This was posted 12 years 7 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Download First Aid Emergency eHandbook PDF - 115 Pages - Hardcopy Version Is $39.95


OP COMMENTS: PLEASE note the official download link for this offer is now working again so I have removed the expiry date.

Not sure how long the download bandwidth will last this time so grab it while you can.

New download link redirects to an Amazon hosting site so hopefully there won't be any more bandwidth issues.


Our First Aid Emergency eHandbook, 4th ed

Our award winning First Aid Emergency Handbook is now an eHandbook, rrp $11.95 but free to you for a short time!

The content is identical to the $39.95 paper version, which has sold over 1.6m copies.

After you register, we will email you a link which will allow you to download the interactive PDF of the eHandbook.

Note: the eHandbook has been optimised for PDF but also works well in iBooks, Good Reader and most other reader applications. For iPad, iPhone and iPod we recommend FastPDF.


NOTE: To get the download you are asked to provide your name, email address and phone number.

Excellent freebie.

Must have for any mobile phone, iPad, tablet, laptop etc.

I have had the hard copy versions of this excellent first aid manual for several years.

The freebie is the PDF version of the Full 115-page Emergency First Aid Handbook.

It features detailed descriptions and photos covering first aid responses to a range of emergency situations.

This is a must-have freebie for anyone with an iPhone or Android in almost any work, home, travel, recreation, school or holiday situation.

If you have an Android device I recommend downloading the free Adobe Reader App from the Google Play Store for fast, easy navigation around the first aid ehandbook.

Each page of the eHandbook features a list of live links to various emergency situations.

If you use Adobe Reader you can click on each emergency event to jump straight to the page with detailed information about how to respond to that particular emergency - from heart attack to strokes to burns etc etc.

This ability with Adobe Reader makes this freebie even more invaluable.

Would welcome more feedback and explanation from any tech experts about even better reader apps for use with this manual.

Anything that can make the manual fast and easy to access may well help injured people - even help save a life/lives. That's the best bargain of all! :-)

Not sure how long this freebie will be available - grab it while you can.

TO GET FAST instant ACCESS to this pdf in an emergency on your Android phone:

  1. Create a shortcut to the pdf.

  2. Download and install ES File Explorer and ES Bookmark Manager from the Google Play Store for free.

  3. Open ES File Explorer and find the first aid pdf.

  4. Long press on the pdf.

  5. Select create shortcut.

  6. Move shortcut to your Androids front page for instant emergency access.


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Survival Emergency Solutions
Survival Emergency Solutions

closed Comments

  • +71

    can't hurt, i just have this thing against forcing people into giving away their personal information :/

    I created a throwaway address, so anyone wanting the PDF can get it here:…

    And incase that doesn't work:

    20MB download

    thanks for the post :)

    • thanks bro!

    • Thanks man, appreciate the effort :)

    • Holy Toledo - someone who thinks like me.

    • thanks for the links

    • Thank you very much for this! Appreciate your efforts!

    • +2

      thanks, it means I don't have to work to get this.

      however -Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

      just realised looking to the other link that I got a copy of this book when I did my first aid course.

      it's actually worth it to do a first aid course, if not to save lives, but in my company there is a weekly small bonus of $17.20 for being the first aid officer. $17.20 * 52 weeks =$XXXX

      Don't get me wrong, I wanted to do a first aid course, but the added incentive of being paid to be a first aid officer and having the course paid for by work was a double bonus

      • +5

        Get you wrong? People on here would sell their Grandmother to save $X, let alone $XXXX.

  • Thank you for this. I did a First Aid course a few years ago, and I'm a certified first aider which comes with responsibilities. Fortunately and unfortunately, accidents don't happen often at work, so I've rarely needed to put my skills to use, which means I don't remember what to do (if you don't use it, you lose it) when something happens.

    I don't remember how to create a sling. We were shown a few different ones. If I find myself needing to do this for someone, I'm in trouble.

    This should save someone's life, if not mine (now that I'll have a reference).

    • I wouldn't stress over slings. I work in first aid and once called an ambulance for a possibly fractured a and the paramedic admitted to not remembering how to do them, we never use them, usually the pt is more comfortable with a pillow under it. Sam splints are the way to go. Good deal though, will have to have a quick read later.

    • i'll second that

    • This should save someone's life, if not mine (now that I'll have a reference).

      I seriously doubt you'll get the opportunity to check a pdf when things go wrong. imo just remind yourself of CPR.

      • Having a guide means I don't have to remember everything. I got a short booklet covering what was taught in my one day course. It's unlikely one can remember all that unless it's put to practice regularly. If you want to be prepared, you'd have to study over your notes every week to keep it in memory.

        Having the pdf means I can quickly look something up if I'm not sure.

  • Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

    • +3

      try link as posted above

      webstersx 7 hours 10 min ago new
      can't hurt, i just have this thing against forcing people into giving away their personal information :/

      I created a throwaway address, so anyone wanting the PDF can get it here:…

      And incase that doesn't work:

      20MB download

      thanks for the post :)

      • +3

        The mediafire address works - the other is still ozbargained :D

      • The Mediafire link is still working OK (Monday 16th, 7:30am WA time)

      • +2

        I'm not sure if you should be hosting the file. It is a $12 ebook, even though it was free for a limited time. To get the freebie you had to provide your details, and your link doesn't require that. They didn't offer it to you with the provision that you could freely distribute this out yourself.

        Plus when it ceases to be free and you're still offering it for download, this is tantamount to facilitating piracy. When they go back to charging $12 for it, you're not doing them favors by letting people download it for free.

  • Thanks OP

  • +1

    server cannot accept anymore connections!
    Its been ozbargained!

    • Try the Mediafire link - it worked for me

  • Mediafire link worked for me - thanks!

  • Hi all.

    Just to let everyone know that the link to the official download source at is now working again for those interested in downloading this excellent first aid manual.

    Just hope the download bandwidth can cope with the interest from OzBargainers.

  • Download link redirects to an Amazon hosting site so hopefully there should not be any significant download bandwidth issues this time.

  • thanks

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