This was posted 2 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 12 Months $45.27 (for New & Lapsed Users Only, Incl Fee & Subs) @ Gamivo (Turkey VPN Req to Activate)

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Was browsing for Xbox Game Pass deals and found Gamivo to be the cheapest atm.

You will need to add a month of Game Pass Ultimate to complete the conversion from Xbox Game Pass Gold to Ultimate. Usually $15.95 for expired accounts or $1 for new accounts.

Basic Steps

  1. Buy Code.
  2. Connect VPN.
  3. Apply code to account.
  4. Disconnect VPN.
  5. Add 1 month of Game Pass Ultimate.

Detailed steps available in OG Post from iambRad -

MTCGame - 12 months for $42.80…

Eneba - 12 months for $44.78 -…

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • -2

    How do you activate? Needs VPN?

    • +5

      The answer to your question is in the title of the post

      Turkey VPN Req to Activate

  • +10

    You probably need to highlight more that this is only Gold and it can only be converted to GamePass if you have an expired subscription plus you need to pay a month of GamePass to complete the conversation.

    • +1

      Thanks will add that in now.

      • +2

        The title/description still needs some work. This deal is only for INACTIVE subscriptions (i.e. New or Expired).
        You can't get 12 months of Game Pass Ultimate if you are already rocking an active subscription.

        If an existing subscription tries to redeem 12 months of Xbox Live Gold, they will be given 4 months of Game Pass Ultimate (see the conversion rates here)

        • +1

          how many days does your sub need to be deactived for

          • +1

            @Budju: No particular amount of time. If you have any gamepass Ultimate time left, it converts the Gold to Ultimate, but it's not 1:1 so you get a lot less time. As long as your subscription has finished, it will add the Gold and you can then convert the Gold to Ultimate at 1:1 conversion rate.

          • +3

            @Budju: Usually around a day (they have some weird timezone thing going on where it doesn't refresh the sub status immediately)

    • And paying a month of gold can push you over the three year stacked limit, right?

  • Is it safe to keep the codes for a few days? My subscriptions ends in 3 days.

    • Mine ends this Sunday!!

  • I'm guessing this will stack to two or three years?

    • Should stack 3 years, but you need to do 2 years 11 months, so that you can take a month of game pass ultimate for a month as well to convert it all

      • +1

        Stacking to 36 months first before upgrading to ultimate works. Just have to make sure not to claim the bonus months from turning on the recurring billing in between codes otherwise it won't work. eg. if you have 25 months, it won't let you add another 12 months because it pushes you over 36.

  • Anyone else being forced SMART sub on their order?

    • Yeah seems that way, maybe the code is SMART specific since it has SMART in the name. I'm trying to figure out how to avoid the sub, anyone used Gamivo before that can comment?

      • In checkout unclick Customer Protection Program under the item, then click 'Thanks, I don't need any additional protection' at the very bottom to remove it.

        • I did this and it still purchased it lol

  • +1

    Can i buy 3 x 12 months gold and convert?

    • Mines running out as well. I'm guessing still works, stack gpu after xbl codes

  • Mine's currently stuck at Order Pending as it tries to verify my applicant data

    • Just had to confirm an email they sent me. Otherwise everything worked fine. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Do you even own an Xbox if you don't have Game Pass Ultimate bought via a cheap method?

    • +4

      I have one that’s gathering dust but I use the PC game pass games all the time

  • Is this risky? And would it also work if I buy 12 months of Xbox live at jbhifi for ~$80 and convert?

    • +1

      It's not too bad, I personally prefer Eneba over Gamivo and particular over the gamivo subscription thing. It would still work with Gold cards from JB though if you're more comfortable doing it that way.

      • +1

        Cdkeys also sell Turkey Gold. I trust CDKeys over Eneba, MTC and Gamivo

  • -1

    I recently got burnt with this.

    Our account had lapsed and we followed the instructions perfectly, and then Microsoft converted it onto a one month subscription instead of the four months that it was supposed to be.

    Luckily I only trialled it with 3 months instead of the 36 months that others were going with

    • Maybe you missed a step? Heaps of other people found success doing it with the method outlined in a previous deal. The kicker is the $1 for a month of ultimate on an expired / inactive account.

      • My account had expired, but it wasn’t showing up at $1 for Ultimate anymore. It was $10.95 for XBox PC, and a couple of bucks more for Ultimate

        • +3

          $1 is only for new accounts, it will be $15 or whatever the going rate is existing users with expired sub. So Shaq im not really sure what your issue was? U bought a 1 month or a 3 month? If u bought 3 months gold, it would convert to 3 months Ultimate or 4 months if u got the option for recurring billing…

          • @dazzza: I bought 3 months of the Gold Pass and then I added a month of Xbox PC, and originally it showed me an expiry date of 4 months.. Two weeks later, it all reverted to a 1 month subscription

    Worth comparing against this for those talking about 36 months right?

    • This might work out cheaper if you are able to use the code 3 times.

      • +1

        Like the previous Gamivo deal with the same coupon, this code can only be used for quantity of 1 product. You could probably create multiple accounts though *shrug

  • How's this for gaming on an M1 Mac via Xbox Cloud Gaming? Is a controller a must?

    • +3

      Should work fine on mac since you just play through the web browser, but cloud gaming only supports controller. There are some mods/extensions to use mouse/kb but I don't really know how well they work.

    • Cloud gaming for me was very disappointing at this stage. Video compression made it look very poor.

    • I'm currently using Xbox Cloud Gaming on an M1 Mac, it works great. Video compression no problem for me as per the other user.

      It's the only decent way to play games on Macbook Air's that I've experienced. I also bought the Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth and have paired to the mac perfectly.

      I'm still trying to figure out if this deal means I can let my monthly sub lapse, and then claim this offer.

      • +1

        I'm still trying to figure out if this deal means I can let my monthly sub lapse, and then claim this offer.


        It's the only decent way to play games on Macbook Air's that I've experienced.

        • Looks like the switch emulator is a good demo, but temperature isn''t manageable for long?

          The beauty of cloud gaming is the Mac doesn't heat up at all.

  • I have used turkish code and got xbox live gold 12 months. But when i try to upgrade to ultimate using 1 month subscription it says change your microsoft store region :(. You currently have a subscription from a different region.

    • Every time I see comments like these I instantly get put off trying the deal. I assume you switched the VPN off after redeeming the 12 months as well?

      • VPN was on tried both with VPN on and OFF.

        • Yeah, I had major issues too.

          I’m not game to try again

    • Did you change your region settings? Is it currently set to AU?

      • I changed it to Australia now. It was previously set to US. But still i get the same error. Do you reckon i should buy a one month turkey ultimate pass and try to upgrade like that?

    • same happened to me a month ago

      used Turkish VPN on my router then changed to Turkish region in 4 or 5 different places, think there was two places on microsofts website, one on windows pc and one on xbox everything presented the same error

      reading comments below looks like that was my mistake region should be set to australia while claiming the codes

      spent an hour on the phone, watched them remove my 3 years gold and every few minutes a year of gold would be applied, then allowed me to upgrade to ultimate

      • Can you please tell me how you got in contact with them? I can't seem to get the call back feature to work.

        • i used call back feature couldn't find any other way as i have communication difficulties would have preferred chat so call wouldn't have gone as long

          cannot remember the process but looked like what is on this page

        • @roxzilla below commented they purchased a turkey ultimate one month card, if you cannot figure contacting microsoft might be an alternative option

  • Okay so got a turkey ultimate one month card for 8 euros and now i have an year of ultimate so 45+7 not bad.

  • +1

    I bought 6 of these Xbox live codes of Gamivo a few months ago and 100% of them didn’t work (were already claimed).

    Be warned.

    I got a refund, but it took a while and they put you through the ringer.

    • Did you use the codes asap or sit on them, never


      sit on digital codes unless they're:

      Discontinued by the promoter (much harder if a agent codes on it)
      International use cards

      • Yeah I used them immediately, so they were selling already used cards.

        But yes, also true, I'd never risk waiting to use these cards either.

  • Some current perks of Game Pass Ultimate membership are:

    • 3 month trial of Apple Music (new subs only)
    • 3 month trial of Apple TV+ (new subs only)
    • Free upgrade of Star Wars Fallen Order to Deluxe edition
    • Free previously released DLC for Dead Space
    • 3 month trial of Discord Nitro (new subs only)
    • Never really click the perks, happened to earlier by accident, missus scanned the QR for Apple despite being a previous customer bc why not, weirdly got 2 months added, but didn't need to make a new account.

    • With GP perks, beware of recurring payments after the trial period or you'll end up spending more than you bargained for.

  • Recurring billing extra month doesn’t seem to work, any trick to it?

    • Hasnt worked for the last few times either, not sure if it is limited to how many times an account has done this before or not? I just hope they dont pull the plug on the Gold to Ultimate option.

      • It worked fine for me few months ago but seems to be hit and miss for people. Apparently it's a "random" offer now, makes the 3 month codes worse/riskier.

  • I think it's cheaper via Indian store. Xbox game pass 6 month is roughly 900 rupees x6 = 5400 rs for 36 months which is 100 aud.

    • Can you get the bonus month for turning on recurring billing with each activation? Then you would only need to by 5 x 6 month keys

    • There are hardly any VPNs offering India servers after the Indian govt crackdown.

      • CyberGhost has Indian server.

  • -2

    You need a VPN to buy from the store:


    Only turkey stores, well any store really.

    • Enaba good, strangly they encourage international customers.

  • Reddit says Turkey codes dont work anymore. Has anyone ACTUALLY done this recently?

    • If you're scared use a AU new account, and buy online so you can either:

      Get a refund from the respective site(but do not sit on them, just verify them, use codes within 12 hours)
      Get new account add code, if error it has nothing to do with your expired account but gives your old account access to everything.

      When time comes throw prepaid account away

    • +1

      If you check the long running deal, it's still working for people. In that reddit thread it only stopped working for a day or 2.

    • I did it yesterday. Bought 3 codes and paid $15.95 for game pass upgrade (mine has lapsed). Have GPU until 10/01/2026.

      • If you sign up with a dummy account let's say your main accounts name is joeblows, but your dummy account is sayonaraSucker.

        Add gold to the second dummy account, why well after a year the first account will revert back to the 1$ deal, that's if you wish to play streaming games.

        But overall on the dummy account your main account will have all access to games on pc and console, just not streaming, but to redeem the $1 deal on a old existing account greater then 10 or so years just sign up for dummy account.

        Microsoft will remove the $15.95 on accounts in limbo and apply $1 to it.

        • I considered doing this but it's a hassle for PC cause you can only have one Microsoft account signed into the Xbox app at a time and I play quite a few PC games with friends.

          Having to switch accounts back and forth is a pain and your saves don't transfer on PC. I would probably have done it if I just used Xbox though because you can set the console as the "Home" console and all accounts on it will have access to gold and game pass.

          I'll just take the hit this time.

    • I did it last night. Bought 3 x 12 month Turkish codes from MTCGame. Redeemed the codes using PIA turkey servers, disconnected than upgraded to GamePass ultimate for $15.95AU. Expires 11/01/2026.

  • These always seem so dodgy big pass from me sadly but nice find otherwise

    • +1

      It ain't a scam, as with everything in life you need confidence.

  • Or you could just do the Microsoft Rewards and pay nothing

    • Thanks for reminding me omg, I have 3 months Xpass from rewards, need to search emails and sell on eBay.

      Omg omg thanks for reminding me

    • Yeh this is an option, if you can set aside 10 minutes every single day for the rest of your gaming life. (You are still paying, but in time)
      Personally I'd rather pay the 12 cents a day to never have to worry about it.

      • Oh yeah that too, it's just the codes may expire, I recall seeing 2023 on them at some point.

    • How many points is it for Xbox Pass and what do you have to do?

  • +1

    Spent a good hour getting to work

    The time spent was on getting the turkey VPN working

    For whatever reason, I couldn’t connect via my home broadband, but worked instantly once I connected to my mobile internet

    Post VPN windscribe connection, redeeming the Xbox gold 12 months acct was seamless. No errors

    Post redemption, I disconnected VPN and upgraded to ultimate. Again this was seamless

    Happy to report the money saved was well worth the effort

  • Any idea if these offers are short term, or is it likely it will still be available on Feb 2?

    • +1

      Been running for 4 years.

  • Price coming up as $48.94 now using PayPal and Outside EU as settings.

  • What happens if you have an existing active game pass ultimate?

    • It will convert the gold to ultimate at a lower conversion (not 1:1 like the deal), not really worth it.

  • +1

    Can confirm. I just did it for 2 years with codes from MTCGame. It took around 10min from order to completion from xbox side.

    Order -
    Xbox Keys Added -
    Xbox Upgraded -

    • Nice work - Can you provide the EXACT steps you took as I'd like to do mine today. Many thanks!

  • I got an error when purchasing. not sure why… tried to pay through paypal

  • Didn't work with NordVPN. Used Windscribe instead and it worked.

    • Hey what do you mean didn't work? I'm stuck on Gamivo website it's saying I have 0 payment methods.

  • OP i have changed the microsoft store region to Turkey but it still says

    Change your Microsoft Store region The region in which you bought your subscription and your Store region need to match. If changing your Store region doesn't work, contact us at Microsoft Support.

    EDIT: I think my XBOX app was open in the background which stopped it from working. All g now

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