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Impact Whey Protein 5kg - Chocolate Stevia $126.74 Delivered @ MYPROTEIN

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This is roughly $25 P/KG of whey protein best I've seen in awhile.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Watch out, I have thrown 5kg in the garbage, the stuff puts you on the throne. No refunds, they want you to send the sealed stuff back 😂 I was crazy to buy 5kg of this junk.

    • +3

      From what I've learned this is a function of individual gut microbiome - some people are able to handle the artificial sweeteners and milk derived proteins whilst others not so much. I've had this as a breakfast smoothie for 3months at a time (I like to change it up after a while - I go through phases) and never had an issue with the toilet. Old housemate was the same, but I also have a friend who'd have explosive bowel evacuations.

      Mixing with milk tends to make it a bit much for me, but water works well and no discomfort. Find something that works for you!

  • I've had the Natural Choclate and Strawberry and can vouch for the flavour I've ordered this one hopefully not to bad.

  • +3

    Another 2 months expiry product?

  • +1

    'Sorry, unfortunately this product is currently out of stock. Add it to your wishlist to receive a back in stock email notification. '

    • Weird I'm in QLD and just bought it not sure if its regional affected..

  • Do you know de whey?

    • It wheys a lot

      • <insert Ted -Theodore- Logan gif>

  • +3

    Anything flavoured with cholic acid salts is probably best avoided.

  • Can confirm chocolate stevia was towards the bottom of list from their flavour range stack.

  • +2

    how many people in this country are protein deficient?

  • -1

    Just get a 20kg bag of fonterra whey from nz.

    • price?

    • +1

      Where from?

      • I've looked at fonterra bulk 20kg and have found it priced at 800-900 dollars for 20kg…

  • I know taste is different for everyone, but just to throw this in.

    Chocolate Stevia is seriously the ONLY flavour of 30 or so flavours we tried as sample packs that earned a "seriously yuk" comment!! (lucky I made a list of all flavours, seems the ones on "special" have the tendency to be on the …… end of the list)

    Just a heads up for those of you that haven't tried the flavour, 5kg of seriously yuk avoided for me and my wife haha (she got me to write the list, glad she did!)

    • Would you mind sharing list from best to worst flavour

  • +5

    Often get sent large bags close to expiry which are short dated stock in quantities too large for an individual to consume. Would not use them again. Taste texture and mix is great, but the practice of luring people in with sales on short dated stock is not.

    • +4

      I got 10kg with 2 months expiry. Emailed them and they said they'll look into it. Emailed them a few months later, same response. Not buying from these guys ever again

      • Write a negative review to trustpilot and it'll get picked up by their marketing team. They usually offer a refund.

        • +1

          Refund if I remove my review?

          • @rosebank: I got an instant refund on a product from an angry email threatening complaints to the ACCC. However it was something that was only $15

            • @exit: It has been over a year. I'd rather write a scathing review on Trust Pilot and leave it up. I don't want their blood money

    • Thats a shame.Hopefully you were able to get a refund or some form of compensation for this.

      I've used these guys a few times and luckily haven't had this issue. I just received 5kg from them which has a best before 02/24.

  • What brand would you recommend as low carb protein? Thanks.

  • Just about to run out of the last Musashi 1/2 price from Chemist Warehouse. Cant justify paying $320 for what used to cost $200 pre COVID.

    I did get 5kg of this protein in the Black Friday sales for a stupid price and surprisingly the Taste was great and it was a WPI.

  • At this point in time, I won't touch anything that's not out of NZ - even the aussie protein isn't 'as clean' as the NZ stuff.

    • +1

      I'm pretty sure whatever most guys are pinning will overcome it.

    • What do you mean? AminoZ’s stuff gets lab tested and it comes back pretty clean bro, have you had it lab tested and found something else?

      • It has to do with dairy farming laws in NZ vs in the US.

        • The US I can totally understand but isn’t AminzoZ whey supplied from from Australia and NZ, or are you saying they mix it 🤔?

          • @ShrewdBargin: I've never looked into this specific whey - can you link it?

            • @BargainHunterJohnnyB: https://aminoz.com.au - They have fast shipping and a member system. Their whey isolate is cheaper than most whey concentrate proteins in the market, and they don’t use soy,

            • @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Sure can, here we go:


              Lab test for chocy: https://www.aminoz.com.au/media/testresults/p_testresult_75_…

              I just got off the phone with AminoZ and I was wrong, they stated “We used to source our Whey from the Netherlands but now we source it from Wisconsin”. I don’t know enough to know whether this is good or bad. I will be emailing their product development team to get an answer.

              Are you able to go into further detail as to what things to look out for/you worry about in US wheys? I’m wanting to ensure what I am I taking is good.

              Whole reason I went with AminoZ is because of 1) sunflower lecithin so no pseudo estrogen, 2) lab tested and 3) Aussie made and owned

              • @ShrewdBargin: Interesting, following this for further development

                • @shinig3mi: @BargainHunterJohnnyB here we go got the response, I hope this is exhaustive enough to convince you:

                  1. Do you also test for Iodine and Chromium and if so what were the results? 
- No, we currently do not test for these. However, we happen to test for heavy metals. You can find various results of these tests on the Amino Z WPI product page under the 'Lab Tests' section.

                  1. Do you test for Pesticides in the WPI and if so what were the results? 
- No, we do not store pesticides on site and they are not used in processing areas and are only by licensed professionals. All raw whey suppliers provide a drug residue and pesticide statement since they are responsible for this testing.

                  2. How do you confirm that the cows that created the WPI were not fed or injected with any hormones? 
- We have rBST Free statements on file from our raw whey suppliers.

                  3. How do you ensure that the WPI you receive isn’t cut with fillers, amino acids or milk powder? (Adulteration is most common among the western world in the USA and hit its highest amount ever in 2021.) 
- The standards of the raw material we use for our Whey Protein, which is from the US, are amongst some of the most prestigious in the industry. They're qualified with SQF and IMS standards - which are extremely strict in terms of quality measures and control. Our supplier's high-quality standards make them capable of creating infant/baby formula.

                  4. Do you test for microplastics as some plastics act much like soy does in the body (xenoestrogens)? 
- No, we have not.

                  5. The percentage of protein per serve in your WPI seems to be lower than other brands (about 80%), I assume this is because of the natural flavouring and stevia taking up more space than potent artificial flavourings? 
- Yes, natural flavouring, sweeteners like thaumatin & stevia and ancillaries such as cocoa contribute to the total make-up of the protein. Please note that some flavours have a higher percentage than others, though- for example, Vanilla is one of the highest percentage, protein wise .

                  6. Do you test the raw WPI yourselves as the supplier providing self-testing (unless I misread) is a conflict of interest even if it’s accurate 
- We have tests for heavy metals/IR/Macronutrients/Salmonella/etc. You can find various results of these tests on the Amino Z WPI product page under the 'Lab Tests' section

                  We apologise once again for not being able to get back to you sooner [ShrewdBargin] - we appreciate your extended patience.


                  • @ShrewdBargin: It's more about how the cows are treated that translates to the protein's quality.

                    • @BargainHunterJohnnyB: This feels like you moving the goalposts to some magical thing. Cells make protein (amino acid chains) in the specific order, if both are the same protein then there is zero difference. It’s either the protein or not. There is no diamond tier version of the protein.

                      When ingested proteins are too large for your body to absorb, so enzymes break the, down into their constituent amino acids and the body reuses them to reassemble it’s required proteins



                      Disclaimer: I am not infallible and if someone can back up with sources on how two identical proteins can differ in quality then pls respond

              • @ShrewdBargin: They use certain growth factors and hormones that are outlawed elsewhere.

                NZ protein (WPI) usually costs 60-80 dollars per KG, whilst US can be anywhere from 30-45.

                I usually break out from Whey protein - so I'm on day 2 of testing out True Protein's WPI.

  • Wouldn't touch myprotein unless it's at the very least 40% off preferable 45-50%. They have regular specials on their stuff, but have recently moved to bulknutrients. Usually better quality and cheaper then myprotein's 35% off

    • Don't know about better quality. The BN flavours are not the best, but at $200 for 10kg you used to suck it up, but at $320 odd I'm looking for alternatives at every chance.

      • From my experience, it's always been better quality, the flavours you're 100% right. BN is average at best. I used myprotein for probably 4 years before i made the switch

  • Are "Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard" and/or MuscleTech good brands? I've had Optimum before and it was acceptable tasting but MuscleTech is cheaper at Amazon.

    • +2

      Unless you're an athlete who needs to have as low risk as possible against banned substances most established brands are the same. Just pick the one that suits your palette and budget.

  • +2

    Use code MYSHOPBACK for 40% off, FUEL only gives 35% off.

  • I'm going to expire the link as now I'm getting out of stock message hope people got in on it.

    There is afew others that are available but more expensive.

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