ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Dual OC 8GB V2 Video Card - Lite Hash Rare Version - Graphic Engine NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3060 TI - Bus Standard PCI Express 4.0 - OpenGL OpenGL®4.6 - Engine Clock OC Mode - 1740 MHz (Boost Clock) Gaming Mode - 1710 MHz (Boost Clock) - CUDA Core 4864 - Memory Speed 14 Gbps - Memory Interface 256-bit - Recommended PSU 750W
ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Dual OC 8GB V2 Video Card $649 Delivered @ BPC

Last edited 30/12/2022 - 21:56 by 1 other user
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i thought 3060ti all 8gb?
Oh yep, missed the Ti and got the versions mixed up. Even still, I don’t think this is great value when AMD 6700s have been under $500
Not a good value.
The price isn't too good tbh, but still cheapest on the market right now.
Their price for msi tough (TUF)4090 is low as well. I don't think I've seen it for 3200 anywhere else.
I made a mistake posting the deal for the card yesterday (it's 3200 at Umart as well), it was not accepted well here.
LoL you make it sound like OZB is some kind of cult!
well… when comparing the reactions to nvidia and amd deals…
3070 was $700 from umart up until Xmas day, this seems dear comparativly
Sadly seem like all the HODL till prime day/click frenzy/black friday/cyber monday/boxing day has gotten us nowhere.
Which model of 3070 was $700? I searched quite a few times before and during xmas on umart and the cheapest one I could find that was in stock anywhere was $729
The Galaxy 2 fan one was $700 and whe it sold out the Inno3d 2 fan went to $730 but sold out in last coupe days.
I think because NV and AMD stock being quite low on many cards they can keep prices high until they actually get good supply in 2023. (if another war don't break out)
On release this card was ~$620 on Amazon. Over two years later it's "on sale" for $650, what a joke lol.
You sure that wasn't regular 3060? Not 3060 Ti?
Damn, I got scammed back in December 2020. I bought my 3060 Ti for $729 and thought that was a good deal during the GPU shortage. How wrong I was, that's a ripper of a deal that u linked.
4 months ago back in August people were telling me this card would be under $500
Lack of lower end releases from both parties & arc performance was underwhelming which meant these cards didnt see such a big drop in value. Probably until after 4060 & 7600 releases these will drop for good.
And that is why in august I just bought one preowned for $500, no regrets
$500 for a used 3060 Ti isn't a great deal, I bought one for $350.
It was $500 with shipping, 3060 ti gaming x, great card. Still no regrets
@Pugkin: Mine was $350 shipped, only a Dell one though. Ended up sending it back because the cooler sucked and replaced it with a $550 RX 6800.
What's the sentiment on any 3080s dropping back down to the $1K-ish mark? Was hoping to see some deals over the festive season, but alas.
I hoped as well but couldn't wait. But bullet and bought wife a 3080 tuf for $1299 2 weeks ago. Sigh.. she's happy though.
Buy with the herd and pay with the herd. Friend got an evga for $1130 in late 2020
Yes how dare he buy his wife something
@Pugkin: Well that's why they're so expensive. There's obviously thousands of people still buying them at the wrong time.
Much better to hold your current gpu and see what the climate is like in 6 months. If it isn't good just hold longer. Most high end gamers will keep their gpu for 3-4 years anyway. Most actually still run GTX 1060. No need to all panic and buy in the worst 18 months of gpu history. If people held off on their purchases demand would drop and thus prices as a result
A lot of 3080 buyers are upgrading from a 1080/ti which is essentially the 6600xt I just bought. Can easily hodl. I get 120fps 1440p in my games. The whole "I need 4k/2077" obsession is just crazy
@Jimmy77: Blaming prices entirely just on people buying it… no shit?
People are gonna keep buying them, I gave up on waiting because well… the reward never came, it was September than Black Friday then Boxing Day and those magical prices never reared their heads. I’m buying a 3080 not for 4K or whatever you think people buy cards for. I’m buying it because my 3060 ti is not enough for the blender and cad that’s a major reason why I bought what I did. I don’t care about waiting anymore cause I never saw benefit past a year ago@Jimmy77: Wife didn't have a machine, built for her one so she can play along side me. All good with your herd talk your entitled to your opinion but do am I :)
@Jimmy77: Well this sentiment needs to be relegated already. The "thousands of people" aren't buying it at the "wrong time", a lot of those people need the cards for productivity usage like CAD/ML/DL. For them it's a business investment and they don't (and shouldn't) care about gaming frames. What do you suggest, people stop looking for the best possible tools for work because they're expensive? Not going to happen.
HODL-ing didn't work going from the 10 to the 20 series, didn't work going from 20 to 30 series either, with the 3080 being realistically a $2k card till it went EoL. The x080 series are now firmly $2k cards, and they're not going back to $1k. Neither are the x090 cards ever going below their $2.7k+ tier because they are halo products and were never chasing the value crowd at all.
HODLing has now seem my GPU go 3 gens out of date (1080 Ti), to the point where I'm now looking at the distinct possibility of not being able to play upcoming AAA games like AC Mirage. I can't even play Gotham Knights now FWIW. I can't even use high-refresh monitors because the 1080 Ti lacks DSC. Ultimately we all have to make a decision, we can't continue sacrificing eternally "for the greater good", especially when past experiences show it doesn't work. And AMD has shown they have zero interest in improving the value proposition either.
As you said, most of us buy GPUs every few years. A few hundred extra over 4 years is less than a coffee a week over that time, and allows people to enjoy their hard-earned leisure time in a better way.
@twister292: Gotham Knights is a game optimised like trash, nothing runs it good I've seen people with 3090tis running below 60fps at 1080p.
@Pugkin: Lol I even got negged for telling a story to nisph. Appreciate your comment.
@Jimmy77, issue with "hold with what you got" is that that she doesn't have a machine ATM and would like one.
Judging by how things are going and how things have been, I doubt prices will drop much at all.
so, $650 for last generations mid-range gpu…. anyone not getting the picture yet?
Please elaborate….
Is that what the 4070 will cost soon?
prob around $650 usd, aud not so much
Looks like NVidia is pricing the 40 series in line with the current 30 series price and performance.
No it'll be closer to 1k.
Is a 3070 worth $150 more?
I hate to pay these prices but I'm tired of waiting and it's either a 3060ti or a 3070.
You could get a 3070 for $700 months ago. That said 3060ti is more than enough for 1440p gaming @60hz so it depends on your setup really.
Yeah, should've got one then but too late so need to just pick one and get it over with.
It's for the HTPC connected to a 4k TV but it'll mostly only be for older titles and emulation of which the 3060ti would be enough but wasn't sure if the extra $150 was worth it for that extra headroom.
They've been this price since March/April 2022….how is this even a deal?
$649 for the 8GB version! Crikey! Not a great deal here.