This was posted 2 years 2 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$0 BPay Transactions Fee for Accounts with Limit over $1,000 (Was $2.50) @ Zip Pay


Starting 30th January the current $2.50 fee for making BPay transactions from your zip pay account will be removed.

This will apply to Zip pay accounts with a limit over $1000.

Source: got an email from them

Referral Links

Referral: random (256)

$10 for referrer & referee, if referee applies for account within 10 days of invitation and completes a transaction within 14 days of account approval.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Mind that Zip has a $7.95 monthly fee. So if you carry a balance and make the minimum monthly payment of $80, then that's effectively a 10% interest per month. Which still might be lower than the biller's late fee if you don't have cash, at lest for a month or two anyway.

    • +13

      Its about 10% p.a but can be avoided if you pay off the full statement balance each month

      • +9

        Yeah you should treat Zip like a credit card and always pay it off in full each month to save yourself the most money. AfterPay is a little simpler because they clearly lay out the repayments, but I don't think you can pay bills with AfterPay unless your bills can be paid in one of the gift cards AfterPay offers like iTunes gift card.

        • +5

          unless your bills can be paid in one of the gift cards AfterPay offers like iTunes gift card.

          ATO Sorted

        • Is there option to set auto-pay Zippay in full on statement balance by due date from the linked credit card ?

          I mean like Afterpay taking payments straight off the linked credit card , so no chance of late fees or whatever.

          • +2

            @dcep: @phunkydude: Yes there is

            • +4

              @silenthillrocks: I wonder why every now and then I see ppl here complaining getting lugged by the 7.95 fee.

              I guess they simply didn't turn on the autopay option ?

              • +2

                @dcep: Yea they probably only paid the minimum (i.e. $40 or $80) rather than the statement balance.

    • You are partially right here so +1
      It’s the Zip Money which has $7.95 monthly fee not Zip Pay which is different.

      • +1

        My Zippay has $7.95 monthly fees if you don’t pay the full balance at end of the month.

        • +8

          Yeah but that’s monthly fees is waived if you pay your statement closing balance in full, by the due date.
          Zip Money, however charges $7.95 monthly fees regardless.

          • @Smokey010: So even if you never use it you get charged 95.40 a year?

            • +1

              @AustriaBargain: If you have any outstanding balance at the end of the month you will get charged $7.95. If your balance is unused and full by end of month you won't get charged which is better than most credit card annual fees.

              • @Handymancan: zip pay waives the fee if due amount is 100% paid on time, not a whole total balance. right?

                • @amorn: Yes, that's correct. That's one of the differences between Zip pay and Zip money.

                  • +1

                    @Handymancan: and Zip Money fee is waived if you pay off a whole balance, not just due amount? Can you bpay Brisbane council rates with Zip Money fee-free bpay? TY

                    • @amorn: You can use Zip Money to bpay but I'm unsure if fee-free like Zip Pay. You may have to test it out to confirm.

                      • @Handymancan: ok. thanks. somehow I can't see ZipPay offer to increase my limit :(

  • +11

    So ATO/vodafone/energy/gas/council extra payments from Credit card totally without any surcharge (+ extra to pay/ upto 30 free days extra) and earn full CC points too

    • +1

      Isn't citi bank credit cards Payall better getting full points and no fee till october?

      • +2

        For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023, the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%

      • +3

        No - pay on zip get an extra 30 days interest free then pay that off with citi.

      • +1

        You cannot use payall to do a bpay payment, only normal bank transfer.
        And if you use the citi card as the payment card in zip, you'll get the same points anyway.

    • Seems not Zip and Larry fail as usual seems almost like fraud by zip

  • +1

    Not sure whether this is a bargain as they are increasing the monthly fee 🤔

    Full email

    From 30 January 2023, we’ll be adding some new benefits to Zip Pay accounts with limits over $1,000, and updating the monthly account fee to $9.95. As always, if you pay your statement closing balance in full by the due date, the $9.95 monthly account fee will be waived.

    The new benefits for Zip Pay accounts with limits over $1,000 include:
    * Access to exclusive instore and online cashback offers
    * No more fees for BPAY® transactions! We will waive any processing fee for paying a BPAY® Biller from your Zip Pay account (currently a fixed $2.50 processing fee applies for each bill)

    • +6

      The fee is still waived if you pay off the statement balance so it's irreverent for some. I've never paid 1c of fees to zip in 2 years of having an account.

      • +1

        doesn't affect me either but i hate that they're getting greedy with the monthly fees. not everyone manages to pay their balance off so they're indirectly funding these cashback offers. not sure i want to benefit off someone else's misfortune.

  • -6

    Zip pay is not a free buy now pay later service. It has a $7.95 monthly fee. Afterpay is much better

  • +5

    Better off paying bills with ING to get 1% cashback. I’m sure there are others too.

    • ING has more restrictions on allowed billers

  • -1

    LOL remove the “fee” word then we can talk.

  • I've been keeping an eye on this one, keen to get fee free points on bills I'm paying with my credit card

  • +2

    They still don't allow repayment via Amex.

  • Is there a way to set Zip to automatically pay the full amount every month or do you have to manually set it for each purchase?

    • +2

      Yes you can set it to auto pay full balance in the app

  • Lol I still can't take these guys seriously with that logo 😅

  • Easy paying off credit cards? Hell yea!

    • +2

      I think they may block CC Biller ids

      • Why would they?

        • +1

          Paying credit with credit

          • +2

            @blighst: Oh yeah you can't pay off credit card with credit card. I've tried.

            • @nightelves: I pay mine off each month with my CC? I've never had an issue with paying my balance with my banks CC.

              • @CrocDundee: So you're telling me you can pay your outstanding cc balance with another cc and earn points?

                • @nightelves: you can't. I tried BPAY my bank credit card and it error with this BPAY is not supoorted.

                • @nightelves: No - I currently pay my ZIP balance with my Banks CC that earns me points. It is a VISA CC and have it linked to my ZIP account to pay off my balances each month. Not the other way round, like you have asked :)

  • Is this a bargain?

    • +4

      Yes, would let you pay many bills via CC that wouldn't work otherwise. Saves you potential interest on savings by delaying payments and you also could gain frequent flyer points.

  • This will be amazing to pay car registration that currently gives no points on westpac black Mastercard as counts as government spend

    • +2

      You can also use Beemit to BPAY the car rego fees to turn it into eligible spend. This is available right now. No need to wait till January 30th.

  • +1


  • +1

    If you have Beem It and can't wait the whole month, it's also free.

    • Beem It cannot pay lots of billers, such as Rego

  • Are there any no annual fee CCs that let you earn pts using Bpay?

  • sorry just trying to wrap my head around this - is anyone able to explain how it might be possible to earn CC points by paying bpay transactions viaZip please? Thanks!

    • +2

      use your cc to pay off your zip pay balance

  • great

  • This will apply to Zip pay accounts with a limit over $1000.

    I thought Zip Pay had a max limit of $1000 🤔 Has anyone got more than that?

    • +2

      yeah i've got a $2000 limit. they increase it after a while if you have a good payment history

  • +1

    Don't spend on the 30 or 31 Jan if you can. Spend from 1 Feb gets you one month more interest free period.

  • if I pay utilities water bill in person at Australia Post with zip, is it bpay and will attract fee?

    • Have tried seems to need a real card to push credit unfortunately

  • Anyone try if zip now has no fee for bpay today?

    • +2

      just tried and still $2.5 there

  • +1

    $2.5 fee still there

  • I suspect it will come into effect before tomorrow in Australia. The date listed is probably based on US time.

    • Got an email at 5:35pm today saying "We’ve now waived all bill processing fees for Zip Pay accounts" for exclusive perks, I made a BPAY payment at 6pm, slapped with a $2.50 fee, raised a ticket with Zip and see what will happen.

      • how did u go?

        • No response to my ticket, I decided to call them. While doing other stuff, enjoying their nice Jazz music for 40 min, I got hold of a rep, he said that this is supposed to start on Feb 1, he was happy to refund the fee straightaway.

  • +1

    Oops was getting excited to use this but didn't read the $1000+ limit. Counts me out

  • still showing $2.50 fee just checked now

  • Still showing $2.50 and dont think i got email, dam why the heck I increased my credit limit yesterday without reading comments.

    Anyway what are people doing now ? back downgrading to $1000 limit ?

  • Still no dice.

  • The fee is still there.

  • +1

    call them or send them an email to see whats happening. seems its not reflected on their system yet.

  • I tried today..still added the 2.50. Anyone has success with this yet?

    • same here

  • Called Zip, asked to send screenshots of $2.50 fee still being applied, and now escalated to their 'accounts team' to investigate. They reckon they haven't heard of anyone else raising this issue yet

    • +2

      lier, I have called them two days ago, also sent email to them afterwards. I think "epaqgz" mailed them too.

    • This means nobody working for Zip uses it as keen as the people upvoted here.

  • Zip is struggling, increasing all chances to monetise

  • Zip did an app update. Still doesn't fix it. Hopeless.

  • Got a zip pay with a $2k limit and the app is still showing a processing fee today.

  • +1

    looks like its been fix now

  • +1

    Can confirm this has been fixed.

  • Working now, no fees

  • Just attempted a BPAY payment and the $2.50 fee is back. Is this the same for anyone else? It had been fine and fee-free for the past few days

    • Same got fees added today!

      • Maybe there is a hidden limit per month to prevent misuse.

        • Spent $800 the other day and tried to do around $1000 bill today.

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