I was browsing a US Bargain site when I came across these deal. Now I am no expert or used these hack before but apparently you can buy nintendo switch games from different region around the world by doing these hack https://www.nintendolife.com/guides/how-to-buy-nintendo-swit…
[Switch] Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection US$11.99 / ~A$17 (60% off, Was US$29.99) @ Nintendo eShop US

Scrooge McDeal on 22/01/2023 - 17:08 nintendo.com (340 clicks)
Last edited 22/01/2023 - 23:08 by 2 other users
Last edited 22/01/2023 - 23:08 by 2 other users
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closed Comments
Ha do ken
Sure you can!
If ken can do,
So can you!
Great collection. I wish all the games in the collection had online play though - but I guess Fightcade fills that void.
Sure you can !
What’s the US bargain site?
I think it was on Slickdeals site
Sho ryu ken
This regularly goes on sale for even cheaper on our eShop.
Absolutely no reason to go through the hassle of buying this on the US eShop.