Hi guys,
Just a request for the benevolence of those knowledgeable in these matters. I'd like to become more savvy when it comes to credit card usage and points-collecting and exploiting those regular join-for-bonus-points offer. I'm aware of Pointhacks but find the website somewhat overwhelming, to be honest. I think some simple advice will start me off well. Currently my only credit card is an AmEx Gold setup to earn AmEx Membership Rewards points.
Am I correct that my already having an AmEx card means that if I'm going to exploit a 'deal' on a new card I will need to go with a provider other than AmEx? If this is the case, how do people who have 'chosen' AmEx as their preferred points-system continue to earn points while churning away from them as a provider?
In addition to having my own new credit card, I'd like to set up a joint one for me and my partner - is that as simple as applying for a card and adding a cardholder, or do you have to apply jointly? Is there anything to say that you shouldn't try to earn points via joint credit cards?
Apologies if this question is overly simple or if I haven't supplied enough information for anyone to give any meaningful advice.
The short answer is I don't have a preferred provider - as much as possible any spend I have each month should be going towards minimum spends on credit card(s)
Yes you will need a non-Amex card to get started - with any Amex offers you see it is only available if you have not had an Amex in the last 18 months
Maybe a site like rwrds.com.au would be less overwhelming as all it really shows are the best sign up offers
Joint card - generally yes you are right - not hard to add an additional cardholder but keep in mind this often has an additional fee - you might be able to get away without it if one of you keeps the physical card and the other puts the card in Google Wallet/Apple Pay