This was posted 2 years 2 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Back Order] Liebherr 387L Bottom Mount Fridge $2,745 Delivered @ Appliances Online


So I was looking for a new fridge with specific dimensions. I was recommended this by AO. In true OzB style I went and researched quality and price and this is what I found.

My research has determined that Liebherr is in the same league (if not better) that Miele. So much so that even Miele, another German manufacture renowned for its high quality appliances source all its refrigeration from Liebherr.

There is a bit of an in depth OzB discussion on the brand here

The next cheapest I could find was $4,499.


  • I simply asked was what the best price they could do was. By doing so you will end up with $2,663! :)
  • Contact customer service for estimate delivery date

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closed Comments

  • +11

    is this a bar fridge? 387L dont know if it can fit my meat

  • +7

    This seems like a lot for a smaller sized fridge. Genuine question for those with experience of this brand, what makes it or even the Miele worth the $1-1.5k premium over an equivalent Samsung etc.?

    • Build quality from what I understand.

    • after-sales service, 5 years warranty and they will cover even a bit longer if they can.

      • +5

        I reckon any large (300L+) refrigerator would be covered for at least 5 years under Australian Consumer Law. Nobody buys a fridge with the expectation it will only last a couple of years.

        • True. But why go through the fight?

          • +2

            @bemybubble: I've never had the need to, as I've never had a fridge (Westinghouse, mostly) last anything less than 10 years. My point being you'd be crazy to pay double just to get a warranty that is already implied in law and that you won't actually need anyway!

            • @dcash: yeah excellent point. The ACL kinda takes the shine off the 5-yr warranty on a $3k fridge.

              I reckon these guys should have at least a 10-year, no-questions-asked warranty.

          • @bemybubble: To be fair, the likelihood of needing to use a fridge warranty is (generally) very low.

            And getting a warranty fix is a hassle anyway, whether or not the ACL is invoked.

            Are the door seals covered by warranty?

            • +2

              @andresampras: The last time I had a fridge that died, I had to buy a new one on the very same day. You're on a very tight deadline because your frozen food will only stay frozen for a day or two.

              If you're going to rely on the warranty, you're going to have to throw away the hundreds of dollars worth of food from your dead fridge whilst you wait…

              • @Nom: so many valid points in favour of a cheaper reliable option (for domestic use, anyway)

                I'd say OzB has spoken

    • +3

      Liebherr is a very well known brand in construction machinery, especially cranes. They are definitely known for their quality in the construction space. I had no idea they made fridges though, very strange for them to also be involved in consumer fridges of all things.

      • +1

        Liebherr Group is your classic German high precision engineering components company that just happens to make a few actual products on the side.

        Refrigeration they are equally huge as heavy machinery. Mostly commercial and walk-ins, but for domestic they make super high end units including built-ins, silent units and even custom built sizes. Check out what's in your local supermarket next time.

        They also make gear boxes and landing gear for aircraft, satellite components and also run a small chain of hotels.

    • Another big thing is how fresh your food is kept, especially in the Biofresh Plus drawers. I've noticed fruit and veggies stay fresher for far longer compared to our old Samsung.

      Soft closing internal drawers, great lighting, solid hinges, fantastic temperature control and quality compressors set Liebherr fridges apart from cheaper brands. I've never heard the compressor in my fridge, it's that quiet.

      • +3

        I don't doubt it's a better product, but this thing suffers from a serious case of diminishing returns IMO.

        Our ~$800 westinghouse hasn't skipped a beat for 8 years. We do notice the compressor occasionally, but only if we're standing in the kitchen in the dead of night.

        • -2

          The biggest thing I've noticed is just how fresh the food stays. It really is a league ahead of your normal fridge.

          • +1

            @Homerlovesbeer: Fair enough.

            As I said, I don't doubt it's a better product…. and I understand that lots of small improvements can add up to a much better overall product.

            It's just not for me, at this point in my life anyway.

  • -5

    Liebherr errrrr yeah nah…

  • +8

    Really wanted one of these a decade ago due to quality. Still running a 450L second hand Westinghouse that's approaching 2 decades old and has not had a blip whatsoever

    • +1

      I know right. My Westinghouse ( has just clocked 10 years and still running strong. They build them well. We’ve bought a new one just for a bigger size - despite the the Westinghouse still running - otherwise I reckon we’d be waiting another decade like you.

      • We bought our Fisher and Paykel second hand 5 years ago for 250 bucks. It was manufactured in 1999. Still going absolutely fine, except for the broken shelves. 3 new shelves will cost us 200. We don't want to dump a perfectly good fridge, but not do we want to spend so much on something so old. What a conundrum.

    • I am selecting fridge right now and upon long research it turns out most models are no longer made in Germany, but in South East Asia. They are EU designed but most sold here are not DE built with all quality implications.

  • +2

    How many McCain’s frozen pizzas would the freezer hold?

    • +3

      At least one.

  • +1

    When you confuse 80's german engineering with 20's engineering.

    Saved your money.

    • Saved your money.

      You're counting your chickens too early

  • +2

    Actually, Some models of Miele fridge/Freezer are made by the Liebherr factory.
    The build quality and after-sales service is why it cost more. 5 years warranty

    • +3

      With the cheaper fridges, you don’t need the warranty. Just buy another.

    • Meh my current fridge is an LG that I bought when I needed one urgently and it's now about 15 years old. Still like new.

  • +14

    Say what you like about Liebherr appliances, at least they're expensive.

  • +1

    I would balk at the price, however after ending up with a German made Bosch dishwasher after using normal Chinese ones, i think there might still be some extra quality behind the perception.

  • +2
  • +5

    Wheres the value?

  • +7

    Energy Star Rating 3.5 Stars
    naahhhh nowadays should be at least 4 stars

  • +3

    Dunno if this is a better deal or the 1300$ dyson Sticks.

    • stack deals for true winnings

    • +4


    • Where’s the $1300 Dyson sticks?

  • +1

    LG conquers all on the price to quality ratio I'm afraid.

    • +8

      Don't be afraid, just get Mitsubishi Electric stuff and see the world for how it truly is.

  • +5

    We stuck with Japanese made Mistubishi. One is running for 10 years , another for 3 years. Awesome fridges

    • +2

      Better get a Mitsubishi with a bigger capacity.

  • +1

    I rather get LG

    • Great input, more of this please

      • +2

        Great input, only this please.

    • Lifes Good with LG with savings.

  • +4

    Know Liebherr is a top brand for fridges, but for the price I rather get a Mitsubishi or Hitachi french door, both brands made in Japan with 5 year factory warranty.

    • That’s fine if you have space for french doors but. This is ideal for those who require the same specs and different space settings

      • +1

        Mitsubishi has a bigger capacity with a similar footprint.

        • Very happy with my 700l Mitsubishi that fits in my small kitchen. Also comes in smaller sizes. It's so good people who visit want to change to the Mitsubishi.

  • +5

    This will go well with my tower crane

  • +1

    I was recommended this by AO

    Australian Open?

    • Alien Overlords

  • +4

    Liebherr also supplied triple-glazed freezers to ALDI AU. Always make me smile when I think that in EU they routinely install windows systems where the glazing insulates better than the average AU wall. Not strictly related to this fridge…but just an insulation nerd thing from me.
    About this fridge…I'll pass. There are plenty of fridges with 70% of the quality and 150% of the storage space at 40% the price of this one.

    • Always make me smile when I think that in EU they routinely install windows systems where the glazing insulates better than the average AU wall.

      Hey, did you know that in EU they routinely install windows systems where the glazing insulates better than the average AU wall?


  • Opinion is fine, but ultimately worthless. Choice actually tests fridges so you can compare them. The LG GB-455 models are very hard to beat for this style of fridge

    • +1

      Relying on choice results will probably put you ahead of someone with no idea, but I often find, after doing my own research, that I end up buying something either not particularly recommended by them, or not even on their list.

      I find worldwide user reviews are at least as valuable as formal reviewer results.

      Formal reviews rarely actually use any product long term, and can't possibly compare every product on the market.

  • This fridge is only slightly larger than my bar fridge at home, which I got from Kogan for only $125.

    • Not anywhere near the same league of quality.

  • How often are they discounted like this?

    • Liebherr never discount the "normal" range, only retailers does. So it will be really depends on appliance online, winnings appliance etc.

  • A fridge is an insulated container and a compressor. I struggle to understand where the extra cost goes.

    • Brand owner.

  • My experience with Liebherr fridges is that they keep food worse than a standard issue Fisher & Paykel.

    Source: First hand experience.

  • Does this company make excavators, dozers and dump trucks?

    Now fridges?

  • +1

    Whatever manufacturer you chose 20 years back.. that fridge would still be around.. but if you base your purchase on that .. you are in for a rude shock.. things have changed in the last 10 years since cheap labour and parts became a thing with manufacturers. Leibherr and Miele are both old school manufacturers IOT, no plumbed fridges , no glass doors.. just solid, well built stuff with very few things to go wrong .. but you pay for that. Sub Zero is another brand that comes to mind. Is it worth double/triple the price ? Not in terms of dollar value or even mod cons since these are very basic units.. but the 100 series cruiser is still popular though the warranties and the features do not even come close to anything recently built… and that is for the same reason. A high end home builder will never put anything apart from these brands in their homes.

    Case in point, my 700 L LG just crapped itself after 10 years .it does not cool.. no error messages, everything works, compressor is still going great..everything works but there is a leak in the refrigerant line and the Freon has drained out, from where or why no one knows. But I have a 26 year old LG fridge in my garage that I use as a bar fridge .. still works great. I cannot afford a 700L Leibherr or a Miele but if I could .. I would … the Mitsubishi is what I am looking at ..again no plumbed in line or water dispenser or fancy panels but does have an icemaker and is a better price than when it was last promoted here on Ozb…

    • I have been using and specifying Miele products for the last 15 years, it is not that solid anymore.

      • As opposed to ? Not taking the piss here.. Miele is no longer good ? ..I am not sure what specifying means maybe in the building industry ? As far as I know Miele, Liebher are still the gold standards.. could you elaborate ?

        • based on your comments about Miele products, "well-built stuff with very few things to go wrong".

          Have you used any Miele products recently? They are still good products, just not that solid Miele anymore.

          check the reviews

          • @Arch9896: Nah never used them.. just wondering if you are commenting on the basis of online reviews…which will always have some positives some negs. Have you considered why these companies have been selling basic stuff at premium prices with a 2 year warranty for more than 20 years and people still buy them as opposed to companies offering 10 year warranty on a compressor like LG ? I am happy to be proven wrong.. but while I cannot afford them.. in my LG if someone had paid attention to the welding quality when being welded or assembeled ..I would not be looking for a new fridge now.

            In short in things that can leave you stranded.. a washing machine, a fridge, a car ..every nut and bolt needs inspection.. that costs money unless made in China, Thailand or Mexico where it needs less money to be assembled because labour is cheaper and so are the parts going into the assembly …a compressor may have the latest tech but a weld may drop the whole thing dead.. When it comes to critical components I buy the best I can .. If I could afford them..I still would based on pure logic .. does not matter what the next person has to say

            Edit: That sounds skewed.. I didnt mean stuff out of China is bad.. all major appliances are from there ..whatever country , depends on how much is being spent on QC

  • I am getting a 390L, what a dream.

    I'm getting a 290L delivered tomorrow. It's the largest fridge which I can fit into my tiny city apartment :(

  • We have replaced a 15 year old Jenn Air that was still going strong with a Liebherr side by side as part of a kitchen Reno they are so quiet can hardly hear it and it definitely keeps food fresher for longer such as fruit and veggie even milk

  • Also E&S Trading will usually price match and also sell a lot of Liebherr

  • Stick to the LG GB-455 at half the price, LG have a solid compressor warranty and parts would be FAR easier to come by.

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