospital in a week or 2 will be a whole new batch of us.

              246 deaths in the last 7 days alone. My main point is - 27% of the 3200 people chilling in hospital today, (864 people) have had zero vaccines. Then compare that to the wider general unvaccinated population. Those 864 people today are largely morons.

              • -1


                The fact is there are about 3,200 Australians in hospital today with COVID

                Such a tiny amount.

                And this if for WA only but around three in every four patients included in the state’s daily COVID hospital numbers were admitted for another condition.


                More than likely it's the elderly are the ones filling up the hospitals. For the rest of us, it doesn't look like the vaccine would have prevent hospitalisations or deaths in any significant number. A person's age and health look to be much bigger factors than their vaccination status.

              • -1

                @seamonkey: No we know you’re just pulling figures from your seasmnkey poo hole. First it was an imaginary 1 in 3 now it’s 27% (1 in 4). Again what is the average age of covid death in Oz? It’s like 81yo. The vast majority of those under 70 have more than 1 comorbidity. How does this data inform say a healthy 35yo on getting vaxxed? It doesn’t! The detail in the data is very important. Look into it

                • -1

                  @Pennypacka: Ok. Tell me where Im wrong. 1 in 3. I said above 'CLOSE to 1 in 3' so you maybe should look into it.

                  How many kids have died with covid (because of covid is a while different argue men) 8 kids. Glad they aren't any kids you know, or part of your family.
                  Age 10-19 5 people
                  Age 20-29 21 people
                  Age 30-39 63 people

                  I'm not actually very cool with the fact that 97 Australians under 39 have died with COVID-19. You cannot say they had underlying health conditions - you and I don't know that. I'll say what I want to say, and I say sorry to those 97 families for our pace, our anti vaxxers, our RW nutjobs, our government at all levels, people have the right to do whatever they want, such as insane freedom rallies and spitting Craig Kelly talking points, I reserve my right to say F all of those people.

                  Maybe you are a healthy 35 year old, if you are, then congratulations. I'm not even close to that age. I have the elderly to consider in my family, and also the very young. I need to consider significant disability that family members live with, so our starting point perspective with never be the same. I do not agree with you and you know what, that's absolutely OK.

                  • -2

                    @seamonkey: I know, you’re clearly a better person than anyone who questions the covid response. I don’t see what the big deal is though. You and your loved ones are vaxxed so you’re safe. Do I get any points if I correctly guess that you’re single?

                    • +1

                      @Pennypacka: People that question the covid response - good. People who question the people that question the covid response. bad. Got it.

                      I didn't say I'm better than anyone. I'm worse than most. Everyone's circumstances are different. I've got kids that aren't eligible for a vaccine (under 5) heading into day care centres where cases are exploding. Do I think my child is in harms way? No. Do I suspect my child will be extremely unwell and hospitalised when they get this? No. But I do believe they can bring it home and give it to people that are associated with my household. Around the 80+ age group. I'm no pro lockdown but I'm pissed to see alll the people I see deliberately spread this. One radical change I've made is handshakes can f right off. Never been a fan - the fact the community do FA to bring cases down pisses me off and I'm entitled to such an opinion. Lower cases numbers reduce the probability I need to consider balancing young unvaccinated, or elderly because I find community attitudes here a source of frustration. You know not of my circumstances. If you did it would make more sense but that's not really something I'd openly share in a forum of bargains and shitposting. In relation to your sledge about guessing I'm single -, no, I'm not. Why? Are you interested in perusing a relationship with me? I'm happily married and I have 2 children. Do I get any points if I correctly guess that you’re juvenile?

                      • -2

                        @seamonkey: You said it. Cases are exploding. Trying to protect elderly people in your house while you and your children are out and about in the community is futile. If you can’t find alternative arrangements for them or you won’t make sacrifices for them. Ie. work from home, homeschooling for kids, groceries delivered then don’t put it on the rest of us to make token guesture like wearing a mask. Masks…I read something someone said how someone can do a dart on an aeroplane, it goes through their undies travels many meters and floats through your mask. But a virus which is many times smaller than the pores in a mask won’t go through a mask. Anyway, you go back to living in fear and saying salty things in forums.

                        • -1

                          @Pennypacka: Futile. Got it. My family hasn't been to a supermarket since 12 March 2020. Work from home since 16 March 2020, before it was even a thing. But you keep telling me what sacrifices we haven't made. You keep bringing up talking points like masks when that's not even what I speak of. I have a child that turned 5 this month. They have been to daycare 2 times in 2022..Those 2 times have been in the last week because it's clear dipshits are going to insist on standing 8 inches from each other's faces, spitting and laughing because of mUh fReEdOMs and not bother with the most basic of precautions like even rubbing their sweaty hands together because you know, election campaign. Y'all keep spreading deliberately though. Saw greater avoidance years ago if people had disclosed they had the flu.

                          Sacrifices. GTFO. ozbargain has an absolutely fantastic feature, the 'Hide comments from user', I highly suggest you try it on me. You'll be archived from me within mere seconds and I'm happy I'll never see another one. Done. Byeeee.

        • +5

          Uh to be a naive Australian who hasn't dealt with losing family members because we were overly vigilant and gave a toss about human life.

    • -2

      Heaps of sheep. Yep

      • +3

        I know right? So let's all keep posting about these sheep. Totally not sheep like behaviour to tell the sheep they are sheep. Now open Breitbart.

    • -3

      The sheep think he saved them… strange thing is that I have friends around the world and they ALL believe they were spared the worst of covid, and feel sorry for me on Oz, because we had it so bad.
      This is an honest quote from a Ukranian friend who lives in Tokyo, but travels Moscow <> Tokyo frequently.

      "Really sorry to hear about the situation in AU. I heard that things in big cities like Sydney, Melburn, and Brisbane are much worse than anywhere in the world. Though it seems like some countries in Europe are lifting restrictions, and some like Japan never really had ones, I heard in AU it was and obviously still is quite harsh. There was a big deal in regards to QR-codes in Russia, much pressure, but people were so against it that eventually it didn't go that far. Some places still require them, but then people avoid visiting such places, so they just give up asking."

  • Any offers for other states? What can we get in Victoria?

    • -7

      Pay for shipping, I will send 100 free RAT ready to be binned.
      Just saying. I won't send anything. I will bin them

      • +2

        Cool story

        • -1


    • +1

      Similar deal for Victorian's, each close contact can get 5 free RAT tests from a PCR testing site when someone they live with tests positive.

  • What about if you're a close contact with symptoms?

    • +2

      then false;
      else true;

      • i am having compilation errors on that code.. had to update it

        if [ close contact has symptoms ];
        then false;
        else true;

    • -1

      Get a PCR.

      • +1

        And then? If it's negative but you still have symptoms, can you go get some free RATs?

        • +1


        • +1

          For me, I went to get a PCR after someone I lived with turned positive, and they gave me the RATs at the same time.

  • -3

    Pick up rat tests - check!

    Sell on ebay - check!

    • +4

      be a scum - check!

      • Wrong, I am entitled to my RATs

    • -2

      So many Negs for making a joke, love the snowflake site OzB is becoming 🙄

    • No wonder they didn't have any when my partner went to pick some up…

  • Just picked up 30 from the convention centre. Zero line, saliva options for kids otherwise nasal. Too easy.

  • This was easy, just walked up and they asked how many in my house, got given 10 for each person

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