Starting 30th January the current $2.50 fee for making BPay transactions from your zip pay account will be removed.
This will apply to Zip pay accounts with a limit over $1000.
Source: got an email from them
Starting 30th January the current $2.50 fee for making BPay transactions from your zip pay account will be removed.
This will apply to Zip pay accounts with a limit over $1000.
Source: got an email from them
$10 for referrer & referee, if referee applies for account within 10 days of invitation and completes a transaction within 14 days of account approval.
Its about 10% p.a but can be avoided if you pay off the full statement balance each month
Yeah you should treat Zip like a credit card and always pay it off in full each month to save yourself the most money. AfterPay is a little simpler because they clearly lay out the repayments, but I don't think you can pay bills with AfterPay unless your bills can be paid in one of the gift cards AfterPay offers like iTunes gift card.
unless your bills can be paid in one of the gift cards AfterPay offers like iTunes gift card.
ATO Sorted
Is there option to set auto-pay Zippay in full on statement balance by due date from the linked credit card ?
I mean like Afterpay taking payments straight off the linked credit card , so no chance of late fees or whatever.
@silenthillrocks: I wonder why every now and then I see ppl here complaining getting lugged by the 7.95 fee.
I guess they simply didn't turn on the autopay option ?
You are partially right here so +1
It’s the Zip Money which has $7.95 monthly fee not Zip Pay which is different.
My Zippay has $7.95 monthly fees if you don’t pay the full balance at end of the month.
Yeah but that’s monthly fees is waived if you pay your statement closing balance in full, by the due date.
Zip Money, however charges $7.95 monthly fees regardless.
@AustriaBargain: If you have any outstanding balance at the end of the month you will get charged $7.95. If your balance is unused and full by end of month you won't get charged which is better than most credit card annual fees.
@Handymancan: zip pay waives the fee if due amount is 100% paid on time, not a whole total balance. right?
@Handymancan: and Zip Money fee is waived if you pay off a whole balance, not just due amount? Can you bpay Brisbane council rates with Zip Money fee-free bpay? TY
@amorn: You can use Zip Money to bpay but I'm unsure if fee-free like Zip Pay. You may have to test it out to confirm.
So ATO/vodafone/energy/gas/council extra payments from Credit card totally without any surcharge (+ extra to pay/ upto 30 free days extra) and earn full CC points too
Isn't citi bank credit cards Payall better getting full points and no fee till october?
For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023, the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%
No - pay on zip get an extra 30 days interest free then pay that off with citi.
You cannot use payall to do a bpay payment, only normal bank transfer.
And if you use the citi card as the payment card in zip, you'll get the same points anyway.
Seems not Zip and Larry fail as usual seems almost like fraud by zip
Not sure whether this is a bargain as they are increasing the monthly fee 🤔
Full email
From 30 January 2023, we’ll be adding some new benefits to Zip Pay accounts with limits over $1,000, and updating the monthly account fee to $9.95. As always, if you pay your statement closing balance in full by the due date, the $9.95 monthly account fee will be waived.
The new benefits for Zip Pay accounts with limits over $1,000 include:
* Access to exclusive instore and online cashback offers
* No more fees for BPAY® transactions! We will waive any processing fee for paying a BPAY® Biller from your Zip Pay account (currently a fixed $2.50 processing fee applies for each bill)
The fee is still waived if you pay off the statement balance so it's irreverent for some. I've never paid 1c of fees to zip in 2 years of having an account.
doesn't affect me either but i hate that they're getting greedy with the monthly fees. not everyone manages to pay their balance off so they're indirectly funding these cashback offers. not sure i want to benefit off someone else's misfortune.
Zip pay is not a free buy now pay later service. It has a $7.95 monthly fee. Afterpay is much better
will be $9.95 in a month's time
Better off paying bills with ING to get 1% cashback. I’m sure there are others too.
ING has more restrictions on allowed billers
LOL remove the “fee” word then we can talk.
I've been keeping an eye on this one, keen to get fee free points on bills I'm paying with my credit card
They still don't allow repayment via Amex.
Is there a way to set Zip to automatically pay the full amount every month or do you have to manually set it for each purchase?
Yes you can set it to auto pay full balance in the app
But you have to do it every month right?
Can’t set it once and forget?
You can set and forget if it's on full balance repayments schedule
Can you pay by amex?
Lol I still can't take these guys seriously with that logo 😅
Easy paying off credit cards? Hell yea!
I think they may block CC Biller ids
Why would they?
Paying credit with credit
@nightelves: I pay mine off each month with my CC? I've never had an issue with paying my balance with my banks CC.
@CrocDundee: So you're telling me you can pay your outstanding cc balance with another cc and earn points?
@nightelves: you can't. I tried BPAY my bank credit card and it error with this BPAY is not supoorted.
@nightelves: No - I currently pay my ZIP balance with my Banks CC that earns me points. It is a VISA CC and have it linked to my ZIP account to pay off my balances each month. Not the other way round, like you have asked :)
Is this a bargain?
Yes, would let you pay many bills via CC that wouldn't work otherwise. Saves you potential interest on savings by delaying payments and you also could gain frequent flyer points.
This will be amazing to pay car registration that currently gives no points on westpac black Mastercard as counts as government spend
You can also use Beemit to BPAY the car rego fees to turn it into eligible spend. This is available right now. No need to wait till January 30th.
If you have Beem It and can't wait the whole month, it's also free.
Beem It cannot pay lots of billers, such as Rego
Are there any no annual fee CCs that let you earn pts using Bpay?
sorry just trying to wrap my head around this - is anyone able to explain how it might be possible to earn CC points by paying bpay transactions viaZip please? Thanks!
use your cc to pay off your zip pay balance
This will apply to Zip pay accounts with a limit over $1000.
I thought Zip Pay had a max limit of $1000 🤔 Has anyone got more than that?
yeah i've got a $2000 limit. they increase it after a while if you have a good payment history
how long while?
Don't spend on the 30 or 31 Jan if you can. Spend from 1 Feb gets you one month more interest free period.
if I pay utilities water bill in person at Australia Post with zip, is it bpay and will attract fee?
Have tried seems to need a real card to push credit unfortunately
Anyone try if zip now has no fee for bpay today?
just tried and still $2.5 there
$2.5 fee still there
Deal fail
I suspect it will come into effect before tomorrow in Australia. The date listed is probably based on US time.
Got an email at 5:35pm today saying "We’ve now waived all bill processing fees for Zip Pay accounts" for exclusive perks, I made a BPAY payment at 6pm, slapped with a $2.50 fee, raised a ticket with Zip and see what will happen.
how did u go?
No response to my ticket, I decided to call them. While doing other stuff, enjoying their nice Jazz music for 40 min, I got hold of a rep, he said that this is supposed to start on Feb 1, he was happy to refund the fee straightaway.
Oops was getting excited to use this but didn't read the $1000+ limit. Counts me out
still showing $2.50 fee just checked now
Still showing $2.50 and dont think i got email, dam why the heck I increased my credit limit yesterday without reading comments.
Anyway what are people doing now ? back downgrading to $1000 limit ?
Still no dice.
The fee is still there.
Same here
call them or send them an email to see whats happening. seems its not reflected on their system yet.
I tried today..still added the 2.50. Anyone has success with this yet?
same here
Called Zip, asked to send screenshots of $2.50 fee still being applied, and now escalated to their 'accounts team' to investigate. They reckon they haven't heard of anyone else raising this issue yet
lier, I have called them two days ago, also sent email to them afterwards. I think "epaqgz" mailed them too.
This means nobody working for Zip uses it as keen as the people upvoted here.
Zip is struggling, increasing all chances to monetise
Zip did an app update. Still doesn't fix it. Hopeless.
Got a zip pay with a $2k limit and the app is still showing a processing fee today.
looks like its been fix now
Can confirm this has been fixed.
Working now, no fees
Just attempted a BPAY payment and the $2.50 fee is back. Is this the same for anyone else? It had been fine and fee-free for the past few days
Same got fees added today!
Maybe there is a hidden limit per month to prevent misuse.
Spent $800 the other day and tried to do around $1000 bill today.
Mind that Zip has a $7.95 monthly fee. So if you carry a balance and make the minimum monthly payment of $80, then that's effectively a 10% interest per month. Which still might be lower than the biller's late fee if you don't have cash, at lest for a month or two anyway.