Hey guys
I've been having trouble falling sleep lately from noises around the neighbourhood.
Does anyone know any quality reusable ear plugs that are comfortable for sleeping?
I don't really want to sleep with anc with my ear buds.
Hey guys
I've been having trouble falling sleep lately from noises around the neighbourhood.
Does anyone know any quality reusable ear plugs that are comfortable for sleeping?
I don't really want to sleep with anc with my ear buds.
I used to use these, semi reusable?
Stopped because I have kids and have to hear them if they cry at night…I know, it seems like I should keep using them for that very reason, but wife does not agree for some strange reason. 🤔
Never slept while wearing them but custom moulded ones like Earmold are comfortable. I paid $70 for a pair several years ago.
I use my broken Bose sleep buds, pretty good.
The 3M ones you can get from Bunnings are the most widely-available and decent quality ones that don't cost a fortune and don't have to be purchased through some obscure online sellers that take months to ship them to you.
As someone who's been sleeping with earplugs for about 12 years now and has tried all of the "coveted" gold standard earplugs like Mack's Silicone Earplugs, Howard Leight and Etymotic Research; they're all as near as makes no difference the same as the earplugs you get in those 100 for $20 dollar packs.
What makes the biggest difference in terms of sound attenuation is how far you can stick them inside (lol) your ear canal and whether it becomes unbearably painful for you after 30 minutes or not. Most ear plugs I find I have to eventually wiggle them back out a little to be able to wear them for an entire night straight. You'll find with practice that there's a particular Goldilocks sweet spot of insertion where you can maximise the sound attenuation and maintain comfort for prolonged periods of wear.
The shape of your ear canal is the biggest limiting factor to how effective ear plugs can be and is honestly the deciding factor as to which will work for you and which won't; having said that the 3M ones are pretty much your stock standard earplug in terms of dimensions, material and shape that aren't really horribly cheap and nasty and that do actually meet the rated sound-proofing standards they claims to adhere to.
The other thing about wearing earplugs is getting used to the sounds of your heartbeat/bodily noises (which become much more noticeable) and the feeling of pressure in your Eustachian tubes that can feel weird after a while (as your Nasopharynx and Middle Ear are all interconnected, the sensation of sealing off your ear canal for long periods of time can cause some people to feel like their airways are somehow restricted or that the pressure differential between the ear canal and the nasal cavity is "wrong"). You should also change earplugs on a weekly basis tops, as ear infections are definitely possible if you're reusing the same earplugs over and over again (ear wax and debris from the ear canal naturally drains out during your sleep). I never bother washing mine, I just use them for about a week and toss them.
My Goldilocks sweet spot with these, is to put them in the 'wrong' way round. That way I don't get the pain down inside my ear, but the noise reduction is just as good
Get yourself a container of Anazker soft foam earplugs 60 pairs SNR 35db The fluro green ones.
I’m a shift worker and I’ve tried lots of different ear plugs over the years.
I reckon the best are Alpine Sleepsoft.
You can buy them in Australia but It’s usually way cheaper to buy them direct using a credit card that doesn’t have foreign currency fees.
Prices are in $US but company in Netherlands.
I ordered some last month and they arrived in 10 days. Buy 2 pairs to meet the free shipping threshold.
I use howard leight laser-lite ear plugs (pink and yellow ones), usually buy 10packs from the same seller on ebay. They don't last too long but sometimes you can get a fortnight out of them.
I have found they cause the least pain for me wearing them. When i do graveyards I also use white noise in the background (repeatable heavy rain on youtube) and a quality eye mask. This has given me the best potential for a good nights rest. good luck with your search
I just use the moldable ones you can buy from Bunnings etc. I think the 3M ones
Hey mate,
I've been sleeping with ear plugs for the last few years.
Will probably magnetite this year but alas, have survived on the cheaper options.
I have a lot of different ones and found 3m is simply the best. I have used the e.a.r ones and now using the taper fit 2.
I managed to buy 400 pairs of individually packed ones off ebay for around $50 delivered.
Thanks guys. I appreciate all the responses.
I will try the cheaper options mentioned and then look at imported or custom moulded.
Thanks very much.
Don't use ear plugs for sleeping, you might have inflammation. Use muffs.
Side sleeper?
I used these for years. one pair lasts me 2-4 weeks
. https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/3907/surgipack-6248-…
As an alternative to ear plugs, you could try a sleep headband. My hubby uses the AcousticSheep SleepPhones, and listens to a boring podcast to fall asleep, but you could play anything, including white noise. No issues with side sleeping, and they can double as an eye mask if light is also a problem. Just something to think about! :)
Max Lite if your ears get sore after a while with other earplugs. Also consider the smoke alarm issue if you'll be wearing them to bed (may be necessary to have bedroom one interconnected with the rest, perhaps with a light just in case the attenuated sound doesn't rouse you).
Highly recommend these. Don't stick out, comfortable & highly effective. Last well also! Have my last pair now for 18 months
I've been Howard Leight Max-1's for about 8 years.
whilst we're on this topic - anyone have solid recommendations for sleeping eye masks? I've got light coming from 3 different sides of my room
I don't have a recommendation but an alternative.
When our newborn was sleeping in our room we had white noise running. It worked like a charm on me.
I also use this for myself: