Simple Video Editing Linux Program That Doesn't Reencode

Can anyone recommend or tell me of a program that can do simple video editing like VLC is able to do, but with more of a proper video editing interface?

To give an example of what I mean:

Say I have a 50 minute video.

Say I want to remove 5 minutes from the beginning & 5 minutes from the end.

In VLC I can do this quickly by using the convert/save feature. Choosing a few options like start & end times, I can simply create a new file name & save it. If the options are ticked, VLC simply keeps all the video & audio attributes of the file the same, & just makes a new copy using the start/end times.

I haven't been able to do this through a proper video editing program without having to re-encode the whole 40 minute video, which takes longer & is far more resource/cpu intensive. Maybe there is a way, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.

I use Ubuntu Studio & the preinstalled programs like OpenShot video. I have also done the above via the command line with ffmpeg which worked similar to vlc.

Any ideas?


  • +5


    Quick Start Guide:

    Cut / Split / Trim:

    Keep in mind, some video formats (H264 / H265) requires you to "cut" on I-frames so the video is not re-encoded on output!

    Good thing you can jump from I-frame to I-frame with the double arrow buttons bottom left of GUI (<< and >> jumps to I-frame cut points)

    • This! I came to say the same. Back in the day, I used this to edit digital TV recordings, cutting on i-frames.

    • Thanks for the suggestion.

      What does it do with file size? Does it keep it around the same size or less than the original video?

      • It's lossless cut … as you asked … so file size related to original minus the bits cut …or you can re-encode to whatever codec / filesize you like ..

        Is it really that hard to click the link and read if suitable :/

  • Louis Rossmann recommends this video-editing software,
    Davinci Resolv Studio (on Linux) , haha

  • I know that's not the question, but for others interested, Kdenlive is fantastic as full video editor for a casual user.

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