• expired

$3 Verbatim 8GB Flash Drive, with Free Shipping. Flingshot.com.au Launch Day Special


Flingshot.com.au is lauching this week and as an opening offer to ozbargainers we are doing an 8gb verbatim flash drive for $3 shipped. It is limited to one per household, and in order to claim the deal you need to like us on Facebook. And before you ask, yes we are trying to buy your love. If there is one thing the Simpsons has taught us, money can buy love, it just can't buy dinosaurs. If you have any issues please email us at [email protected].

Just an update, we have had a significant number of orders already, but we still have plenty more stock. If we do run out we will look into getting more stock later in the week and re-running the offer. Thanks!

UPDATE 3: These guys are selling faster than we had expected, we still have about 200 units in stock, but if you get a message saying out of stock, then we have run out. Looking at getting more stock or posting a similar deal later in the week. Thanks!

UPDATE 4: Looks like we are sold out now. Will update this post once we get more stock or another deal sorted out. Thanks everyone!

UPDATE 5: We should have a deal on a 32GB drive up by tomorrow, or Friday at the latest. Thanks for your patience, we really had not expected this level of support so early.

Final Update: New deal posted here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/75320.

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closed Comments

  • -7

    Can I trust the website to give my credit number?

    • No PayPal?

      • +9

        We only accept Paypal.

  • Hi Rep
    In your website -'login with Facebook' offer is not working for me
    Not sure if its only me or everybody…

    • Same here, keeps going back and forth between logged in and logged out.

      • Try refreshing the page.

        • Ok, I can stay logged in now, but whenever I try to add the item, it flashes added but the quantity stays at 0.

          Maybe test your e-commerce website before opening for business?

          Never mind, turns out I hadn't got the right page to Like, the link provided in your website's text goes to the wrong place. Some informative error messages on your e-commerce website might be a good idea.

        • +1

          Sorry you are having issues, so you can't change the quantity on the item? Try removing it from your cart and adding again. If you keep having issues send us an email and we can process it manually for you.

        • +1

          Thanks we just updated the text, it was not clear enough you are right.

        • Working now from my phone

  • +2

    And before you ask, yes we are trying to buy your love.

    I like honesty… :)

  • Worked fine for me. Logged in via Facebook, payed via PayPal. Easy.

  • -5

    I'm trying to go to checkout, and it says

    "Items in your cart contain a promotional price which requires you to like our Facebook Page in order to checkout"

    and yes, I've already 'liked' on Facebook…


    • not with the same email?

      • +1

        Make sure you are actually liking our facebook page, not just the item on that page. You need to click like at the top right corner of the page, or go to our facebook page and like manually. link is here http://www.facebook.com/flingshotaustralia

    • -3

      never mind, it finally worked…. it took a while to go to the Paypal screen…

  • +1

    Offer me a Galaxy S3 for $500 and you'll have successfully purchased my love. :)

    • +1

      That's a lot of love! We are working on pricing for direct import phones, at the moment we only have AU stock and the pricing is still a little high.

    • +5

      offer it to me for $3 and you can have my babies!

      • +3

        Pretty sure surrogacy/IVF etc. is worth a minimum of $10,000

        Ozbargain Alert!

  • worked fine for me, thanks

  • Thanks.

  • It worked..you have to click facebook like button and then click checkout button to complete with pay-pal.

  • Worked fine for me.

  • +4

    Do I need this more than I don't need Facebook?
    Good deal for the great herds though.

  • I'm not that cheap, drop the price to $1 and you can have all my love baby.

  • Good work, thanks.

  • -1

    Done, thanks! Now you'll be removed from my fb :)

    • +9

      Probably should have waited to tell us that until after we shipped it! I kid, I kid, we will still honour the order, we can't stop you from unliking us.

      • +2

        Still like you guys, just not on facebook ;) Thanks again for a great deal.

        • +5

          But however will people know if it isn't plastered all over the interwebz?!?!

      • i was going to unlike after it was sent, but seeing as you have a pretty good attitude, might just keep you on… of course i've sent your facebook messages to appear to me only at the moment…(soz)

  • Nice deal, the cheapest on staticice is $5.58, that's a huge saving of 46%!

    • +5


      • Saying that, do you even know where you are?

  • Hi Op,
    Im having problem wherein, after I log in to flingshot, the item disappear so I cannot put the item in my cart.
    hope you can help me.

  • thanks :)

  • i can't check out - it just keeps throwing me between paypal and step 2/2

  • Worked for me. Liked in Facebook and paid thru paypal

  • Love can't be bought, especially on ozbargain.
    Business can be bought, though.

  • I can't seem to get this to work… While the instructions say you need to simply 'like' their page, I have a feeling you are also required to grant profile access to the app. Is this correct?

    • Yes you have to be logged in for us to verify that you have liked the page.

    • I just set the app so it can post to "only me" dont need all these "apps" spamming my face book chumps
      wont be too long though and they just wont ask any permission ………


      • Totally reasonable, we don't actually ask for permission to post to your page. There are two reasons, adding likes to the page and enforcing limitations on orders. Most people will not be willing to spend the time to create a ton of facebook accounts simply to get a cheap deal. Some will be it raises the barrier and makes it more fair for everyone.

  • bought liked and +1 vote on OzB
    If I don't get my flash drive soon i think I can unlike on FB and revoke vote on OzB ……….

    • +4

      Any order placed today will be shipped tomorrow morning. So unless you are living in a shack in the woods somewhere you should have it this week.

      • well I'm in sth Tas (Hobart) so I'd consider soon by the end of the week for almost anything I buy within AU.
        Rep where is flingshot Located ?? No physical address I can find anywhere on the site makes me wonder

        • We are located in Sydney. Eastgardens specifically.

        • OK positive vote for being at Eastgardens.

  • People who need to be liked. This is primary school all over again.

    • It's always been so since ape days.

    • +5

      While we do crave affection, it is also one of the best and only ways of enforcing quantity limits, so that everyone has a chance to claim the offer. All it would take otherwise would be a few people trying to buy up as much as possible to ruin it for everyone.

      • +1

        I would think that filtering by email and or postal address would do the same. This facehook 'like' thing is childish rubbish and no one really takes the numbers seriously.

        • +1

          As mentioned in reply to another post, having multiple requirements significantly reduces duplicate orders. If we had not had the Facebook requirement I can assure you we would have sold out a lot faster and not in a good way. That said judging by their current share price you may be onto something with the childish rubbish business ;)

  • finally, work now…its a bit slow…but all good! thanks op.

  • Done, thanks for the cheap USB. Verbatim are good quality too.

  • Thanks

  • not working

    I click like, but it keeps saying I need to like you..
    before I can check out

    • Please have a look at the posts above, if you are still having issues send us an email and we can sort it out.

    • Same.

  • bought one, thanks!

  • Thanks! Good price purchased :)

    • +1

      Wasn't gonna grab one but for $3? What the heck, This is Ozbargain =P

      • +1

        Ditto! :) I got a 4gb from HN last week for $5 now I feel jipped :(

  • Thanks…I got one !

  • Done, thanks!

  • +2

    wow the whole thing works. login to facebook, click like…. then able to go to checkout.
    smooth, cool website.

    • Thanks for the feedback!

  • I did the liking, but how do I now proceed and place the order? I'm getting "This content cannot be displayed in a frame" and "Sorry, your request could not be processed".

    • We have not seen that error before, which browser are you using?

  • Got one..

  • +4

    I believe its bad design to require facebook to log on… what if you don't have a facebook account? What if you don't want to associate your shopping habits with a social network?

    • We don't require facebook for you to purchase other items, just special deals like this. The idea is to prevent multiple orders from one person, so that everyone has a chance to claim the deal.

    • -1

      Just get a fake account… most people here use them for all of the freebies that get posted anyway

      • -1

        Yes certainly people have fake accounts but not enough to actually ruin the deal for everyone else. Even if someone buys 3 with 3 fake accounts it won't be the end of the world. But if we let people go through our checkout process with nothing to prevent multiple orders a few people would try to take advantage of that unfortunately. It is certainly not a perfect system but it is better than nothing.

        • Can't you get the system to scan through for multiple orders posted to same address via payments made through paypal? That's what other businesses do on offers to stop multiple purchases. Plus I agree with you rep. Thanks for the deal! :)

        • I'm not suggesting to buy more than one, I was just saying that if you don't have a Facebook account and still want the deal, it isn't that hard to do it. If people find a way to order more than one then it isn't fair to the rest of us, or you guys who are offering it.

        • Yep, we can that is why it is limited to One per household as well. But I have seen offers where people send things out to like 20 different addresses of friends etc. You would think it would not be worth the effort but sadly you would be wrong for some people.

        • I suppose it keeps them off the streets…

        • Touche!

    • +2

      I just clicked the link and paid with Paypal.
      Didnt seem to need FB.

      • Same here.

      • I have a number of plugins that block scripts and trackers, seems to have allowed me to purchase without the like!

        • I just have Adblock Plus… I saw nothing that limited me to 1 item or required Facebook.

  • Just bought one and already got my Paypal receipt, Thanks.

    • I've got mine too. They're instant and automated

    • same here..Not bad deal for $3

  • +1

    Was gonna order one then I heard about the FB requirement.

  • +1 for the deal and for the responsive OP! Thanks.

  • +1

    Nice deal it seems, ordered! An extra USB drive will come in handy.

  • Question for the OP, will the orders be fulfilled today or later this week?

    • It is looking like all the stock will be gone today, so all orders will be sent out tomorrow morning. Should be in your hands by the end of the week.

  • thanks, got one too!

  • I realise my problems aren't your problems, but a bit of assistance would have been nice. I'm still getting "This content cannot be displayed in a frame" and "Sorry, your request could not be processed". Clicking on "Login with Facebook" does nothing whatsoever, and refreshing makes no difference.

    • +2

      Your problems are definitely our problems, we want the process to be as smooth as possible, unfortunately bugs do happen. Can you send us an email with you details and we will get it sorted out for you.

    • I ended up using Firefox instead of IE to get past this

  • -6

    Seems you got a few fans rep. Every comment you make, a few people blindly + it.

    • +5

      Haha, blindly is a strong word! Maybe they just like our witty banter?

  • Could you put 'SOLD OUT' in the title? So others don't waste their time logging in with facebook?

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