• expired
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Ongoing Monthly Discount for Existing Broadband Customers: $10 off 25Mbps, 50Mbps & 100Mbps, $15 off 250Mbps @ Superloop

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This is for existing customers. Woohoo!

I received an SMS offering an ongoing offer of $10 off my 100/20 monthly plan. My initial 6-month discounted price has come to an end and was charged the full price for this month. You need to login to your account and accept the offer.

25/10 ($64.95 -> $54.95)
50/20 ($74.95 -> $64.95)
100/20 ($89.95 - $79.95)
$15 off 250/50 (according to a Whirlpool user)

The thumbnail link above is to their T&Cs as I couldn't find a specific page for this offer. I believe the relevant T&C is the last one in the Current section:
Download Superloop nbn Discount Offer for Existing Customers - T&Cs (PDF)

To be eligible and apply for this Offer, you must:

● have been provided a link to the Offer directly from Superloop;
● be an existing customer of an Original Plan for at least 6 months;
● click on the provided link to take up the Offer; and
● provide Superloop with all requested details and valid credit card details in your name for the duration of your plan regardless of your preferred payment method.

Superloop may determine Eligibility and provide an Offer link to customers at its absolute discretion. Superloop may accept or reject your application in its absolute discretion.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1320)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • Hmm no SMS or love here on 250/50 and just came off 6 month discount a month ago

    • +3

      Same. Have been with them for more than a year. Thinking of switching to the CommBank one.

      • More nbn (commonwealth Bank) and tangerine are apparently the same company. I was going to go with more but tangerine was cheaper.

    • +1

      Same here. Been with them when they still had the 500Gb monthly limit. Here's hoping it just takes a bit of time for them to send out the messages.

      Edit: Just saw in the PDF that it's for Unlimited plans :/

  • +2

    Churn to tangerine nbn as its the cheapest around at the moment, the six months discount. Churn to another one every 6mth.

    I'm very happy with tangerine so far.

    I was with superloop for a couple of years and they were really good too, just too expensive after 6 months discount now.

    • Did you have to give notice before moving away from superloop?

      • +1

        No. Just signed up online with tangerine and automatically churned the same day and superloop text me saying superloop was cancelled and account was cancelled. Didn't even call superloop.

        Totally hassle free. I was surprised how easy churning is. I'll definitely be doing it every 6mth now.

        • Nice to know, thanks. I need it churned same day as well, have been working from home and can't really loose internet connection for too long.

          • @davidl820: Yeah same here. I work from home too so I was nervous about doing it. I think probably was about 1 hour with no nbn in process.

            I set up hotspot with my phones so I had it covered anyway temporarily.

          • +1

            @davidl820: Just make sure to have mobile phone hotspot when you churn.

        • Obviously you arent on fttp.

    • Isn't tangerine under vocus? How are the speeds and latency?

      • It's 3pm Friday. Speed test, 268.16 down 23.16 up. Ping 11.

        I'm on 250 /25 HFC brisbane

        Haven't had any drop outs.

      • +1

        I churned to Tangerine on Monday. It's OK within AUS but international is unreliable / lottery. Last night was trying to access some content in UK/EU and it was effectively useless, less than 1mbs down and packet loss. Seems they are using some international transit partners that dont manage their network well.

    • Just churned to Tangerine 100/20 from Superloop 250/25.

      Got my FTTC to FTTP upgrade through Superloop, which was pretty smooth.

      Realised I didn't need 250, so the additional savings with Tangerine for 100/20 is good. Superloop wouldn't / couldn't match Tangerine. They would offer a discount as part of retention but the additional savings with Tangerine is a no brainer.

      My anniversary with Superloop is on the 16th, I signed up with Tangerine on the night of 10th to give a few days of buffer. By 11th Arvo I was already connected to Tangerine. Called superloop the very same day and disconnected immediately.

      No impact to speeds so far. Pretty happy with the churn. Must say I was pretty happy when I was with Superloop too. So cost savings was the main driver for me.

      • Same here, been with Superloop and pretty happy with no issues or downtime. Might move to Tangering in that case if the offer's better unless they can match it.

    • Wow this is a fair bit cheaper. I'm talking to Superloop now to get a better price else I'm moving to tangerine. Let's just hope its not the same experience as with Zoom broadband fu#*@&rs :D

      • More Telecom is 30% off for 12 months if you are a CBA customer.

      • Noticed that Exetel is the same price as Tangerine

        FYI Exetel is under Superloop

        • -1

          Exetel is under Superloop

          How far below ?

  • +1

    I just cancelled my Superloop after being with them for just over a year. No issues with them, but I was already coming off a similar $10 monthly discount (following the initial 6 month discounted price) which only last for a year.

    I tried to get their retention team to request another ongoing discount but was denied. So I've moved onto Tangerine a few days ago as they are the next cheapest at the moment (as commented above)!

    • as they are the next cheapest

      cheaper than the More 30% off offer?

  • they only offered me $5 off my 50/20, making it 69.95 :(

  • I'm still on a $5 retention discount on a 50 meg plan though was previously on a $10 one. Last bill was $69.95 —> $64.95… am I being jipped?

    • +1

      Yep. Better off churning every 6 months. Currently Australia post 100/20 $63.75
      Will move again in 6 months, whatever it's the cheapest. So easy with NBN now

      • I'm only seeing auspost for $93. I've never considered leaving Superloop but if I can pay less for twice the speed I'm all ears :O

      • +1

        This was an amazing offer!

    • +1

      I'm also on the 50/20 plan for $69.95 - looks like the standard price is now $74.95, so we likely have an older price (and an extra discount on top for you). What's stopping me making the switch is that Superloop have been pretty solid for me, so if I leave and come back if I find others less reliable, I'll lose the cheaper grandfathered price long term.

  • Have been on 100/20 with superloop for past 18momths. My retention bonus expired last month, and after calling them yesterday they can't apply it more than twice. So it was up to full price again.

    I ended up signing up with exetel online when I got off the phone, maybe 11am? SMS to confirm leaving about about 1pm, needed to configure gateway to pppoe instead of dhcp, but was online again 15 minutes later.

    $55/mo for 50/20 for 6 months, is a great deal. Check whistleout for the promo code, and if this has helped feel free to use my referral code for exetel 👍

    • Remember Exeter need one month notice.

      • My Exetel promo finishes in March. So does that mean I have to advise them to cancel my account in February?

        • It doesn't matter about the promo, but no matter what they want 30 days. I cancelled a day or 2 before the end of my monthly cycle, waiting for the pro-rata refund

    • I think Spintel is still doing $54 for 6 months too.

  • -3

    They always do this after your 6 months. It is not new.

  • FYI, I phoned the retention department and went from $99pm to $81pm (this is for 100/40 + Static IP which I'm getting free already.)

  • I just checked the superloop website and got this

    Good news!
    Your address is connected via nbn™ FTTP and is eligible for a FREE Fibre upgrade. Unfortunately NBN Co have not yet scheduled a date when your address will be Fibre-to-the-home upgrade ready.


    • +1

      Typical NBN. I'm stuck on FTTN and they are busy upgrading FTTP to FTTP…

      • I might request to upgrade my FTTP, just to see what happens…

  • +1

    Can a discount usually be granted when requested if one is with them for the past couple of years?

    Am on their 100/40 and needed the 40 up.

    • +1

      I got $20 discount for 6 months when I phoned the retention number

  • My $15 discount with Superloop 50Mbps is ending this month.
    And they only offer my a $5 discount from next month.
    Will be switching to AGL, $49/m

    • +2

      Do not go to AGL! They were worse than dial up! Your results may vary but 2 years ago I churned after 2 months. Constant drop outs.

  • Been running Leaptel 500/50 for $109 promo for 12 months no lock in contract. Service and speeds are great. Best deal atm for a high speed plan tbh.

  • Been on 250-25 with $ 20 discount running out .now Received 250-1000 $15 off lifetime offer

  • I think someone somewhere stuffed up for me. In a good way?

    I've had a 6 month discount for like.. 1.5+? Years? Or something. I did get the free speed upgrade for that period of time to 250/25 and it seems to have stuck. So paying 104~ for 250/25 with static IP. 1 major outage in like the last year due to some ausgrid work down the road. May as will stick with superloop for now!

    (looks like that whirlpool thread has a similar case like mine. A discount that never ended. Still says 6 month discount in my billing)

  • +2

    Damn, an offer for existing members! ABB should take note

  • Nothing for NBN 100/40 Unlimited ?

    I called them up about a fortnight ago after recent promo for new users and complained, they tried to sign me to 11mth contract to get $10 discount. I said no and they eventual said I get a $10 discount, but can't see anything in members page yet. Will wait for next bill, and churn away if no discount. SL have been rock solid, but after a couple of years time to save the $ if no loyalty to existing customers.

  • +1

    Am I wrong in thinking the price for 50/20 isn't that good? Last month I signed up the in-laws with Superloop and it was $69.95 ($54.95 with $15 discount for 6 months.)

    Seems there is still a few others doing 50/20 for $55 for 6 months.

  • If I cancel a Superloop service do I need to pay an issued bill? From what I gather payment is one month in advance. It's also a couple of weeks before my next service month starts.

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