Well this is something. I’m sure this was posted on one of the forums a couple of years ago.
TLDR: An apartment owner complained to their strata about their neighbours smoking in the balcony and took through to the NSW high court which ruled in their favour.
It means that a precedent has now been set for any strata to ban any activity that strata seems to be to the detriment of other apartment dwellers.
Me personally I don’t like how this is going. I guess we’ll see where this goes.
Yes. And usually except for main roads, they’re already banned
No “why not”, I’m still on your side here
1) it’s not in terms of the impact to the individual. Noise pollution, light pollution, cigarette pollution, all of these are incredibly dangerous to the people dealing with them. They can all significantly impact on quality of sleep and quality of life and they should all be taken seriously.
But 2) EPA have paid a lot more attention to noise pollution than light or smoke pollution, so the work they’ve done in this space tends to mean that people are more understanding of how their noise impacts others. Whether they attempt to mitigate this is another story, but authorities take noise pollution much more seriously because of this.