This was posted 2 years 1 month 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DJI Mini 3 Pro RC Controller $1156.11 + $12 Delivery @ JB Hi-Fi Commercial


I called up JB and price matched the JB commercial price at the regular stores. This allows you to pick up in store so there's no delivery charge.

Additionally, you can pay with 10% discounted gift cards to bring the total price down to $1,040.5.

I was flying overseas so got a GST refund as well, bringing the total price down to $935.40 (GST refund is based on the price pre-gift cards).

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JB Hi-Fi Business
JB Hi-Fi Business

closed Comments

  • Didn’t know you could use gift cards on Jb commercial

    • +6

      Did u even read the post?

    • +3

      you can't, that's why I price matched it with a regular JB store.

  • +1

    Genuine question, are you even allowed to use a drone anywhere? Last time I checked, it seemed highly restricted in urban environments, so I decided not to buy one. Not trying to create an issue, genuinely asking a question.

    • +4

      So fortunately, this is under 250g (unless you bolt on the fly more kit in which case you have to be more than 5.5km from controlled airports), hence there's not as many rules. That said, all the "cool footage" that can be taken, would require a permit as pretty much everywhere cool has "no drones allowed", so… yeah, if you're wanting "follow me" footage, you're better off using a 360 camera and the invisible selfie stick feature on those.

      • +1

        Thanks for educating me.

      • +1

        It is crazy that you can't fly these in national parks to do follow me hiking footage.

        • look you kinda can, just gotta either risk it or get approval which takes up to 2 weeks

          • @sickfvckadam: Or most parks in WA allow it.

            • +1

              @Spendmore: yes i used it a lot when i was in WA, got some great footage, i think the worst place has to be tassie, they have signs everywhere that your not allowed to use it, qld and wa are probably the most relaxed, nsw, is a bit hit and miss

              • @sickfvckadam: I do notice a lot of the sites with Aboriginal significance are prohibited, you still find people breaking the rules though.

          • @sickfvckadam: Can take longer

        • I have conflicting feelings on this. A lot of people go for a bushwalking's in a National Park to get a bit of peace and quiet, and the last thing they want is to be walking a trail and somebody comes along with a drone buzzing around them (even these small ones are a bit annoying).

          That said, I have a drone, and I'd like to get some nice footage from my local National Parks and reserves. Unfortunately, here in the ACT, we mostly can't (or 100% can't)?

          From Parks ACT:

          "Flight and operation of drones is prohibited in all Nature Conservation Act 2014 reserves in the ACT."

          The ACT Nature Conservation Act says:

          "(1) In this Act:
          (a) means—
          (i) a wilderness area; and
          (ii) a national park; and
          (iii) a nature reserve; and
          (iv) a catchment area; and

          (b) includes any other area of public land that is—
          (i) reserved in the territory plan under the Planning and Development Act 2007, section 315 (Reserved areas—public land); and
          (ii) prescribed by regulation to be a reserve; but
          (c) does not include an area prescribed by regulation as excluded from a reserve."

          That seems to cover a whole lot. The Parks ACT site also says:

          "In other public areas, the CASA rules apply to drone flight."

          Hmmm…ok. I'm not sure what "Other public areas" are left after following the first requirement on 'Reserves', which seems to blanket a fairly large proportion of ACT public land. The leftover stuff probably isn't allowed under CASA rules anyway (ie…keeping away from people and property etc).

          I visited Victoria recently and checked the National Parks rules beforehand. Didn't even bother packing my mini.

          The guidelines for a permit in both Victoria and ACT don't seem to allow for hobbyists.

          • @Banj0: I can see your point. Here in NSW the rules are strict too, especially if you live in Sydney metropolitan area, if you want to have unrestricted flights (still under the CASA rules e.g. no more than 120m altitude), you have to drive out far from Sydney to fly your drone. These rules were getting stricter in the past few years, that's the reason why I still have not upgraded from my old DJI Phantom 3 Advanced from 2015. It's been gathering dust in my room for the past 3 years.

      • +1

        unless you bolt on the fly more kit

        The fly more kit PLUS*. The standard fly more kit just has the same size batteries. The plus ones are the heavier ones.

  • +1

    How can someone without access to the commercial site get that price to match it?

  • mmmm, tried a few times - JB artarmon and Chatswood stores do not price match jb commercial, just FYI

  • anyone tried to match JB commercial via online chat?

    • My friend had luck calling them on the price match hotline 13 52 44 (open 9am to 6pm)

      • Damn - I tried this method but wasn't successful. Both calling and chat, they say they don't price match their JB Hi-Fi Commercial website. Maybe someone else will have better luck.

  • How do you get the GST free price for flying overseas?

    • +2

      You bring it and the receipt with you, and claim at the TRS counter inside the airport.

    • +4

      Then pay the GST back when you come back to Aus.

      • +1


        • I know two people who were unlucky to get pinged the GST plus penalty on returning. With my luck, it’d definitely happen to me.

          • @skittlebrau: Did they bring the items back in the original packaging?

            Practically everyone on the flight will have a phone and/or laptop that won't get pinged. What made their items so special that they attracted attention?

            • +1

              @Domingo: Not in any packaging. Their bags were searched as part of a random check. Their airport had their TRS details from when they departed, so they must have crossed some sort of threshold that 'flagged' them perhaps?

              Considering that you have to make a declaration that you're not bringing in goods subject to GST, I personally wouldn't do TRS (aside from gifts I'm taking overseas) since making a false declaration on your incoming passenger card is fairly serious.

  • Lol it’s showing $1,234.05 for me

    Lucky you

    • It shows 1,182.09 for me when checked via the Westpac offer to access jbcommercial.

      (Westpac banking app > Rewards and Offers> JB Solutions)

      Btw, its another way to access jb commercial until june this year if you are a westpac customer.

      • Does any Westpac customer qualify for JBhifi Commercial?

        • I just logged in to Westpac online and was able to access JBHiFi Commercial - Only been with Westpac for couple months.

  • a grand just for a controller?? DJI are the Apple of the drone world, it seems.

    • +3

      It's a drone and a controller with the built in screen

  • Is JB / Business / Commercial / Projects the same? They seems to have a few different "commercial" portals

  • @neilpatrickharris any guides/tips for the GST refund?
    I haven't heard about this before but I fly a lot

  • How do you price match the JB commercial price if you don't have access to commercial?

    • -1

      Maybe you can't?

    • That's without the controller with inbuilt screen

      • Why do you say inbuilt screen? it shows seperate controller

        • They sell the drone in three bundles:
          1. Drone only - no controller
          2. Drone with basic controller - have to use your phone as the screen
          3. Drone with controller that has a built in screen

    • +1

      Seems like a lot of people getting confused with different configurations available from DJI.

      • is there a simple site to show the various versions

  • Holy Moly I just got extremely lucky. Spoke to the jbhifi live chat and they price matched mini 3 pro rc to amazon for $1019!, although i think he did mistake it for the mini 3. On top of that he gave me the fly more kit for $215 + $52 for 256gb sandisk xtreme pro micro sd card (Usually $134).
    Total spent $1286. Had 1k in 10% off gift cards. Plus will stack gst refund when travelling soon. That live chat guy, made my year. Absolute Legend.

  • awesome!!! is it a coupon code they provide you>?

    • No, they just give link to pay for it. All I did was link them the amazon link for dji mini 3 and when the live chat guy joined the chat, i sent the link for jbhifi link for mini 3 pro. Keep in mind 90% of time they wont do it. But sometimes the ozbargain gods bless you and you you get lucky. But yeah most time will decline.…

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