I Almost Crashed! Queens Rd Melbourne on Tuesday Morning 17th of Jan

Pretty simple. I was driving listening to the greatest hit in the world. Life was great! The next moment, almost had a crash with a semi and oncoming vehicles.

Driving down Queens Rd in the morning around 9:20am (dashcam footage shows 10:20am because I'm too lazy to adjust DST time), there's a period between 5am-11am, where inbound turns into 3 lanes. There is a sign. However, there is a short stretch of road that has no line markings and is a bit tight. I'm driving alongside a big semi towards the unmarked road ahead on the RHS. He indicates right for roughly 5 seconds, then proceeds to push me out onto the oncoming lane. Luckily there were no cars headed my way and the crisis was averted. Phew!

From my perspective after reviewing the footage:

  • His move to the right was completely unnecessary as it seemed like an intentional, possibly malicious(?) move to nudge me out of the lane. This is reinforced by the fact that the footage shows his sudden change in direction, taking up more space on the RHS of the unmarked lane(s), and moved back to the middle lane after making his point clear.
  • If he had maintained course and not veered right, I simply would have slowed down more to go behind him. There was nowhere for me to go at the time as another semi was right behind him.
  • How good was Jennifer Paige back in the day!?

Added a fun poll. Change your mind. Doesn't bother me.
Put yourself in both perspectives of the truck driver and mine. What are your thoughts?
I'll comment and reply if I feeeels like it. Deep down, I hope he's on OzB and reading this.

Dashcam footage: https://vimeo.com/790319356 (Skip to 2min mark)
Co-ordinates: -37.84865339835693, 144.97764102939985

EDIT: Some of you have asked for aerial sketch of this. I have delivered.
This represents the facts of the truck's movements which I have compared with the video. I have an adjudicator with me who can corroborate my story, however, if you wish to talk to him, he's sleeping after having some milk before bed. So he cannot reply =)
Anyways, this may give a better indication of what happened rather than the coming to the swift conclusion of, "3 lanes merged to 2, truck was in front, he has right of way, blah blah blah". In most cases, yes, I would agree with this. In this case, and in my eyes, it's not so black and white.

Sketch: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/139298/101169/car_inci…

After reviewing the footage and getting a lot of votes and feedback, I've come to the realisation that I was in the wrong in this scenario. Simple!
Quick Summary:
* The 2 far right lanes, DO, in fact, merge into one. There is no middle lane. It's just mistakenly perceived that way because it quickly goes from 3>2>3 again during this allocated time.
* The truck driver was probably indicating right to let me know in advance as a warning that I was going to get squeezed as he had right of way being in front
* https://youtu.be/EIhSnaqou0I - This will remind me to be more aware on our roads around trucks. I hope it will do the same for you.
* Thanks to you all for the newly found insight.

Poll Options expired

  • 28
    Truck driver's fault. You should report that dangerous prick!
  • 6
    Truck driver's fault. Let it go.
  • 15
    No one / both are at fault. There should be clearer signage and road markings
  • 51
    Your fault. Luckily no one was hurt.
  • 220
    Your fault. Learn to pay more attention to your surroundings and stop listening to trash music.


  • +24

    No line marking at end of lane = zip merging = “you must give way to a vehicle which has any part of its vehicle ahead of yours”


    Also you were sitting in their blind spot which is just pretty unsafe driving.

    FWIW music is not trash.

    EDIT: I have rewatched the footage - it may not be as clear as a zip merge. It’s really not clear what happens here. Do you have an aerial?

    Either way yes they should have checked the lane was clear before merging. My statement on you sitting in their blind spot still stands.

      • +2

        People sit next to trucks until last minute and when they see lane ending/merging they always, I repeat always speed up and push in front of the truck forcing them to brake/slow down and loose momentum.

        That was a b double and if it was fully loaded then its not easy to suddenly do that and also there’s a risk the load may get pushed forward due to sudden braking.

        It happens so many times during the day that it could be super frustrating and annoying.

        It’s impossible for car driving people to look from truck driver’s perspective in a fair way because they have no idea what truckies have to put up with during every day driving. People in cars pull all sort of stupid sh!t in front of trucks.

        • Yeah there was a chance for me to do that at the time, but there was no rush or incentive to accelerate as I would just be stuck in front of him. The gap was starting to close so I just stuck by his side which obviously wasn't the smartest choice.

          • @Cheap Bastard: The truckie didn’t know your intentions. He would have assumed from his past experience that you’re going to push in.

            From your perspective it was only once off but it happens many times a day with truck drivers. It was you at this intersection and someone else at the next doing similar thing and so on.

            As I said, people just can’t have a fair perspective unless they have spent a day in big trucks.

            if you spend a day in a similar sized truck, you’ll find out people do stupid things in situations like this and speed up.

    • Anyone in Melbourne knows this is a notirous section of road. Truck drivers fault as he should check before merging but honestly any driver would generally avoid being in that position and should generally know that merge spot.

      That road is just too narrow and always has trucks and RVs, it's very hard for them. Especially as lots of cars cut the trucks off when the cars try to avoid left turning vehicles off Queens Road. Regardless, truck did merge without looking.

      • +4

        Also truck driver has weird as hand gestures saying sorry lol.

        • +6

          I'm pretty sure his hand gestures were him saying 3 lanes, down to 2 then back to 3.

          (He held up 3 fingers, then 2, then back to 3).

      • +6

        Edit: Rewatched that, actually OPs fault. Truck was well ahead of you while merging, you should have given way and paid attention to the merge upfront.

    • +1

      Its fairly straight forward to me

      Concentrate on the road not the radio.

      If you are dead or end up in hospital it doesnt matter who was at fault.

      The fact is you could have avoided the situation by focusing on the road.

      Safe driving is not about who is right and who is wrong.

      Its about being aware, watching out and avoiding accidents

    • +1

      Couldn't this be solved with a sign telling people the lane ends, or little arrows on the road that ends?

  • +8

    Nice blog post.

    • Yeah not sure what the point of this post is as no car accident happened.

      • +3

        Apologies the 'Almost Crashed' part wasn't clear enough. Although part of me wanted to make it more clickbaity.

      • +1

        I have been through that road many times and luckily merged well.
        This video still gives another perspective to make better decisions while driving.

    • Thanks, I try my very best.

      • +3

        I truly believe this video (short version) is strong contender for Hazard Perception Test. You may donate this video to VicRoads and check for it.

    • Thanks to this post, 20+ and counting.. people get to refresh their road rule knowledge.

      • Hard to refresh what you never knew.

  • +23

    Why did you sit alongside a B double and surely you have heard of blind spots.

    • +1

      Yeah agreed, and it was two of them side by side so they're probably more concerned with the large object next to them as the road merges.

      Thing is you should have needed to move up quickly if you could or you risk falling behind into the blind spot zone.

      • Thing is you should have needed to move up quickly if you could or you risk falling behind into the blind spot zone.

        I don't think that would be possible here without OP speeding at least 5km over the limit. The Tesla was in front of him and the truck never came to a stop, by the time OP caught up the truck probably would've been close to the speed limit.

        If they both were at a set of lights I do agree OP should overtake the truck quickly, and this can happen even if there are 2-3 cars in front of the OP and they aren't driving slowly.

      • +2

        Thing is you should have needed to move up quickly if you could or you risk falling behind into the blind spot zone.

        The truck knew the merge was coming up, hence indicated early. OP was just not paying attention, hence thinking that the truck was running them off the road

        • +3

          I don't think they indicated as early as they should have, considering a) there was a car next to them somewhere, which hopefully they were aware of and b) it was peak hour traffic. Looks like they started indicating 15-20 metres out from the traffic lights.

          OP was being a bit stubborn about letting it overtake though, and it hardly saved him any time since it turned back into 3 lanes anyway hahaha.

  • +14

    Lol at the song that was playing “it’s just a little crush…. From a semi”

    • +2

      Song checks out

  • What was your interpretation of the the truckie's hand gestures?

    • +16

      "It's 2 lanes not 3".

      Seems like they're right, the 2 lanes merge into one (then back out again). Truck didn't move into a right lane but the merged lane itself.

      Truck was well ahead of OP and actually signalled before the intersection.

      OP was in their blind spot and should have braked well in advance and given way to truck.

      Sign: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/255280/101156/merge.pn…

      • +7

        OP did wrong. You either overtake the truck or don't. Nothing good ever results from travelling in the blind spot of the truck!

      • -3

        Truck didn't move into a right lane but the merged lane itself.

        The truck moves to the far right lane which merges to the middle lane. There is no reason for the truck to indicate to the right when he can continue going straight down the middle. I'm the one that needs to veer left when it goes to 2 lanes.

        • +7

          Unfortunately you are mistaken. The middle and right lane straight after the intersection appear to merge into one lane as shown here:


          The truck correctly moved into the merged lane while leaving the left lane clear. There is no other "middle lane" on this section, they did the right thing.


          • +5

            @Hybroid: Yup, fair call.

          • +1

            @Hybroid: Isn't the earlier sign saying don't merge it's three lanes in the morning? Or is that just for a small stretch and you still need to drop back to 2 lanes further along even during those times, which is the impression I get from the lane markings

            • +1

              @based: Haven't driven this place personally but from video and maps seems it's for the small stretch.

              • +2

                @Hybroid: It's for the upcoming lane when it becomes 3 again which is where the driver is in the end of the video (as in other times that lane flows the opposite way)
                The weird 3-2-3 merge is to avoid people just continuing in the 3rd (right) lane when it's outside these times (and would be 3-2-2) and thus driving on the wrong side of the road

      • +2

        That sign demonstrates that of the three lanes, the right most lane is the one that ends. OP is in the wrong.

        Even if linemarking is ambiguous and in the favour of the zip merge, OP is still wrong as the truck was ahead.

      • +1

        I'm actually confused by that sign. On first glance I agree with what you've said but looking at the timestamp, OP was within the 5-11 AM time period Mon-Fri where it indicated that there should be 3 lanes. But then looking at the dashcam footage, I don't see a 3rd lane when the incident happens.

        • +1

          See my above comment

    • Truckie definitely did the "(profanity)" wnker movement to start off with

      • +1

        lol - yes, those didn't require any SBS subtitles

  • +2

    Did you know the lanes turn into one? It looks like you were both going the same speed (I think it's 60 there right) so it wouldn't have made sense for you to overtake cos you'd be going 5-10 km over to beat the truck.

    In this case I would have:

    a) Avoided sitting next to the truck like that for that long, or at least be ready to honk the horn if I see the truck indicate and start to merge to the right
    b) Slowed down when that merge came up and moved behind the truck

    You probably should have slammed the brakes instead of moving into the oncoming lane, and used your horn way earlier than that.

    • +1

      should have slammed the brakes instead of moving into the oncoming lane, and used your horn way earlier than that.

      While it's obvious from the video, it often isn't as obvious when driving. driver may not have seen the blinker and merge as early as we saw.

      Similar thing happened to me, and I wasn't even in the trucks blind spot long, luckily avoided an accident.

      • +3

        While it's obvious from the video, it often isn't as obvious when driving.

        That's fair, that sentence was more of a "should have done" after seeing the evidence, the two points above are what you should always do in general.

        driver may not have seen the blinker and merge as early as we saw.

        Anytime you are next to a truck like that you need to assume it might want to merge into your lane though, and you should always be in a position where you can see its indicators and its mirrors. Basically you need to always be hyper-vigilant in this kind of situation.

        If you can't overtake it, for example you are both going the speed limit and there's not enough road for you to overtake at 1-2km/hr over the limit — because that's the max leeway you get otherwise you get fined for speeding — or the truck is speeding and you have to speed a lot more to overtake it etc. then you should probably sit towards the rear of the truck so you can brake and move behind if it starts indicating.

        In this case the truck probably should've started indicating at least 2-3 seconds earlier as well. I don’t think they gave OP enough notice, and they should have known there was a car somewhere in the left lane since OP was there a while.

        • +1

          In this case the truck probably should've started indicating at least 2-3 seconds earlier as well. I don’t think they gave OP enough notice

          When this happened to me, I was next to the truck for less than 5 seconds (I always try to never be next to them)…

          Agree trucks should indicate for longer whenever possible.

          Might sound dumb, but some (not overly loud) indicator noise/alert for other drivers might be useful, a blinker isn't always the easiest thing to notice.

    • Did you know the lanes turn into one?

      At the time, I may have not realised the exact point of how/where the road lanes merge converge, but will definitely remember now.
      No obvious signage to show it and the view ahead is obstructed by traffic. Not making excuses, just playing things back in my head. If I could do things differently, I would.

  • +4

    Nice footage, but had to mute due to dreadful choice in music

    • +4

      I don't choose the music. The music chooses me. lol

  • +9

    Don't half wheel a truck
    Simple as that.

    And you need to give way to the truck in a zip merge, it's in front of you.

  • +4

    Now I have lost three minutes of my life and had to listen to that music

    • Yeah why was the video so damn long haha.

    • +1

      four minutes if you reply to your replies.

      • +3

        I also think it really doesn’t matter who is right or wrong (though OP is at fault in this situation), if a truck squashes you, being right won’t make you unsquashed.

        • do I hear 5 minutes?

  • +3

    The lane goes from 3 lanes to 2 lanes to 3 lanes(part of day only), you are suppose to yield for the vehicle ahead of you, in this case the truck, pretty sure, truck driver did it to stop you from going towards upcoming traffic without overtaking him, so for future if lanes are merging , just give way to someone ahead of you.

    • pretty sure, truck driver did it to stop you from going towards upcoming traffic without overtaking him, so for future if lanes are merging , just give way to someone ahead of you.

      Yeah he definitely squeezed me. Anyways, lesson learned.

  • +1

    Jees and here I thought Perth drivers were bad at merging. He didn't veer, he merged.

  • +11

    Truck was not a fault. He had right of way at the zip merge, he indicated early, he didn't speed up, didn't slow down…. he was calm and merged over slowly being careful not to wipe you out while doing it, yes he did see you, though probably not at first. Next time hit the brakes.

    You really should have seen that coming and had plenty of time to pull right back… Merging lane or not the second you saw the indicator you should have quickly backed off clear of the B trailer.

    I would never assume a vehicle that large has seen me, they have a lot going on driving in city traffic like that and so much more to watch. And your vehicle is MUCH lighter, you will lose every time.

    • +1

      In b4 "there's no such thing as right of way".

      But I agree with your perspective on the situation.

      • +12

        Where was your effort to slow down when the lane was merging? Stop blaming the world. You were at fault. Learn your lesson and move on.

      • +1

        You were given plenty of chance to avoid the truck. All you had to do was apply the brakes and fall back, instead you stupidly chose to hold your ground and then move into the oncoming traffic endangering other drivers in the process.

        The alternative for the truck was to drift into the left lane to avoid you where there was a very large and heavy white truck traveling parallel or very close behind, you (and he) clearly couldn't see what was to the left of him and he made the choice not to move into that lane as that would also have been very dangerous.

        Tell me what should the truck driver have done in this situation ? If your answer is swerve into the left lane without warning then you should hand back your license.

  • +8

    At least 30 seconds to anticipate the situation and still couldn't manage to avoid it..

    • -4

      That's what she said…

      • If there was one comment that didn't need negs, that was this one lol

  • +2

    I’m going to need an ms paint diagram

  • +2

    If you drive in a truck's blind spot listening to trash you expose yourself to an increased risk of accidents.
    Posting about it on ozbargain won't change that.

  • +7

    Start the video at 2min10sec.

    Thank me later.

    • scrolled way too far

    • +7

      Instructions unclear… I waited 2m10s to start the video and that just made it seem longer…

  • +3

    He was indicating ages before he merged. Then when he started merging, it took you ages before you reacted. When a truck indicates, you best get out of the space parallel to them where they can't see you and are pretending to move.

    Driving parallel to a truck and staying there is dangerous - move up so that you're clear of him and he can see you, or drop back so that if he were to move over, you won't be taken out.

    • Fair point. I'm normally more cautious with trucks at high speed. Lower speeds in peak hour I tend to be more relaxed about. Will try to make a subconscious change after this incident.

  • +7

    I'm driving alongside a big semi

    Your experience is exactly the reason why you shouldn't do this

  • +1

    Incredibly slow reaction time, doesn't even get on the horn until it's too late and just keeps driving into oncoming traffic

    Take some defensive driving lessons and treat everyone like an idiot on the road !!

  • +4

    I almost fall asleep watching this Dashcam footage.

    • My thoughts exactly when I was driving yesterday morning ;P

  • +8

    How on earth are people voting for trucks fault.

    • +5

      lol I was thinking the same thing, just slightly anxious to point it out myself..

    • +1

      Entitled scumbags who sits at blind spot.

    • +1

      It's OzBargain… the default outrage here as soon as the word "truck" is mentioned is that it is the truck that is the one at fault.

    • +2

      Everyone should spend a day in big trucks before they get their license. It will help them greatly to understand what goes around trucks.

      I am not saying all truckies are good drivers. But people in cars are very entitled and selfish. They take it as their right to be in front of trucks at all times and at any cost (even their life).

  • +3

    I Almost Crashed

    That you did!

    Going from 3 lanes to 2, truck was 'in front' and had indicates on…..

    Nothing to see here.

    • -4

      My main complaint is his unnecessary and dangerous move to the right lane to block me for some unknown reason.

      • +4

        My main complaint is his unnecessary and dangerous move to the right lane to block me for some unknown reason.

        Trucks lane was ending, where should the truck have gone? They had been in front, indicating their requirement to move, you ignored it. Remember the road rule to give way to the vehicle that’s ahead of you when merging?

        A more unnecessary and dangerous move would be to sit 3/4 back from a truck as the lane runs out with no where to go and ignore the trucks request for space as it gets messy as you found out.

  • To be completely fair to you- what usually happens here is that most people know that even though the line markings disappear there's two lanes or at least space for two lanes there. I've driven down there often and no one has ever 'merged,' they've just driven straight on their side of the road and into the corresponding lane. In my mind the only reason you would need to merge is from right to left if the middle lane is for the oncoming and not your side.

    That's why I voted that it was the truck's fault- because I would have done the same thing as you. Probably would have had the same song playing too.

    • You fail to take into account the truck is much wider than a normal vehicle, he also had another truck to his left so didn't really have any 'wiggle room' to share the space.

      • +2

        Yep, I thought about it on my way to work today and changed my mind. You're right. I think it works fine to drive alongside with two cars but a truck is an entirely different size.

  • +1

    Either you lane ended and you didn't merge in time, or the two lanes zipper merged and you failed to give way to the truck.
    Both scenarios put you at fault and you should've paid attention.

    I will say that those road markings are poor.

  • +1
    1. Car driver's view clearly should have seen the right indicator of that massive truck.
    2. Truck was in front of the car.
    3. Car was behind the truck.

    4. If the truck was to slow down to give way to car, (truck would take longer to slow because of heavier weight/momentum). Car could have overtaken truck by overspeeding (driver may face consequences for overspeeding) or Car could also have slowed down a lot lot easier because its much lighter and less momentum.

    Additionally to me seems like the car driver had not driven on this road before (aka seems like he/she didn't knew there was a merge sign)

  • +1

    Hot take but what if someone had never driven that particular road before and didn't know it merged? Truck driver might have had the right of way but seems irresponsible to almost cause a crash just because you are right.

    • +3

      but what if someone had never driven that particular road before and didn't know it merged?

      Those two holes in the front of your head come into play. As you can see in the video, the lines disappeared and the lanes ending. As a driver you take action when your lane runs out. In the OP case, this should have been to slow down and go behind the truck when they noticed the lane ending, the truck being in front of them and oh the trucks blinky thing on saying the truck was merging.

      Truck driver might have had the right of way but

      So where should the tb double ruck have gone when their lane also disappeared?

      • So where should the tb double ruck have gone

        Lock up the brakes and hopefully jackknife to left only so as to not impede the op…

    • There was also a very large road sign warning of what was coming.

  • +9

    Ahhh… comes for the confirmation bias, gets roasted instead…

    InB4: post gets deleted edited with a stupid message and mods have to roll back the revision and lock the thread…

    • +2

      Sometimes, things just don't go the way we expected… Ah well!
      I really thought I was in with a chance lol

      • +2

        Well, I will at least say it seems you have taken it on the chin, learned from this and will be a better driver going forward. Most users would just argue with everyone, tell us we are all wrong, blame the truck driver and delete their account.

      • Respect to you for changing your mind when presented with new information that better represented the situation.

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