Hello team,
I live in an apartment and the neighbours upstairs are very loud.
Can you please recommend good noise cancelling ear plugs?
Hello team,
I live in an apartment and the neighbours upstairs are very loud.
Can you please recommend good noise cancelling ear plugs?
Thank you.
A 40dB reduction? That is some feat. I'm tempted to see how these are vs the dense foam 32dB reduction ones I have been using for years.
How would you sleep on your side with these, without discomfort? Doesn't seem possible.
How would you sleep on your side with these, without discomfort?
Exactly! There was a time I had noise issue with my upstairs neighbours too and tried to use noise-cancelling ear plugs. Impossible to do so as I'm a side sleeper. The only solution would be comfortable ones that would disappear inside the ear canal, and I haven't come across such ear plugs yet. I used cotton for a while, but they weren't that effective.
Not sure about sleeping, but I have a pair of these that I take to gigs.
They're very lightweight, super comfortable, and very effective.
I reckon that’s gonna be kind of uncomfortable in your ears?
Howard Leight MAX Lite (Uncorded)
The foam is soft and comfortable, can be worn for hours with no discomfort, they do block slightly less noise than the original MAX, but doesn't matter for this usage. they are the green solid colour ones.
For sleeping or just when hanging out while awake?
The best I used (and still use) for sleeping: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/3907/ear-classic-plu…
Alpine sleepsoft. Im a shift worker and Ive tried them all.
I use earplugs for sleeping. The ones sold at woolies "macks" are ok, cheap, but I only get about 2 weeks a pair, 12 pairs for $10.
They cancel more noise (a lot of noise) if you squash/roll them thin, then JAM THEM IN DEEP, hold them in place, fiddle, then let them expand. But they may become uncomfortable after a few hours.
PLUS, I use lightweight over ear headphones to play music (or the screams for mercy of noisy people being tortured) whilst falling asleep and then remove these later whilst half asleep.
Have you tried the mouldable silicone ones? I've been a shift-worker for years & they're the best for me, but you do have to clean your ears a bit more frequently…
1) In addition to earplugs, consider using some ambient noise in your apartment, which will help to muffle noise from the neighbours upstairs.
A fan is very effective at reducing your perception of external noise.
You can also get CDs or apps for ambient noise (waves, forest sounds etc.) which can be soothing and again help to muffle noise.
2) Complain to the strata management.
Try these: https://www.amazon.com.au/Canceling-Reduction-Musicians-Moto…
As with all products, it works for some people and maybe not others. Only one way to find out for yourself.