This was posted 2 years 1 month 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, macOS, Linux] Factorio $43.28 @ Factorio Store


Factorio, a game that has never undergone a sale discount, will be getting a rare post-launch base price increase of US$5 (~A$7) next week (Thursday January 26th - European? timezone), across all four (4) storefronts - source: Twitter / Nitter post. You can purchase it now to avoid the price increase.

Store listing Current price as at Jan 22 2023 Notes
Factorio on Factorio website store A$43.28 Provides DRM-free download for Steam owners. "A website key is used to upgrade an account on our website, and allow you to download the game directly from us. You can also redeem a free Steam key once your account is upgraded."
Factorio on Humble Store A$43.28 Steam key
Factorio on Steam A$45.00
Factorio on GOG A$45.00 users can register their serial code on the official site. source

NOTE 1: All versions require a Factorio website account in order to download mods.

NOTE 2: Buying Factorio from the Factorio website, gives access to:

  • Download all past and present versions DRM Free.
  • Download access to the Mod portal
  • Access to the Multiplayer matching server and verified servers
  • 28-day refund guarantee

The developers cited the reasoning of the base price increase: "This is an adjustment to account for the level of inflation since the Steam release in 2016".

Popular Steam Game Raises Price After Seven Years Without A Sale:

You might be wondering why a studio would never let its game be a part of any Steam sale for nearly a decade. According to the makers of Factorio in a 2016 forum post, it’s about respecting players who bought the game and not rewarding people who “hold off” on buying it at a lower price.

“If you think [Factorio is] priced too high, then it is your choice to not purchase, and we hope that with enough time, and extra development, we will be able to convince you of its value."

Further reading for those on the fence on whether this game might be to their liking or not and/or whether to purchase before the price increase date:

Related Stores
Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +4

    Where’s the bargain?

    • +4

      The price is cheaper than it will be in the future?

  • +15

    'A rare post launch increase'

    For the 2nd time.

    This isn't a bargain.

    Nice reverse strategy to getting sales. Warn of increases again.

  • +7

    Not a deal.

    • +2


  • +6

    This price and post logic doesn't make any sense…

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I've been putting off grabbing a copy of this amazing game after playing a friend's copy. I'll get a copy before the price increase.

  • +4

    This was the OG factory game in the latest phase. But given Satisfactory is beautiful and 3D, and there's a pile of factory sims coming out this year, putting your price UP on a 2D factory sim seems crazy. Even if you're the OG.

    • +1

      I think the simplicity of it being 2D is actually a plus in a lot of cases. It's so much easier for the community to develop mods in Factorio over Satisfactory or most of the other Factory builders which adds an insane amount of replayability.

      • Thanks for that perspective. I still can't see myself paying so much for it. I'll just keep trying to tidy up my spaghetti in Satisfactory

        • That's definitely understandable, and the 2D graphics isnt for everyone, but damn have I got some playtime out of factorio mods. I think I played about 80~ hours of the base game and currently at around 1500~ in various mods. I definitely got the most of my 45 bucks.
          Though I do still think it is pretty shitty that they're bumping up the price.

      • Satisfactory would be so much better if placing objects was less fiddly. The 3d world makes it much more annoying to place things exactly where you want them. It's why I'd say Factorio is the superior game.

  • +4

    I know this isn't really a 'deal' but I wish someone had posted something similar before Procreate had their price increase in December, so thanks.

  • +1

    Everyday price is not bargain. Especially price increase after 26th jan is not bargain as well.
    Good luck wube soft.

  • +9

    Increasing the price of a 7 year old game is an absurd decision.

    • +2

      Not even Nintendo increases their prices

    • +2

      Yep, makes no sense. Inflation is not an argument since the majority of the dev wouldve been years ago.

  • +6

    Fair play to them for never going on sale, i.e. having faith in the quality of their product, but to say it "rewards people who wait" is complete nonsense.

    There are many reasons why publishers might discount prices, but at a fundamental level all software ages, and usually it ages rapidly. Nobody should be expected to pay full-price for technology that is gradually being superseded. Factorio is 6 years old since pre-release, 2 years since 1.0 release - let's see if they still refuse to discount in 3-4 years.

    • -1

      at a fundamental level all software ages, and usually it ages rapidly.

      that's not true. Software doesn't age, if you don't change the hardware. Bitrot isn't real.

      However, over time, people's expectation of the software might change, so the same software that worked well years ago, seems outdated now, despite it being exactly the same.

      Factorio (and games in general) tend not to have such problems, imho. There's still not a game with so much mod support like factorio - and as long as there are still such an active player base, they will continue to maintain the non-discount policy. I applaud them for keeping it up. They did a great job making the game, and deserve every cent.

      • People's expectations, modern standards, modern optimisation - all part of the aging process. "If you don't change the hardware" - hardware constantly changes; so do operating systems, graphics drivers etc. etc.

        Like I said they are entitled to their money at any price they choose, but don't try and pretend that it's about respecting early adopters. It's about financial gain, pure and simple, for as long as the market will bear it.

        This game will 100% go on sale at some point.

  • +6


  • +4

    This is a forum post mate

  • FOMO on the current price post?

  • +4

    Factorio… not even once … Game is too addictive… However even if it was $450, hour per dollar played would be in the cents for me

  • +7

    I appreciate the constructive criticism/feedback comments on this particular deal post, given that:

    • Most people have become accustomed to how the vast majority of video games have undergone price reductions, regular promotional sales discounts, etc.
    • However, a couple of notable exceptions to the above have come up from time to time, e.g. my only other 'price increase'-based deal post on Vampire Survivors, which had a base price increase announcement that was the basis for it being a time sensitive deal.

    That particular Vampire Survivors deal post didn't receive any negative comments / calls for it to be removed as a deal post … it was on that basis, that I went ahead with submitting this Factorio deal post, upon my reading the developers' announcement about an upcoming base price increase for Factorio, a game that is not likely get a sale discount in the future given its 7 year track record thus far.

    I have submitted a Talk With A Moderator discussion topic, and awaiting a reply from a moderator, on evaluating the Factorio deal post and their decision on having it: A) remain as is, B) unpublished altogether, C) moved to a forum post (e.g. Gaming)

    • +1

      Great response. I hope you're not frustrated by the downvotes. I think it's a great public service announcement, but in my personal opinion not a deal.

    • U can mark it as expired

    • Follow-up feedback from a moderator, it will be: A) remain as is.

      "… your deal does not violate deal posting guidelines, we don't have any rules against posting deals for items at retail price, it's always up to the community to assess and comment/vote on the deal as they consider it. They are entitled to cast a negative vote if they do not think it is a good deal. So there's nothing to do here in terms of moderation for the deal itself."

      If I come across another forecasted base price increase from a game's developer in future, similar to Vampire Survivors & Factorio - which tend to be a rare occurrence amongst video games - then its likely that I will submit it as a forum post instead of a deal post.

      Thanks for the constructive comments folks!

  • This is surely a forum post

  • No bargain here!

  • +1

    Please move this to forum. Doesnt belong here. Not a deal.

  • +7

    "It’s about respecting players who bought the game and not rewarding people who “hold off” on buying it at a lower price"

    Sure it is. Just like Increasing the price of your game for the second time already because of "inflation" on a game that was crowdfunded to begin with.

    They already made 30% more than said they needed to make the game before it was even released and have since sold millions and millions of copies on top of that. This greed will backfire.

    Wait for the review bombing to commence.

    Also, not a deal.

    • +1

      Sadly this type of thing doesn't backfire nearly as quickly or as hard it should to stop the same thing happening over and over again.

      Not a deal.

    • +1

      It's a horrible and dangerous precedent to let companies think this is an OK business practice. Especially in a future likely dominated by digital sales.

      • -8

        why is it not OK?

        They can increase the price to whatever - the players will be the judge. The game is still good, even after the price increase, and as long as they keep making bugfixes etc, to keep it running on newer hardware, i don't see the problem.

        If you don't like it, dont buy it. It's not like you're forced to consume the game.

        If EA/ubisoft shit games do this, they will face the consequences - and even so i won't say they shouldn't do it.

        • +4

          As long as we have people like you who are accepting of this behaviour, God help the rest of us.

  • +3

    Upcoming price increases do not count as bargains/deals

  • -1

    Crap deal, only half the price on g2a
    Very unethical practice by the game studio

    • G2A are selling family-sharing steam accounts, not Steam keys

      • My apologies for overlooking this.

        Still, not a bargain.

  • +2

    Haha a reverse bargain!

  • +2

    Great game, but not worth over $40

  • +1

    So this is “reverse sale”, right?

  • +1

    This needs to be removed. Has nothing to do with a ‘deal’

  • -1

    Not a deal. Inflation of prices will apply to all products, so $5 eggs today is not a bargain for $6 eggs tomorrow. No doubt the dev is hoping the controversy will draw attention, and help drive sales as a result. Sad to say that I bought the game as a result (It was on my wishlist, and I didn't realise that there was no point waiting for it to go on sale)….
    …but this is still no bargain!!

    • Yep. Maybe I’ll post a deal for half a dozen eggs because they’ll be more expensive a year from now.

  • Oz before price increase.

  • -1

    If a supermarket had advertised "from next week the cost of our white bread will double" it would make complete sense to submit the current price as a deal

    I completely agree with this post being a bargain

  • A price increase is not a deal.

  • Must be opposite year, price increases are now bargains.

  • +1

    This is crazy. Had the game on my wishlist but not going to bother now after hearing about this

    • You’re missing out. It might just be the best game ever made.

      • Better than Satisfactory? How? I'm guessing combat is a much bigger part of the game.

        I've had my eye on Factorio for quite a while, but even at its current price it seems a bit expensive.

        • +1

          It’s Pepsi vs Coke. Same but very different.

          I just really enjoy the 2D style much more personally.

          Also, I like Pepsi Max.

  • Never gone on sale???

    I bought this for AUD$24 on GOG in April 2018

    I'll admit I've never seen it on sale outside this purchase i made.

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