Trouble Getting Item Exchanged at Harvey Norman

My wife wants to exchange a 2 day old iPhone 14 Pro for a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. On returning to Harvey Norman they refused to swap saying that the warranty on the phone had already begun and they couldn't exchange it. He also mentioned because she had registered the iPhone in her name it was not possible. However in the Apple Store they have a change of mind policy. It says you can return it within 14 days to the Apple Store

Do Harvey Norman have a right to refuse to exchange the phone? It is in original condition. If your curious, she doesn't like the camera. It's OK for scenery, but not people.

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman


  • +176

    HN isn't Apple store……

    Please choose carefully as refunds are not normally provided where you have simply changed your mind, made a wrong selection or simply found the goods cheaper elsewhere. We recommend you carefully preview any orders before adding them to your shopping cart and proceeding with your order.

    If your curious, she doesn't like the camera. It's OK for scenery, but not people.

    Wow, so she's opened it, set it up, and you thought you could get a full refund on it…?!

      • +90

        Same same, it's still a no

        Do Harvey Norman have a right to refuse to exchange the phone?

        That's a yes…

        You realise HN would then have a second-hand item, if they took it back from you?

        And people wonder why we pay more for things in this country…

        • +29

          Looks like we messed up. Should have bought in the Apple Store.

          • +39

            @BluebirdV: Should have purchased a Samsung in the first place.

            The resale on an iphone is luckily quite high, so jump on Ebay/Gumtree now.

            • +3

              @BewareOfThe Dog: Nope Samsung only operates in Australia through contractors so they are unlikely to have a good exchange policy. In fact Samsung after sales service in Australia is rated very poor to non existent

              • -2


                Nope Samsung only operates in Australia through contractors so they are unlikely to have a good exchange policy

                Samsung's exchange policy in Australia is more than twice as long as what Apple offers.

                In fact Samsung after sales service in Australia is rated very poor to non existent

                Buy who?
                I have some very clumsy friends who have broken their screens more than once and never had an issue with the Samsung repair process.

                • +1

                  @spaceflight: good luck in getting someone who will listen to you and more importantly take accountability and responsibility of your needs. Their documentation which is a copy paste from the USA policy but not the USA type of service you will get here.

                  I repeat Samsung service after sales in Australia is operated by a third world provider, so is the retail store. They are not interested in furthering Samsung's cause or reputation.

                  Enough said.

                  majority of the people who have dealt with Samsung after sales service ( me included )will tell you it is worthy of a shonky prize award

                  With the kind of marketing they put out with European models and actors, you'd wonder why the entire operation here is run by contractors from third world and all casual staff.

                  Either Australia is not an important market for the Koreans or they simplyt want to maximise profit by cutting costs, even making a big cut to providing front line service to their loyal customers, using casuals and the whole operation is contracted to a third world provider because it is cheap.

                  You can see the difference when the service is provided by a contractor/ casual as opposed to actual company staff members. Absolutely no pride in the product they are selling.

                  don't even get me started on Samsung's third world contracted level of service.

            • +4

              @sjj89: Possibly the most ridiculous comment of the month.

              To start with, OP doesn't have a receipt / invoice with the serial number of the device they wish to return at the Apple Store.

              • -5

                @DoctorCalculon: Even without an invoice (which they could easily get from HN if misplaced) Apple have the activation date on GSX.

                They may still refund it.

                Source: worked in an Apple Store for many years

          • -1

            @BluebirdV: Do you think you could exchange an apple phone for a samsung phone at an apple store ? It would of made absolutely no difference for you.

            • +3

              @garetz: They could have got a full refund and then purchased the Samsung elsewhere.

            • -1

              @garetz: We could have got a full refund at the Apple Store and bought a Samsung instead.

          • +21

            @BluebirdV: Or your wife should have made up her mind before making the purchase!

            • @mhz: Or within the the time after purchase before she opened and started using it!

          • +5

            @BluebirdV: Should decide first on the model and then buy. Stores usually only allow exchanges if unopened. otherwise its secondhand. Would you pay full price for a open box?

          • @BluebirdV: or off amazon

          • +1

            @BluebirdV: YES, alwasy from App store. The change of mind is amazing!!

          • +4

            @BluebirdV: This is true I bought my apple Watch series 8 stainless steel over $1200 at Apple Store and decided wanted a Apple Watch ultra a week later when it was released get this : without the box receipt or anything still wearing the series 8 on my hands they exchanged with me on the spot just took it off my hands. Why because the policy says you can. I am so impressed with that level of service I have never returned /exchange an item with no box/ no cable/ no receipt that is over $1000 and did just that at Apple Store. When you register an apple product to use it Apple Store is able to retrieve that info to the day you purchased it from Apple Store they only go by serial number registered and you are guaranteed they able to trace it to you if you purchased at Apple Store not JB etc
            Bear in mind at that time Watch ultra was in high demand literally fly off the shelves they did not need to do this on such a popular item, in fact ultra is apples best seller 2022
            Caveat : they only take cash or visa or gift cards or latitude finance only (idiotic dishonest company: Latitude)
            No afterpay no BNPL no split BNPL/cash
            The difference is you are dealing with a cash up resource rich company (apple) and a mom and pop store (HN) where probably everything in the store are acquired with a loan from the bank
            Nothing including the store itself for apple is owed to creditors, you’re lucky if apple is not the creditor they own all their stores outright and all items in the stores are owned by apple no bank loans required this is why apple is so successful because they are the creditor not the borrower
            Something like for every item exchanged or returned at apple the same value item multiply by 100 walk out the store they are a guarantee profitable company so they just need to focus on making customers happy, not sales no pushy people at apple.
            Apple products are same price everywhere so get the royal treatment: buy it from the manufacturer owned company store not some mom and pop like JB

            • @paloverde88:

              (idiotic dishonest company: Latitude)

              care to share what happened with Latitude?

              • @ranmalynx: long story short, first ASIC is taking them to court for dishonesty so that is a fact

                secondly I have had a latitude pay account for 2 years with no issues on my part whatsoever they kept increasing my limit not that I care as it is modest increase. Then one day after 2 years all of a sudden I could not access the account. I wrote to them thinking it was an IT issue. They responded that they will follow up - cut a long story short they did not tell me they have closed my account why because they can, reason given, oh we broke the credit rules and gave credit to people we should not have in the first place (whatever that means) so now we will punish you the customer for whom we should not have given you an account but we did anyways. We don't need to engage with you, discuss with you, all we have to do is close it behind your back without telling you, then pretend it was an IT issue that we are trying to resolve, then one fine day we will tell you oh we have actually closed your account over 2 weeks ago this whole time, we did not tell you because why we are so honest.
                Oh We are so sorry we closed your account, but then we have to do it even though (their actual words) 'you are a very good customer' we did this so that we are following the rules. You know we like to blame others after we find out in hindsight we were wrong. In this case we blame you for having an account with us and paying on time for 2 years, truth is we were wrong in giving you an account for 2 years and you have been good but we will close it since we should not have given it to you in the first place, we will also make this so un transparent in the pretext it was some IT issue we are trying to resolve, we have no other way to do it but behind your back.
                Oh and don't try to apply again because we know you are desperate to have an account with us, because you are so desperate to have an account with us we have made sure that any siubsequent application from you will be rejected at the first sight.
                So thank you for being a customer of Latitude Pay. We look forward to meeting your desperate needs for BNPL in the near future.

                This company , really? honestly? what? where were the regulators? as usual fallen asleep at the wheels. There must be a proper way to approach these problems not just do it behind the customer's back but then what do you expect from the 10 times winner of the most honest lender of the century: Latitude? Sing your praises!
                Latitude is implying you all are so lucky we are here to provide a service for you, we know you all are so desperate for credit and we will create our own rules without meeting regulatory requirements, after all we simply do things behind your back and have no consequence.

              • @ranmalynx: People aren't capable of using Ng their brains or reading terms and conditions, so they blame others.

            • +11

              @paloverde88: Take a breath mate

            • +1

              @paloverde88: apple shops are not in every town why they used 3part retails

              • @nikey2k27: you can get it online and have it delivered the same return policy applies. Don't expect it from the mom and pop or 'con' tractors from Samsung to give you this royal treatment after you hand the money to them, you're on your own.

            • +6

              @paloverde88: Apple's profit margins are enormous. It's good they offer this policy, but it's not like you're not paying for it so i'm not sure i'd say it's particularly impressive.
              In fact, i'd rather save x% of my purchase and accept a y% restocking fee if i change my mind (and have to provide the box).

              • -3

                @ssfps: So companies like samsung are pretty noble when it comes to profit? If they had the clout apple commands surely their shareholders would like an even larger bite. Sadly samsung does not have that much clout even their used handset carries very little to no value at all, tell me im lying.

                • +2

                  @paloverde88: Not sure why you're zeroing in on samsung.
                  Apple is/was the the biggest company in the world (mcap) in large part due to large profit margins. So as part of those increased margins vs any other brand, you're paying for the luxury of effortless change of mind.
                  I'm saying i'd personally rather save the upfront cost and forego that luxury.

                  • @ssfps: Samsung is probably the closest like for like comparison unlike the shingding pagodas china churns out weekly, so in terms of prices i dont see how samsung units are so much more reasonably priced, you get what you pay for crap non existence support a retail store run by a third world contractor where every one of their customer facing staff is a casual no wonder the crap service customers get. This has nothing to do with a quality product with no less than 5 years of fast updates so that cannot come free and suddenly you are blaming a business doing what it does naturally: make a profit, at least they spend a great deal ensuring customers gets the best service, in terms of Samsung, you can kiss any service, let alone warranty service a big good bye but don't let me stop you filling samsung shareholders bank account and in return you get subpar service and a product that loses its value faster than a used rice cooker.

        • +12

          You do realise that HN cannot return the item and then have a second hand item, that they will have to sell at a lower cost, that does not have the full warranty. The phone is registered in your wife's name, so then the next person will have issues if it needs repairing in the next 363 days.

        • -1

          You would think that’s the case but OP is right that Apple Store would accept returns like this and offer a full refund. Heard it from someone who returned the phone after he learned that the phone was $150 cheaper 1 week after he bought the phone. He rocked up to the store, returned the 1 week old phone and bought the same phone for $150 cheaper a few hours later.

          I guess too much consumer rights / protections

          • @aboogee: That has nothing to do with consumer rights/protections, it was a policy of Apple themselves.

            • @BartholemewH: I think the difference is the Apple store has a very good policy for handling returns. They take ACL very seriously, and the people at the Genius Bar will try to help you out as much as possible (given you are being respectful about what has happened and the next steps).

              I have dealt with Samsung support before and I was thrown around to multiple different people and whoever said its just a bunch of contractors is right. Getting a TV fixed/replaced required calling a local TV repairer shop that happens to work with Samsung to come and assess my TV???

              Having bought multiple Apple devices and Samsung devices, I can safely say that the customer service and post purchase service offered by Apple far exceeds Samsung. While you may be paying for it upfront (nowadays youre paying very similar amounts for phones). I will happily have that extra "luxury".

              Source: I worked at Apple as a Specialist and trained to be a Technical Specialist

      • +1

        so how will HN re-sell the used phone?

        bargains are different from what a lot of people on here seem to expect

  • +22

    Lol did you expect HN to apply Apple Store return policy to iPhones because they’re iPhones?

    I think you’re out of luck. The best thing to do if you ever want to test drive an iPhone is buy from Apple because of their return policy.

    I can’t see an exchange policy on HN’s website, not sure if they allow for that (wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t, they are HN after all). If there was an actual issue with the phone you’d probably be able to get it exchanged for the same make and model.

    What doesn’t she like about the camera for taking photos of people? Maybe there’s a setting she can adjust?

      • What’s wrong with the video exactly? Is it the background blur, the colours or something else?

        I still use an iPhone 8, I know with newer iphones that photos are more saturated but people still seem to think the cameras are good in general.

          • +174

            @BluebirdV: Sorry, that's nature, not the camera

            • +9

              @spackbace: tl;dr we look hotter as a couple on tik tok selfie videos with Samsung.

            • +10

              @spackbace: Nah, the iPhone 14s are renowned for "over processing" photos and videos now:

              Better explanation than me:

              Best phone for people pics / vids right now is the Pixel 7 Pro …

              • -1

                @7ekn00: Nailed it.

                • -1

                  @BluebirdV: Have you turned off all of the auto enhance features on the camera software?

                  • @AlanHB: I don't think so. She hasn't used a iPhone before. Is it easy to do?

              • +7

                @7ekn00: Except what MKBHD is talking about is only to do with still photography. He still puts the iPhone at the top of the pile for video - which is what OP is worried about.

            • @spackbace: Sounds like OP and his wife should be complaining about their parents and not HN.

          • +1


            It's the way it makes our faces look.

            Sounds like WAD.

          • +4

            @BluebirdV: I'm afraid the only option now is to get a new face.

          • @BluebirdV: Maybe you could check and see if both of your parents have the right to refuse an exchange on your faces?

      • Yes, there's heaps of software/app cameras that let you edit more settings. Not really into the latest, so maybe someone else can suggest apps. I use Prequel and it's definitely over processing but very fun.

      • I have an iPhone 14 pro. The picture quality for a phone is amazing IMO. Has your wife taken pictures with the Samsung? Without stupid filters, the Samsung can’t make Mutton look like Lamb either.

        I’m a shitty photographer, but the quality of the iPhone 14 pro’s pictures is better than my old Nikon 5100 DSLR with specialised lenses, probably user error though.

        If you want to look better in photos, maybe spend time at the gym and find a good plastic surgeon and dentist

        No way should HN refund you for a change of mind

        I always buy Apple products direct from Apple and I properly research before committing to the purchase

    • +1

      What does Apple do with returned phone? Sell than as used?

      • +3

        Refurb and use for warranty stock

        • Thanks for that.

      • -4

        What apple does with their returned items is really no ones concern, this is a problem apple as a manufacturer can solve themselves

        • +2

          Relax, they were just curious.

  • +10

    Oh dear…

    • +2

      The worst part of it all, is that the OP got lucky.

      Had they bought the Samsung S22 Ultra initially, they would be pretty angry, as the Samsung S23 Ultra is just about to be released. I doubt there's much difference between the two, but the new chip is made in Taiwan instead of Korea, so there's a noticeable battery life improvement.

      Whereas the Apple iPhone 14 Pro is still a relatively new phone. So they shouldn't have much trouble being able to swap it, or sell it at this moment. The Samsung S22 Ultra would be much more difficult to refund, swap, or sell at full-price.

      • +2

        Strange way of saying the SOC is made by TSMC instead of Samsung. Why say Korea and Taiwan?

        • I wrote it like that initially, but changed it. I figured what would confuse people is the wording of "Samsung Foundry" since we're talking about a "Samsung" smartphone.

          The point is, the architecture hasn't made much improvements in years, and the move to Samsung Foundry took a step back. The Late-2022 phones which had chipsets such as the QC 8g1, Exynos 2100, and Tensor G2… they were often (throttling) at times slower than the Early-2019 phones which have the QSD 855 chipset. Yikes.

          We only see the needle moving forward with the likes of the QSD 870, MTK D1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, D8000, D8100, D8200, QC 8g1+, D9000. And now there's the MTK D9200 and QC 8g2. What these all have in common is they're built-on the latest TSMC lithography, which is a healthy 25%-45% more efficient than the latest Samsung-Foundry and Intel nodes.

          • +1

            @Kangal: Is kinda weird to say manufacturing location affects battery life.

  • +40

    Do Harvey Norman have a right to refuse to exchange the phone?

    Hahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha!

    Of course they do, it's literally a change of mind on a product you've opened and used for 2 days.

    "Oh hello again op, you don't like this phone either? Sure go ahead, just try a different one, keep on bringing them back until you've tried all the phones in the store, that won't put us out at all."

    • -2

      Because HN has the right to refuse exchange, you as the customer has the right to throw your money elsewhere.

      • +1

        Not sure what that has to do with what I've written, but thanks for the comment.

        • -2

          in other words you shopuld ahve bought iot elsewhere, let this be a cheap lesson to buy high value items only from the resource rich manufacturer directly, stop shopping at penny stores, and get penny service.

          • +5

            @paloverde88: I honestly don't understand why you have replied to me. I haven't purchased this iPhone. You seem confused.

  • +5

    You should have bought it from the Apple Store, then you would be able to return it for a full cash refund to buy the Samsung phone.

    • +1

      How I wish.

    • +5

      Or….. research first and buy in one go

      • +1

        Are you seriously suggesting op should take personal responsibly? Unheard of!

  • +61

    It is in original condition

    It's not.

  • +37

    Lol. Who needs a comedy channel when you have ozbargain forums?

    It's OK for scenery, but not people.

    I'm guessing user error. That would be user error twice in 2 days. Is she using ultrawide mode to take photos of people?

  • Tou can get a 22 for around a grand new, sell the iphone for more than that.

  • +21

    Thank you for showing me how awful it was working in retail, why do you expect HN to take the loss and sell it second hand. Would you pay full price for a phone that was opened and had already been activated ??

    • I can guarantee you a large percentage of people on this site would not. I couldn't tell you that a large percentage of people here wouldn't attempt to return a used phone tho.

  • +6

    Yep don’t miss retail 🥱

    (Unfortunately wholesale ain’t any better)

    • +4

      Feel for you man, Im a government contractor now easy 36.25 hour weeks lol

      • +2

        Is the pay good?

    • +2

      Too many tongue marks on retail store windows :(

  • +10

    However in the Apple Store they have a change of mind policy. It says you can return it within 14 days to the Apple Store

    But you bought it from Harvey Norman…. 😋

  • +1

    Its common sense. if you have open the seal then it become a 2nd hand item. Most stores won't accept return/exchange/refund for unsealed item. Luckily, iphone have better resale value, you could try to advertised exchange your Iphone 14 plus with brand new/nearly new S22. Pretty sure that'd be easier than vice versa.

  • +2

    You should have bought it directly from Apple.

    One of the benefits is the change of mind policy….

    • -1

      Same with Microsoft store these large conglomerates are not petty over a broken seal, its a drop in the ocean for what seemed like the only sale for those miserable mom and pop store.

    • How would I go about asserting my rights under Australian Consumer Law? Looking for a quick solution. Thanks.

      • -4

        Check your messages

        • +5

          Na man, share here why the phone isn't "fit for purpose" pursuant to the ACL

          Go on

      • +3

        Read the rights and quote them to HN with respect to you not looking good in the videos?

        • Well, you can clearly see we look better on the old Samsung we own than the new iPhone. The images are over processed. Unfortunately my wife didn't test it thoroughly enough to realize until she left the store.

      • +1

        Does your HN have phones on display for you to look at and test features on before you buy?

        • Yes it would. Even Country stores.

          • +1

            @BewareOfThe Dog: I doubt they’d be able to claim not fit for purpose based on photo quality if they’re given the opportunity to test that before purchase.

    • +12

      What about it isn't fit for purpose? Because selfies don't have the right 'saturation'?

      Peak 2023 came early.

    • +3

      We found Mrs Incredible's OzBargain account - what a stretch

    • +4

      Change of mind is not "Not fit for purpose".

      It records video, they might not be happy with the quality but you can easily look up a review or test out a store model.

    • +1

      Yeap, I once returned a car when I really wanted a plane.

      Holden promptly refunded and apologised the product didn’t fly as I was expecting.

      If you have trouble returning it, tell them my story and wait for the response.

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